# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' # rubocop:disable RSpec/NestedGroups because nesting makes sense here RSpec.describe Boltless::Request do let(:new_instance) { ->(**args) { described_class.new(connection, **args) } } let(:instance) { new_instance.call } let(:connection) { Boltless.connection_pool.checkout } let(:catch_exception) do proc do |&block| block.call rescue StandardError => e e end end let(:tx_id) { nil } let(:response) do HTTP::Response.new( status: http_status_code, version: '1.1', headers: headers, body: body, request: nil ) end let(:body) { '' } let(:headers) { {} } let(:http_status_code) { 200 } let(:statements) do [ { statement: 'RETURN 1', parameters: {} }, { statement: 'RETURN $arg', parameters: { arg: 2 } } ] end let(:logger) { Logger.new(log_dev, level: :debug) } let(:log_dev) { StringIO.new } let(:log) { log_dev.string.uncolorize } before { Boltless.configuration.logger = logger } describe 'full workflow' do let(:action) do id = instance.begin_transaction instance.run_query(id, *statements).tap do instance.rollback_transaction(id) end end let(:statements) do [ # Create a new user named Klaus { statement: 'CREATE (n:User { name: $name })', parameters: { name: 'Klaus' } }, # Create a new user named Bernd { statement: 'CREATE (n:User { name: $name })', parameters: { name: 'Bernd' } }, # Create a relationship between Klaus and Bernd # to signalize they are friends { statement: 'MATCH (a:User), (b:User) ' \ 'WHERE a.name = $name_a AND b.name = $name_b ' \ 'CREATE (a)-[:FRIEND_OF]->(b)', parameters: { name_a: 'Klaus', name_b: 'Bernd' } }, # Then ask for all friends of Klaus { statement: 'MATCH (l:User { name: $name })-[:FRIEND_OF]->(r:User) ' \ 'RETURN r.name AS name', parameters: { name: 'Klaus' } } ] end it 'returns 4 results' do expect(action.count).to be_eql(4) end it 'returns the expected results (first 3)' do expect(action[0..2].map(&:count)).to all(be_eql(0)) end it 'returns the expected results (last)' do expect(action.last.value).to be_eql('Bernd') end it 'does not write the data actually' do count = instance.one_shot_transaction( { statement: 'MATCH (n:User) RETURN count(n)' } ).first.value expect(count).to be_eql(0) end end describe '.statement_payloads' do let(:action) { ->(*args) { described_class.statement_payloads(*args) } } it 'returns an Array' do expect(action.call).to be_a(Array) end it 'returns an array with the converted statements' do expect(action.call(['a', { a: true }], ['b', {}]).count).to be_eql(2) end it 'returns an array of converted statement Hashes' do expect(action.call(['a', { a: true }], ['b', {}])).to all(be_a(Hash)) end end describe '.statement_payload' do let(:action) do ->(cypher, **args) { described_class.statement_payload(cypher, **args) } end context 'without parameters' do let(:action) { super().call('cypher') } it 'returns a Hash instance' do expect(action).to be_a(Hash) end it 'returns a correct statement structure' do expect(action).to match(statement: 'cypher', parameters: {}) end end context 'with user parameters only' do let(:action) { super().call('cypher', a: { b: true }) } it 'returns a Hash instance' do expect(action).to be_a(Hash) end it 'returns a correct statement structure' do expect(action).to \ match(statement: 'cypher', parameters: { a: { b: true } }) end end context 'with statistics parameter' do let(:action) { super().call('cypher', with_stats: true, a: { b: true }) } it 'returns a Hash instance' do expect(action).to be_a(Hash) end it 'returns a correct statement structure' do expect(action).to \ match(statement: 'cypher', includeStats: true, parameters: { a: { b: true } }) end end context 'with graph output parameter' do let(:action) { super().call('cypher', result_as_graph: true, a: 1) } it 'returns a Hash instance' do expect(action).to be_a(Hash) end it 'returns a correct statement structure' do expect(action).to \ match(statement: 'cypher', resultDataContents: %w[row graph], parameters: { a: 1 }) end end end describe '#one_shot_transaction' do let(:action) { ->(*args) { instance.one_shot_transaction(*args) } } let(:body) { '{}' } let(:req_body) { { statements: statements }.to_json } before do allow(connection).to receive(:headers).and_return(connection) allow(connection).to receive(:post).and_return(response) end context 'without statements' do it 'raises an ArgumentError' do expect { action.call }.to \ raise_error(ArgumentError, /No statements given/) end end it 'wraps the user block inside a #handle_transaction call' do expect(instance).to receive(:handle_transaction).with(tx_id: 'commit') action.call(*statements) end it 'sends a HTTP POST request' do expect(connection).to \ receive(:post).with('/db/neo4j/tx/commit', body: req_body) .and_return(response) action.call(*statements) end describe 'logging' do before do Boltless.configuration.query_log_enabled = true end it 'logs the one-shot transaction' do action.call(statements.first) expect(log).to match(/\[tx:write:one-shot\] \(.*ms\) RETURN 1/) end end end describe '#begin_transaction' do let(:action) { ->(*args) { instance.begin_transaction(*args) } } let(:body) { '{}' } before do allow(connection).to receive(:headers).and_return(connection) allow(connection).to receive(:post).and_return(response) end it 'sets the correct access mode header' do expect(connection).to \ receive(:headers).with('Access-Mode' => 'WRITE').and_call_original action.call end context 'with an unsuccessful response' do let(:http_status_code) { 500 } let(:body) { 'Something went wrong' } it 'raises an Boltless::Errors::TransactionBeginError' do expect { action.call }.to \ raise_error(Boltless::Errors::TransactionBeginError, /Something went wrong/) end end context 'with an successful response without Location header' do let(:body) { '{"some":"thing"}' } it 'raises an Boltless::Errors::TransactionBegin' do expect { action.call }.to \ raise_error(Boltless::Errors::TransactionBeginError, /{"some":"thing"}/) end end context 'with an successful response with Location header' do let(:headers) { { 'location' => 'http://neo4j:7474/db/neo4j/tx/3894' } } it 'returns the correct transaction identifier' do expect(action.call).to be_eql(3894) end end describe 'logging' do let(:headers) { { 'location' => 'http://neo4j:7474/db/neo4j/tx/3894' } } before { Boltless.configuration.query_log_enabled = :debug } it 'logs the start of the transaction' do action.call expect(log).to match(/\[tx:write:3894 rq:1\] \(.*ms\) BEGIN/) end it 'logs the start of the transaction (debug)' do action.call expect(log).to match(/\[tx:write:tbd rq:1\] BEGIN/) end end end describe '#run_query' do let(:action) do proc do |*args| instance.run_query(8134, *args) end end let(:body) { '{}' } it 'wraps the user block inside a #handle_transaction call' do expect(instance).to receive(:handle_transaction).with(tx_id: 8134) action.call(*statements) end context 'without statements' do it 'raises an ArgumentError' do expect { action.call }.to \ raise_error(ArgumentError, /No statements given/) end end context 'with statements' do let(:req_body) { { statements: statements }.to_json } it 'sends a HTTP POST request' do expect(connection).to \ receive(:post).with('/db/neo4j/tx/8134', body: req_body) .and_return(response) action.call(*statements) end end describe 'logging' do before do allow(connection).to receive(:post).and_return(response) Boltless.configuration.query_log_enabled = true end it 'logs the query within the transaction' do action.call(statements.first) expect(log).to match(/\[tx:write:8134 rq:1\] \(.*ms\) RETURN 1/) end end end describe '#commit_transaction' do let(:action) do proc do |*args| instance.commit_transaction(8134, *args) end end let(:body) { '{}' } it 'wraps the user block inside a #handle_transaction call' do expect(instance).to receive(:handle_transaction).with(tx_id: 8134) action.call end context 'without finalizing statements' do it 'sends a HTTP POST request' do opts = {} expect(connection).to \ receive(:post).with('/db/neo4j/tx/8134/commit', **opts) .and_return(response) action.call end end context 'with finalizing statements' do let(:statements) do [ { statement: 'RETURN 1', parameters: {} }, { statement: 'RETURN $arg', parameters: { arg: 2 } } ] end let(:req_body) { { statements: statements }.to_json } it 'sends a HTTP POST request' do expect(connection).to \ receive(:post).with('/db/neo4j/tx/8134/commit', body: req_body) .and_return(response) action.call(*statements) end end describe 'logging' do before do Boltless.configuration.query_log_enabled = true allow(connection).to receive(:post).and_return(response) end it 'logs the commit' do action.call expect(log).to match(/\[tx:write:8134 rq:1\] \(.*ms\) COMMIT/) end end end describe '#rollback_transaction' do let(:action) do proc do instance.rollback_transaction(8134) end end let(:body) { '{}' } it 'wraps the user block inside a #handle_transaction call' do expect(instance).to receive(:handle_transaction).with(tx_id: 8134) action.call end it 'sends a HTTP DELETE request' do expect(connection).to \ receive(:delete).with('/db/neo4j/tx/8134').and_return(response) action.call end describe 'logging' do before do Boltless.configuration.query_log_enabled = true allow(connection).to receive(:delete).and_return(response) end it 'logs the rollback' do action.call expect(log).to match(/\[tx:write:8134 rq:1\] \(.*ms\) ROLLBACK/) end end end describe '#handle_transaction' do let(:action) do proc do |&block| instance.handle_transaction(tx_id: tx_id) do |*args| block&.call(*args) response end end end let(:tx_id) { 8134 } let(:body) { '{}' } it 'yields the given block' do expect { |control| action.call(&control) }.to yield_control end it 'passes down the transaction path to the given block' do expect { |control| action.call(&control) }.to \ yield_with_args('/db/neo4j/tx/8134') end context 'with a 404 HTTP status code' do let(:http_status_code) { 404 } let(:body) { 'Not found' } it 'raises a Boltless::Errors::TransactionNotFoundError' do expect { action.call }.to \ raise_error(Boltless::Errors::TransactionNotFoundError, /Not found/) end end context 'with an unsuccessful status code' do let(:http_status_code) { 500 } let(:body) { 'Unknown error happend' } it 'raises a Boltless::Errors::TransactionRollbackError' do expect { action.call }.to \ raise_error(Boltless::Errors::TransactionRollbackError, /Unknown error happend/) end end context 'with a successful status code' do let(:http_status_code) { 200 } let(:body) { '{}' } it 'calls the #handle_response_body method' do expect(instance).to \ receive(:handle_response_body).with(response, tx_id: 8134) action.call end end end describe '#handle_response_body' do let(:action) { instance.handle_response_body(response, tx_id: tx_id) } context 'with invalid JSON response' do let(:body) { 'Service unavailable' } it 'raises a Boltless::Errors::InvalidJsonError' do expect { action }.to \ raise_error(Boltless::Errors::InvalidJsonError, /JSON document has an improper structure/i) end end context 'with an empty response' do let(:body) { '{}' } it 'does not raise errors' do expect { action }.not_to raise_error end it 'returns an empty array' do expect(action).to match_array([]) end end context 'with results' do let(:body) { { results: raw_results }.to_json } let(:raw_results) do [ { columns: %w[a b], data: [ { row: [1, 2], meta: [nil, nil] } ] } ] end context 'with raw results' do let(:instance) { new_instance[raw_results: true] } it 'does not raise errors' do expect { action }.not_to raise_error end it 'returns the untouched response' do expect(action).to match_array(raw_results) end end context 'with restructured results' do let(:instance) { new_instance[raw_results: false] } it 'does not raise errors' do expect { action }.not_to raise_error end it 'returns the restructured response' do expect(action).to all(be_a(Boltless::Result)) end end end context 'with a single error' do let(:tx_id) { 777 } let(:body) do { errors: [ { code: 'com.neo4j.some.thing', message: 'NullPointerException' } ] }.to_json end let(:error_message) do 'Transaction \(777\) rolled back due to errors \(1\)' \ '.*NullPointerException \(com.neo4j.some.thing\)' end it 'raises a Boltless::Errors::TransactionRollbackError' do expect { action }.to \ raise_error(Boltless::Errors::TransactionRollbackError, /#{error_message}/m) end it 'allows to access the wrapped error' do expect(catch_exception.call { action }.errors.first).to \ be_a(Boltless::Errors::ResponseError) end end context 'with a multiple errors' do let(:tx_id) { 666 } let(:body) do { errors: [ { code: 'com.neo4j.some.thing1', message: 'StringIndexOutOfBoundsException' }, { code: 'com.neo4j.some.thing2', message: 'NullPointerException' } ] }.to_json end let(:error_message) do 'Transaction \(666\) rolled back due to errors \(2\)' \ '.*StringIndexOutOfBoundsException \(com.neo4j.some.thing1\)' \ '.*NullPointerException \(com.neo4j.some.thing2\)' end it 'raises a Boltless::Errors::TransactionRollbackError' do expect { action }.to \ raise_error(Boltless::Errors::TransactionRollbackError, /#{error_message}/m) end it 'allows to access the wrapped errors' do expect(catch_exception.call { action }.errors).to \ all(be_a(Boltless::Errors::ResponseError)) end end end describe '#serialize_body' do let(:action) { ->(obj) { instance.serialize_body(obj) } } context 'with an Array' do it 'returns the expected JSON representation' do expect(action[[1, [2]]]).to be_eql('[1,[2]]') end end context 'with a Hash' do it 'returns the expected JSON representation' do expect(action[{ a: { b: true } }]).to be_eql('{"a":{"b":true}}') end end context 'with a String' do it 'returns the expected JSON representation' do expect(action['test']).to be_eql('"test"') end end end describe '#handle_transport_errors' do let(:action) do instance.handle_transport_errors do raise HTTP::Error, 'Something went wrong' end end it 're-raises any HTTP::Error as Boltless::Errors::RequestError' do expect { action }.to raise_error(Boltless::Errors::RequestError, /Something went wrong/) end end describe '#log_query' do let(:action) do proc do |&block| block ||= user_block instance.log_query(tx_id, *statements, &block) end end let(:tx_id) { 8934 } let(:statements) do [{ statement: 'RETURN date()' }, { statement: 'RETURN 1' }] end let(:user_block) { -> { 923 } } before do Boltless.configuration.query_log_enabled = conf_value end context 'when query logging is disabled (false)' do let(:conf_value) { false } it 'yields the user block' do expect { |control| action[&control] }.to yield_control end it 'returns the result of the user block' do expect(action.call).to be_eql(923) end it 'does not change the request counter' do expect { action.call }.not_to \ change { instance.instance_variable_get(:@requests_done) }.from(0) end it 'does not call the logger' do expect(Boltless.logger).not_to receive(:debug) action.call end end context 'when query logging is enabled (true)' do let(:conf_value) { true } it 'yields the user block' do expect { |control| action[&control] }.to yield_control end it 'returns the result of the user block' do expect(action.call).to be_eql(923) end it 'change the request counter' do expect { action.call }.to \ change { instance.instance_variable_get(:@requests_done) } .from(0).to(1) end it 'calls the logger' do expect(Boltless.logger).to receive(:debug).once action.call end it 'calls the logger without arguments' do expect(Boltless.logger).to receive(:debug).with(no_args) action.call end it 'calls the logger with a block' do allow(Boltless.logger).to receive(:debug) do |&block| expect(block).to be_a(Proc) end action.call end it 'calls the #generate_log_str with the transaction identifier' do expect(instance).to \ receive(:generate_log_str).with(8934, anything, anything, anything) action.call end it 'calls the #generate_log_str with the mesaured duration' do expect(instance).to \ receive(:generate_log_str).with(anything, Float, anything, anything) action.call end it 'calls the #generate_log_str with the statements' do expect(instance).to \ receive(:generate_log_str).with(anything, anything, *statements) action.call end context 'with :begin as transaction identifier' do let(:tx_id) { :begin } let(:statements) { [{ statement: 'RETURN date()' }] } it 'calls the #generate_log_str with block result ' \ 'as transaction identifier' do expect(instance).to \ receive(:generate_log_str).with(923, anything, anything) action.call end end end context 'when query logging is enabled (:debug)' do let(:conf_value) { :debug } it 'yields the user block' do expect { |control| action[&control] }.to yield_control end it 'returns the result of the user block' do expect(action.call).to be_eql(923) end it 'calls the logger twice' do expect(Boltless.logger).to receive(:debug).twice action.call end describe 'the extra debug logging call' do # NOTE: We prepare to run only the "half" of the method, by raising # within the user block. This results in a single +#generate_log_str+ # call, the one we want to inspect. Other we would have to distinguish # them with more complex logic. let(:action) do saction = super() -> { suppress(StandardError) { saction.call } } end let(:user_block) { -> { raise } } it 'calls the logger' do expect(Boltless.logger).to receive(:debug).once action.call end it 'calls the logger without arguments' do expect(Boltless.logger).to receive(:debug).with(no_args) action.call end it 'calls the logger with a block' do allow(Boltless.logger).to receive(:debug) do |&block| expect(block).to be_a(Proc) end action.call end it 'calls the #generate_log_str with the transaction identifier' do expect(instance).to \ receive(:generate_log_str).with(8934, anything, anything, anything) action.call end it 'calls the #generate_log_str without a duration' do expect(instance).to \ receive(:generate_log_str).with(anything, nil, anything, anything) action.call end it 'calls the #generate_log_str with the statements' do expect(instance).to \ receive(:generate_log_str).with(anything, anything, *statements) action.call end context 'with :begin as transaction identifier' do let(:tx_id) { :begin } let(:statements) { [{ statement: 'RETURN date()' }] } it 'calls the #generate_log_str with "tbd" ' \ 'as transaction identifier' do expect(instance).to \ receive(:generate_log_str).with('tbd', anything, anything) action.call end end end end end describe '#generate_log_str' do let(:action) do instance.generate_log_str(tx_id, duration, *statements).uncolorize end let(:tx_id) { 594 } let(:duration) { 9.5 } let(:statements) do [ { statement: 'RETURN $arg', parameters: { arg: 2 } } ] end it 'follows the log pattern' do expect(action).to \ match(/^Boltless \[tx:\w+:\d+ rq:\d+\] \([\d.]+ms\) .*/) end context 'with read access mode' do let(:instance) { new_instance[access_mode: :read] } it 'includes the access mode of the request' do expect(action).to include('[tx:read:') end end context 'with write access mode' do let(:instance) { new_instance[access_mode: :write] } it 'includes the access mode of the request' do expect(action).to include('[tx:write:') end end context 'with a transaction identifier' do it 'includes the transaction identifier inside the tag' do expect(action).to include('[tx:write:594 ') end it 'includes the current request count' do instance.instance_variable_set(:@requests_done, 8) expect(action).to include('[tx:write:594 rq:8]') end end context 'without a transaction identifier' do let(:tx_id) { nil } it 'falls back to the one-shot transaction identifier' do expect(action).to include('[tx:write:one-shot]') end end context 'with a duration' do it 'includes the formatted duration' do expect(action).to include('] (9.5ms) RETURN') end end context 'without a duration' do let(:duration) { nil } it 'skips the duration between tag and statement' do expect(action).to include('] RETURN') end end context 'with a single statement' do it 'returns a string with a single line' do expect(action.lines.count).to be_eql(1) end it 'resolves the Cypher statement with the parameters' do expect(action).to include('RETURN 2') end end context 'with multiple statements' do let(:statements) do [ { statement: 'RETURN $arg', parameters: { arg: 2 } }, { statement: 'MATCH (n:User { name: $name }) RETURN count(n)', parameters: { name: 'Klaus' } } ] end it 'returns a string with two lines' do expect(action.lines.count).to be_eql(2) end it 'resolves the Cypher statement with the parameters (1)' do expect(action).to include('RETURN 2') end it 'resolves the Cypher statement with the parameters (2)' do expect(action).to \ include('MATCH (n:User { name: "Klaus" }) RETURN count(n)') end end context 'with a mult-line Cypher statement' do let(:statements) do [ { statement: <<~CYPHER, MATCH (n:User { name: $name }) RETURN count(n) // Nice comment CYPHER parameters: { name: 'Klaus' } } ] end it 'flattens multi-line Cypher statements to a single line each' do expect(action).to \ include('MATCH (n:User { name: "Klaus" }) RETURN count(n)') end end end end # rubocop:enable RSpec/NestedGroups