require 'active_support/concern' # TODO 05-05-2015 make Roleable work with other resource_class too module Roleable extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do # has_many :somthing enum role: [:user, :vip, :account_admin, :admin] attr_accessor :max_role after_initialize :set_default_role, :if => :new_record? validates_with RoleValidator end module ClassMethods def policed_roles user {|role| [role.titleize,role] if User.roles[role] <= User.roles[user.role] }.compact end end # role management # --------------- # enum listing possible roles # max_role setting the model max role to that of the current user - you never can promote anyone above your own level # set_default_role sets the role of a new user # class RoleValidator < ActiveModel::Validator attr_accessor :user def validate(record) @user = record ("roles: old %s new %s" % [ User.roles[record.previous_version.role], User.roles[record.role] ] ) rescue "no previous role" if max_role_exhausted and old_role_less_than_new record.errors[:role] << I18n.t('.assigned_role_not_allowed') end end def old_role_less_than_new User.roles[user.previous_version.role] < User.roles[user.role] rescue false end def max_role_exhausted User.roles[user.role] > User.roles[user.max_role] rescue false end end def set_default_role self.role ||= :user end end