#include "commonmarker.h" #include "cmark.h" #include "houdini.h" #include "node.h" #include "registry.h" #include "parser.h" #include "syntax_extension.h" #include "core-extensions.h" static VALUE rb_mNodeError; static VALUE rb_mNode; static VALUE sym_document; static VALUE sym_blockquote; static VALUE sym_list; static VALUE sym_list_item; static VALUE sym_code_block; static VALUE sym_html; static VALUE sym_paragraph; static VALUE sym_header; static VALUE sym_hrule; static VALUE sym_text; static VALUE sym_softbreak; static VALUE sym_linebreak; static VALUE sym_code; static VALUE sym_inline_html; static VALUE sym_emph; static VALUE sym_strong; static VALUE sym_link; static VALUE sym_image; static VALUE sym_bullet_list; static VALUE sym_ordered_list; static VALUE sym_left; static VALUE sym_right; static VALUE sym_center; static VALUE encode_utf8_string(const char *c_string) { VALUE string = rb_str_new2(c_string); int enc = rb_enc_find_index("UTF-8"); rb_enc_associate_index(string, enc); return string; } static void rb_mark_c_struct(void *data) { cmark_node *node = data; cmark_node *child; /* Mark the parent to make sure that the tree won't be freed as long as a child node is referenced. */ cmark_node *parent = cmark_node_parent(node); if (parent) { void *user_data = cmark_node_get_user_data(parent); if (!user_data) { /* This should never happen. Child can nodes can only be returned from parents that already are associated with a Ruby object. */ fprintf(stderr, "parent without user_data\n"); abort(); } rb_gc_mark((VALUE)user_data); } /* Mark all children to make sure their cached Ruby objects won't be freed. */ for (child = cmark_node_first_child(node); child != NULL; child = cmark_node_next(child)) { void *user_data = cmark_node_get_user_data(child); if (user_data) rb_gc_mark((VALUE)user_data); } } static void rb_free_c_struct(void *data) { /* It's important that the `free` function does not inspect the node data, as it may be part of a tree that was already freed. */ cmark_node_free(data); } static VALUE rb_node_to_value(cmark_node *node) { void *user_data; RUBY_DATA_FUNC free_func; VALUE val; if (node == NULL) return Qnil; user_data = cmark_node_get_user_data(node); if (user_data) return (VALUE)user_data; /* Only free tree roots. */ free_func = cmark_node_parent(node) ? NULL : rb_free_c_struct; val = Data_Wrap_Struct(rb_mNode, rb_mark_c_struct, free_func, node); cmark_node_set_user_data(node, (void *)val); return val; } /* If the node structure is changed, the finalizers must be updated. */ static void rb_parent_added(VALUE val) { RDATA(val)->dfree = NULL; } static void rb_parent_removed(VALUE val) { RDATA(val)->dfree = rb_free_c_struct; } static cmark_parser *prepare_parser(VALUE rb_options, VALUE rb_extensions, cmark_mem *mem) { int options; int extensions_len; VALUE rb_ext_name; int i; Check_Type(rb_options, T_FIXNUM); Check_Type(rb_extensions, T_ARRAY); options = FIX2INT(rb_options); extensions_len = RARRAY_LEN(rb_extensions); cmark_parser *parser = cmark_parser_new_with_mem(options, mem); for (i = 0; i < extensions_len; ++i) { rb_ext_name = RARRAY_PTR(rb_extensions)[i]; if (!SYMBOL_P(rb_ext_name)) { cmark_parser_free(parser); cmark_arena_reset(); rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "extension names should be Symbols; got a %"PRIsVALUE"", rb_obj_class(rb_ext_name)); } cmark_syntax_extension *syntax_extension = cmark_find_syntax_extension(rb_id2name(SYM2ID(rb_ext_name))); if (!syntax_extension) { cmark_parser_free(parser); cmark_arena_reset(); rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "extension %s not found", rb_id2name(SYM2ID(rb_ext_name))); } cmark_parser_attach_syntax_extension(parser, syntax_extension); } return parser; } /* * Internal: Parses a Markdown string into an HTML string. * */ static VALUE rb_markdown_to_html(VALUE self, VALUE rb_text, VALUE rb_options, VALUE rb_extensions) { char *str, *html; int len; cmark_parser *parser; cmark_node *doc; Check_Type(rb_text, T_STRING); Check_Type(rb_options, T_FIXNUM); parser = prepare_parser(rb_options, rb_extensions, cmark_get_arena_mem_allocator()); str = (char *)RSTRING_PTR(rb_text); len = RSTRING_LEN(rb_text); cmark_parser_feed(parser, str, len); doc = cmark_parser_finish(parser); if (doc == NULL) { cmark_arena_reset(); rb_raise(rb_mNodeError, "error parsing document"); } cmark_mem *default_mem = cmark_get_default_mem_allocator(); html = cmark_render_html_with_mem(doc, FIX2INT(rb_options), parser->syntax_extensions, default_mem); cmark_arena_reset(); VALUE ruby_html = rb_str_new2(html); default_mem->free(html); return ruby_html; } /* * Internal: Creates a node based on a node type. * * type - A {Symbol} representing the node to be created. Must be one of the * following: * - `:document` * - `:blockquote` * - `:list` * - `:list_item` * - `:code_block` * - `:html` * - `:paragraph` * - `:header` * - `:hrule` * - `:text` * - `:softbreak` * - `:linebreak` * - `:code` * - `:inline_html` * - `:emph` * - `:strong` * - `:link` * - `:image` */ static VALUE rb_node_new(VALUE self, VALUE type) { cmark_node_type node_type = 0; cmark_node *node; Check_Type(type, T_SYMBOL); if (type == sym_document) node_type = CMARK_NODE_DOCUMENT; else if (type == sym_blockquote) node_type = CMARK_NODE_BLOCK_QUOTE; else if (type == sym_list) node_type = CMARK_NODE_LIST; else if (type == sym_list_item) node_type = CMARK_NODE_ITEM; else if (type == sym_code_block) node_type = CMARK_NODE_CODE_BLOCK; else if (type == sym_html) node_type = CMARK_NODE_HTML; else if (type == sym_paragraph) node_type = CMARK_NODE_PARAGRAPH; else if (type == sym_header) node_type = CMARK_NODE_HEADER; else if (type == sym_hrule) node_type = CMARK_NODE_HRULE; else if (type == sym_text) node_type = CMARK_NODE_TEXT; else if (type == sym_softbreak) node_type = CMARK_NODE_SOFTBREAK; else if (type == sym_linebreak) node_type = CMARK_NODE_LINEBREAK; else if (type == sym_code) node_type = CMARK_NODE_CODE; else if (type == sym_inline_html) node_type = CMARK_NODE_INLINE_HTML; else if (type == sym_emph) node_type = CMARK_NODE_EMPH; else if (type == sym_strong) node_type = CMARK_NODE_STRONG; else if (type == sym_link) node_type = CMARK_NODE_LINK; else if (type == sym_image) node_type = CMARK_NODE_IMAGE; else rb_raise(rb_mNodeError, "invalid node of type %d", node_type); node = cmark_node_new(node_type); if (node == NULL) { rb_raise(rb_mNodeError, "could not create node of type %d", node_type); } return rb_node_to_value(node); } /* * Internal: Parses a Markdown string into a document. * */ static VALUE rb_parse_document(VALUE self, VALUE rb_text, VALUE rb_len, VALUE rb_options, VALUE rb_extensions) { char *text; int len, options; cmark_parser *parser; cmark_node *doc; Check_Type(rb_text, T_STRING); Check_Type(rb_len, T_FIXNUM); Check_Type(rb_options, T_FIXNUM); parser = prepare_parser(rb_options, rb_extensions, cmark_get_default_mem_allocator()); text = (char *)RSTRING_PTR(rb_text); len = FIX2INT(rb_len); options = FIX2INT(rb_options); cmark_parser_feed(parser, text, len); doc = cmark_parser_finish(parser); if (doc == NULL) { rb_raise(rb_mNodeError, "error parsing document"); } cmark_parser_free(parser); return rb_node_to_value(doc); } /* * Public: Fetch the string contents of the node. * * Returns a {String}. */ static VALUE rb_node_get_string_content(VALUE self) { const char *text; cmark_node *node; Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node); text = cmark_node_get_literal(node); if (text == NULL) { rb_raise(rb_mNodeError, "could not get string content"); } return encode_utf8_string(text); } /* * Public: Sets the string content of the node. * * string - A {String} containing new content. * * Raises NodeError if the string content can't be set. */ static VALUE rb_node_set_string_content(VALUE self, VALUE s) { char *text; cmark_node *node; Check_Type(s, T_STRING); Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node); text = StringValueCStr(s); if (!cmark_node_set_literal(node, text)) { rb_raise(rb_mNodeError, "could not set string content"); } return Qnil; } /* * Public: Fetches the list type of the node. * * Returns a {Symbol} representing the node's type. */ static VALUE rb_node_get_type(VALUE self) { int node_type; cmark_node *node; VALUE symbol; const char *s; Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node); node_type = cmark_node_get_type(node); symbol = Qnil; switch (node_type) { case CMARK_NODE_DOCUMENT: symbol = sym_document; break; case CMARK_NODE_BLOCK_QUOTE: symbol = sym_blockquote; break; case CMARK_NODE_LIST: symbol = sym_list; break; case CMARK_NODE_ITEM: symbol = sym_list_item; break; case CMARK_NODE_CODE_BLOCK: symbol = sym_code_block; break; case CMARK_NODE_HTML: symbol = sym_html; break; case CMARK_NODE_PARAGRAPH: symbol = sym_paragraph; break; case CMARK_NODE_HEADER: symbol = sym_header; break; case CMARK_NODE_HRULE: symbol = sym_hrule; break; case CMARK_NODE_TEXT: symbol = sym_text; break; case CMARK_NODE_SOFTBREAK: symbol = sym_softbreak; break; case CMARK_NODE_LINEBREAK: symbol = sym_linebreak; break; case CMARK_NODE_CODE: symbol = sym_code; break; case CMARK_NODE_INLINE_HTML: symbol = sym_inline_html; break; case CMARK_NODE_EMPH: symbol = sym_emph; break; case CMARK_NODE_STRONG: symbol = sym_strong; break; case CMARK_NODE_LINK: symbol = sym_link; break; case CMARK_NODE_IMAGE: symbol = sym_image; break; default: if (node->extension) { s = node->extension->get_type_string_func(node->extension, node); return ID2SYM(rb_intern(s)); } rb_raise(rb_mNodeError, "invalid node type %d", node_type); } return symbol; } /* * Public: Fetches the sourcepos of the node. * * Returns a {Hash} containing {Symbol} keys of the positions. */ static VALUE rb_node_get_sourcepos(VALUE self) { int start_line, start_column, end_line, end_column; VALUE result; cmark_node *node; Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node); start_line = cmark_node_get_start_line(node); start_column = cmark_node_get_start_column(node); end_line = cmark_node_get_end_line(node); end_column = cmark_node_get_end_column(node); result = rb_hash_new(); rb_hash_aset(result, CSTR2SYM("start_line"), INT2NUM(start_line)); rb_hash_aset(result, CSTR2SYM("start_column"), INT2NUM(start_column)); rb_hash_aset(result, CSTR2SYM("end_line"), INT2NUM(end_line)); rb_hash_aset(result, CSTR2SYM("end_column"), INT2NUM(end_column)); return result; } /* * Public: Returns the type of the current pointer as a string. * * Returns a {String}. */ static VALUE rb_node_get_type_string(VALUE self) { cmark_node *node; Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node); return rb_str_new2(cmark_node_get_type_string(node)); } /* * Internal: Unlinks the node from the tree (fixing pointers in * parents and siblings appropriately). */ static VALUE rb_node_unlink(VALUE self) { cmark_node *node; Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node); cmark_node_unlink(node); rb_parent_removed(self); return Qnil; } /* Public: Fetches the first child of the node. * * Returns a {Node} if a child exists, `nil` otherise. */ static VALUE rb_node_first_child(VALUE self) { cmark_node *node, *child; Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node); child = cmark_node_first_child(node); return rb_node_to_value(child); } /* Public: Fetches the next sibling of the node. * * Returns a {Node} if a sibling exists, `nil` otherwise. */ static VALUE rb_node_next(VALUE self) { cmark_node *node, *next; Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node); next = cmark_node_next(node); return rb_node_to_value(next); } /* * Public: Inserts a node as a sibling before the current node. * * sibling - A sibling {Node} to insert. * * Returns `true` if successful. * Raises NodeError if the node can't be inserted. */ static VALUE rb_node_insert_before(VALUE self, VALUE sibling) { cmark_node *node1, *node2; Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node1); Data_Get_Struct(sibling, cmark_node, node2); if (!cmark_node_insert_before(node1, node2)) { rb_raise(rb_mNodeError, "could not insert before"); } rb_parent_added(sibling); return Qtrue; } /* Internal: Convert the node to an HTML string. * * Returns a {String}. */ static VALUE rb_render_html(VALUE n, VALUE rb_options, VALUE rb_extensions) { int options, extensions_len; VALUE rb_ext_name; int i; cmark_node *node; cmark_llist *extensions = NULL; cmark_mem *mem = cmark_get_default_mem_allocator(); Check_Type(rb_options, T_FIXNUM); Check_Type(rb_extensions, T_ARRAY); options = FIX2INT(rb_options); extensions_len = RARRAY_LEN(rb_extensions); Data_Get_Struct(n, cmark_node, node); for (i = 0; i < extensions_len; ++i) { rb_ext_name = RARRAY_PTR(rb_extensions)[i]; if (!SYMBOL_P(rb_ext_name)) { cmark_llist_free(mem, extensions); rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "extension names should be Symbols; got a %"PRIsVALUE"", rb_obj_class(rb_ext_name)); } cmark_syntax_extension *syntax_extension = cmark_find_syntax_extension(rb_id2name(SYM2ID(rb_ext_name))); if (!syntax_extension) { cmark_llist_free(mem, extensions); rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "extension %s not found\n", rb_id2name(SYM2ID(rb_ext_name))); } extensions = cmark_llist_append(mem, extensions, syntax_extension); } char *html = cmark_render_html(node, options, extensions); VALUE ruby_html = rb_str_new2(html); cmark_llist_free(mem, extensions); free(html); return ruby_html; } /* Internal: Convert the node to a CommonMark string. * * Returns a {String}. */ static VALUE rb_render_commonmark(VALUE n, VALUE rb_options) { int options; cmark_node *node; Check_Type(rb_options, T_FIXNUM); options = FIX2INT(rb_options); Data_Get_Struct(n, cmark_node, node); char *cmark = cmark_render_commonmark(node, options, 120); VALUE ruby_cmark = rb_str_new2(cmark); free(cmark); return ruby_cmark; } /* Internal: Convert the node to a plain textstring. * * Returns a {String}. */ static VALUE rb_render_plaintext(VALUE n, VALUE rb_options) { int options; cmark_node *node; Check_Type(rb_options, T_FIXNUM); options = FIX2INT(rb_options); Data_Get_Struct(n, cmark_node, node); char *text = cmark_render_plaintext(node, options, 120); VALUE ruby_text = rb_str_new2(text); free(text); return ruby_text; } /* * Public: Inserts a node as a sibling after the current node. * * sibling - A sibling {Node} to insert. * * Returns `true` if successful. * Raises NodeError if the node can't be inserted. */ static VALUE rb_node_insert_after(VALUE self, VALUE sibling) { cmark_node *node1, *node2; Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node1); Data_Get_Struct(sibling, cmark_node, node2); if (!cmark_node_insert_after(node1, node2)) { rb_raise(rb_mNodeError, "could not insert after"); } rb_parent_added(sibling); return Qtrue; } /* * Public: Inserts a node as the first child of the current node. * * child - A child {Node} to insert. * * Returns `true` if successful. * Raises NodeError if the node can't be inserted. */ static VALUE rb_node_prepend_child(VALUE self, VALUE child) { cmark_node *node1, *node2; Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node1); Data_Get_Struct(child, cmark_node, node2); if (!cmark_node_prepend_child(node1, node2)) { rb_raise(rb_mNodeError, "could not prepend child"); } rb_parent_added(child); return Qtrue; } /* * Public: Inserts a node as the last child of the current node. * * child - A child {Node} to insert. * * Returns `true` if successful. * Raises NodeError if the node can't be inserted. */ static VALUE rb_node_append_child(VALUE self, VALUE child) { cmark_node *node1, *node2; Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node1); Data_Get_Struct(child, cmark_node, node2); if (!cmark_node_append_child(node1, node2)) { rb_raise(rb_mNodeError, "could not append child"); } rb_parent_added(child); return Qtrue; } /* Public: Fetches the first child of the current node. * * Returns a {Node} if a child exists, `nil` otherise. */ static VALUE rb_node_last_child(VALUE self) { cmark_node *node, *child; Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node); child = cmark_node_last_child(node); return rb_node_to_value(child); } /* Public: Fetches the parent of the current node. * * Returns a {Node} if a parent exists, `nil` otherise. */ static VALUE rb_node_parent(VALUE self) { cmark_node *node, *parent; Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node); parent = cmark_node_parent(node); return rb_node_to_value(parent); } /* Public: Fetches the previous sibling of the current node. * * Returns a {Node} if a parent exists, `nil` otherise. */ static VALUE rb_node_previous(VALUE self) { cmark_node *node, *previous; Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node); previous = cmark_node_previous(node); return rb_node_to_value(previous); } /* * Public: Gets the URL of the current node (must be a `:link` or `:image`). * * Returns a {String}. * Raises a NodeError if the URL can't be retrieved. */ static VALUE rb_node_get_url(VALUE self) { const char *text; cmark_node *node; Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node); text = cmark_node_get_url(node); if (text == NULL) { rb_raise(rb_mNodeError, "could not get url"); } return rb_str_new2(text); } /* * Public: Sets the URL of the current node (must be a `:link` or `:image`). * * url - A {String} representing the new URL * * Raises a NodeError if the URL can't be set. */ static VALUE rb_node_set_url(VALUE self, VALUE url) { cmark_node *node; char *text; Check_Type(url, T_STRING); Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node); text = StringValueCStr(url); if (!cmark_node_set_url(node, text)) { rb_raise(rb_mNodeError, "could not set url"); } return Qnil; } /* * Public: Gets the title of the current node (must be a `:link` or `:image`). * * Returns a {String}. * Raises a NodeError if the title can't be retrieved. */ static VALUE rb_node_get_title(VALUE self) { const char *text; cmark_node *node; Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node); text = cmark_node_get_title(node); if (text == NULL) { rb_raise(rb_mNodeError, "could not get title"); } return rb_str_new2(text); } /* * Public: Sets the title of the current node (must be a `:link` or `:image`). * * title - A {String} representing the new title * * Raises a NodeError if the title can't be set. */ static VALUE rb_node_set_title(VALUE self, VALUE title) { char *text; cmark_node *node; Check_Type(title, T_STRING); Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node); text = StringValueCStr(title); if (!cmark_node_set_title(node, text)) { rb_raise(rb_mNodeError, "could not set title"); } return Qnil; } /* * Public: Gets the header level of the current node (must be a `:header`). * * Returns a {Number} representing the header level. * Raises a NodeError if the header level can't be retrieved. */ static VALUE rb_node_get_header_level(VALUE self) { int header_level; cmark_node *node; Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node); header_level = cmark_node_get_header_level(node); if (header_level == 0) { rb_raise(rb_mNodeError, "could not get header_level"); } return INT2NUM(header_level); } /* * Public: Sets the header level of the current node (must be a `:header`). * * level - A {Number} representing the new header level * * Raises a NodeError if the header level can't be set. */ static VALUE rb_node_set_header_level(VALUE self, VALUE level) { int l; cmark_node *node; Check_Type(level, T_FIXNUM); Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node); l = FIX2INT(level); if (!cmark_node_set_header_level(node, l)) { rb_raise(rb_mNodeError, "could not set header_level"); } return Qnil; } /* * Public: Gets the list type of the current node (must be a `:list`). * * Returns a {Symbol}. * Raises a NodeError if the title can't be retrieved. */ static VALUE rb_node_get_list_type(VALUE self) { int list_type; cmark_node *node; VALUE symbol; Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node); list_type = cmark_node_get_list_type(node); if (list_type == CMARK_BULLET_LIST) { symbol = sym_bullet_list; } else if (list_type == CMARK_ORDERED_LIST) { symbol = sym_ordered_list; } else { rb_raise(rb_mNodeError, "could not get list_type"); } return symbol; } /* * Public: Sets the list type of the current node (must be a `:list`). * * level - A {Symbol} representing the new list type * * Raises a NodeError if the list type can't be set. */ static VALUE rb_node_set_list_type(VALUE self, VALUE list_type) { int type = 0; cmark_node *node; Check_Type(list_type, T_SYMBOL); Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node); if (list_type == sym_bullet_list) { type = CMARK_BULLET_LIST; } else if (list_type == sym_ordered_list) { type = CMARK_ORDERED_LIST; } else { rb_raise(rb_mNodeError, "invalid list_type"); } if (!cmark_node_set_list_type(node, type)) { rb_raise(rb_mNodeError, "could not set list_type"); } return Qnil; } /* * Public: Gets the starting number the current node (must be an * `:ordered_list`). * * Returns a {Number} representing the starting number. * Raises a NodeError if the starting number can't be retrieved. */ static VALUE rb_node_get_list_start(VALUE self) { cmark_node *node; Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node); if (cmark_node_get_type(node) != CMARK_NODE_LIST || cmark_node_get_list_type(node) != CMARK_ORDERED_LIST) { rb_raise(rb_mNodeError, "can't get list_start for non-ordered list %d", cmark_node_get_list_type(node)); } return INT2NUM(cmark_node_get_list_start(node)); } /* * Public: Sets the starting number of the current node (must be an * `:ordered_list`). * * level - A {Number} representing the new starting number * * Raises a NodeError if the starting number can't be set. */ static VALUE rb_node_set_list_start(VALUE self, VALUE start) { int s; cmark_node *node; Check_Type(start, T_FIXNUM); Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node); s = FIX2INT(start); if (!cmark_node_set_list_start(node, s)) { rb_raise(rb_mNodeError, "could not set list_start"); } return Qnil; } /* * Public: Gets the tight status the current node (must be a `:list`). * * Returns a `true` if the list is tight, `false` otherwise. * Raises a NodeError if the starting number can't be retrieved. */ static VALUE rb_node_get_list_tight(VALUE self) { int flag; cmark_node *node; Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node); if (cmark_node_get_type(node) != CMARK_NODE_LIST) { rb_raise(rb_mNodeError, "can't get list_tight for non-list"); } flag = cmark_node_get_list_tight(node); return flag ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } /* * Public: Sets the tight status of the current node (must be a `:list`). * * tight - A {Boolean} representing the new tightness * * Raises a NodeError if the tightness can't be set. */ static VALUE rb_node_set_list_tight(VALUE self, VALUE tight) { int t; cmark_node *node; Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node); t = RTEST(tight); if (!cmark_node_set_list_tight(node, t)) { rb_raise(rb_mNodeError, "could not set list_tight"); } return Qnil; } /* * Public: Gets the fence info of the current node (must be a `:code_block`). * * Returns a {String} representing the fence info. * Raises a NodeError if the fence info can't be retrieved. */ static VALUE rb_node_get_fence_info(VALUE self) { const char *fence_info; cmark_node *node; Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node); fence_info = cmark_node_get_fence_info(node); if (fence_info == NULL) { rb_raise(rb_mNodeError, "could not get fence_info"); } return rb_str_new2(fence_info); } /* * Public: Sets the fence info of the current node (must be a `:code_block`). * * info - A {String} representing the new fence info * * Raises a NodeError if the fence info can't be set. */ static VALUE rb_node_set_fence_info(VALUE self, VALUE info) { char *text; cmark_node *node; Check_Type(info, T_STRING); Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node); text = StringValueCStr(info); if (!cmark_node_set_fence_info(node, text)) { rb_raise(rb_mNodeError, "could not set fence_info"); } return Qnil; } static VALUE rb_node_get_table_alignments(VALUE self) { uint16_t column_count, i; uint8_t *alignments; cmark_node *node; VALUE ary; Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node); column_count = cmarkextensions_get_table_columns(node); alignments = cmarkextensions_get_table_alignments(node); if (!column_count || !alignments) { rb_raise(rb_mNodeError, "could not get column_count or alignments"); } ary = rb_ary_new(); for (i = 0; i < column_count; ++i) { if (alignments[i] == 'l') rb_ary_push(ary, sym_left); else if (alignments[i] == 'c') rb_ary_push(ary, sym_center); else if (alignments[i] == 'r') rb_ary_push(ary, sym_right); else rb_ary_push(ary, Qnil); } return ary; } /* Internal: Escapes href URLs safely. */ static VALUE rb_html_escape_href(VALUE self, VALUE rb_text) { char *result; cmark_node *node; Check_Type(rb_text, T_STRING); Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node); cmark_mem *mem = cmark_node_mem(node); cmark_strbuf buf = CMARK_BUF_INIT(mem); if (houdini_escape_href(&buf, (const uint8_t *)RSTRING_PTR(rb_text), RSTRING_LEN(rb_text))) { result = (char *)cmark_strbuf_detach(&buf); return rb_str_new2(result); } return rb_text; } /* Internal: Escapes HTML content safely. */ static VALUE rb_html_escape_html(VALUE self, VALUE rb_text) { char *result; cmark_node *node; Check_Type(rb_text, T_STRING); Data_Get_Struct(self, cmark_node, node); cmark_mem *mem = cmark_node_mem(node); cmark_strbuf buf = CMARK_BUF_INIT(mem); if (houdini_escape_html0(&buf, (const uint8_t *)RSTRING_PTR(rb_text), RSTRING_LEN(rb_text), 0)) { result = (char *)cmark_strbuf_detach(&buf); return rb_str_new2(result); } return rb_text; } VALUE rb_extensions(VALUE self) { cmark_llist *exts, *it; cmark_syntax_extension *ext; VALUE ary = rb_ary_new(); cmark_mem *mem = cmark_get_default_mem_allocator(); exts = cmark_list_syntax_extensions(mem); for (it = exts; it; it = it->next) { ext = it->data; rb_ary_push(ary, rb_str_new2(ext->name)); } cmark_llist_free(mem, exts); return ary; } __attribute__((visibility("default"))) void Init_commonmarker() { VALUE module; sym_document = ID2SYM(rb_intern("document")); sym_blockquote = ID2SYM(rb_intern("blockquote")); sym_list = ID2SYM(rb_intern("list")); sym_list_item = ID2SYM(rb_intern("list_item")); sym_code_block = ID2SYM(rb_intern("code_block")); sym_html = ID2SYM(rb_intern("html")); sym_paragraph = ID2SYM(rb_intern("paragraph")); sym_header = ID2SYM(rb_intern("header")); sym_hrule = ID2SYM(rb_intern("hrule")); sym_text = ID2SYM(rb_intern("text")); sym_softbreak = ID2SYM(rb_intern("softbreak")); sym_linebreak = ID2SYM(rb_intern("linebreak")); sym_code = ID2SYM(rb_intern("code")); sym_inline_html = ID2SYM(rb_intern("inline_html")); sym_emph = ID2SYM(rb_intern("emph")); sym_strong = ID2SYM(rb_intern("strong")); sym_link = ID2SYM(rb_intern("link")); sym_image = ID2SYM(rb_intern("image")); sym_bullet_list = ID2SYM(rb_intern("bullet_list")); sym_ordered_list = ID2SYM(rb_intern("ordered_list")); sym_left = ID2SYM(rb_intern("left")); sym_right = ID2SYM(rb_intern("right")); sym_center = ID2SYM(rb_intern("center")); module = rb_define_module("CommonMarker"); rb_define_singleton_method(module, "extensions", rb_extensions, 0); rb_mNodeError = rb_define_class_under(module, "NodeError", rb_eStandardError); rb_mNode = rb_define_class_under(module, "Node", rb_cObject); rb_define_singleton_method(rb_mNode, "markdown_to_html", rb_markdown_to_html, 3); rb_define_singleton_method(rb_mNode, "new", rb_node_new, 1); rb_define_singleton_method(rb_mNode, "parse_document", rb_parse_document, 4); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "string_content", rb_node_get_string_content, 0); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "string_content=", rb_node_set_string_content, 1); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "type", rb_node_get_type, 0); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "type_string", rb_node_get_type_string, 0); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "sourcepos", rb_node_get_sourcepos, 0); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "delete", rb_node_unlink, 0); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "first_child", rb_node_first_child, 0); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "next", rb_node_next, 0); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "insert_before", rb_node_insert_before, 1); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "_render_html", rb_render_html, 2); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "_render_commonmark", rb_render_commonmark, 1); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "_render_plaintext", rb_render_plaintext, 1); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "insert_after", rb_node_insert_after, 1); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "prepend_child", rb_node_prepend_child, 1); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "append_child", rb_node_append_child, 1); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "last_child", rb_node_last_child, 0); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "parent", rb_node_parent, 0); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "previous", rb_node_previous, 0); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "url", rb_node_get_url, 0); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "url=", rb_node_set_url, 1); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "title", rb_node_get_title, 0); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "title=", rb_node_set_title, 1); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "header_level", rb_node_get_header_level, 0); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "header_level=", rb_node_set_header_level, 1); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "list_type", rb_node_get_list_type, 0); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "list_type=", rb_node_set_list_type, 1); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "list_start", rb_node_get_list_start, 0); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "list_start=", rb_node_set_list_start, 1); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "list_tight", rb_node_get_list_tight, 0); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "list_tight=", rb_node_set_list_tight, 1); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "fence_info", rb_node_get_fence_info, 0); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "fence_info=", rb_node_set_fence_info, 1); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "table_alignments", rb_node_get_table_alignments, 0); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "html_escape_href", rb_html_escape_href, 1); rb_define_method(rb_mNode, "html_escape_html", rb_html_escape_html, 1); cmark_register_plugin(core_extensions_registration); }