jQuery tagEditor v1.0.16
Copyright (c) 2014 Simon Steinberger / Pixabay
GitHub: https://github.com/Pixabay/jQuery-tagEditor
License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
// auto grow input (stackoverflow.com/questions/931207)
$.fn.tagEditorInput=function(){var t=" ",e=$(this),n=parseInt(e.css("fontSize")),i=$("").css({position:"absolute",top:-9999,left:-9999,width:"auto",fontSize:e.css("fontSize"),fontFamily:e.css("fontFamily"),fontWeight:e.css("fontWeight"),letterSpacing:e.css("letterSpacing"),whiteSpace:"nowrap"}),s=function(){if(t!==(t=e.val())){i.html(t.replace(/&/g,"&").replace(/\s/g," ").replace(//g,">"));var s=i.width()+n;20>s&&(s=20),s!=e.width()&&e.width(s)}};return i.insertAfter(e),e.bind("keyup keydown focus",s)};
// plugin with val as parameter for public methods
$.fn.tagEditor = function(options, val, blur){
// build options dictionary with default values
var blur_result, o = $.extend({}, $.fn.tagEditor.defaults, options), selector = this;
// store regex and default delimiter in options for later use
o.dregex = new RegExp('['+o.delimiter.replace('-', '\-')+']', 'g');
// public methods
if (typeof options == 'string') {
// depending on selector, response may contain tag lists of multiple editor instances
var response = [];
// the editor is the next sibling to the hidden, original field
var el = $(this), o = el.data('options'), ed = el.next('.tag-editor');
if (options == 'getTags')
response.push({field: el[0], editor: ed, tags: ed.data('tags')});
else if (options == 'addTag') {
if (o.maxTags && ed.data('tags').length >= o.maxTags) return false;
// insert new tag
if (!blur) ed.click();
else $('.placeholder', ed).remove();
} else if (options == 'removeTag') {
// trigger delete on matching tag, then click editor to create a new tag
$('.tag-editor-tag', ed).filter(function(){return $(this).html()==val;}).closest('li').find('.tag-editor-delete').click();
if (!blur) ed.click();
} else if (options == 'destroy') {
return options == 'getTags' ? response : this;
// delete selected tags on backspace, delete, ctrl+x
function delete_selected_tags(e){
if (e.which == 8 || e.which == 46 || e.ctrlKey && e.which == 88) {
try {
var sel = getSelection(), el = $(sel.getRangeAt(0).commonAncestorContainer);
} catch(e){ el = 0; }
if (el && el.hasClass('tag-editor')) {
var tags = [], splits = sel.toString().split(el.prev().data('options').dregex);
for (i=0; i').insertAfter(el);
el.addClass('tag-editor-hidden-src') // hide original field
.data('options', o) // set data on hidden field
.on('focus.tag-editor', function(){ ed.click(); }); // simulate tabindex
// add dummy item for min-height on empty editor
// markup for new tag
var new_tag = '
// helper: update global data
function set_placeholder(){
if (o.placeholder && !tag_list.length && !$('.deleted, .placeholder, input', ed).length)
// helper: update global data
function update_globals(init){
var old_tags = tag_list.toString();
tag_list = $('.tag-editor-tag:not(.deleted)', ed).map(function(i, e) {
var val = $.trim($(this).hasClass('active') ? $(this).find('input').val() : $(e).text());
if (val) return val;
ed.data('tags', tag_list);
// change callback except for plugin init
if (!init) if (old_tags != tag_list.toString()) o.onChange(el, ed, tag_list);
ed.click(function(e, closest_tag){
var d, dist = 99999, loc;
// do not create tag when user selects tags by text selection
if (window.getSelection && getSelection() != '') return;
if (o.maxTags && ed.data('tags').length >= o.maxTags) { ed.find('input').blur(); return false; }
blur_result = true
$('input:focus', ed).blur();
if (!blur_result) return false;
blur_result = true
// always remove placeholder on click
$('.placeholder', ed).remove();
if (closest_tag && closest_tag.length)
loc = 'before';
else {
// calculate tag closest to click position
$('.tag-editor-tag', ed).each(function(){
var tag = $(this), to = tag.offset(), tag_x = to.left, tag_y = to.top;
if (e.pageY >= tag_y && e.pageY <= tag_y+tag.height()) {
if (e.pageX < tag_x) loc = 'before', d = tag_x - e.pageX;
else loc = 'after', d = e.pageX - tag_x - tag.width();
if (d < dist) dist = d, closest_tag = tag;
if (loc == 'before') {
} else if (loc == 'after')
else // empty editor
return false;
ed.on('click', '.tag-editor-delete', function(e){
// delete icon is hidden when input is visible; place cursor near invisible delete icon on click
if ($(this).prev().hasClass('active')) { $(this).closest('li').find('input').caret(-1); return false; }
var li = $(this).closest('li'), tag = li.find('.tag-editor-tag');
if (o.beforeTagDelete(el, ed, tag_list, tag.html()) === false) return false;
tag.addClass('deleted').animate({width: 0}, o.animateDelete, function(){ li.remove(); set_placeholder(); });
return false;
// delete on right mouse click or ctrl+click
if (o.clickDelete)
ed.on('mousedown', '.tag-editor-tag', function(e){
if (e.ctrlKey || e.which > 1) {
var li = $(this).closest('li'), tag = li.find('.tag-editor-tag');
if (o.beforeTagDelete(el, ed, tag_list, tag.html()) === false) return false;
tag.addClass('deleted').animate({width: 0}, o.animateDelete, function(){ li.remove(); set_placeholder(); });
return false;
ed.on('click', '.tag-editor-tag', function(e){
// delete on right click or ctrl+click -> exit
if (o.clickDelete && (e.ctrlKey || e.which > 1)) return false;
if (!$(this).hasClass('active')) {
var tag = $(this).html();
// guess cursor position in text input
var left_percent = Math.abs(($(this).offset().left - e.pageX)/$(this).width()), caret_pos = parseInt(tag.length*left_percent),
input = $(this).html('').addClass('active').find('input');
input.data('old_tag', tag).tagEditorInput().focus().caret(caret_pos);
if (o.autocomplete) {
var aco = $.extend({}, o.autocomplete);
// extend user provided autocomplete select method
var ac_select = 'select' in aco ? o.autocomplete.select : '';
aco.select = function(e, ui){ if (ac_select) ac_select(e, ui); setTimeout(function(){
ed.trigger('click', [$('.active', ed).find('input').closest('li').next('li').find('.tag-editor-tag')]);
}, 20); };
return false;
// helper: split into multiple tags, e.g. after paste
function split_cleanup(input){
var li = input.closest('li'), sub_tags = input.val().replace(/ +/, ' ').split(o.dregex), old_tag = input.data('old_tag');
var old_tags = tag_list.slice(0), exceeded = false; // copy tag_list
for (var i=0; i
if (o.maxTags && old_tags.length >= o.maxTags) { exceeded = true; break; }
input.attr('maxlength', o.maxLength).removeData('old_tag').val('')
if (exceeded) input.blur(); else input.focus();
ed.on('blur', 'input', function(e){
var input = $(this), old_tag = input.data('old_tag'), tag = $.trim(input.val().replace(/ +/, ' ').replace(o.dregex, o.delimiter[0]));
if (!tag) {
if (old_tag && o.beforeTagDelete(el, ed, tag_list, old_tag) === false) {
blur_result = false;
try { input.closest('li').remove(); } catch(e){}
if (old_tag) update_globals();
else if (tag.indexOf(o.delimiter[0])>=0) { split_cleanup(input); return; }
else if (tag != old_tag) {
if (o.forceLowercase) tag = tag.toLowerCase();
tag = o.beforeTagSave(el, ed, tag_list, old_tag, tag) || tag;
// remove duplicates
if (o.removeDuplicates)
$('.tag-editor-tag:not(.active)', ed).each(function(){ if ($(this).html() == tag) $(this).closest('li').remove(); });
if (tag != old_tag) update_globals();
var pasted_content;
ed.on('paste', 'input', function(e){
pasted_content = $(this);
setTimeout(function(){ split_cleanup(pasted_content); }, 30);
// keypress delimiter
var inp;
ed.on('keypress', 'input', function(e){
if (o.delimiter.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(e.which))>=0) {
inp = $(this);
setTimeout(function(){ split_cleanup(inp); }, 20);
ed.on('keydown', 'input', function(e){
var $t = $(this);
// left/up key + backspace key on empty field
if ((e.which == 37 || !o.autocomplete && e.which == 38) && !$t.caret() || e.which == 8 && !$t.val()) {
var prev_tag = $t.closest('li').prev('li').find('.tag-editor-tag');
if (prev_tag.length) prev_tag.click().find('input').caret(-1);
else if ($t.val() && !(o.maxTags && ed.data('tags').length >= o.maxTags)) $(new_tag).insertBefore($t.closest('li')).find('.tag-editor-tag').click();
return false;
// right/down key
else if ((e.which == 39 || !o.autocomplete && e.which == 40) && ($t.caret() == $t.val().length)) {
var next_tag = $t.closest('li').next('li').find('.tag-editor-tag');
if (next_tag.length) next_tag.click().find('input').caret(0);
else if ($t.val()) ed.click();
return false;
// tab key
else if (e.which == 9) {
// shift+tab
if (e.shiftKey) {
var prev_tag = $t.closest('li').prev('li').find('.tag-editor-tag');
if (prev_tag.length) prev_tag.click().find('input').caret(0);
else if ($t.val() && !(o.maxTags && ed.data('tags').length >= o.maxTags)) $(new_tag).insertBefore($t.closest('li')).find('.tag-editor-tag').click();
// allow tabbing to previous element
else {
el.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
setTimeout(function(){ el.removeAttr('disabled'); }, 30);
return false;
// tab
} else {
var next_tag = $t.closest('li').next('li').find('.tag-editor-tag');
if (next_tag.length) next_tag.click().find('input').caret(0);
else if ($t.val()) ed.click();
else return; // allow tabbing to next element
return false;
// del key
else if (e.which == 46 && (!$.trim($t.val()) || ($t.caret() == $t.val().length))) {
var next_tag = $t.closest('li').next('li').find('.tag-editor-tag');
if (next_tag.length) next_tag.click().find('input').caret(0);
else if ($t.val()) ed.click();
return false;
// enter key
else if (e.which == 13) {
ed.trigger('click', [$t.closest('li').next('li').find('.tag-editor-tag')]);
return false;
// pos1
else if (e.which == 36 && !$t.caret()) ed.find('.tag-editor-tag').first().click();
// end
else if (e.which == 35 && $t.caret() == $t.val().length) ed.find('.tag-editor-tag').last().click();
// esc
else if (e.which == 27) {
$t.val($t.data('old_tag') ? $t.data('old_tag') : '').blur();
return false;
// create initial tags
var tags = o.initialTags.length ? o.initialTags : el.val().split(o.dregex);
for (var i=0; i= o.maxTags) break;
var tag = $.trim(tags[i].replace(/ +/, ' '));
if (tag) {
if (o.forceLowercase) tag = tag.toLowerCase();