#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/util/cacher' class CacheTest @@count = 0 def self.count @@count end include Puppet::Util::Cacher cached_attr(:instance_cache, 10) do @@count += 1 {:number => @@count} end end describe Puppet::Util::Cacher do before :each do CacheTest.set_attr_ttl(:instance_cache, 10) @object = CacheTest.new end it "should return a value calculated from the provided block" do @object.instance_cache.should == {:number => CacheTest.count} end it "should return the cached value from the getter every time if the value is not expired" do @object.instance_cache.should equal(@object.instance_cache) end it "should regenerate and return a new value using the provided block if the value has expired" do initial = @object.instance_cache # Ensure the value is expired immediately CacheTest.set_attr_ttl(:instance_cache, -10) @object.send(:set_expiration, :instance_cache) @object.instance_cache.should_not equal(initial) end it "should be able to cache false values" do @object.expects(:init_instance_cache).once.returns false @object.instance_cache.should be_false @object.instance_cache.should be_false end it "should cache values again after expiration" do initial = @object.instance_cache # Ensure the value is expired immediately CacheTest.set_attr_ttl(:instance_cache, -10) @object.send(:set_expiration, :instance_cache) # Reset ttl so this new value doesn't get expired CacheTest.set_attr_ttl(:instance_cache, 10) after_expiration = @object.instance_cache after_expiration.should_not == initial @object.instance_cache.should == after_expiration end it "should allow writing of the attribute" do initial = @object.instance_cache @object.instance_cache = "another value" @object.instance_cache.should == "another value" end it "should update the expiration when the cached attribute is set manually" do # Freeze time now = Time.now Time.stubs(:now).returns now @object.instance_cache # Set expiration to something far in the future CacheTest.set_attr_ttl(:instance_cache, 60) @object.send(:set_expiration, :instance_cache) CacheTest.set_attr_ttl(:instance_cache, 10) @object.instance_cache = "foo" @object.instance_variable_get(:@attr_expirations)[:instance_cache].should == now + 10 end it "should allow specification of a ttl as a string" do klass = Class.new do include Puppet::Util::Cacher end klass.cached_attr(:myattr, "5") { 10 } klass.attr_ttl(:myattr).should == 5 end it "should fail helpfully if the ttl cannot be converted to an integer" do klass = Class.new do include Puppet::Util::Cacher end lambda { klass.cached_attr(:myattr, "yep") { 10 } }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end