/*! * ui-select * http://github.com/angular-ui/ui-select * Version: 0.9.1 - 2014-12-03T16:41:44.798Z * License: MIT */ (function () { "use strict"; var KEY = { TAB: 9, ENTER: 13, ESC: 27, SPACE: 32, LEFT: 37, UP: 38, RIGHT: 39, DOWN: 40, SHIFT: 16, CTRL: 17, ALT: 18, PAGE_UP: 33, PAGE_DOWN: 34, HOME: 36, END: 35, BACKSPACE: 8, DELETE: 46, COMMAND: 91, MAP: { 91 : "COMMAND", 8 : "BACKSPACE" , 9 : "TAB" , 13 : "ENTER" , 16 : "SHIFT" , 17 : "CTRL" , 18 : "ALT" , 19 : "PAUSEBREAK" , 20 : "CAPSLOCK" , 27 : "ESC" , 32 : "SPACE" , 33 : "PAGE_UP", 34 : "PAGE_DOWN" , 35 : "END" , 36 : "HOME" , 37 : "LEFT" , 38 : "UP" , 39 : "RIGHT" , 40 : "DOWN" , 43 : "+" , 44 : "PRINTSCREEN" , 45 : "INSERT" , 46 : "DELETE", 48 : "0" , 49 : "1" , 50 : "2" , 51 : "3" , 52 : "4" , 53 : "5" , 54 : "6" , 55 : "7" , 56 : "8" , 57 : "9" , 59 : ";", 61 : "=" , 65 : "A" , 66 : "B" , 67 : "C" , 68 : "D" , 69 : "E" , 70 : "F" , 71 : "G" , 72 : "H" , 73 : "I" , 74 : "J" , 75 : "K" , 76 : "L", 77 : "M" , 78 : "N" , 79 : "O" , 80 : "P" , 81 : "Q" , 82 : "R" , 83 : "S" , 84 : "T" , 85 : "U" , 86 : "V" , 87 : "W" , 88 : "X" , 89 : "Y" , 90 : "Z", 96 : "0" , 97 : "1" , 98 : "2" , 99 : "3" , 100 : "4" , 101 : "5" , 102 : "6" , 103 : "7" , 104 : "8" , 105 : "9", 106 : "*" , 107 : "+" , 109 : "-" , 110 : "." , 111 : "/", 112 : "F1" , 113 : "F2" , 114 : "F3" , 115 : "F4" , 116 : "F5" , 117 : "F6" , 118 : "F7" , 119 : "F8" , 120 : "F9" , 121 : "F10" , 122 : "F11" , 123 : "F12", 144 : "NUMLOCK" , 145 : "SCROLLLOCK" , 186 : ";" , 187 : "=" , 188 : "SPACE" , 189 : "-" , 190 : "." , 191 : "/" , 192 : "`" , 219 : "[" , 220 : "\\" , 221 : "]" , 222 : "'" }, isControl: function (e) { var k = e.which; switch (k) { case KEY.COMMAND: case KEY.SHIFT: case KEY.CTRL: case KEY.ALT: return true; } if (e.metaKey) return true; return false; }, isFunctionKey: function (k) { k = k.which ? k.which : k; return k >= 112 && k <= 123; }, isVerticalMovement: function (k){ return ~[KEY.UP, KEY.DOWN].indexOf(k); }, isHorizontalMovement: function (k){ return ~[KEY.LEFT,KEY.RIGHT,KEY.BACKSPACE,KEY.DELETE].indexOf(k); } }; /** * Add querySelectorAll() to jqLite. * * jqLite find() is limited to lookups by tag name. * TODO This will change with future versions of AngularJS, to be removed when this happens * * See jqLite.find - why not use querySelectorAll? https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/3586 * See feat(jqLite): use querySelectorAll instead of getElementsByTagName in jqLite.find https://github.com/angular/angular.js/pull/3598 */ if (angular.element.prototype.querySelectorAll === undefined) { angular.element.prototype.querySelectorAll = function(selector) { return angular.element(this[0].querySelectorAll(selector)); }; } angular.module('ui.select', []) .constant('uiSelectConfig', { theme: 'bootstrap', searchEnabled: true, placeholder: '', // Empty by default, like HTML tag "); if(attrs.tabindex){ //tabindex might be an expression, wait until it contains the actual value before we set the focusser tabindex attrs.$observe('tabindex', function(value) { //If we are using multiple, add tabindex to the search input if($select.multiple){ searchInput.attr("tabindex", value); } else { focusser.attr("tabindex", value); } //Remove the tabindex on the parent so that it is not focusable element.removeAttr("tabindex"); }); } $compile(focusser)(scope); $select.focusser = focusser; if (!$select.multiple){ element.append(focusser); focusser.bind("focus", function(){ scope.$evalAsync(function(){ $select.focus = true; }); }); focusser.bind("blur", function(){ scope.$evalAsync(function(){ $select.focus = false; }); }); focusser.bind("keydown", function(e){ if (e.which === KEY.BACKSPACE) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $select.select(undefined); scope.$apply(); return; } if (e.which === KEY.TAB || KEY.isControl(e) || KEY.isFunctionKey(e) || e.which === KEY.ESC) { return; } if (e.which == KEY.DOWN || e.which == KEY.UP || e.which == KEY.ENTER || e.which == KEY.SPACE){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $select.activate(); } scope.$digest(); }); focusser.bind("keyup input", function(e){ if (e.which === KEY.TAB || KEY.isControl(e) || KEY.isFunctionKey(e) || e.which === KEY.ESC || e.which == KEY.ENTER || e.which === KEY.BACKSPACE) { return; } $select.activate(focusser.val()); //User pressed some regular key, so we pass it to the search input focusser.val(''); scope.$digest(); }); } scope.$watch('searchEnabled', function() { var searchEnabled = scope.$eval(attrs.searchEnabled); $select.searchEnabled = searchEnabled !== undefined ? searchEnabled : uiSelectConfig.searchEnabled; }); attrs.$observe('disabled', function() { // No need to use $eval() (thanks to ng-disabled) since we already get a boolean instead of a string $select.disabled = attrs.disabled !== undefined ? attrs.disabled : false; }); attrs.$observe('resetSearchInput', function() { // $eval() is needed otherwise we get a string instead of a boolean var resetSearchInput = scope.$eval(attrs.resetSearchInput); $select.resetSearchInput = resetSearchInput !== undefined ? resetSearchInput : true; }); attrs.$observe('tagging', function() { if(attrs.tagging !== undefined) { // $eval() is needed otherwise we get a string instead of a boolean var taggingEval = scope.$eval(attrs.tagging); $select.tagging = {isActivated: true, fct: taggingEval !== true ? taggingEval : undefined}; } else { $select.tagging = {isActivated: false, fct: undefined}; } }); attrs.$observe('taggingLabel', function() { if(attrs.tagging !== undefined && attrs.taggingLabel !== undefined) { // check eval for FALSE, in this case, we disable the labels // associated with tagging if ( attrs.taggingLabel === 'false' ) { $select.taggingLabel = false; } else { $select.taggingLabel = attrs.taggingLabel !== undefined ? attrs.taggingLabel : '(new)'; } } }); attrs.$observe('taggingTokens', function() { if (attrs.tagging !== undefined) { var tokens = attrs.taggingTokens !== undefined ? attrs.taggingTokens.split('|') : [',','ENTER']; $select.taggingTokens = {isActivated: true, tokens: tokens }; } }); if ($select.multiple){ scope.$watchCollection(function(){ return ngModel.$modelValue; }, function(newValue, oldValue) { if (oldValue != newValue) ngModel.$modelValue = null; //Force scope model value and ngModel value to be out of sync to re-run formatters }); scope.$watchCollection('$select.selected', function() { ngModel.$setViewValue(Date.now()); //Set timestamp as a unique string to force changes }); focusser.prop('disabled', true); //Focusser isn't needed if multiple }else{ scope.$watch('$select.selected', function(newValue) { if (ngModel.$viewValue !== newValue) { ngModel.$setViewValue(newValue); } }); } ngModel.$render = function() { if($select.multiple){ // Make sure that model value is array if(!angular.isArray(ngModel.$viewValue)){ // Have tolerance for null or undefined values if(angular.isUndefined(ngModel.$viewValue) || ngModel.$viewValue === null){ $select.selected = []; } else { throw uiSelectMinErr('multiarr', "Expected model value to be array but got '{0}'", ngModel.$viewValue); } } } $select.selected = ngModel.$viewValue; }; function onDocumentClick(e) { var contains = false; if (window.jQuery) { // Firefox 3.6 does not support element.contains() // See Node.contains https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node.contains contains = window.jQuery.contains(element[0], e.target); } else { contains = element[0].contains(e.target); } if (!contains && !$select.clickTriggeredSelect) { $select.close(); scope.$digest(); } $select.clickTriggeredSelect = false; } // See Click everywhere but here event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12931369 $document.on('click touchstart', onDocumentClick); scope.$on('$destroy', function() { $document.off('click touchstart', onDocumentClick); }); // Move transcluded elements to their correct position in main template transcludeFn(scope, function(clone) { // See Transclude in AngularJS http://blog.omkarpatil.com/2012/11/transclude-in-angularjs.html // One day jqLite will be replaced by jQuery and we will be able to write: // var transcludedElement = clone.filter('.my-class') // instead of creating a hackish DOM element: var transcluded = angular.element('
').append(clone); var transcludedMatch = transcluded.querySelectorAll('.ui-select-match'); transcludedMatch.removeAttr('ui-select-match'); //To avoid loop in case directive as attr if (transcludedMatch.length !== 1) { throw uiSelectMinErr('transcluded', "Expected 1 .ui-select-match but got '{0}'.", transcludedMatch.length); } element.querySelectorAll('.ui-select-match').replaceWith(transcludedMatch); var transcludedChoices = transcluded.querySelectorAll('.ui-select-choices'); transcludedChoices.removeAttr('ui-select-choices'); //To avoid loop in case directive as attr if (transcludedChoices.length !== 1) { throw uiSelectMinErr('transcluded', "Expected 1 .ui-select-choices but got '{0}'.", transcludedChoices.length); } element.querySelectorAll('.ui-select-choices').replaceWith(transcludedChoices); }); } }; }]) .directive('uiSelectChoices', ['uiSelectConfig', 'RepeatParser', 'uiSelectMinErr', '$compile', function(uiSelectConfig, RepeatParser, uiSelectMinErr, $compile) { return { restrict: 'EA', require: '^uiSelect', replace: true, transclude: true, templateUrl: function(tElement) { // Gets theme attribute from parent (ui-select) var theme = tElement.parent().attr('theme') || uiSelectConfig.theme; return theme + '/choices.tpl.html'; }, compile: function(tElement, tAttrs) { if (!tAttrs.repeat) throw uiSelectMinErr('repeat', "Expected 'repeat' expression."); return function link(scope, element, attrs, $select, transcludeFn) { // var repeat = RepeatParser.parse(attrs.repeat); var groupByExp = attrs.groupBy; $select.parseRepeatAttr(attrs.repeat, groupByExp); //Result ready at $select.parserResult $select.disableChoiceExpression = attrs.uiDisableChoice; $select.onHighlightCallback = attrs.onHighlight; if(groupByExp) { var groups = element.querySelectorAll('.ui-select-choices-group'); if (groups.length !== 1) throw uiSelectMinErr('rows', "Expected 1 .ui-select-choices-group but got '{0}'.", groups.length); groups.attr('ng-repeat', RepeatParser.getGroupNgRepeatExpression()); } var choices = element.querySelectorAll('.ui-select-choices-row'); if (choices.length !== 1) { throw uiSelectMinErr('rows', "Expected 1 .ui-select-choices-row but got '{0}'.", choices.length); } choices.attr('ng-repeat', RepeatParser.getNgRepeatExpression($select.parserResult.itemName, '$select.items', $select.parserResult.trackByExp, groupByExp)) .attr('ng-if', '$select.open') //Prevent unnecessary watches when dropdown is closed .attr('ng-mouseenter', '$select.setActiveItem('+$select.parserResult.itemName +')') .attr('ng-click', '$select.select(' + $select.parserResult.itemName + ',false,$event)'); var rowsInner = element.querySelectorAll('.ui-select-choices-row-inner'); if (rowsInner.length !== 1) throw uiSelectMinErr('rows', "Expected 1 .ui-select-choices-row-inner but got '{0}'.", rowsInner.length); rowsInner.attr('uis-transclude-append', ''); //Adding uisTranscludeAppend directive to row element after choices element has ngRepeat $compile(element, transcludeFn)(scope); //Passing current transcludeFn to be able to append elements correctly from uisTranscludeAppend scope.$watch('$select.search', function(newValue) { if(newValue && !$select.open && $select.multiple) $select.activate(false, true); $select.activeIndex = $select.tagging.isActivated ? -1 : 0; $select.refresh(attrs.refresh); }); attrs.$observe('refreshDelay', function() { // $eval() is needed otherwise we get a string instead of a number var refreshDelay = scope.$eval(attrs.refreshDelay); $select.refreshDelay = refreshDelay !== undefined ? refreshDelay : uiSelectConfig.refreshDelay; }); }; } }; }]) // Recreates old behavior of ng-transclude. Used internally. .directive('uisTranscludeAppend', function () { return { link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl, transclude) { transclude(scope, function (clone) { element.append(clone); }); } }; }) .directive('uiSelectMatch', ['uiSelectConfig', function(uiSelectConfig) { return { restrict: 'EA', require: '^uiSelect', replace: true, transclude: true, templateUrl: function(tElement) { // Gets theme attribute from parent (ui-select) var theme = tElement.parent().attr('theme') || uiSelectConfig.theme; var multi = tElement.parent().attr('multiple'); return theme + (multi ? '/match-multiple.tpl.html' : '/match.tpl.html'); }, link: function(scope, element, attrs, $select) { $select.lockChoiceExpression = attrs.uiLockChoice; attrs.$observe('placeholder', function(placeholder) { $select.placeholder = placeholder !== undefined ? placeholder : uiSelectConfig.placeholder; }); $select.allowClear = (angular.isDefined(attrs.allowClear)) ? (attrs.allowClear === '') ? true : (attrs.allowClear.toLowerCase() === 'true') : false; if($select.multiple){ $select.sizeSearchInput(); } } }; }]) /** * Highlights text that matches $select.search. * * Taken from AngularUI Bootstrap Typeahead * See https://github.com/angular-ui/bootstrap/blob/0.10.0/src/typeahead/typeahead.js#L340 */ .filter('highlight', function() { function escapeRegexp(queryToEscape) { return queryToEscape.replace(/([.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-])/g, '\\$1'); } return function(matchItem, query) { return query && matchItem ? matchItem.replace(new RegExp(escapeRegexp(query), 'gi'), '$&') : matchItem; }; }); }()); angular.module("ui.select").run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("bootstrap/choices.tpl.html",""); $templateCache.put("bootstrap/match-multiple.tpl.html"," × "); $templateCache.put("bootstrap/match.tpl.html",""); $templateCache.put("bootstrap/select-multiple.tpl.html","
"); $templateCache.put("bootstrap/select.tpl.html","
"); $templateCache.put("select2/choices.tpl.html",""); $templateCache.put("select2/match-multiple.tpl.html","
  • "); $templateCache.put("select2/match.tpl.html","{{$select.placeholder}} "); $templateCache.put("select2/select-multiple.tpl.html","
    "); $templateCache.put("select2/select.tpl.html","
    "); $templateCache.put("selectize/choices.tpl.html","
    "); $templateCache.put("selectize/match.tpl.html","
    "); $templateCache.put("selectize/select.tpl.html","
    "); }]);