module Padrino module Generators ## # Responsible for generating new models for the specified ORM component. # class Model < Thor::Group Padrino::Generators.add_generator(:model, self) def self.source_root; File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)); end def self.banner; "padrino-gen model [name] [fields]"; end include Thor::Actions include Padrino::Generators::Actions include Padrino::Generators::Components::Actions desc "Description:\n\n\tpadrino-gen model generates a new model and migration files" argument :name, :desc => 'The name of your padrino model' argument :fields, :desc => 'The fields for the model', :default => [], :type => :array class_option :root, :desc => 'The root destination', :aliases => '-r', :default => '.', :type => :string class_option :app, :desc => 'The application destination path', :aliases => '-a', :default => '.', :type => :string class_option :destroy, :aliases => '-d', :default => false, :type => :boolean class_option :skip_migration, :aliases => '-s', :default => false, :type => :boolean class_option :force, :desc => 'Generate model files if app already exists', :aliases => '-f', :default => false, :type => :boolean # Show help if no ARGV given. require_arguments! # Execute the model generation. # def create_model app = options[:app] return unless valid_model_for?(app) include_component_module_for(:test) migration_name = "create_#{name.pluralize.underscore}" apply_default_fields fields create_model_file(name, :fields => fields, :app => app) generate_model_test(name) if test? create_model_migration(migration_name, name, fields) unless options[:skip_migration] end private ## # Validate model characteristics # Alert if the model name is being used # def valid_model_for?(app) self.destination_root = options[:root] return false unless correct_path? check_app_existence(app) if options[:destroy] self.behavior = :revoke else unless options[:force] say "#{@camel_name} already exists." say "Please, change the name." return false end end if model_name_already_exists? return false if has_invalid_fields? check_orm end ## # Return false if the model name is being used # def model_name_already_exists? @camel_name = name.to_s.underscore.camelize @project_name = "" @project_name = fetch_project_name return false unless already_exists?(@camel_name, @project_name) true end ## # Alert if there is not an ORM Adapter # def check_orm return true if include_component_module_for(:orm) say "<= You need an ORM adapter for run this generator. Sorry!" raise SystemExit end ## # Check app path # def correct_path? return true if in_app_root? say 'You are not at the root of a Padrino application! (config/boot.rb not found)' false end ## # Check if the fields are valid # def has_invalid_fields? if invalids = invalid_fields(fields) say 'Invalid field name:', :red say " #{invalids.join(", ")}" end end end end end