require 'rubygems' require 'ostruct' require 'httparty' class Linode attr_reader :username, :password def self.has_method(*actions) actions.each do |action| define_method(action.to_sym) do |*data| data = data.shift if data data ||= {} send_request(Linode.action_path(, action), data) end end end def self.has_namespace(*namespaces) namespaces.each do |namespace| define_method(namespace.to_sym) do || lookup = instance_variable_get("@#{namespace}") return lookup if lookup subclass = self.class.const_get(namespace.to_s.capitalize).new(:api_key => api_key, :api_url => api_url) instance_variable_set("@#{namespace}", subclass) subclass end end end has_namespace :test, :avail, :user, :domain, :linode, :nodebalancer, :stackscript @@documentation_category = {} def self.documentation_category(category) @@documentation_category[class_to_path(name)] = category end def documentation_categories @@documentation_category end def self.action_path(class_name, action) Linode.class_to_path(class_name) + ".#{action}" end def self.class_to_path(class_name) class_name.downcase.sub(/^linode::/, '').gsub(/::/, '.') end def documentation_path(action) hits = action.match(/^(.*)\.[^.]+$/) "" + @@documentation_category[hits[1]] + '/' + action end def initialize(args) @api_url = args[:api_url] if args[:api_url] if args.include?(:api_key) @api_key = args[:api_key] elsif args.include?(:username) and args.include?(:password) @username = args[:username] @password = args[:password] else raise ArgumentError, "Either :api_key, or both :username and :password, are required." end end def api_url @api_url || '' end def api_key @api_key ||= fetch_api_key end def send_request(action, data) data.delete_if {|k,v| [:api_key, :api_action, :api_responseFormat].include?(k) } response = post({ :api_key => api_key, :api_action => action, :api_responseFormat => 'json' }.merge(data)) raise "Errors completing request [#{action}] @ [#{api_url}] with data [#{data.inspect}]:\n#{error_message(response, action)}" if error?(response) reformat_response(response) end protected def fetch_api_key response = post(:api_action => 'user.getapikey', :api_responseFormat => 'json', :username => username, :password => password) raise "Errors completing request [user.getapikey] @ [#{api_url}] for username [#{username}]:\n#{error_message(response, 'user.getapikey')}" if error?(response) reformat_response(response).api_key end def post(data) Crack::JSON.parse(, :body => data)) end def error?(response) response and response["ERRORARRAY"] and ! response["ERRORARRAY"].empty? end def error_message(response, action) response["ERRORARRAY"].collect { |err| " - Error \##{err["ERRORCODE"]} - #{err["ERRORMESSAGE"]}. "+ "(Please consult #{documentation_path(action)})" }.join("\n") end def reformat_response(response) result = response['DATA'] return result.collect {|item| convert_item(item) } if result.class == Array return result unless result.respond_to?(:keys) convert_item(result) end def convert_item(item) item.keys.each do |k| item[k.downcase] = item[k] item.delete(k) if k != k.downcase end end end # include all Linode API namespace classes Dir[File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/linode/*.rb')].each {|f| require f } Dir[File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/linode/**/*.rb')].each {|f| require f }