module GitHelpers # status helper module GitStatus #get the stash commits def stash if run_success("git rev-parse --verify refs/stash", quiet: true) return run_simple("git rev-list -g refs/stash") else return nil end end def sequencer(extra_infos=true) read_helper=lambda do |file, ref: false; u| if file.readable? u.sub!(/^refs\/heads\//,"") if ref end u end rb_helper=lambda do |dir; name, onto, rbname, extra| name=read_helper[gitdir+"#{dir}/head-name", ref: true] onto=read_helper[gitdir+"#{dir}/onto", ref: true] onto=branch(onto).name(highlight_detached: "") if onto rbname="" rbname << name if name rbname << "->#{onto}" if onto if dir == "rebase-merge" cur=read_helper[gitdir+"#{dir}/msgnum"] last=read_helper[gitdir+"#{dir}/end"] elsif dir == "rebase-merge" cur=read_helper[gitdir+"#{dir}/next"] last=read_helper[gitdir+"#{dir}/last"] end extra=[]; extra << rbname unless rbname.empty?; extra << "#{cur}/#{last}" if cur and last extra end r=[]; r_extra=[] append=lambda do |seq, extra=""| r << seq if extra_infos extra="" if extra.nil? if extra.is_a?(Array) extra=extra.join(":") end extra = extra.empty? ? "" : "(#{extra})" r_extra << "#{seq}#{extra}" end end rb_handler=lambda do |state, mode; extra| if mode == :rbi extra ="rebase-merge") if extra_infos elsif mode==:am extra ="rebase-apply") if extra_infos end, extra) end gitdir=self.gitdir if bare? 'bare' else '.git' if gitdir? end if gitdir.to_s =~ /\/.git\/modules\// 'sub' elsif gitdir.to_s =~ /\/.git\/worktrees\// 'wt' end return r unless gitdir if (gitdir+"index.lock").file? "ci" #commit in progress end if (gitdir+"rebase-merge").directory? state= if (gitdir+"rebase-merge/interactive").file? if (gitdir+"rebase-merge/rewritten").exist? "rb-im" #REBASE-im $ rebase -p -i else "rb-i" #REBASE-i end else "rb-m" #REBASE-m $ rebase -p end, :rbi) end if (gitdir+"rebase-apply").directory? state = if (gitdir+"rebase-apply/rebasing").file? "rb" #RB elsif (gitdir+"rebase-apply/applying").file? "am" #AM else "am/rb" #AM/REBASE (should not happen) end, :am) end if (gitdir+"MERGE_HEAD").file? "mg" #MERGING end if (gitdir+"CHERRY_PICK_HEAD").file? state= "ch" #CHERRY-PICKING name=read_helper[gitdir+"CHERRY_PICK_HEAD", ref: true] name=branch(name).name(highlight_detached: "") if name state, name end if (gitdir+"REVERT_HEAD").file? state=rv #REVERTING name=read_helper[gitdir+"REVERT_HEAD", ref: true] name=branch(name).name(highlight_detached: "") if name state, name end if (gitdir+"sequencer").directory? "seq" #when we have a multiple commits cherry-pick or revert # TODO: read the 'todo' file to know if we are picking or reverting? end if (gitdir+"BISECT_LOG").file? state="bi" #BISECTING name=read_helper[gitdir+"BISECT_START", ref: true] state, name end if extra_infos == :both return r, r_extra elsif extra_infos r_extra else r end end def status(br='HEAD', ignored: nil, untracked: nil, branch: :full, files: true, sequencer: true, stash: true, detached_name: :detached_infos, **_opts) l_branch={} l_branch=self.branch(br).infos(detached_name: detached_name) if branch == :full r={branch: l_branch} if worktree? paths={} l_untracked=[] l_ignored=[] r.merge!({paths: paths, files_untracked: l_untracked, files_ignored: l_ignored}) staged=0 staged_sub=0 staged_nonsub=0 changed=0 changed_nonsub=0 changed_sub=0 subchanged=0 subcommited=0 conflicts=0 complete_infos=lambda do |infos; r| r=[] infos[:xy].each_char do |c| case c when '.'; r << :kept when 'M'; r << :updated when 'A'; r << :added when 'D'; r << :deleted when 'R'; r << :renamed when 'C'; r << :copied when 'U'; r << :unmerged when 'T'; r << :type_change end end infos[:index]=r[0] infos[:worktree]=r[1] sub=infos[:sub] if sub[0]=="N" infos[:submodule]=false else infos[:submodule]=true infos[:sub_commited]=sub[1]=="C" infos[:sub_modified]=sub[2]=="M" infos[:sub_untracked]=sub[3]=="U" end unless r[0]==:kept or r[0]==:unmerged staged +=1 infos[:submodule] ? staged_sub +=1 : staged_nonsub +=1 end unless r[1]==:kept or r[1]==:unmerged changed +=1 if infos[:submodule] changed_sub +=1 subchanged +=1 if (infos[:sub_modified]||infos[:sub_untracked]) subcommited +=1 if infos[:sub_commited] changed_nonsub +=1 unless (infos[:sub_modified]||infos[:sub_untracked]||infos[:sub_commited]) #for D or T else changed_nonsub +=1 end end conflicts+=1 if r[0]==:unmerged or r[1]==:unmerged if (xscore=infos[:xscore]) if xscore[0]=="R" infos[:rename]=true elsif xscore[0]=="C" infos[:copy]=true end infos[:score]=xscore[1..-1].to_i end infos end if files call=%w(git status --porcelain=v2) status_options=[] status_options << "--branch" if branch and branch != :full status_options << "--untracked-files" if untracked status_options << "--untracked-files=no" if untracked==false status_options << "--ignored" if ignored status_options << "--ignored=no" if ignored==false r[:status_options]=status_options + (branch == :full ? ['--branch'] : []) out=run_simple((call+status_options).shelljoin, error: :quiet, chomp: :lines) out.each do |l| l.match(/# branch.oid\s+(.*)/) do |m| l_branch[:oid]=m[1] end l.match(/# branch.head\s+(.*)/) do |m| br_name=m[1] if br_name=="(detached)" and detached_name l_branch[:detached]=true br_name=self.name_branch(method: detached_name, always: true) else end l_branch[:name]=br_name end l.match(/# branch.upstream\s+(.*)/) do |m| l_branch[:upstream]=m[1] end l.match(/# branch.ab\s+\+(\d*)\s+-(\d*)/) do |m| l_branch[:upstream_ahead]=m[1].to_i l_branch[:upstream_behind]=m[2].to_i end l.match(/1 (\S*) (\S*) (\S*) (\S*) (\S*) (\S*) (\S*) (.*)/) do |m| xy=m[1]; sub=m[2]; #modified data, submodule information mH=m[3]; mI=m[4]; mW=m[5]; #file modes hH=m[6]; hI=m[7]; #hash path=m[8] info={xy: xy, sub: sub, mH: mH, mI: mI, mW: mW, hH: hH, hI: hI} paths[path] end #rename copy l.match(/2 (\S*) (\S*) (\S*) (\S*) (\S*) (\S*) (\S*) (\S*) (.*)\t(.*)/) do |m| xy=m[1]; sub=m[2]; mH=m[3]; mI=m[4]; mW=m[5]; hH=m[6]; hI=m[7]; xscore=m[8] path=m[9]; orig_path=m[10] info={xy: xy, sub: sub, mH: mH, mI: mI, mW: mW, hH: hH, hI: hI, xscore: xscore, orig_path: orig_path} paths[path] end # unmerged l.match(/u (\S*) (\S*) (\S*) (\S*) (\S*) (\S*) (\S*) (\S*) (\S*) (.*)/) do |m| xy=m[1]; sub=m[2]; #modified data, submodule information m1=m[3]; m2=m[4]; m3=m[5]; mW=m[6] #file modes h1=m[7]; h2=m[8]; h3=m[9] #hash path=m[10] info={xy: xy, sub: sub, m1: m1, m2: m2, m3: m3, mW: mW, h1: h1, h2: h2, h3: h3} paths[path] end l.match(/\? (.*)/) do |m| l_untracked << m[1] end l.match(/! (.*)/) do |m| l_ignored << m[1] end end r[:conflicts]=conflicts r[:staged]=staged r[:staged_nonsub]=staged_nonsub r[:staged_sub]=staged_sub r[:changed]=changed r[:changed_nonsub]=changed_nonsub r[:changed_sub]=changed_sub r[:subchanged]=subchanged r[:subcommited]=subcommited r[:untracked]=l_untracked.length r[:ignored]=l_ignored.length end end if branch upstream=r.dig(:branch,'upstream') push=r.dig(:branch,'push') if upstream != push r[:push_ahead]=r.dig(:branch,:push_ahead) r[:push_behind]=r.dig(:branch,:push_behind) end end if stash r[:stash]=self.stash&.lines&.length end if sequencer seq, seq_full=self.sequencer(:both) r[:sequencer]=seq r[:full_sequencer]=seq_full end return r end #changed_submodule: do we show changed submodule apart? def format_status(br='HEAD', status_infos=nil, changed_submodule: true, max_length: nil, **opts) if status_infos.nil? return "" unless git? status_infos=self.status(br, **opts) end yield status_infos if block_given? branch=status_infos.dig(:branch,:name) || "" ahead=status_infos.dig(:branch,:upstream_ahead)||0 behind=status_infos.dig(:branch,:upstream_behind)||0 push_ahead=status_infos[:push_ahead]||0 push_behind=status_infos[:push_behind]||0 # detached=status_infos.dig(:branch,:detached) || false allchanged=status_infos[:changed] ||0 if changed_submodule changed=status_infos[:changed_nonsub] ||0 subchanged=status_infos[:subchanged] ||0 subcommited=status_infos[:subcommited] ||0 else changed=status_infos[:changed] ||0 end staged=status_infos[:staged] ||0 conflicts=status_infos[:conflicts] ||0 untracked=status_infos[:untracked] ||0 ignored=status_infos[:ignored] || 0 stash=status_infos[:stash]||0 clean=true clean=false if staged != 0 || allchanged !=0 || untracked !=0 || conflicts !=0 || !worktree? || opts[:files]==false sequencer=status_infos[:sequencer] || [] full_sequencer=status_infos[:full_sequencer] || [] if stash != 0 sequencer << "$#{stash}" full_sequencer << "$#{stash}" end # "#{detached ? ":" : ""} # the ':' prefix is done by name now left= "#{branch}".color(:magenta,:bold) << (ahead==0 ? "" : "↑"< max_length extra=sequencer.join(" ").color(:yellow) end if > max_length shortened=true unless extra.empty? extra="" end if > max_length shortened=true unless files.empty? files="" end end right=files unless extra.empty? right << " " unless right.empty? right << extra end r="(" << left << (right.empty? ? "" : "|" ) << right << (shortened ? "⋯" : "") << ")" r end end end