begin require 'ant' rescue LoadError puts 'This Rakefile requires JRuby. Please use jruby -S rake.' exit 1 end if ENV['MIRAH_HOME'] && File.exist?(ENV['MIRAH_HOME'] +'/lib/mirah.rb') $: << File.expand_path(ENV['MIRAH_HOME'] +'/lib') end if File.exist?('../bitescript/lib/bitescript.rb') $: << File.expand_path('../bitescript/lib/') end MIRAH_HOME = ENV['MIRAH_HOME'] ? ENV['MIRAH_HOME'] : Gem.find_files('mirah').first.sub(/lib\/mirah.rb/,'') MODEL_SRC_JAR = File.join(MIRAH_HOME, 'examples', 'appengine', 'war', 'WEB-INF', 'lib', 'dubydatastore.jar') require 'rake/clean' require 'mirah/appengine_tasks' def mirahc *files if files[-1].kind_of?(Hash) options = files.pop else options = {} end source_dir = options.fetch(:dir, Duby.source_path) dest = File.expand_path(options.fetch(:dest, Duby.dest_path)) files = {|f| f.sub(/^#{source_dir}\//, '')} flags = options.fetch(:options, Duby.compiler_options) args = ['-d', dest, *flags] + files chdir(source_dir) do cmd = "mirahc #{args.join ' '}" puts cmd if files.any? {|f|f.include? 'controllers'} system cmd else Duby.compile(*args) Duby.reset end end end OUTDIR = 'WEB-INF/classes' def class_files_for files do |f| explode = f.split('/')[1..-1] explode.last.gsub!(/(^[a-z]|_[a-z])/) {|m|m.sub('_','').upcase} explode.last.sub! /\.(duby|java|mirah)$/, '.class' OUTDIR + '/' + explode.join('/') end end MODEL_JAR = "WEB-INF/lib/dubydatastore.jar" LIB_MIRAH_SRC = Dir["lib/**/*.duby"] LIB_JAVA_SRC = Dir["lib/**/*.java"] LIB_SRC = LIB_MIRAH_SRC + LIB_JAVA_SRC LIB_CLASSES = class_files_for LIB_SRC STDLIB_CLASSES={|l|l.include? 'stdlib'} CLASSPATH = [AppEngine::Rake::SERVLET, AppEngine::SDK::API_JAR].join(":") Duby.dest_paths << OUTDIR Duby.source_paths << 'lib' Duby.source_paths << 'app' Duby.compiler_options << '--classpath' << [File.expand_path(OUTDIR), *FileList["WEB-INF/lib/*.jar"].map{|f|File.expand_path(f)}].join(':') + ':' + CLASSPATH CLEAN.include(OUTDIR) CLOBBER.include("WEB-INF/lib/dubious.jar", 'WEB-INF/appengine-generated') APP_SRC = Dir["app/**/{*.duby,*.mirah}"] APP_CLASSES = class_files_for APP_SRC APP_MODEL_CLASSES = {|app| app.include? '/models' } APP_CONTROLLER_CLASSES = {|app| app.include? '/controllers' } APP_APPLICATION_CONTROLLER_CLASS = APP_CONTROLLER_CLASSES.find {|controller| controller.include? 'ApplicationController' } TEMPLATES = Dir["app/views/**/*.erb"] directory OUTDIR (APP_CLASSES+LIB_CLASSES).zip(APP_SRC+LIB_SRC).each do |klass,src| file klass => src end APP_CONTROLLER_CLASSES.reject {|k|k == APP_APPLICATION_CONTROLLER_CLASS}.each do |klass| file klass => APP_APPLICATION_CONTROLLER_CLASS end APP_CONTROLLER_CLASSES.each do |f| file f => APP_MODEL_CLASSES + TEMPLATES end APP_CLASSES.each do |f| file f => LIB_CLASSES end file MODEL_JAR => MODEL_SRC_JAR do |t| cp MODEL_SRC_JAR, MODEL_JAR end appengine_app :app, 'app', '' => APP_CLASSES+LIB_CLASSES #there is an upload task in appengine_tasks, but I couldn't get it to work desc "publish to appengine" task :publish => 'compile:app' do sh " update ." end namespace :compile do task :app => APP_CLASSES task :java => OUTDIR do ant.javac :srcdir => 'lib', :destdir => OUTDIR, :classpath => CLASSPATH end end desc "compile app" task :compile => 'compile:app' desc "run development server" task :server task :default => :server task :generate_build_properties do def git_data(dir, file='') returning = nil chdir dir do # ["commit abc....123", "2010-06-23 12:58:06 -0700"] IO.popen("git rev-list --pretty=format:%ci -1 HEAD #{file}") do |f| returning = [f.gets.chomp, f.gets.chomp] end end returning end dubious_data = git_data(".") mirah_data = git_data(MIRAH_HOME) bite_data = git_data(MIRAH_HOME + '/../bitescript') model_data = git_data(File.dirname(MODEL_SRC_JAR),File.basename(MODEL_SRC_JAR)) prop_file = "config/", 'w') do |f| f.write <<-EOF # the current build environment{} dubious.version.commit=#{dubious_data[0][7..-1]} dubious.version.time=#{Time.parse(dubious_data[1]).xmlschema} mirah.version.commit=#{mirah_data[0][7..-1]} mirah.version.time=#{Time.parse(mirah_data[1]).xmlschema} bitescript.version.commit=#{bite_data[0][7..-1]} bitescript.version.time=#{Time.parse(bite_data[1]).xmlschema} model.version.commit=#{model_data[0][7..-1]} model.version.time=#{Time.parse(model_data[1]).xmlschema} EOF end end