(function() { var UnderscoreExtensions, __slice = Array.prototype.slice; (window || global).Luca = function() { var args, definition, fallback, inheritsFrom, payload, result; payload = arguments[0], args = 2 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 1) : []; if (_.isString(payload) && (result = Luca.cache(payload))) return result; if (_.isString(payload) && (result = Luca.find(payload))) return result; if (_.isObject(payload) && (payload.ctype != null)) { return Luca.util.lazyComponent(payload); } if (_.isObject(payload) && payload.defines && payload["extends"]) { definition = payload.defines; inheritsFrom = payload["extends"]; } if (_.isFunction(fallback = _(args).last())) return fallback(); }; _.extend(Luca, { VERSION: "0.9.2", core: {}, containers: {}, components: {}, modules: {}, util: {}, fields: {}, registry: {} }); _.extend(Luca, Backbone.Events); Luca.autoRegister = true; Luca.developmentMode = false; Luca.enableGlobalObserver = false; Luca.enableBootstrap = true; Luca.keys = { ENTER: 13, ESCAPE: 27, KEYLEFT: 37, KEYUP: 38, KEYRIGHT: 39, KEYDOWN: 40, SPACEBAR: 32, FORWARDSLASH: 191 }; Luca.keyMap = _(Luca.keys).inject(function(memo, value, symbol) { memo[value] = symbol.toLowerCase(); return memo; }, {}); Luca.find = function() { return; }; Luca.supportsEvents = Luca.supportsBackboneEvents = function(obj) { return Luca.isComponent(obj) || (_.isFunction(obj != null ? obj.trigger : void 0) || _.isFunction(obj != null ? obj.bind : void 0)); }; Luca.isComponent = function(obj) { return Luca.isBackboneModel(obj) || Luca.isBackboneView(obj) || Luca.isBackboneCollection(obj); }; Luca.isComponentPrototype = function(obj) { return Luca.isViewPrototype(obj) || Luca.isModelPrototype(obj) || Luca.isCollectionPrototype(obj); }; Luca.isBackboneModel = function(obj) { return _.isFunction(obj != null ? obj.set : void 0) && _.isFunction(obj != null ? obj.get : void 0) && _.isObject(obj != null ? obj.attributes : void 0); }; Luca.isBackboneView = function(obj) { return _.isFunction(obj != null ? obj.render : void 0) && !_.isUndefined(obj != null ? obj.el : void 0); }; Luca.isBackboneCollection = function(obj) { return _.isFunction(obj != null ? obj.fetch : void 0) && _.isFunction(obj != null ? obj.reset : void 0); }; Luca.isViewPrototype = function(obj) { return (obj != null) && (obj.prototype != null) && (obj.prototype.make != null) && (obj.prototype.$ != null) && (obj.prototype.render != null); }; Luca.isModelPrototype = function(obj) { return (obj != null) && (typeof obj.prototype === "function" ? obj.prototype((obj.prototype.save != null) && (obj.prototype.changedAttributes != null)) : void 0); }; Luca.isCollectionPrototype = function(obj) { return (obj != null) && (obj.prototype != null) && !Luca.isModelPrototype(obj) && (obj.prototype.reset != null) && (obj.prototype.select != null) && (obj.prototype.reject != null); }; Luca.inheritanceChain = function(obj) { return _(Luca.parentClasses(obj)).map(function(className) { return Luca.util.resolve(className); }); }; Luca.parentClasses = function(obj) { var classes, list, _ref; list = []; if (_.isString(obj)) obj = Luca.util.resolve(obj); list.push(obj.displayName || ((_ref = obj.prototype) != null ? _ref.displayName : void 0) || Luca.parentClass(obj)); classes = (function() { var _results; _results = []; while (!!(Luca.parentClass(obj) != null)) { _results.push(obj = Luca.parentClass(obj)); } return _results; })(); list = list.concat(classes); return _.uniq(list); }; Luca.parentClass = function(obj) { var list, _base, _ref; list = []; if (_.isString(obj)) obj = Luca.util.resolve(obj); if (Luca.isComponent(obj)) { return obj.displayName; } else if (Luca.isComponentPrototype(obj)) { return typeof (_base = obj.prototype)._superClass === "function" ? (_ref = _base._superClass()) != null ? _ref.displayName : void 0 : void 0; } }; Luca.template = function(template_name, variables) { var jst, luca, needle, template, _ref; window.JST || (window.JST = {}); if (_.isFunction(template_name)) return template_name(variables); luca = (_ref = Luca.templates) != null ? _ref[template_name] : void 0; jst = typeof JST !== "undefined" && JST !== null ? JST[template_name] : void 0; if (!((luca != null) || (jst != null))) { needle = new RegExp("" + template_name + "$"); luca = _(Luca.templates).detect(function(fn, template_id) { return needle.exec(template_id); }); jst = _(JST).detect(function(fn, template_id) { return needle.exec(template_id); }); } if (!(luca || jst)) throw "Could not find template named " + template_name; template = luca || jst; if (variables != null) return template(variables); return template; }; Luca.available_templates = function(filter) { var available; if (filter == null) filter = ""; available = _(Luca.templates).keys(); if (filter.length > 0) { return _(available).select(function(tmpl) { return tmpl.match(filter); }); } else { return available; } }; UnderscoreExtensions = { module: function(base, module) { _.extend(base, module); if (base.included && _(base.included).isFunction()) { return base.included.apply(base); } }, "delete": function(object, key) { var value; value = object[key]; delete object[key]; return value; }, idle: function(code, delay) { var handle; if (delay == null) delay = 1000; if (window.DISABLE_IDLE) delay = 0; handle = void 0; return function() { if (handle) window.clearTimeout(handle); return handle = window.setTimeout(_.bind(code, this), delay); }; }, idleShort: function(code, delay) { var handle; if (delay == null) delay = 100; if (window.DISABLE_IDLE) delay = 0; handle = void 0; return function() { if (handle) window.clearTimeout(handle); return handle = window.setTimeout(_.bind(code, this), delay); }; }, idleMedium: function(code, delay) { var handle; if (delay == null) delay = 2000; if (window.DISABLE_IDLE) delay = 0; handle = void 0; return function() { if (handle) window.clearTimeout(handle); return handle = window.setTimeout(_.bind(code, this), delay); }; }, idleLong: function(code, delay) { var handle; if (delay == null) delay = 5000; if (window.DISABLE_IDLE) delay = 0; handle = void 0; return function() { if (handle) window.clearTimeout(handle); return handle = window.setTimeout(_.bind(code, this), delay); }; } }; _.mixin(UnderscoreExtensions); }).call(this); (function() { var currentNamespace; Luca.util.resolve = function(accessor, source_object) { source_object || (source_object = window || global); return _(accessor.split(/\./)).inject(function(obj, key) { return obj = obj != null ? obj[key] : void 0; }, source_object); }; Luca.util.nestedValue = Luca.util.resolve; Luca.util.classify = function(string) { if (string == null) string = ""; return _.string.camelize(_.string.capitalize(string)); }; Luca.util.hook = function(eventId) { var fn, parts, prefix; if (eventId == null) eventId = ""; parts = eventId.split(':'); prefix = parts.shift(); parts = _(parts).map(function(p) { return _.string.capitalize(p); }); return fn = prefix + parts.join(''); }; Luca.util.isIE = function() { try { Object.defineProperty({}, '', {}); return false; } catch (e) { return true; } }; currentNamespace = window || global; Luca.util.namespace = function(namespace) { if (namespace == null) return currentNamespace; currentNamespace = _.isString(namespace) ? Luca.util.resolve(namespace, window || global) : namespace; if (currentNamespace != null) return currentNamespace; return currentNamespace = eval("(window||global)." + namespace + " = {}"); }; Luca.util.lazyComponent = function(config) { var componentClass, constructor, ctype; if (_.isObject(config)) ctype = config.ctype || config.type; if (_.isString(config)) ctype = config; componentClass = Luca.registry.lookup(ctype); if (!componentClass) { throw "Invalid Component Type: " + ctype + ". Did you forget to register it?"; } constructor = eval(componentClass); return new constructor(config); }; Luca.util.selectProperties = function(iterator, object, context) { var values; values = _(object).values(); return _(values).select(iterator); }; Luca.util.loadScript = function(url, callback) { var script; script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; if (script.readyState) { script.onreadystatechange = function() { if (script.readyState === "loaded" || script.readyState === "complete") { script.onreadystatechange = null; return callback(); } else { return script.onload = function() { return callback(); }; } }; } script.src = url; return document.body.appendChild(script); }; Luca.util.make = Backbone.View.prototype.make; Luca.util.label = function(contents, type, baseClass) { var cssClass; if (contents == null) contents = ""; if (baseClass == null) baseClass = "label"; cssClass = baseClass; if (type != null) cssClass += " " + baseClass + "-" + type; return Luca.util.make("span", { "class": cssClass }, contents); }; Luca.util.badge = function(contents, type, baseClass) { var cssClass; if (contents == null) contents = ""; if (baseClass == null) baseClass = "badge"; cssClass = baseClass; if (type != null) cssClass += " " + baseClass + "-" + type; return Luca.util.make("span", { "class": cssClass }, contents); }; }).call(this); (function() { var DeferredBindingProxy, DefineProxy; Luca.define = function(componentName) { return new DefineProxy(componentName); }; Luca.component = Luca.define; DefineProxy = (function() { function DefineProxy(componentName) { var parts; this.namespace = Luca.util.namespace(); this.componentId = this.componentName = componentName; if (componentName.match(/\./)) { this.namespaced = true; parts = componentName.split('.'); this.componentId = parts.pop(); this.namespace = parts.join('.'); Luca.registry.addNamespace(parts.join('.')); } } DefineProxy.prototype["in"] = function(namespace) { this.namespace = namespace; return this; }; DefineProxy.prototype.from = function(superClassName) { this.superClassName = superClassName; return this; }; DefineProxy.prototype["extends"] = function(superClassName) { this.superClassName = superClassName; return this; }; DefineProxy.prototype.extend = function(superClassName) { this.superClassName = superClassName; return this; }; DefineProxy.prototype.enhance = function(properties) { if (properties != null) return this["with"](properties); return this; }; DefineProxy.prototype["with"] = function(properties) { var at, componentType; at = this.namespaced ? Luca.util.resolve(this.namespace, window || global) : window || global; if (this.namespaced && !(at != null)) { eval("(window||global)." + this.namespace + " = {}"); at = Luca.util.resolve(this.namespace, window || global); } at[this.componentId] = Luca.extend(this.superClassName, this.componentName, properties); if (Luca.autoRegister === true) { if (Luca.isViewPrototype(at[this.componentId])) componentType = "view"; if (Luca.isCollectionPrototype(at[this.componentId])) { componentType = "collection"; } if (Luca.isModelPrototype(at[this.componentId])) componentType = "model"; Luca.register(_.string.underscored(this.componentId), this.componentName, componentType); } return at[this.componentId]; }; return DefineProxy; })(); Luca.extend = function(superClassName, childName, properties) { var superClass; if (properties == null) properties = {}; superClass = Luca.util.resolve(superClassName, window || global); if (!_.isFunction(superClass != null ? superClass.extend : void 0)) { throw "" + superClassName + " is not a valid component to extend from"; } properties.displayName = childName; properties._superClass = function() { superClass.displayName || (superClass.displayName = superClassName); return superClass; }; properties._super = function(method, context, args) { var _ref; return (_ref = this._superClass().prototype[method]) != null ? _ref.apply(context, args) : void 0; }; return superClass.extend(properties); }; _.mixin({ def: Luca.define }); DeferredBindingProxy = (function() { function DeferredBindingProxy(object, operation, wrapWithUnderscore) { var fn, _this = this; this.object = object; if (wrapWithUnderscore == null) wrapWithUnderscore = true; if (_.isFunction(operation)) { fn = operation; } else if (_.isString(operation) && _.isFunction(this.object[operation])) { fn = this.object[operation]; } if (!_.isFunction(fn)) { throw "Must pass a function or a string representing one"; } if (wrapWithUnderscore === true) { this.fn = function() { return _.defer(fn); }; } else { this.fn = fn; } this; } DeferredBindingProxy.prototype.until = function(watch, trigger) { if ((watch != null) && !(trigger != null)) { trigger = watch; watch = this.object; } watch.once(trigger, this.fn); return this.object; }; return DeferredBindingProxy; })(); Luca.Events = { defer: function(operation, wrapWithUnderscore) { if (wrapWithUnderscore == null) wrapWithUnderscore = true; return new DeferredBindingProxy(this, operation, wrapWithUnderscore); }, once: function(trigger, callback, context) { var onceFn; context || (context = this); onceFn = function() { callback.apply(context, arguments); return this.unbind(trigger, onceFn); }; return this.bind(trigger, onceFn); } }; Luca.ScriptLoader = (function() { ScriptLoader.loaded = {}; function ScriptLoader(options) { var ready; if (options == null) options = {}; _.extend(this, Backbone.Events, Luca.Events); this.autoStart = options.autoStart === true; this.scripts = options.scripts; ready = function() { return this.trigger("ready"); }; this.ready = _.after(this.scripts.length, ready); _.bindAll(this, "load", "ready"); this.defer("load").until(this, "start"); if (this.autoStart === true) this.trigger("start"); this.bind("ready", this.onReady); } ScriptLoader.prototype.applyPrefix = function(script) { return script; }; ScriptLoader.prototype.onReady = function() { return console.log("All dependencies loaded"); }; ScriptLoader.prototype.start = function() { return this.trigger("start"); }; ScriptLoader.prototype.load = function() { var script, _i, _len, _ref, _results; _ref = this.scripts; _results = []; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { script = _ref[_i]; _results.push(Luca.util.loadScript(this.applyPrefix(script), this.ready)); } return _results; }; return ScriptLoader; })(); }).call(this); (function() { var component_cache, registry; registry = { classes: {}, model_classes: {}, collection_classes: {}, namespaces: ['Luca.containers', 'Luca.components'] }; component_cache = { cid_index: {}, name_index: {} }; Luca.defaultComponentType = 'view'; Luca.register = function(component, prototypeName, componentType) { if (componentType == null) componentType = "view"; Luca.trigger("component:registered", component, prototypeName); switch (componentType) { case "model": return registry.model_classes[component] = prototypeName; case "collection": return registry.model_classes[component] = prototypeName; default: return registry.classes[component] = prototypeName; } }; Luca.development_mode_register = function(component, prototypeName) { var existing, liveInstances, prototypeDefinition; existing = registry.classes[component]; if (Luca.enableDevelopmentTools === true && (existing != null)) { prototypeDefinition = Luca.util.resolve(existing, window); liveInstances = Luca.registry.findInstancesByClassName(prototypeName); _(liveInstances).each(function(instance) { var _ref; return instance != null ? (_ref = instance.refreshCode) != null ? _ref.call(instance, prototypeDefinition) : void 0 : void 0; }); } return Luca.register(component, prototypeName); }; Luca.registry.addNamespace = function(identifier) { registry.namespaces.push(identifier); return registry.namespaces = _(registry.namespaces).uniq(); }; Luca.registry.namespaces = function(resolve) { if (resolve == null) resolve = true; return _(registry.namespaces).map(function(namespace) { if (resolve) { return Luca.util.resolve(namespace); } else { return namespace; } }); }; Luca.registry.lookup = function(ctype) { var c, className, fullPath, parents, _ref; c = registry.classes[ctype]; if (c != null) return c; className = Luca.util.classify(ctype); parents = Luca.registry.namespaces(); return fullPath = (_ref = _(parents).chain().map(function(parent) { return parent[className]; }).compact().value()) != null ? _ref[0] : void 0; }; Luca.registry.findInstancesByClassName = function(className) { var instances; instances = _(component_cache.cid_index).values(); return _(instances).select(function(instance) { var _ref; return instance.displayName === className || (typeof instance._superClass === "function" ? (_ref = instance._superClass()) != null ? _ref.displayName : void 0 : void 0) === className; }); }; Luca.registry.classes = function(toString) { if (toString == null) toString = false; return _(registry.classes).map(function(className, ctype) { if (toString) { return className; } else { return { className: className, ctype: ctype }; } }); }; Luca.cache = function(needle, component) { var lookup_id; if (component != null) component_cache.cid_index[needle] = component; component = component_cache.cid_index[needle]; if ((component != null ? component.component_name : void 0) != null) { Luca.trigger("component:created:" + component.component_name, component); component_cache.name_index[component.component_name] = component.cid; } else if ((component != null ? component.name : void 0) != null) { Luca.trigger("component:created:" + component.component_name, component); component_cache.name_index[component.name] = component.cid; } if (component != null) return component; lookup_id = component_cache.name_index[needle]; return component_cache.cid_index[lookup_id]; }; }).call(this); (function() { var customizeRender, originalExtend; _.def("Luca.View")["extends"]("Backbone.View")["with"]({ additionalClassNames: [], debug: function() { var message, _i, _len, _results; if (!(this.debugMode || (window.LucaDebugMode != null))) return; _results = []; for (_i = 0, _len = arguments.length; _i < _len; _i++) { message = arguments[_i]; _results.push(console.log([this.name || this.cid, message])); } return _results; }, trigger: function() { if (Luca.enableGlobalObserver) { if (Luca.developmentMode === true || this.observeEvents === true) { Luca.ViewObserver || (Luca.ViewObserver = new Luca.Observer({ type: "view" })); Luca.ViewObserver.relay(this, arguments); } } return Backbone.View.prototype.trigger.apply(this, arguments); }, hooks: ["after:initialize", "before:render", "after:render", "first:activation", "activation", "deactivation"], initialize: function(options) { var additional, template, unique, _i, _len, _ref; this.options = options != null ? options : {}; _.extend(this, this.options); if (this.name != null) this.cid = _.uniqueId(this.name); if (template = this.bodyTemplate) { this.$el.empty(); Luca.View.prototype.$html.call(this, Luca.template(template, this)); } Luca.cache(this.cid, this); unique = _(Luca.View.prototype.hooks.concat(this.hooks)).uniq(); this.setupHooks(unique); if (this.autoBindEventHandlers === true) this.bindAllEventHandlers(); if (this.additionalClassNames) { if (_.isString(this.additionalClassNames)) { this.additionalClassNames = this.additionalClassNames.split(" "); } _ref = this.additionalClassNames; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { additional = _ref[_i]; this.$el.addClass(additional); } } this.trigger("after:initialize", this); this.registerCollectionEvents(); return this.delegateEvents(); }, $wrap: function(wrapper) { if (_.isString(wrapper) && !wrapper.match(/[<>]/)) { wrapper = this.make("div", { "class": wrapper }); } return this.$el.wrap(wrapper); }, $template: function(template, variables) { if (variables == null) variables = {}; return this.$el.html(Luca.template(template, variables)); }, $html: function(content) { return this.$el.html(content); }, $append: function(content) { return this.$el.append(content); }, $attach: function() { return this.$container().append(this.el); }, $container: function() { return $(this.container); }, setupHooks: function(set) { var _this = this; set || (set = this.hooks); return _(set).each(function(eventId) { var callback, fn; fn = Luca.util.hook(eventId); callback = function() { var _ref; return (_ref = _this[fn]) != null ? _ref.apply(_this, arguments) : void 0; }; if (eventId != null ? eventId.match(/once:/) : void 0) { callback = _.once(callback); } return _this.bind(eventId, callback); }); }, getCollectionManager: function() { var _base; return this.collectionManager || (typeof (_base = Luca.CollectionManager).get === "function" ? _base.get() : void 0); }, registerCollectionEvents: function() { var manager, _this = this; manager = this.getCollectionManager(); return _(this.collectionEvents).each(function(handler, signature) { var collection, event, key, _ref; _ref = signature.split(" "), key = _ref[0], event = _ref[1]; collection = _this["" + key + "Collection"] = manager.getOrCreate(key); if (!collection) throw "Could not find collection specified by " + key; if (_.isString(handler)) handler = _this[handler]; if (!_.isFunction(handler)) throw "invalid collectionEvents configuration"; try { return collection.bind(event, handler); } catch (e) { console.log("Error Binding To Collection in registerCollectionEvents", _this); throw e; } }); }, registerEvent: function(selector, handler) { this.events || (this.events = {}); this.events[selector] = handler; return this.delegateEvents(); }, bindAllEventHandlers: function() { var _this = this; return _(this.events).each(function(handler, event) { if (_.isString(handler)) return _.bindAll(_this, handler); }); }, definitionClass: function() { var _ref; return (_ref = Luca.util.resolve(this.displayName, window)) != null ? _ref.prototype : void 0; }, refreshCode: function() { var view; view = this; _(this.eventHandlerProperties()).each(function(prop) { return view[prop] = view.definitionClass()[prop]; }); if (this.autoBindEventHandlers === true) this.bindAllEventHandlers(); return this.delegateEvents(); }, eventHandlerProperties: function() { var handlerIds; handlerIds = _(this.events).values(); return _(handlerIds).select(function(v) { return _.isString(v); }); }, eventHandlerFunctions: function() { var handlerIds, _this = this; handlerIds = _(this.events).values(); return _(handlerIds).map(function(handlerId) { if (_.isFunction(handlerId)) { return handlerId; } else { return _this[handlerId]; } }); }, collections: function() { return Luca.util.selectProperties(Luca.isBackboneCollection, this); }, models: function() { return Luca.util.selectProperties(Luca.isBackboneModel, this); }, views: function() { return Luca.util.selectProperties(Luca.isBackboneView, this); } }); originalExtend = Backbone.View.extend; customizeRender = function(definition) { var _base; _base = definition.render; _base || (_base = Luca.View.prototype.$attach); definition.render = function() { var autoTrigger, deferred, fn, target, trigger, view, _this = this; view = this; if (this.deferrable) { target = this.deferrable_target; if (!Luca.isBackboneCollection(this.deferrable)) { this.deferrable = this.collection; } target || (target = this.deferrable); trigger = this.deferrable_event ? this.deferrable_event : "reset"; deferred = function() { _base.call(view); return view.trigger("after:render", view); }; view.defer(deferred).until(target, trigger); view.trigger("before:render", this); autoTrigger = this.deferrable_trigger || this.deferUntil; if (!(autoTrigger != null)) { target[this.deferrable_method || "fetch"].call(target); } else { fn = _.once(function() { var _base2, _name; return typeof (_base2 = _this.deferrable)[_name = _this.deferrable_method || "fetch"] === "function" ? _base2[_name]() : void 0; }); (this.deferrable_target || this).bind(this.deferrable_trigger, fn); } return this; } else { this.trigger("before:render", this); _base.apply(this, arguments); this.trigger("after:render", this); return this; } }; return definition; }; Luca.View.extend = function(definition) { definition = customizeRender(definition); return originalExtend.call(this, definition); }; }).call(this); (function() { _.def('Luca.Model')["extends"]('Backbone.Model')["with"]({ initialize: function() { var attr, dependencies, _ref, _results, _this = this; Backbone.Model.prototype.initialize(this, arguments); if (_.isUndefined(this.computed)) return; this._computed = {}; _ref = this.computed; _results = []; for (attr in _ref) { dependencies = _ref[attr]; this.on("change:" + attr, function() { return _this._computed[attr] = _this[attr].call(_this); }); _results.push(_(dependencies).each(function(dep) { _this.on("change:" + dep, function() { return _this.trigger("change:" + attr); }); if (_this.has(dep)) return _this.trigger("change:" + attr); })); } return _results; }, get: function(attr) { var _ref; if ((_ref = this.computed) != null ? _ref.hasOwnProperty(attr) : void 0) { return this._computed[attr]; } else { return Backbone.Model.prototype.get.call(this, attr); } } }); }).call(this); (function() { var source; source = 'Backbone.Collection'; if (Backbone.QueryCollection != null) source = 'Backbone.QueryCollection'; _.def("Luca.Collection")["extends"](source)["with"]({ cachedMethods: [], remoteFilter: false, initialize: function(models, options) { var table, _this = this; if (models == null) models = []; this.options = options; _.extend(this, this.options); this.setupMethodCaching(); this._reset(); if (this.cached) { console.log('The @cached property of Luca.Collection is being deprecated. Please change to cache_key'); } if (this.cache_key || (this.cache_key = this.cached)) { this.bootstrap_cache_key = _.isFunction(this.cache_key) ? this.cache_key() : this.cache_key; } if (this.registerAs || this.registerWith) { console.log("This configuration API is deprecated. use @name and @manager properties instead"); } this.name || (this.name = this.registerAs); this.manager || (this.manager = this.registerWith); this.manager = _.isFunction(this.manager) ? this.manager() : this.manager; if (this.name && !this.manager) this.manager = Luca.CollectionManager.get(); if (this.manager) { this.name || (this.name = this.cache_key()); this.name = _.isFunction(this.name) ? this.name() : this.name; if (!(this.private || this.anonymous)) { this.bind("after:initialize", function() { return _this.register(_this.manager, _this.name, _this); }); } } if (this.useLocalStorage === true && (window.localStorage != null)) { table = this.bootstrap_cache_key || this.name; throw "Must specify either a cached or registerAs property to use localStorage"; this.localStorage = new Luca.LocalStore(table); } if (_.isArray(this.data) && this.data.length > 0) { this.memoryCollection = true; } if (this.useNormalUrl !== true) this.__wrapUrl(); Backbone.Collection.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [models, this.options]); if (models) { this.reset(models, { silent: true, parse: options != null ? options.parse : void 0 }); } return this.trigger("after:initialize"); }, __wrapUrl: function() { var params, url, _this = this; if (_.isFunction(this.url)) { return this.url = _.wrap(this.url, function(fn) { var existing_params, new_val, parts, queryString, val; val = fn.apply(_this); parts = val.split('?'); if (parts.length > 1) existing_params = _.last(parts); queryString = _this.queryString(); if (existing_params && val.match(existing_params)) { queryString = queryString.replace(existing_params, ''); } new_val = "" + val + "?" + queryString; if (new_val.match(/\?$/)) new_val = new_val.replace(/\?$/, ''); return new_val; }); } else { url = this.url; params = this.queryString(); return this.url = _([url, params]).compact().join("?"); } }, queryString: function() { var parts, _this = this; parts = _(this.base_params || (this.base_params = Luca.Collection.baseParams())).inject(function(memo, value, key) { var str; str = "" + key + "=" + value; memo.push(str); return memo; }, []); return _.uniq(parts).join("&"); }, resetFilter: function() { this.base_params = _(Luca.Collection.baseParams()).clone(); return this; }, applyFilter: function(filter, options) { if (filter == null) filter = {}; if (options == null) options = {}; if ((options.remote != null) === true || this.remoteFilter === true) { this.applyParams(filter); return this.fetch(_.extend(options, { refresh: true })); } else { return this.reset(this.query(filter)); } }, applyParams: function(params) { this.base_params = _(Luca.Collection.baseParams()).clone(); _.extend(this.base_params, params); return this; }, register: function(collectionManager, key, collection) { if (collectionManager == null) { collectionManager = Luca.CollectionManager.get(); } if (key == null) key = ""; if (!(key.length >= 1)) { throw "Can not register with a collection manager without a key"; } if (collectionManager == null) { throw "Can not register with a collection manager without a valid collection manager"; } if (_.isString(collectionManager)) { collectionManager = Luca.util.nestedValue(collectionManager, window || global); } if (!collectionManager) throw "Could not register with collection manager"; if (_.isFunction(collectionManager.add)) { return collectionManager.add(key, collection); } if (_.isObject(collectionManager)) { return collectionManager[key] = collection; } }, loadFromBootstrap: function() { if (!this.bootstrap_cache_key) return; this.reset(this.cached_models()); return this.trigger("bootstrapped", this); }, bootstrap: function() { return this.loadFromBootstrap(); }, cached_models: function() { return Luca.Collection.cache(this.bootstrap_cache_key); }, fetch: function(options) { var url; if (options == null) options = {}; this.trigger("before:fetch", this); if (this.memoryCollection === true) return this.reset(this.data); if (this.cached_models().length && !options.refresh) return this.bootstrap(); url = _.isFunction(this.url) ? this.url() : this.url; if (!((url && url.length > 1) || this.localStorage)) return true; this.fetching = true; try { return Backbone.Collection.prototype.fetch.apply(this, arguments); } catch (e) { console.log("Error in Collection.fetch", e); throw e; } }, onceLoaded: function(fn, options) { var wrapped, _this = this; if (options == null) { options = { autoFetch: true }; } if (this.length > 0 && !this.fetching) { fn.apply(this, [this]); return; } wrapped = function() { return fn.apply(_this, [_this]); }; this.bind("reset", function() { wrapped(); return this.unbind("reset", this); }); if (!(this.fetching || !options.autoFetch)) return this.fetch(); }, ifLoaded: function(fn, options) { var scope, _this = this; if (options == null) { options = { scope: this, autoFetch: true }; } scope = options.scope || this; if (this.length > 0 && !this.fetching) fn.apply(scope, [this]); this.bind("reset", function(collection) { return fn.call(scope, collection); }); if (!(this.fetching === true || !options.autoFetch || this.length > 0)) { return this.fetch(); } }, parse: function(response) { var models; this.fetching = false; this.trigger("after:response", response); models = this.root != null ? response[this.root] : response; if (this.bootstrap_cache_key) { Luca.Collection.cache(this.bootstrap_cache_key, models); } return models; }, restoreMethodCache: function() { var config, name, _ref, _results; _ref = this._methodCache; _results = []; for (name in _ref) { config = _ref[name]; if (config.original != null) { config.args = void 0; _results.push(this[name] = config.original); } else { _results.push(void 0); } } return _results; }, clearMethodCache: function(method) { return this._methodCache[method].value = void 0; }, clearAllMethodsCache: function() { var config, name, _ref, _results; _ref = this._methodCache; _results = []; for (name in _ref) { config = _ref[name]; _results.push(this.clearMethodCache(name)); } return _results; }, setupMethodCaching: function() { var cache, collection, membershipEvents; collection = this; membershipEvents = ["reset", "add", "remove"]; cache = this._methodCache = {}; return _(this.cachedMethods).each(function(method) { var dependencies, dependency, membershipEvent, _i, _j, _len, _len2, _ref, _results; cache[method] = { name: method, original: collection[method], value: void 0 }; collection[method] = function() { var _base; return (_base = cache[method]).value || (_base.value = cache[method].original.apply(collection, arguments)); }; for (_i = 0, _len = membershipEvents.length; _i < _len; _i++) { membershipEvent = membershipEvents[_i]; collection.bind(membershipEvent, function() { return collection.clearAllMethodsCache(); }); } dependencies = method.split(':')[1]; if (dependencies) { _ref = dependencies.split(","); _results = []; for (_j = 0, _len2 = _ref.length; _j < _len2; _j++) { dependency = _ref[_j]; _results.push(collection.bind("change:" + dependency, function() { return collection.clearMethodCache({ method: method }); })); } return _results; } }); }, query: function(filter, options) { if (filter == null) filter = {}; if (options == null) options = {}; if (Backbone.QueryCollection != null) { return Backbone.QueryCollection.prototype.query.apply(this, arguments); } else { return this.models; } } }); _.extend(Luca.Collection.prototype, { trigger: function() { if (Luca.enableGlobalObserver) { Luca.CollectionObserver || (Luca.CollectionObserver = new Luca.Observer({ type: "collection" })); Luca.CollectionObserver.relay(this, arguments); } return Backbone.View.prototype.trigger.apply(this, arguments); } }); Luca.Collection.baseParams = function(obj) { if (obj) return Luca.Collection._baseParams = obj; if (_.isFunction(Luca.Collection._baseParams)) { return Luca.Collection._baseParams(); } if (_.isObject(Luca.Collection._baseParams)) { return Luca.Collection._baseParams; } }; Luca.Collection._bootstrapped_models = {}; Luca.Collection.bootstrap = function(obj) { return _.extend(Luca.Collection._bootstrapped_models, obj); }; Luca.Collection.cache = function(key, models) { if (models) return Luca.Collection._bootstrapped_models[key] = models; return Luca.Collection._bootstrapped_models[key] || []; }; }).call(this); (function() { var attachToolbar; attachToolbar = function(config, targetEl) { var action, container, hasBody, id, toolbar; if (config == null) config = {}; config.orientation || (config.orientation = "top"); config.ctype || (config.ctype = this.toolbarType || "panel_toolbar"); id = "" + this.cid + "-tbc-" + config.orientation; toolbar = Luca.util.lazyComponent(config); container = this.make("div", { "class": "toolbar-container " + config.orientation, id: id }, toolbar.render().el); hasBody = this.bodyClassName || this.bodyTagName; action = (function() { switch (config.orientation) { case "top": case "left": if (hasBody) { return "before"; } else { return "prepend"; } break; case "bottom": case "right": if (hasBody) { return "after"; } else { return "append"; } } })(); return (targetEl || this.$bodyEl())[action](container); }; _.def("Luca.components.Panel")["extends"]("Luca.View")["with"]({ topToolbar: void 0, bottomToolbar: void 0, loadMask: false, loadMaskTemplate: ["components/load_mask"], loadMaskTimeout: 3000, initialize: function(options) { var _this = this; this.options = options != null ? options : {}; Luca.View.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); _.bindAll(this, "applyLoadMask", "disableLoadMask"); if (this.loadMask === true) { this.defer(function() { _this.$el.addClass('with-mask'); if (_this.$('.load-mask').length === 0) { _this.loadMaskTarget().prepend(Luca.template(_this.loadMaskTemplate, _this)); return _this.$('.load-mask').hide(); } }).until("after:render"); this.on("enable:loadmask", this.applyLoadMask); return this.on("disable:loadmask", this.applyLoadMask); } }, loadMaskTarget: function() { if (this.loadMaskEl != null) { return this.$(this.loadMaskEl); } else { return this.$bodyEl(); } }, disableLoadMask: function() { this.$('.load-mask .bar').css("width", "100%"); this.$('.load-mask').hide(); return clearInterval(this.loadMaskInterval); }, enableLoadMask: function() { var maxWidth, _this = this; this.$('.load-mask').show().find('.bar').css("width", "0%"); maxWidth = this.$('.load-mask .progress').width(); if (maxWidth < 20 && (maxWidth = this.$el.width()) < 20) { maxWidth = this.$el.parent().width(); } this.loadMaskInterval = setInterval(function() { var currentWidth, newWidth; currentWidth = _this.$('.load-mask .bar').width(); newWidth = currentWidth + 12; return _this.$('.load-mask .bar').css('width', newWidth); }, 200); if (this.loadMaskTimeout == null) return; return _.delay(function() { return _this.disableLoadMask(); }, this.loadMaskTimeout); }, applyLoadMask: function() { if (this.$('.load-mask').is(":visible")) { return this.disableLoadMask(); } else { return this.enableLoadMask(); } }, applyStyles: function(styles, body) { var setting, target, value; if (styles == null) styles = {}; if (body == null) body = false; target = body ? this.$bodyEl() : this.$el; for (setting in styles) { value = styles[setting]; target.css(setting, value); } return this; }, beforeRender: function() { var _ref; if ((_ref = Luca.View.prototype.beforeRender) != null) { _ref.apply(this, arguments); } if (this.styles != null) this.applyStyles(this.styles); if (this.bodyStyles != null) this.applyStyles(this.bodyStyles, true); return typeof this.renderToolbars === "function" ? this.renderToolbars() : void 0; }, $bodyEl: function() { var bodyEl, className, element, newElement; element = this.bodyTagName || "div"; className = this.bodyClassName || "view-body"; this.bodyEl || (this.bodyEl = "" + element + "." + className); bodyEl = this.$(this.bodyEl); if (bodyEl.length > 0) return bodyEl; if (bodyEl.length === 0 && ((this.bodyClassName != null) || (this.bodyTagName != null))) { newElement = this.make(element, { "class": className, "data-auto-appended": true }); $(this.el).append(newElement); return this.$(this.bodyEl); } return $(this.el); }, $wrap: function(wrapper) { if (_.isString(wrapper) && !wrapper.match(/[<>]/)) { wrapper = this.make("div", { "class": wrapper }); } return this.$el.wrap(wrapper); }, $template: function(template, variables) { if (variables == null) variables = {}; return this.$html(Luca.template(template, variables)); }, $html: function(content) { return this.$bodyEl().html(content); }, $append: function(content) { return this.$bodyEl().append(content); }, renderToolbars: function() { var _this = this; return _(["top", "left", "right", "bottom"]).each(function(orientation) { var config; if (config = _this["" + orientation + "Toolbar"]) { return _this.renderToolbar(orientation, config); } }); }, renderToolbar: function(orientation, config) { if (orientation == null) orientation = "top"; if (config == null) config = {}; config.parent = this; config.orientation = orientation; return attachToolbar.call(this, config, config.targetEl); } }); }).call(this); (function() { Luca.modules.Deferrable = { configure_collection: function(setAsDeferrable) { var collectionManager, _ref, _ref2; if (setAsDeferrable == null) setAsDeferrable = true; if (!this.collection) return; if (_.isString(this.collection) && (collectionManager = (_ref = Luca.CollectionManager) != null ? _ref.get() : void 0)) { this.collection = collectionManager.getOrCreate(this.collection); } if (!(this.collection && _.isFunction(this.collection.fetch) && _.isFunction(this.collection.reset))) { this.collection = new Luca.Collection(this.collection.initial_set, this.collection); } if ((_ref2 = this.collection) != null ? _ref2.deferrable_trigger : void 0) { this.deferrable_trigger = this.collection.deferrable_trigger; } if (setAsDeferrable) return this.deferrable = this.collection; } }; }).call(this); (function() { Luca.LocalStore = (function() { function LocalStore(name) { var store; this.name = name; store = localStorage.getItem(this.name); this.data = (store && JSON.parse(store)) || {}; } LocalStore.prototype.guid = function() { var S4; S4 = function() { return (((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) | 0).toString(16).substring(1); }; return S4() + S4() + "-" + S4() + "-" + S4() + "-" + S4() + "-" + S4() + S4() + S4(); }; LocalStore.prototype.save = function() { return localStorage.setItem(this.name, JSON.stringify(this.data)); }; LocalStore.prototype.create = function(model) { if (!model.id) model.id = model.attribtues.id = this.guid(); this.data[model.id] = model; this.save(); return model; }; LocalStore.prototype.update = function(model) { this.data[model.id] = model; this.save(); return model; }; LocalStore.prototype.find = function(model) { return this.data[model.id]; }; LocalStore.prototype.findAll = function() { return _.values(this.data); }; LocalStore.prototype.destroy = function(model) { delete this.data[model.id]; this.save(); return model; }; return LocalStore; })(); Backbone.LocalSync = function(method, model, options) { var resp, store; store = model.localStorage || model.collection.localStorage; resp = (function() { switch (method) { case "read": if (model.id) { return store.find(model); } else { return store.findAll(); } case "create": return store.create(model); case "update": return store.update(model); case "delete": return store.destroy(model); } })(); if (resp) { return options.success(resp); } else { return options.error("Record not found"); } }; }).call(this); (function() { Luca.templates || (Luca.templates = {}); Luca.templates["components/bootstrap_form_controls"] = function(obj){var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('
\n \n \n Save Changes\n \n \n \n Cancel\n \n
\n');}return __p.join('');}; }).call(this); (function() { Luca.templates || (Luca.templates = {}); Luca.templates["components/collection_loader_view"] = function(obj){var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('
\n Initializing...\n
\n');}return __p.join('');}; }).call(this); (function() { Luca.templates || (Luca.templates = {}); Luca.templates["components/form_alert"] = function(obj){var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('
\n x\n ', message ,'\n
\n');}return __p.join('');}; }).call(this); (function() { Luca.templates || (Luca.templates = {}); Luca.templates["components/grid_view"] = function(obj){var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('
\n \n \n \n
\n');}return __p.join('');}; }).call(this); (function() { Luca.templates || (Luca.templates = {}); Luca.templates["components/grid_view_empty_text"] = function(obj){var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('

\n ', text ,'\n

\n');}return __p.join('');}; }).call(this); (function() { Luca.templates || (Luca.templates = {}); Luca.templates["components/load_mask"] = function(obj){var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('
\n');}return __p.join('');}; }).call(this); (function() { Luca.templates || (Luca.templates = {}); Luca.templates["components/nav_bar"] = function(obj){var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('
\n');}return __p.join('');}; }).call(this); (function() { Luca.templates || (Luca.templates = {}); Luca.templates["containers/basic"] = function(obj){var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('
\n');}return __p.join('');}; }).call(this); (function() { Luca.templates || (Luca.templates = {}); Luca.templates["containers/tab_selector_container"] = function(obj){var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('
\n \n
\n');}return __p.join('');}; }).call(this); (function() { Luca.templates || (Luca.templates = {}); Luca.templates["containers/tab_view"] = function(obj){var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('\n
\n');}return __p.join('');}; }).call(this); (function() { Luca.templates || (Luca.templates = {}); Luca.templates["containers/toolbar_wrapper"] = function(obj){var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('
\n');}return __p.join('');}; }).call(this); (function() { Luca.templates || (Luca.templates = {}); Luca.templates["fields/button_field"] = function(obj){var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('\n\n');}return __p.join('');}; }).call(this); (function() { Luca.templates || (Luca.templates = {}); Luca.templates["fields/button_field_link"] = function(obj){var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('\n '); if(icon_class.length) { __p.push('\n \n '); } __p.push('\n ', input_value ,'\n\n');}return __p.join('');}; }).call(this); (function() { Luca.templates || (Luca.templates = {}); Luca.templates["fields/checkbox_array"] = function(obj){var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('
\n \n
\n');}return __p.join('');}; }).call(this); (function() { Luca.templates || (Luca.templates = {}); Luca.templates["fields/checkbox_array_item"] = function(obj){var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('\n');}return __p.join('');}; }).call(this); (function() { Luca.templates || (Luca.templates = {}); Luca.templates["fields/checkbox_field"] = function(obj){var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('\n'); if(helperText) { __p.push('\n

\n ', helperText ,'\n

\n'); } __p.push('\n');}return __p.join('');}; }).call(this); (function() { Luca.templates || (Luca.templates = {}); Luca.templates["fields/file_upload_field"] = function(obj){var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('\n\n'); if(helperText) { __p.push('\n

\n ', helperText ,'\n

\n'); } __p.push('\n');}return __p.join('');}; }).call(this); (function() { Luca.templates || (Luca.templates = {}); Luca.templates["fields/hidden_field"] = function(obj){var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('\n');}return __p.join('');}; }).call(this); (function() { Luca.templates || (Luca.templates = {}); Luca.templates["fields/select_field"] = function(obj){var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('\n\n'); if(helperText) { __p.push('\n

\n ', helperText ,'\n

\n'); } __p.push('\n');}return __p.join('');}; }).call(this); (function() { Luca.templates || (Luca.templates = {}); Luca.templates["fields/text_area_field"] = function(obj){var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('\n\n'); if(helperText) { __p.push('\n

\n ', helperText ,'\n

\n'); } __p.push('\n');}return __p.join('');}; }).call(this); (function() { Luca.templates || (Luca.templates = {}); Luca.templates["fields/text_field"] = function(obj){var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push(''); if(typeof(label)!=="undefined" && (typeof(hideLabel) !== "undefined" && !hideLabel) || (typeof(hideLabel)==="undefined")) {__p.push('\n\n'); } __p.push('\n'); if( typeof(addOn) !== "undefined" ) { __p.push('\n\n ', addOn ,'\n\n'); } __p.push('\n\n'); if(helperText) { __p.push('\n

\n ', helperText ,'\n

\n'); } __p.push('\n');}return __p.join('');}; }).call(this); (function() { Luca.templates || (Luca.templates = {}); Luca.templates["sample/contents"] = function(obj){var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('

Sample Contents

\n');}return __p.join('');}; }).call(this); (function() { Luca.templates || (Luca.templates = {}); Luca.templates["sample/welcome"] = function(obj){var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('welcome.luca\n');}return __p.join('');}; }).call(this); (function() { var __slice = Array.prototype.slice; Luca.Observer = (function() { function Observer(options) { var _this = this; this.options = options != null ? options : {}; _.extend(this, Backbone.Events); this.type = this.options.type; if (this.options.debugAll) { this.bind("all", function(trigger, one, two) { return console.log("ALL", trigger, one, two); }); } } Observer.prototype.relay = function() { var args, triggerer; triggerer = arguments[0], args = 2 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 1) : []; console.log("Relaying", trigger, args); this.trigger("event", triggerer, args); return this.trigger("event:" + args[0], triggerer, args.slice(1)); }; return Observer; })(); Luca.Observer.enableObservers = function(options) { if (options == null) options = {}; Luca.enableGlobalObserver = true; Luca.ViewObserver = new Luca.Observer(_.extend(options, { type: "view" })); return Luca.CollectionObserver = new Luca.Observer(_.extend(options, { type: "collection" })); }; }).call(this); (function() { _.def('Luca.core.Field')["extends"]('Luca.View')["with"]({ className: 'luca-ui-text-field luca-ui-field', isField: true, template: 'fields/text_field', labelAlign: 'top', hooks: ["before:validation", "after:validation", "on:change"], statuses: ["warning", "error", "success"], initialize: function(options) { var _ref; this.options = options != null ? options : {}; _.extend(this, this.options); this.input_id || (this.input_id = _.uniqueId('field')); this.input_name || (this.input_name = this.name); this.input_class || (this.input_class = ""); this.helperText || (this.helperText = ""); if (this.required && !((_ref = this.label) != null ? _ref.match(/^\*/) : void 0)) { this.label || (this.label = "*" + this.label); } this.inputStyles || (this.inputStyles = ""); if (this.disabled) this.disable(); this.updateState(this.state); this.placeHolder || (this.placeHolder = ""); return Luca.View.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }, beforeRender: function() { if (Luca.enableBootstrap) this.$el.addClass('control-group'); if (this.required) this.$el.addClass('required'); this.$el.html(Luca.templates[this.template](this)); return this.input = $('input', this.el); }, change_handler: function(e) { return this.trigger("on:change", this, e); }, disable: function() { return $("input", this.el).attr('disabled', true); }, enable: function() { return $("input", this.el).attr('disabled', false); }, getValue: function() { return this.input.attr('value'); }, render: function() { return $(this.container).append(this.$el); }, setValue: function(value) { return this.input.attr('value', value); }, updateState: function(state) { var _this = this; return _(this.statuses).each(function(cls) { _this.$el.removeClass(cls); return _this.$el.addClass(state); }); } }); }).call(this); (function() { var applyDOMConfig, doComponents, doLayout; doLayout = function() { this.trigger("before:layout", this); this.prepareLayout(); return this.trigger("after:layout", this); }; applyDOMConfig = function(panel, panelIndex) { var config, style_declarations; style_declarations = []; if (panel.height != null) { style_declarations.push("height: " + (_.isNumber(panel.height) ? panel.height + 'px' : panel.height)); } if (panel.width != null) { style_declarations.push("width: " + (_.isNumber(panel.width) ? panel.width + 'px' : panel.width)); } if (panel.float) style_declarations.push("float: " + panel.float); config = { "class": (panel != null ? panel.classes : void 0) || this.componentClass, id: "" + this.cid + "-" + panelIndex, style: style_declarations.join(';'), "data-luca-owner": this.name || this.cid }; if (this.customizeContainerEl != null) { config = this.customizeContainerEl(config, panel, panelIndex); } return config; }; doComponents = function() { this.trigger("before:components", this, this.components); this.prepareComponents(); this.createComponents(); this.trigger("before:render:components", this, this.components); this.renderComponents(); return this.trigger("after:components", this, this.components); }; _.def('Luca.core.Container')["extends"]('Luca.components.Panel')["with"]({ className: 'luca-ui-container', componentTag: 'div', componentClass: 'luca-ui-panel', isContainer: true, hooks: ["before:components", "before:render:components", "before:layout", "after:components", "after:layout", "first:activation"], rendered: false, components: [], initialize: function(options) { this.options = options != null ? options : {}; _.extend(this, this.options); this.setupHooks(["before:components", "before:render:components", "before:layout", "after:components", "after:layout", "first:activation"]); return Luca.View.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }, beforeRender: function() { var _ref; doLayout.call(this); doComponents.call(this); return (_ref = Luca.components.Panel.prototype.beforeRender) != null ? _ref.apply(this, arguments) : void 0; }, customizeContainerEl: function(containerEl, panel, panelIndex) { return containerEl; }, prepareLayout: function() { var container; container = this; return this.componentContainers = _(this.components).map(function(component, index) { return applyDOMConfig.call(container, component, index); }); }, prepareComponents: function() { var component, _i, _len, _ref, _this = this; _ref = this.components; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { component = _ref[_i]; if (_.isString(component)) { component = { type: component }; } } return _(this.components).each(function(component, index) { var container, panel, _ref2; container = (_ref2 = _this.componentContainers) != null ? _ref2[index] : void 0; container["class"] = container["class"] || container.className || container.classes; if (_this.appendContainers) { panel = _this.make(_this.componentTag, container, ''); _this.$append(panel); } if (component.container == null) { if (_this.appendContainers) component.container = "#" + container.id; return component.container || (component.container = _this.$bodyEl()); } }); }, createComponents: function() { var map, _this = this; if (this.componentsCreated === true) return; map = this.componentIndex = { name_index: {}, cid_index: {} }; this.components = _(this.components).map(function(object, index) { var component; component = Luca.isBackboneView(object) ? object : (object.type || (object.type = object.ctype), !(object.type != null) ? object.components != null ? object.type = object.ctype = 'container' : object.type = object.ctype = Luca.defaultComponentType : void 0, Luca.util.lazyComponent(object)); if (!component.container && component.options.container) { component.container = component.options.container; } if (map && (component.cid != null)) map.cid_index[component.cid] = index; if (map && (component.name != null)) { map.name_index[component.name] = index; } return component; }); this.componentsCreated = true; if (!_.isEmpty(this.componentEvents)) this.registerComponentEvents(); return map; }, renderComponents: function(debugMode) { var _this = this; this.debugMode = debugMode != null ? debugMode : ""; this.debug("container render components"); return _(this.components).each(function(component) { component.getParent = function() { return _this; }; $(component.container).append($(component.el)); try { return component.render(); } catch (e) { console.log("Error Rendering Component " + (component.name || component.cid), component); if (_.isObject(e)) { console.log(e.message); console.log(e.stack); } if ((Luca.silenceRenderErrors != null) !== true) throw e; } }); }, firstActivation: function() { var activator; activator = this; return this.each(function(component, index) { var _ref; if ((component != null ? component.previously_activated : void 0) !== true) { if (component != null) { if ((_ref = component.trigger) != null) { _ref.call(component, "first:activation", component, activator); } } return component.previously_activated = true; } }); }, select: function(attribute, value, deep) { var components; if (deep == null) deep = false; components = _(this.components).map(function(component) { var matches, test; matches = []; test = component[attribute]; if (test === value) matches.push(component); if (deep === true && component.isContainer === true) { matches.push(component.select(attribute, value, true)); } return _.compact(matches); }); return _.flatten(components); }, componentEvents: {}, registerComponentEvents: function() { var component, componentName, handler, listener, trigger, _ref, _ref2, _results; _ref = this.componentEvents; _results = []; for (listener in _ref) { handler = _ref[listener]; _ref2 = listener.split(' '), componentName = _ref2[0], trigger = _ref2[1]; component = this.findComponentByName(componentName); _results.push(component != null ? component.bind(trigger, this[handler]) : void 0); } return _results; }, findComponentByName: function(name, deep) { if (deep == null) deep = false; return this.findComponent(name, "name_index", deep); }, findComponentById: function(id, deep) { if (deep == null) deep = false; return this.findComponent(id, "cid_index", deep); }, findComponent: function(needle, haystack, deep) { var component, position, sub_container, _ref, _ref2; if (haystack == null) haystack = "name"; if (deep == null) deep = false; if (this.componentsCreated !== true) this.createComponents(); position = (_ref = this.componentIndex) != null ? _ref[haystack][needle] : void 0; component = (_ref2 = this.components) != null ? _ref2[position] : void 0; if (component) return component; if (deep === true) { sub_container = _(this.components).detect(function(component) { return component != null ? typeof component.findComponent === "function" ? component.findComponent(needle, haystack, true) : void 0 : void 0; }); return sub_container != null ? typeof sub_container.findComponent === "function" ? sub_container.findComponent(needle, haystack, true) : void 0 : void 0; } }, each: function(fn) { return this.eachComponent(fn, false); }, eachComponent: function(fn, deep) { var _this = this; if (deep == null) deep = true; return _(this.components).each(function(component, index) { var _ref; fn.call(component, component, index); if (deep) { return component != null ? (_ref = component.eachComponent) != null ? _ref.apply(component, [fn, deep]) : void 0 : void 0; } }); }, indexOf: function(name) { var names; names = _(this.components).pluck('name'); return _(names).indexOf(name); }, activeComponent: function() { if (!this.activeItem) return this; return this.components[this.activeItem]; }, componentElements: function() { return $(">." + this.componentClass, this.el); }, getComponent: function(needle) { return this.components[needle]; }, rootComponent: function() { return !(this.getParent != null); }, getRootComponent: function() { if (this.rootComponent()) { return this; } else { return this.getParent().getRootComponent(); } } }); }).call(this); (function() { Luca.CollectionManager = (function() { CollectionManager.prototype.name = "primary"; CollectionManager.prototype.__collections = {}; function CollectionManager(options) { var existing, manager, _base, _base2; this.options = options != null ? options : {}; _.extend(this, this.options); manager = this; if (existing = typeof (_base = Luca.CollectionManager).get === "function" ? _base.get(this.name) : void 0) { throw 'Attempt to create a collection manager with a name which already exists'; } (_base2 = Luca.CollectionManager).instances || (_base2.instances = {}); _.extend(this, Backbone.Events); _.extend(this, Luca.Events); Luca.CollectionManager.instances[this.name] = manager; Luca.CollectionManager.get = function(name) { if (name == null) return manager; return Luca.CollectionManager.instances[name]; }; this.state = new Luca.Model(); if (this.initialCollections) { this.state.set({ loaded_collections_count: 0, collections_count: this.initialCollections.length }); this.state.bind("change:loaded_collections_count", this.collectionCountDidChange); if (this.useProgressLoader) { this.loaderView || (this.loaderView = new Luca.components.CollectionLoaderView({ manager: this, name: "collection_loader_view" })); } this.loadInitialCollections(); } this; } CollectionManager.prototype.add = function(key, collection) { var _base; return (_base = this.currentScope())[key] || (_base[key] = collection); }; CollectionManager.prototype.allCollections = function() { return _(this.currentScope()).values(); }; CollectionManager.prototype.create = function(key, collectionOptions, initialModels) { var CollectionClass, collection; if (collectionOptions == null) collectionOptions = {}; if (initialModels == null) initialModels = []; CollectionClass = collectionOptions.base; CollectionClass || (CollectionClass = this.guessCollectionClass(key)); if (collectionOptions.private) collectionOptions.name = ""; collection = new CollectionClass(initialModels, collectionOptions); this.add(key, collection); return collection; }; CollectionManager.prototype.collectionNamespace = Luca.Collection.namespace; CollectionManager.prototype.currentScope = function() { var current_scope, _base; if (current_scope = this.getScope()) { return (_base = this.__collections)[current_scope] || (_base[current_scope] = {}); } else { return this.__collections; } }; CollectionManager.prototype.each = function(fn) { return _(this.all()).each(fn); }; CollectionManager.prototype.get = function(key) { return this.currentScope()[key]; }; CollectionManager.prototype.getScope = function() { return; }; CollectionManager.prototype.getOrCreate = function(key, collectionOptions, initialModels) { if (collectionOptions == null) collectionOptions = {}; if (initialModels == null) initialModels = []; return this.get(key) || this.create(key, collectionOptions, initialModels, false); }; CollectionManager.prototype.guessCollectionClass = function(key) { var classified, guess; classified = Luca.util.classify(key); guess = (this.collectionNamespace || (window || global))[classified]; guess || (guess = (this.collectionNamespace || (window || global))["" + classified + "Collection"]); return guess; }; CollectionManager.prototype.loadInitialCollections = function() { var collectionDidLoad, _this = this; collectionDidLoad = function(collection) { collection.unbind("reset"); return _this.trigger("collection_loaded", collection.name); }; return _(this.initialCollections).each(function(name) { var collection; collection = _this.getOrCreate(name); collection.bind("reset", function() { return collectionDidLoad(collection); }); return collection.fetch(); }); }; CollectionManager.prototype.collectionCountDidChange = function() { if (this.totalCollectionsCount() === this.loadedCollectionsCount()) { return this.trigger("all_collections_loaded"); } }; CollectionManager.prototype.totalCollectionsCount = function() { return this.state.get("collections_count"); }; CollectionManager.prototype.loadedCollectionsCount = function() { return this.state.get("loaded_collections_count"); }; CollectionManager.prototype.private = function(key, collectionOptions, initialModels) { if (collectionOptions == null) collectionOptions = {}; if (initialModels == null) initialModels = []; return this.create(key, collectionOptions, initialModels, true); }; return CollectionManager; })(); Luca.CollectionManager.destroyAll = function() { return Luca.CollectionManager.instances = {}; }; }).call(this); (function() { Luca.SocketManager = (function() { function SocketManager(options) { this.options = options != null ? options : {}; _.extend(Backbone.Events); this.loadTransport(); } SocketManager.prototype.connect = function() { switch (this.options.provider) { case "socket.io": return this.socket = io.connect(this.options.socket_host); case "faye.js": return this.socket = new Faye.Client(this.options.socket_host); } }; SocketManager.prototype.transportLoaded = function() { return this.connect(); }; SocketManager.prototype.transport_script = function() { switch (this.options.provider) { case "socket.io": return "" + this.options.transport_host + "/socket.io/socket.io.js"; case "faye.js": return "" + this.options.transport_host + "/faye.js"; } }; SocketManager.prototype.loadTransport = function() { var script, _this = this; script = document.createElement('script'); script.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); script.setAttribute("src", this.transport_script()); script.onload = this.transportLoaded; if (Luca.util.isIE()) { script.onreadystatechange = function() { if (script.readyState === "loaded") return _this.transportLoaded(); }; } return document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script); }; return SocketManager; })(); }).call(this); (function() { _.def('Luca.containers.SplitView')["extends"]('Luca.core.Container')["with"]({ componentType: 'split_view', containerTemplate: 'containers/basic', className: 'luca-ui-split-view', componentClass: 'luca-ui-panel' }); }).call(this); (function() { _.def('Luca.containers.ColumnView')["extends"]('Luca.core.Container')["with"]({ componentType: 'column_view', className: 'luca-ui-column-view', components: [], initialize: function(options) { this.options = options != null ? options : {}; Luca.core.Container.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); return this.setColumnWidths(); }, componentClass: 'luca-ui-column', containerTemplate: "containers/basic", appendContainers: true, autoColumnWidths: function() { var widths, _this = this; widths = []; _(this.components.length).times(function() { return widths.push(parseInt(100 / _this.components.length)); }); return widths; }, setColumnWidths: function() { this.columnWidths = this.layout != null ? _(this.layout.split('/')).map(function(v) { return parseInt(v); }) : this.autoColumnWidths(); return this.columnWidths = _(this.columnWidths).map(function(val) { return "" + val + "%"; }); }, beforeLayout: function() { var _ref, _this = this; this.debug("column_view before layout"); _(this.columnWidths).each(function(width, index) { _this.components[index].float = "left"; return _this.components[index].width = width; }); return (_ref = Luca.core.Container.prototype.beforeLayout) != null ? _ref.apply(this, arguments) : void 0; } }); }).call(this); (function() { _.def("Luca.containers.CardView")["extends"]("Luca.core.Container")["with"]({ componentType: 'card_view', className: 'luca-ui-card-view-wrapper', activeCard: 0, components: [], hooks: ['before:card:switch', 'after:card:switch'], componentClass: 'luca-ui-card', appendContainers: true, initialize: function(options) { this.options = options; Luca.core.Container.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); return this.setupHooks(this.hooks); }, prepareComponents: function() { var _ref, _this = this; if ((_ref = Luca.core.Container.prototype.prepareComponents) != null) { _ref.apply(this, arguments); } return _(this.components).each(function(component, index) { if (index === _this.activeCard) { return $(component.container).show(); } else { return $(component.container).hide(); } }); }, activeComponentElement: function() { return this.componentElements().eq(this.activeCard); }, activeComponent: function() { return this.getComponent(this.activeCard); }, customizeContainerEl: function(containerEl, panel, panelIndex) { containerEl.style += panelIndex === this.activeCard ? "display:block;" : "display:none;"; return containerEl; }, cycle: function() { var nextIndex; nextIndex = this.activeCard < this.components.length - 1 ? this.activeCard + 1 : 0; return this.activate(nextIndex); }, find: function(name) { return this.findComponentByName(name, true); }, firstActivation: function() { return this.activeComponent().trigger("first:activation", this, this.activeComponent()); }, activate: function(index, silent, callback) { var current, previous, _ref, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4; if (silent == null) silent = false; if (_.isFunction(silent)) { silent = false; callback = silent; } if (index === this.activeCard) return; previous = this.activeComponent(); current = this.getComponent(index); if (!current) { index = this.indexOf(index); current = this.getComponent(index); } if (!current) return; if (!silent) { this.trigger("before:card:switch", previous, current); if (previous != null) { if ((_ref = previous.trigger) != null) { _ref.apply(previous, ["before:deactivation", this, previous, current]); } } if (current != null) { if ((_ref2 = current.trigger) != null) { _ref2.apply(previous, ["before:activation", this, previous, current]); } } } this.componentElements().hide(); if (!current.previously_activated) { current.trigger("first:activation"); current.previously_activated = true; } this.activeCard = index; this.activeComponentElement().show(); if (!silent) { this.trigger("after:card:switch", previous, current); if ((_ref3 = previous.trigger) != null) { _ref3.apply(previous, ["deactivation", this, previous, current]); } if ((_ref4 = current.trigger) != null) { _ref4.apply(current, ["activation", this, previous, current]); } } if (_.isFunction(callback)) { return callback.apply(this, [this, previous, current]); } } }); }).call(this); (function() { _.def("Luca.ModalView")["extends"]("Luca.View")["with"]({ closeOnEscape: true, showOnInitialize: false, backdrop: false, container: function() { return $('body'); }, toggle: function() { return this.$el.modal('toggle'); }, show: function() { return this.$el.modal('show'); }, hide: function() { return this.$el.modal('hide'); }, render: function() { this.$el.addClass('modal'); if (this.fade === true) this.$el.addClass('fade'); $('body').append(this.$el); return this.$el.modal({ backdrop: this.backdrop === true, keyboard: this.closeOnEscape === true, show: this.showOnInitialize === true }); } }); _.def("Luca.containers.ModalView")["extends"]("Luca.ModalView")["with"](); }).call(this); (function() { var buildButton, make, prepareButtons; make = Backbone.View.prototype.make; buildButton = function(config, wrap) { var autoWrapClass, buttonAttributes, buttonEl, buttons, dropdownEl, dropdownItems, label, object, white, wrapper, _this = this; if (wrap == null) wrap = true; if (config.ctype != null) { config.className || (config.className = ""); config.className += 'toolbar-component'; object = Luca(config).render(); if (Luca.isBackboneView(object)) { console.log("Adding toolbar component", object); return object.el; } } if (config.spacer) { return make("div", { "class": "spacer " + config.spacer }); } if (config.text) { return make("div", { "class": "toolbar-text" }, config.text); } wrapper = 'btn-group'; if (config.wrapper != null) wrapper += " " + config.wrapper; if (config.align != null) wrapper += " align-" + config.align; if ((config.group != null) && (config.buttons != null)) { buttons = prepareButtons(config.buttons, false); return make("div", { "class": wrapper }, buttons); } else { label = config.label || (config.label = ""); config.eventId || (config.eventId = _.string.dasherize(config.label.toLowerCase())); if (config.icon) { if (_.string.isBlank(label)) label = " "; if (config.white) white = "icon-white"; label = " " + label; } buttonAttributes = { "class": _.compact(["btn", config.classes, config.className]).join(" "), "data-eventId": config.eventId, title: config.title || config.description }; if (config.color != null) { buttonAttributes["class"] += " btn-" + config.color; } if (config.dropdown) { label = "" + label + " "; buttonAttributes["class"] += " dropdown-toggle"; buttonAttributes["data-toggle"] = "dropdown"; dropdownItems = _(config.dropdown).map(function(dropdownItem) { var link; link = make("a", {}, dropdownItem[1]); return make("li", { "data-eventId": dropdownItem[0] }, link); }); dropdownEl = make("ul", { "class": "dropdown-menu" }, dropdownItems); } buttonEl = make("a", buttonAttributes, label); autoWrapClass = "btn-group"; if (config.align != null) autoWrapClass += " align-" + config.align; if (wrap === true) { return make("div", { "class": autoWrapClass }, [buttonEl, dropdownEl]); } else { return buttonEl; } } }; prepareButtons = function(buttons, wrap) { if (wrap == null) wrap = true; return _(buttons).map(function(button) { return buildButton(button, wrap); }); }; _.def("Luca.containers.PanelToolbar")["extends"]("Luca.View")["with"]({ className: "luca-ui-toolbar btn-toolbar", buttons: [], well: true, orientation: 'top', autoBindEventHandlers: true, events: { "click a.btn, click .dropdown-menu li": "clickHandler" }, clickHandler: function(e) { var eventId, hook, me, my, source; me = my = $(e.target); if (me.is('i')) me = my = $(e.target).parent(); eventId = my.data('eventid'); if (eventId == null) return; hook = Luca.util.hook(eventId); source = this.parent || this; if (_.isFunction(source[hook])) { return source[hook].call(this, me, e); } else { return source.trigger(eventId, me, e); } }, beforeRender: function() { this._super("beforeRender", this, arguments); if (this.well === true) this.$el.addClass('well'); this.$el.addClass("toolbar-" + this.orientation); if (this.styles != null) return this.applyStyles(this.styles); }, render: function() { var elements, _this = this; this.$el.empty(); elements = prepareButtons(this.buttons); return _(elements).each(function(element) { return _this.$el.append(element); }); }, afterRender: function() { return this._super("afterRender", this, arguments); } }); }).call(this); (function() { _.def('Luca.containers.PanelView')["extends"]('Luca.core.Container')["with"]({ className: 'luca-ui-panel', initialize: function(options) { this.options = options != null ? options : {}; return Luca.core.Container.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }, afterLayout: function() { var contents; if (this.template) { contents = (Luca.templates || JST)[this.template](this); return this.$el.html(contents); } }, render: function() { return $(this.container).append(this.$el); }, afterRender: function() { var _ref, _this = this; if ((_ref = Luca.core.Container.prototype.afterRender) != null) { _ref.apply(this, arguments); } if (this.css) { return _(this.css).each(function(value, property) { return _this.$el.css(property, value); }); } } }); }).call(this); (function() { _.def('Luca.containers.TabView')["extends"]('Luca.containers.CardView')["with"]({ hooks: ["before:select", "after:select"], componentType: 'tab_view', className: 'luca-ui-tab-view tabbable', tab_position: 'top', tabVerticalOffset: '50px', navClass: "nav-tabs", bodyTemplate: "containers/tab_view", bodyEl: "div.tab-content", initialize: function(options) { this.options = options != null ? options : {}; if (this.navStyle === "list") this.navClass = "nav-list"; Luca.containers.CardView.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); _.bindAll(this, "select", "highlightSelectedTab"); this.setupHooks(this.hooks); return this.bind("after:card:switch", this.highlightSelectedTab); }, activeTabSelector: function() { return this.tabSelectors().eq(this.activeCard || this.activeTab || this.activeItem); }, beforeLayout: function() { var _ref; this.$el.addClass("tabs-" + this.tab_position); this.activeTabSelector().addClass('active'); this.createTabSelectors(); return (_ref = Luca.containers.CardView.prototype.beforeLayout) != null ? _ref.apply(this, arguments) : void 0; }, afterRender: function() { var _ref; if ((_ref = Luca.containers.CardView.prototype.afterRender) != null) { _ref.apply(this, arguments); } this.registerEvent("click #" + this.cid + "-tabs-selector li a", "select"); if (Luca.enableBootstrap && (this.tab_position === "left" || this.tab_position === "right")) { this.tabContainerWrapper().addClass("span2"); return this.tabContentWrapper().addClass("span9"); } }, createTabSelectors: function() { var tabView; tabView = this; return this.each(function(component, index) { var icon, link, selector, _ref; if (component.tabIcon) icon = "" + (icon || '') + " " + component.title + ""; selector = tabView.make("li", { "class": "tab-selector", "data-target": index }, link); tabView.tabContainer().append(selector); if ((component.navHeading != null) && !((_ref = tabView.navHeadings) != null ? _ref[component.navHeading] : void 0)) { $(selector).before(tabView.make('li', { "class": "nav-header" }, component.navHeading)); tabView.navHeadings || (tabView.navHeadings = {}); return tabView.navHeadings[component.navHeading] = true; } }); }, highlightSelectedTab: function() { this.tabSelectors().removeClass('active'); return this.activeTabSelector().addClass('active'); }, select: function(e) { var me, my; e.preventDefault(); me = my = $(e.target); this.trigger("before:select", this); this.activate(my.parent().data('target')); return this.trigger("after:select", this); }, componentElements: function() { return this.$(">.tab-content >." + this.componentClass); }, tabContentWrapper: function() { return $("#" + this.cid + "-tab-view-content"); }, tabContainerWrapper: function() { return $("#" + this.cid + "-tabs-selector"); }, tabContainer: function() { return this.$("ul." + this.navClass, this.tabContainerWrapper()); }, tabSelectors: function() { return this.$('li.tab-selector', this.tabContainer()); } }); }).call(this); (function() { _.def('Luca.containers.Viewport').extend('Luca.containers.CardView')["with"]({ activeItem: 0, className: 'luca-ui-viewport', fullscreen: true, fluid: false, wrapperClass: 'row', initialize: function(options) { this.options = options != null ? options : {}; _.extend(this, this.options); if (Luca.enableBootstrap === true) { if (this.fluid === true) this.wrapperClass = "row-fluid"; this.$wrap(this.wrapperClass); } Luca.core.Container.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); if (this.fullscreen) return $('html,body').addClass('luca-ui-fullscreen'); }, beforeRender: function() { var _ref; if ((_ref = Luca.containers.CardView.prototype.beforeRender) != null) { _ref.apply(this, arguments); } if (this.topNav != null) this.renderTopNavigation(); if (this.bottomNav != null) return this.renderBottomNavigation(); }, afterRender: function() { var _ref; if ((_ref = Luca.containers.CardView.prototype.after) != null) { _ref.apply(this, arguments); } if (Luca.enableBootstrap === true) { return this.$el.children().wrap('
'); } }, renderTopNavigation: function() { var _base; if (this.topNav == null) return; if (_.isString(this.topNav)) { this.topNav = Luca.util.lazyComponent(this.topNav); } if (_.isObject(this.topNav)) { (_base = this.topNav).ctype || (_base.ctype = this.topNav.type || "nav_bar"); if (!Luca.isBackboneView(this.topNav)) { this.topNav = Luca.util.lazyComponent(this.topNav); } } this.topNav.app = this; return $('body').prepend(this.topNav.render().el); }, renderBottomNavigation: function() {} }); }).call(this); (function() { }).call(this); (function() { _.def('Luca.components.Template')["extends"]('Luca.View')["with"]({ initialize: function(options) { this.options = options != null ? options : {}; console.log("The Use of Luca.components.Template directly is being DEPRECATED"); return Luca.View.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } }); }).call(this); (function() { _.def('Luca.Application')["extends"]('Luca.containers.Viewport')["with"]({ autoStartHistory: true, useCollectionManager: true, collectionManagerClass: "Luca.CollectionManager", plugin: false, useController: true, components: [ { ctype: 'template', name: 'welcome', template: 'sample/welcome', templateContainer: "Luca.templates" } ], initialize: function(options) { var definedComponents, _base, _this = this; this.options = options != null ? options : {}; Luca.containers.Viewport.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); if (this.useController === true) definedComponents = this.components || []; this.components = [ { ctype: 'controller', name: "main_controller", components: definedComponents } ]; if (this.useCollectionManager === true) { if (_.isString(this.collectionManagerClass)) { this.collectionManagerClass = Luca.util.resolve(this.collectionManagerClass); } this.collectionManager || (this.collectionManager = typeof (_base = Luca.CollectionManager).get === "function" ? _base.get() : void 0); this.collectionManager || (this.collectionManager = new this.collectionManagerClass(this.collectionManagerOptions || (this.collectionManagerOptions = {}))); } this.state = new Luca.Model(this.defaultState); this.defer(function() { return _this.render(); }).until("ready"); if (this.useKeyRouter === true && (this.keyEvents != null)) { this.setupKeyRouter(); } if (this.plugin !== true) { return Luca.getApplication = function() { return _this; }; } }, activeView: function() { var active; if (active = this.activeSubSection()) { return this.view(active); } else { return this.view(this.activeSection()); } }, activeSubSection: function() { return this.get("active_sub_section"); }, activeSection: function() { return this.get("active_section"); }, beforeRender: function() { var routerStartEvent, _ref; if ((_ref = Luca.containers.Viewport.prototype.beforeRender) != null) { _ref.apply(this, arguments); } if ((this.router != null) && this.autoStartHistory === true) { routerStartEvent = this.startRouterOn || "after:render"; if (routerStartEvent === "before:render") { return Backbone.history.start(); } else { return this.bind(routerStartEvent, function() { return Backbone.history.start(); }); } } }, afterComponents: function() { var _ref, _ref2, _ref3, _this = this; if ((_ref = Luca.containers.Viewport.prototype.afterComponents) != null) { _ref.apply(this, arguments); } if ((_ref2 = this.getMainController()) != null) { _ref2.bind("after:card:switch", function(previous, current) { return _this.state.set({ active_section: current.name }); }); } return (_ref3 = this.getMainController()) != null ? _ref3.each(function(component) { if (component.ctype.match(/controller$/)) { return component.bind("after:card:switch", function(previous, current) { return _this.state.set({ active_sub_section: current.name }); }); } }) : void 0; }, boot: function() { return this.trigger("ready"); }, collection: function() { return this.collectionManager.getOrCreate.apply(this.collectionManager, arguments); }, get: function(attribute) { return this.state.get(attribute); }, getMainController: function() { if (this.useController === true) return this.components[0]; return Luca.cache('main_controller'); }, set: function(attributes) { return this.state.set(attributes); }, view: function(name) { return Luca.cache(name); }, navigate_to: function(component_name, callback) { return this.getMainController().navigate_to(component_name, callback); }, setupKeyRouter: function() { var router, _base; if (!this.keyEvents) return; (_base = this.keyEvents).control_meta || (_base.control_meta = {}); if (this.keyEvents.meta_control) { _.extend(this.keyEvents.control_meta, this.keyEvents.meta_control); } router = _.bind(this.keyRouter, this); return $(document).keydown(router); }, keyRouter: function(e) { var control, isInputEvent, keyEvent, keyname, meta, source, _ref; if (!(e && this.keyEvents)) return; isInputEvent = $(e.target).is('input') || $(e.target).is('textarea'); if (isInputEvent) return; keyname = Luca.keyMap[e.keyCode]; if (!keyname) return; meta = (e != null ? e.metaKey : void 0) === true; control = (e != null ? e.ctrlKey : void 0) === true; source = this.keyEvents; source = meta ? this.keyEvents.meta : source; source = control ? this.keyEvents.control : source; source = meta && control ? this.keyEvents.meta_control : source; if (keyEvent = source != null ? source[keyname] : void 0) { if (this[keyEvent] != null) { return (_ref = this[keyEvent]) != null ? _ref.call(this) : void 0; } else { return this.trigger(keyEvent); } } } }); }).call(this); (function() { _.def('Luca.components.Toolbar')["extends"]('Luca.core.Container')["with"]({ className: 'luca-ui-toolbar', position: 'bottom', initialize: function(options) { this.options = options != null ? options : {}; return Luca.core.Container.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }, prepareComponents: function() { var _this = this; return _(this.components).each(function(component) { return component.container = _this.$el; }); }, render: function() { return $(this.container).append(this.el); } }); }).call(this); (function() { _.def('Luca.components.CollectionLoaderView')["extends"]('Luca.components.Template')["with"]({ className: 'luca-ui-collection-loader-view', template: "components/collection_loader_view", initialize: function(options) { this.options = options != null ? options : {}; Luca.components.Template.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); this.container || (this.container = $('body')); this.manager || (this.manager = Luca.CollectionManager.get()); return this.setupBindings(); }, modalContainer: function() { return $("#progress-modal", this.el); }, setupBindings: function() { var _this = this; this.manager.bind("collection_loaded", function(name) { var collectionName, loaded, progress, total; loaded = _this.manager.loadedCollectionsCount(); total = _this.manager.totalCollectionsCount(); progress = parseInt((loaded / total) * 100); collectionName = _.string.titleize(_.string.humanize(name)); _this.modalContainer().find('.progress .bar').attr("style", "width: " + progress + "%;"); return _this.modalContainer().find('.message').html("Loaded " + collectionName + "..."); }); return this.manager.bind("all_collections_loaded", function() { _this.modalContainer().find('.message').html("All done!"); return _.delay(function() { return _this.modalContainer().modal('hide'); }, 400); }); } }); }).call(this); (function() { var make; make = Luca.View.prototype.make; _.def("Luca.components.CollectionView")["extends"]("Luca.components.Panel")["with"]({ tagName: "div", className: "luca-ui-collection-view", bodyClassName: "collection-ui-panel", itemTemplate: void 0, itemRenderer: void 0, itemTagName: 'li', itemClassName: 'collection-item', initialize: function(options) { this.options = options != null ? options : {}; _.extend(this, this.options); _.bindAll(this, "refresh"); if (!((this.collection != null) || this.options.collection)) { throw "Collection Views must specify a collection"; } if (!((this.itemTemplate != null) || (this.itemRenderer != null) || (this.itemProperty != null))) { throw "Collection Views must specify an item template or item renderer function"; } Luca.components.Panel.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); if (_.isString(this.collection) && Luca.CollectionManager.get()) { this.collection = Luca.CollectionManager.get().get(this.collection); } if (Luca.isBackboneCollection(this.collection)) { this.collection.bind("reset", this.refresh); this.collection.bind("add", this.refresh); return this.collection.bind("remove", this.refresh); } }, attributesForItem: function(item) { return _.extend({}, { "class": this.itemClassName, "data-index": item.index }); }, contentForItem: function(item) { var content, templateFn; if (item == null) item = {}; if ((this.itemTemplate != null) && (templateFn = Luca.template(this.itemTemplate))) { content = templateFn.call(this, item); } if ((this.itemRenderer != null) && _.isFunction(this.itemRenderer)) { content = this.itemRenderer.call(this, item); } if (this.itemProperty) { content = item.model.get(this.itemProperty) || item.model[this.itemProperty]; if (_.isFunction(content)) content = content(); } return content; }, makeItem: function(model, index) { var item; item = this.prepareItem != null ? this.prepareItem.call(this, model, index) : { model: model, index: index }; return make(this.itemTagName, this.attributesForItem(item), this.contentForItem(item)); }, getModels: function() { var _ref; if (((_ref = this.collection) != null ? _ref.query : void 0) && (this.filter || this.filterOptions)) { return this.collection.query(this.filter, this.filterOptions); } else { return this.collection.models; } }, refresh: function() { var panel; panel = this; this.$bodyEl().empty(); return _(this.getModels()).each(function(model, index) { return panel.$append(panel.makeItem(model, index)); }); }, registerEvent: function(domEvent, selector, handler) { var eventTrigger; if (!(handler != null) && _.isFunction(selector)) { handler = selector; selector = void 0; } eventTrigger = _([domEvent, "" + this.itemTagName + "." + this.itemClassName, selector]).compact().join(" "); return Luca.View.prototype.registerEvent(eventTrigger, handler); }, render: function() { this.refresh(); if (this.$el.parent().length > 0 && (this.container != null)) { return this.$attach(); } } }); }).call(this); (function() { _.def('Luca.components.Controller')["extends"]('Luca.containers.CardView')["with"]({ initialize: function(options) { var _ref; this.options = options; Luca.containers.CardView.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); this.defaultCard || (this.defaultCard = (_ref = this.components[0]) != null ? _ref.name : void 0); if (!this.defaultCard) { throw "Controllers must specify a defaultCard property and/or the first component must have a name"; } return this.state = new Backbone.Model({ active_section: this.defaultCard }); }, each: function(fn) { var _this = this; return _(this.components).each(function(component) { return fn.apply(_this, [component]); }); }, "default": function(callback) { return this.navigate_to(this.defaultCard, callback); }, navigate_to: function(section, callback) { var _this = this; section || (section = this.defaultCard); this.activate(section, false, function(activator, previous, current) { _this.state.set({ active_section: current.name }); if (_.isFunction(callback)) return callback.apply(current); }); return this.find(section); } }); }).call(this); (function() { _.def('Luca.fields.ButtonField')["extends"]('Luca.core.Field')["with"]({ readOnly: true, events: { "click input": "click_handler" }, hooks: ["button:click"], className: 'luca-ui-field luca-ui-button-field', template: 'fields/button_field', click_handler: function(e) { var me, my; me = my = $(e.currentTarget); return this.trigger("button:click"); }, initialize: function(options) { var _ref; this.options = options != null ? options : {}; _.extend(this.options); _.bindAll(this, "click_handler"); Luca.core.Field.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); if ((_ref = this.icon_class) != null ? _ref.length : void 0) { return this.template = "fields/button_field_link"; } }, afterInitialize: function() { this.input_id || (this.input_id = _.uniqueId('button')); this.input_name || (this.input_name = this.name || (this.name = this.input_id)); this.input_value || (this.input_value = this.label || (this.label = this.text)); this.input_type || (this.input_type = "button"); this.input_class || (this.input_class = this["class"]); this.icon_class || (this.icon_class = ""); if (this.icon_class.length && !this.icon_class.match(/^icon-/)) { this.icon_class = "icon-" + this.icon_class; } if (this.white) return this.icon_class += " icon-white"; }, setValue: function() { return true; } }); }).call(this); (function() { var make; make = Luca.View.prototype.make; _.def('Luca.fields.CheckboxArray')["extends"]('Luca.core.Field')["with"]({ version: 2, template: "fields/checkbox_array", className: "luca-ui-checkbox-array", events: { "click input": "clickHandler" }, selectedItems: [], initialize: function(options) { this.options = options != null ? options : {}; _.extend(this, this.options); _.extend(this, Luca.modules.Deferrable); _.bindAll(this, "renderCheckboxes", "clickHandler", "checkSelected"); Luca.core.Field.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); this.input_id || (this.input_id = _.uniqueId('field')); this.input_name || (this.input_name = this.name); this.label || (this.label = this.name); this.valueField || (this.valueField = "id"); return this.displayField || (this.displayField = "name"); }, afterInitialize: function(options) { var cbArray; this.options = options != null ? options : {}; try { this.configure_collection(); } catch (e) { console.log("Error Configuring Collection", this, e.message); } cbArray = this; if (this.collection.length > 0) { return this.renderCheckboxes(); } else { return this.defer("renderCheckboxes").until(this.collection, "reset"); } }, clickHandler: function(event) { var checkbox; checkbox = $(event.target); if (checkbox.prop('checked')) { return this.selectedItems.push(checkbox.val()); } else { if (_(this.selectedItems).include(checkbox.val())) { return this.selectedItems = _(this.selectedItems).without(checkbox.val()); } } }, controls: function() { return this.$('.controls'); }, renderCheckboxes: function() { var _this = this; this.controls().empty(); this.selectedItems = []; this.collection.each(function(model) { var element, inputElement, input_id, label, value; value = model.get(_this.valueField); label = model.get(_this.displayField); input_id = _.uniqueId("" + _this.cid + "_checkbox"); inputElement = make("input", { type: "checkbox", "class": "array-checkbox", name: _this.input_name, value: value, id: input_id }); element = make("label", { "for": input_id }, inputElement); $(element).append(" " + label); return _this.controls().append(element); }); this.trigger("checkboxes:rendered", this.checkboxesRendered = true); return this; }, uncheckAll: function() { return this.allFields().prop('checked', false); }, allFields: function() { return this.controls().find("input[type='checkbox']"); }, checkSelected: function(items) { var checkbox, value, _i, _len, _ref; if (items != null) this.selectedItems = items; this.uncheckAll(); _ref = this.selectedItems; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { value = _ref[_i]; checkbox = this.controls().find("input[value='" + value + "']"); checkbox.prop('checked', true); } return this.selectedItems; }, getValue: function() { var field, _i, _len, _ref, _results; _ref = this.allFields(); _results = []; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { field = _ref[_i]; if (this.$(field).prop('checked')) _results.push(this.$(field).val()); } return _results; }, setValue: function(items) { var cbArray; this.selectedItems = items; if (this.checkboxesRendered === true) { return this.checkSelected(items); } else { cbArray = this; return this.defer(function() { return cbArray.checkSelected(items); }).until("checkboxes:rendered"); } }, getValues: function() { return this.getValue(); }, setValues: function(items) { return this.setValue(items); } }); }).call(this); (function() { _.def('Luca.fields.CheckboxField')["extends"]('Luca.core.Field')["with"]({ events: { "change input": "change_handler" }, change_handler: function(e) { var me, my; me = my = $(e.currentTarget); this.trigger("on:change", this, e); if (me.checked === true) { return this.trigger("checked"); } else { return this.trigger("unchecked"); } }, className: 'luca-ui-checkbox-field luca-ui-field', template: 'fields/checkbox_field', hooks: ["checked", "unchecked"], send_blanks: true, initialize: function(options) { this.options = options != null ? options : {}; _.extend(this, this.options); _.bindAll(this, "change_handler"); return Luca.core.Field.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }, afterInitialize: function() { this.input_id || (this.input_id = _.uniqueId('field')); this.input_name || (this.input_name = this.name); this.input_value || (this.input_value = 1); return this.label || (this.label = this.name); }, setValue: function(checked) { return this.input.attr('checked', checked); }, getValue: function() { return this.input.attr('checked') === true; } }); }).call(this); (function() { _.def('Luca.fields.FileUploadField')["extends"]('Luca.core.Field')["with"]({ template: 'fields/file_upload_field', initialize: function(options) { this.options = options != null ? options : {}; return Luca.core.Field.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }, afterInitialize: function() { this.input_id || (this.input_id = _.uniqueId('field')); this.input_name || (this.input_name = this.name); this.label || (this.label = this.name); return this.helperText || (this.helperText = ""); } }); }).call(this); (function() { _.def('Luca.fields.HiddenField')["extends"]('Luca.core.Field')["with"]({ template: 'fields/hidden_field', initialize: function(options) { this.options = options != null ? options : {}; return Luca.core.Field.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }, afterInitialize: function() { this.input_id || (this.input_id = _.uniqueId('field')); this.input_name || (this.input_name = this.name); this.input_value || (this.input_value = this.value); return this.label || (this.label = this.name); } }); }).call(this); (function() { _.def('Luca.fields.SelectField')["extends"]('Luca.core.Field')["with"]({ events: { "change select": "change_handler" }, hooks: ["after:select"], className: 'luca-ui-select-field luca-ui-field', template: "fields/select_field", includeBlank: true, blankValue: '', blankText: 'Select One', initialize: function(options) { this.options = options != null ? options : {}; _.extend(this, this.options); _.extend(this, Luca.modules.Deferrable); _.bindAll(this, "change_handler", "populateOptions", "beforeFetch"); Luca.core.Field.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); this.input_id || (this.input_id = _.uniqueId('field')); this.input_name || (this.input_name = this.name); this.label || (this.label = this.name); if (_.isUndefined(this.retainValue)) return this.retainValue = true; }, afterInitialize: function() { var _ref; if ((_ref = this.collection) != null ? _ref.data : void 0) { this.valueField || (this.valueField = "id"); this.displayField || (this.displayField = "name"); this.parseData(); } try { this.configure_collection(); } catch (e) { console.log("Error Configuring Collection", this, e.message); } this.collection.bind("before:fetch", this.beforeFetch); return this.collection.bind("reset", this.populateOptions); }, parseData: function() { var _this = this; return this.collection.data = _(this.collection.data).map(function(record) { var hash; if (!_.isArray(record)) return record; hash = {}; hash[_this.valueField] = record[0]; hash[_this.displayField] = record[1]; return hash; }); }, afterRender: function() { var _ref, _ref2; this.input = $('select', this.el); if (((_ref = this.collection) != null ? (_ref2 = _ref.models) != null ? _ref2.length : void 0 : void 0) > 0) { return this.populateOptions(); } else { return this.collection.trigger("reset"); } }, setValue: function(value) { this.currentValue = value; return Luca.core.Field.prototype.setValue.apply(this, arguments); }, beforeFetch: function() { return this.resetOptions(); }, change_handler: function(e) { return this.trigger("on:change", this, e); }, resetOptions: function() { this.input.html(''); if (this.includeBlank) { return this.input.append(""); } }, populateOptions: function() { var _ref, _this = this; this.resetOptions(); if (((_ref = this.collection) != null ? _ref.each : void 0) != null) { this.collection.each(function(model) { var display, option, selected, value; value = model.get(_this.valueField); display = model.get(_this.displayField); if (_this.selected && value === _this.selected) selected = "selected"; option = ""; return _this.input.append(option); }); } this.trigger("after:populate:options", this); return this.setValue(this.currentValue); } }); }).call(this); (function() { _.def('Luca.fields.TextAreaField')["extends"]('Luca.core.Field')["with"]({ events: { "keydown input": "keydown_handler", "blur input": "blur_handler", "focus input": "focus_handler" }, template: 'fields/text_area_field', height: "200px", width: "90%", initialize: function(options) { this.options = options != null ? options : {}; _.bindAll(this, "keydown_handler"); Luca.core.Field.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); this.input_id || (this.input_id = _.uniqueId('field')); this.input_name || (this.input_name = this.name); this.label || (this.label = this.name); this.input_class || (this.input_class = this["class"]); return this.inputStyles || (this.inputStyles = "height:" + this.height + ";width:" + this.width); }, setValue: function(value) { return $(this.field()).val(value); }, getValue: function() { return $(this.field()).val(); }, field: function() { return this.input = $("textarea#" + this.input_id, this.el); }, keydown_handler: function(e) { var me, my; return me = my = $(e.currentTarget); }, blur_handler: function(e) { var me, my; return me = my = $(e.currentTarget); }, focus_handler: function(e) { var me, my; return me = my = $(e.currentTarget); } }); }).call(this); (function() { var change_handler; change_handler = function(e) { return this.trigger("on:change", this, e); }; _.def('Luca.fields.TextField')["extends"]('Luca.core.Field')["with"]({ events: { "blur input": "blur_handler", "focus input": "focus_handler", "change input": "change_handler" }, template: 'fields/text_field', autoBindEventHandlers: true, send_blanks: true, initialize: function(options) { this.options = options != null ? options : {}; Luca.core.Field.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); this.input_id || (this.input_id = _.uniqueId('field')); this.input_name || (this.input_name = this.name); this.label || (this.label = this.name); this.input_class || (this.input_class = this["class"]); if (this.prepend) { this.$el.addClass('input-prepend'); this.addOn = this.prepend; } if (this.append) { this.$el.addClass('input-append'); this.addOn = this.append; } if (this.enableKeyEvents) { return this.registerEvent("keydown input", "keydown_handler"); } }, blur_handler: function(e) { var me, my; return me = my = $(e.currentTarget); }, focus_handler: function(e) { var me, my; return me = my = $(e.currentTarget); }, change_handler: change_handler, keydown_handler: _.throttle((function(e) { return change_handler.apply(this, arguments); }), 300) }); }).call(this); (function() { _.def('Luca.fields.TypeAheadField')["extends"]('Luca.fields.TextField')["with"]({ className: 'luca-ui-field', getSource: function() { return this.source || []; }, matcher: function(item) { return true; }, beforeRender: function() { this._super("beforeRender", this, arguments); return this.$('input').attr('data-provide', 'typeahead'); }, afterRender: function() { this._super("afterRender", this, arguments); return this.$('input').typeahead({ matcher: this.matcher, source: this.getSource() }); } }); }).call(this); (function() { _.def('Luca.components.FormButtonToolbar')["extends"]('Luca.components.Toolbar')["with"]({ className: 'luca-ui-form-toolbar form-actions', position: 'bottom', includeReset: false, render: function() { return $(this.container).append(this.el); }, initialize: function(options) { this.options = options != null ? options : {}; Luca.components.Toolbar.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); this.components = [ { ctype: 'button_field', label: 'Submit', "class": 'btn submit-button' } ]; if (this.includeReset) { return this.components.push({ ctype: 'button_field', label: 'Reset', "class": 'btn reset-button' }); } } }); }).call(this); (function() { var defaultToolbar; defaultToolbar = { buttons: [ { icon: "remove-sign", label: "Reset", eventId: "click:reset", className: "reset-button", align: 'right' }, { icon: "ok-sign", white: true, label: "Save Changes", eventId: "click:submit", color: "success", className: 'submit-button', align: 'right' } ] }; _.def("Luca.components.FormView")["extends"]('Luca.core.Container')["with"]({ tagName: 'form', className: 'luca-ui-form-view', hooks: ["before:submit", "before:reset", "before:load", "before:load:new", "before:load:existing", "after:submit", "after:reset", "after:load", "after:load:new", "after:load:existing", "after:submit:success", "after:submit:fatal_error", "after:submit:error"], events: { "click .submit-button": "submitHandler", "click .reset-button": "resetHandler" }, toolbar: true, legend: "", bodyClassName: "form-view-body", initialize: function(options) { this.options = options != null ? options : {}; if (this.loadMask == null) this.loadMask = Luca.enableBootstrap; Luca.core.Container.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); _.bindAll(this, "submitHandler", "resetHandler", "renderToolbars", "applyLoadMask"); this.state || (this.state = new Backbone.Model); this.setupHooks(this.hooks); this.applyStyleClasses(); if (this.toolbar !== false && (!this.topToolbar && !this.bottomToolbar)) { if (this.toolbar === "both" || this.toolbar === "top") { this.topToolbar = this.getDefaultToolbar(); } if (this.toolbar !== "top") { return this.bottomToolbar = this.getDefaultToolbar(); } } }, getDefaultToolbar: function() { return defaultToolbar; }, applyStyleClasses: function() { if (Luca.enableBootstrap) this.applyBootstrapStyleClasses(); if (this.labelAlign) this.$el.addClass("label-align-" + this.labelAlign); if (this.fieldLayoutClass) return this.$el.addClass(this.fieldLayoutClass); }, applyBootstrapStyleClasses: function() { if (this.labelAlign === "left") this.inlineForm = true; if (this.well) this.$el.addClass('well'); if (this.searchForm) this.$el.addClass('form-search'); if (this.horizontalForm) this.$el.addClass('form-horizontal'); if (this.inlineForm) return this.$el.addClass('form-inline'); }, resetHandler: function(e) { var me, my; me = my = $(e != null ? e.target : void 0); this.trigger("before:reset", this); this.reset(); return this.trigger("after:reset", this); }, submitHandler: function(e) { var me, my; me = my = $(e != null ? e.target : void 0); this.trigger("before:submit", this); if (this.loadMask === true) this.trigger("enable:loadmask", this); if (this.hasModel()) return this.submit(); }, afterComponents: function() { var _ref, _this = this; if ((_ref = Luca.core.Container.prototype.afterComponents) != null) { _ref.apply(this, arguments); } return this.eachField(function(field) { field.getForm = function() { return _this; }; return field.getModel = function() { return _this.currentModel(); }; }); }, eachField: function(iterator) { return _(this.getFields()).map(iterator); }, getField: function(name) { return _(this.getFields('name', name)).first(); }, getFields: function(attr, value) { var fields; fields = this.select("isField", true, true); if (!(attr && value)) return fields; _(fields).select(function(field) { var property; property = field[attr]; return (property != null) && value === (_.isFunction(property) ? property() : property); }); return fields; }, loadModel: function(current_model) { var event, fields, form, _ref; this.current_model = current_model; form = this; fields = this.getFields(); this.trigger("before:load", this, this.current_model); if (this.current_model) { if ((_ref = this.current_model.beforeFormLoad) != null) { _ref.apply(this.current_model, this); } event = "before:load:" + (this.current_model.isNew() ? "new" : "existing"); this.trigger(event, this, this.current_model); } this.setValues(this.current_model); this.trigger("after:load", this, this.current_model); if (this.current_model) { return this.trigger("after:load:" + (this.current_model.isNew() ? "new" : "existing"), this, this.current_model); } }, reset: function() { if (this.current_model != null) return this.loadModel(this.current_model); }, clear: function() { var _this = this; this.current_model = this.defaultModel != null ? this.defaultModel() : void 0; return _(this.getFields()).each(function(field) { try { return field.setValue(''); } catch (e) { return console.log("Error Clearing", _this, field); } }); }, setValues: function(source, options) { var fields, _this = this; if (options == null) options = {}; source || (source = this.currentModel()); fields = this.getFields(); _(fields).each(function(field) { var field_name, value; field_name = field.input_name || field.name; if (value = source[field_name]) { if (_.isFunction(value)) value = value.apply(_this); } if (!value && Luca.isBackboneModel(source)) value = source.get(field_name); if (field.readOnly !== true) { return field != null ? field.setValue(value) : void 0; } }); if ((options.silent != null) !== true) return this.syncFormWithModel(); }, getValues: function(options) { if (options == null) options = {}; if (options.reject_blank == null) options.reject_blank = true; if (options.skip_buttons == null) options.skip_buttons = true; return _(this.getFields()).inject(function(memo, field) { var key, skip, value; value = field.getValue(); key = field.input_name || field.name; skip = false; if (options.skip_buttons && field.ctype === "button_field") skip = true; if (_.string.isBlank(value)) { if (options.reject_blank && !field.send_blanks) skip = true; if (field.input_name === "id") skip = true; } if (skip !== true) memo[key] = value; return memo; }, {}); }, submit_success_handler: function(model, response, xhr) { this.trigger("after:submit", this, model, response); if (this.loadMask === true) this.trigger("disable:loadmask", this); if (response && (response != null ? response.success : void 0) === true) { return this.trigger("after:submit:success", this, model, response); } else { return this.trigger("after:submit:error", this, model, response); } }, submit_fatal_error_handler: function(model, response, xhr) { this.trigger("after:submit", this, model, response); return this.trigger("after:submit:fatal_error", this, model, response); }, submit: function(save, saveOptions) { if (save == null) save = true; if (saveOptions == null) saveOptions = {}; _.bindAll(this, "submit_success_handler", "submit_fatal_error_handler"); saveOptions.success || (saveOptions.success = this.submit_success_handler); saveOptions.error || (saveOptions.error = this.submit_fatal_error_handler); this.syncFormWithModel(); if (!save) return; return this.current_model.save(this.current_model.toJSON(), saveOptions); }, hasModel: function() { return this.current_model != null; }, currentModel: function(options) { if (options == null) options = {}; if (options === true || (options != null ? options.refresh : void 0) === true) { this.syncFormWithModel(); } return this.current_model; }, syncFormWithModel: function() { var _ref; return (_ref = this.current_model) != null ? _ref.set(this.getValues()) : void 0; }, setLegend: function(legend) { this.legend = legend; return $('fieldset legend', this.el).first().html(this.legend); }, flash: function(message) { if (this.$('.toolbar-container.top').length > 0) { return this.$('.toolbar-container.top').after(message); } else { return this.$bodyEl().prepend(message); } }, successFlashDelay: 1500, successMessage: function(message) { var _this = this; this.$('.alert.alert-success').remove(); this.flash(Luca.template("components/form_alert", { className: "alert alert-success", message: message })); return _.delay(function() { return _this.$('.alert.alert-success').fadeOut(); }, this.successFlashDelay || 0); }, errorMessage: function(message) { this.$('.alert.alert-error').remove(); return this.flash(Luca.template("components/form_alert", { className: "alert alert-error", message: message })); } }); }).call(this); (function() { _.def('Luca.components.GridView').extend('Luca.components.Panel')["with"]({ bodyTemplate: "components/grid_view", autoBindEventHandlers: true, events: { "dblclick table tbody tr": "double_click_handler", "click table tbody tr": "click_handler" }, className: 'luca-ui-g-view', rowClass: "luca-ui-g-row", wrapperClass: "luca-ui-g-view-wrapper", additionalWrapperClasses: [], wrapperStyles: {}, scrollable: true, emptyText: 'No Results To display.', tableStyle: 'striped', defaultHeight: 285, defaultWidth: 756, maxWidth: void 0, hooks: ["before:grid:render", "before:render:header", "before:render:row", "after:grid:render", "row:double:click", "row:click", "after:collection:load"], initialize: function(options) { var _this = this; this.options = options != null ? options : {}; _.extend(this, this.options); _.extend(this, Luca.modules.Deferrable); if (this.loadMask == null) this.loadMask = Luca.enableBootstrap; if (this.loadMask === true) { this.loadMaskEl || (this.loadMaskEl = ".luca-ui-g-view-body"); } Luca.components.Panel.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); this.configure_collection(true); this.collection.bind("before:fetch", function() { if (_this.loadMask === true) return _this.trigger("enable:loadmask"); }); this.collection.bind("reset", function(collection) { _this.refresh(); if (_this.loadMask === true) _this.trigger("disable:loadmask"); return _this.trigger("after:collection:load", collection); }); return this.collection.bind("change", function(model) { var cells, rowEl; if (_this.rendered !== true) return; try { rowEl = _this.getRowEl(model.id || model.get('id') || model.cid); cells = _this.render_row(model, _this.collection.indexOf(model), { cellsOnly: true }); return $(rowEl).html(cells.join(" ")); } catch (error) { return console.log("Error in change handler for GridView.collection", error, _this, model); } }); }, beforeRender: function() { var _ref; if ((_ref = Luca.components.Panel.prototype.beforeRender) != null) { _ref.apply(this, arguments); } this.trigger("before:grid:render", this); this.table = this.$('table.luca-ui-g-view'); this.header = this.$("thead"); this.body = this.$("tbody"); this.footer = this.$("tfoot"); this.wrapper = this.$("." + this.wrapperClass); this.applyCssClasses(); if (this.scrollable) this.setDimensions(); this.renderHeader(); this.emptyMessage(); return $(this.container).append(this.$el); }, afterRender: function() { var _ref; if ((_ref = Luca.components.Panel.prototype.afterRender) != null) { _ref.apply(this, arguments); } this.rendered = true; this.refresh(); return this.trigger("after:grid:render", this); }, applyCssClasses: function() { var _ref, _this = this; if (this.scrollable) this.$el.addClass('scrollable-g-view'); _(this.additionalWrapperClasses).each(function(containerClass) { var _ref; return (_ref = _this.wrapper) != null ? _ref.addClass(containerClass) : void 0; }); if (Luca.enableBootstrap) this.table.addClass('table'); return _((_ref = this.tableStyle) != null ? _ref.split(" ") : void 0).each(function(style) { return _this.table.addClass("table-" + style); }); }, setDimensions: function(offset) { var _this = this; this.height || (this.height = this.defaultHeight); this.$('.luca-ui-g-view-body').height(this.height); this.$('tbody.scrollable').height(this.height - 23); this.container_width = (function() { return $(_this.container).width(); })(); this.width || (this.width = this.container_width > 0 ? this.container_width : this.defaultWidth); this.width = _([this.width, this.maxWidth || this.width]).max(); this.$('.luca-ui-g-view-body').width(this.width); this.$('.luca-ui-g-view-body table').width(this.width); return this.setDefaultColumnWidths(); }, resize: function(newWidth) { var difference, distribution, _this = this; difference = newWidth - this.width; this.width = newWidth; this.$('.luca-ui-g-view-body').width(this.width); this.$('.luca-ui-g-view-body table').width(this.width); if (this.columns.length > 0) { distribution = difference / this.columns.length; return _(this.columns).each(function(col, index) { var column; column = $(".column-" + index, _this.el); return column.width(col.width = col.width + distribution); }); } }, padLastColumn: function() { var configured_column_widths, unused_width; configured_column_widths = _(this.columns).inject(function(sum, column) { return sum = column.width + sum; }, 0); unused_width = this.width - configured_column_widths; if (unused_width > 0) return this.lastColumn().width += unused_width; }, setDefaultColumnWidths: function() { var default_column_width; default_column_width = this.columns.length > 0 ? this.width / this.columns.length : 200; _(this.columns).each(function(column) { return parseInt(column.width || (column.width = default_column_width)); }); return this.padLastColumn(); }, lastColumn: function() { return this.columns[this.columns.length - 1]; }, emptyMessage: function(text) { if (text == null) text = ""; text || (text = this.emptyText); this.body.html(''); return this.body.append(Luca.templates["components/grid_view_empty_text"]({ colspan: this.columns.length, text: text })); }, refresh: function() { var _this = this; this.body.html(''); this.collection.each(function(model, index) { return _this.render_row.apply(_this, [model, index]); }); if (this.collection.models.length === 0) return this.emptyMessage(); }, ifLoaded: function(fn, scope) { scope || (scope = this); fn || (fn = function() { return true; }); return this.collection.ifLoaded(fn, scope); }, applyFilter: function(values, options) { if (options == null) { options = { auto: true, refresh: true }; } return this.collection.applyFilter(values, options); }, renderHeader: function() { var headers, _this = this; this.trigger("before:render:header"); headers = _(this.columns).map(function(column, column_index) { var style; style = column.width ? "width:" + column.width + "px;" : ""; return "" + column.header + ""; }); return this.header.append("" + headers + ""); }, getRowEl: function(id) { return this.$("[data-record-id=" + id + "]", 'table'); }, render_row: function(row, row_index, options) { var altClass, cells, content, model_id, rowClass, _ref, _this = this; if (options == null) options = {}; rowClass = this.rowClass; model_id = (row != null ? row.get : void 0) && (row != null ? row.attributes : void 0) ? row.get('id') : ''; this.trigger("before:render:row", row, row_index); cells = _(this.columns).map(function(column, col_index) { var display, style, value; value = _this.cell_renderer(row, column, col_index); style = column.width ? "width:" + column.width + "px;" : ""; display = _.isUndefined(value) ? "" : value; return "" + display + ""; }); if (options.cellsOnly) return cells; altClass = ''; if (this.alternateRowClasses) { altClass = row_index % 2 === 0 ? "even" : "odd"; } content = "" + cells + ""; if (options.contentOnly === true) return content; return (_ref = this.body) != null ? _ref.append(content) : void 0; }, cell_renderer: function(row, column, columnIndex) { var source; if (_.isFunction(column.renderer)) { return column.renderer.apply(this, [row, column, columnIndex]); } else if (column.data.match(/\w+\.\w+/)) { source = row.attributes || row; return Luca.util.nestedValue(column.data, source); } else { return (typeof row.get === "function" ? row.get(column.data) : void 0) || row[column.data]; } }, double_click_handler: function(e) { var me, my, record, rowIndex; me = my = $(e.currentTarget); rowIndex = my.data('row-index'); record = this.collection.at(rowIndex); return this.trigger("row:double:click", this, record, rowIndex); }, click_handler: function(e) { var me, my, record, rowIndex; me = my = $(e.currentTarget); rowIndex = my.data('row-index'); record = this.collection.at(rowIndex); this.trigger("row:click", this, record, rowIndex); $("." + this.rowClass, this.body).removeClass('selected-row'); return me.addClass('selected-row'); } }); }).call(this); (function() { _.def("Luca.components.LoadMask")["extends"]("Luca.View")["with"]({ className: "luca-ui-load-mask", bodyTemplate: "components/load_mask" }); }).call(this); (function() { _.def("Luca.components.NavBar")["extends"]("Luca.View")["with"]({ fixed: true, position: 'top', className: 'navbar', brand: "Luca.js", bodyTemplate: 'nav_bar', bodyClassName: 'luca-ui-navbar-body', beforeRender: function() { if (this.fixed) this.$el.addClass("navbar-fixed-" + this.position); if (this.brand != null) { this.content().append("" + this.brand + ""); } if (this.template) { return this.content().append(Luca.template(this.template, this)); } }, render: function() { return this; }, content: function() { return this.$('.container').eq(0); } }); }).call(this); (function() { _.def('Luca.components.RecordManager')["extends"]('Luca.containers.CardView')["with"]({ events: { "click .record-manager-grid .edit-link": "edit_handler", "click .record-manager-filter .filter-button": "filter_handler", "click .record-manager-filter .reset-button": "reset_filter_handler", "click .add-button": "add_handler", "click .refresh-button": "filter_handler", "click .back-to-search-button": "back_to_search_handler" }, record_manager: true, initialize: function(options) { var _this = this; this.options = options != null ? options : {}; Luca.containers.CardView.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); if (!this.name) throw "Record Managers must specify a name"; _.bindAll(this, "add_handler", "edit_handler", "filter_handler", "reset_filter_handler"); if (this.filterConfig) _.extend(this.components[0][0], this.filterConfig); if (this.gridConfig) _.extend(this.components[0][1], this.gridConfig); if (this.editorConfig) _.extend(this.components[1][0], this.editorConfig); return this.bind("after:card:switch", function() { if (_this.activeCard === 0) _this.trigger("activation:search", _this); if (_this.activeCard === 1) { return _this.trigger("activation:editor", _this); } }); }, components: [ { ctype: 'split_view', relayFirstActivation: true, components: [ { ctype: 'form_view' }, { ctype: 'grid_view' } ] }, { ctype: 'form_view' } ], getSearch: function(activate, reset) { if (activate == null) activate = false; if (reset == null) reset = true; if (activate === true) this.activate(0); if (reset === true) this.getEditor().clear(); return _.first(this.components); }, getFilter: function() { return _.first(this.getSearch().components); }, getGrid: function() { return _.last(this.getSearch().components); }, getCollection: function() { return this.getGrid().collection; }, getEditor: function(activate, reset) { var _this = this; if (activate == null) activate = false; if (reset == null) reset = false; if (activate === true) { this.activate(1, function(activator, previous, current) { return current.reset(); }); } return _.last(this.components); }, beforeRender: function() { var _ref; this.$el.addClass("" + this.resource + "-manager"); if ((_ref = Luca.containers.CardView.prototype.beforeRender) != null) { _ref.apply(this, arguments); } this.$el.addClass("" + this.resource + " record-manager"); this.$el.data('resource', this.resource); $(this.getGrid().el).addClass("" + this.resource + " record-manager-grid"); $(this.getFilter().el).addClass("" + this.resource + " record-manager-filter"); return $(this.getEditor().el).addClass("" + this.resource + " record-manager-editor"); }, afterRender: function() { var collection, editor, filter, grid, manager, _ref, _this = this; if ((_ref = Luca.containers.CardView.prototype.afterRender) != null) { _ref.apply(this, arguments); } manager = this; grid = this.getGrid(); filter = this.getFilter(); editor = this.getEditor(); collection = this.getCollection(); grid.bind("row:double:click", function(grid, model, index) { manager.getEditor(true); return editor.loadModel(model); }); editor.bind("before:submit", function() { $('.form-view-flash-container', _this.el).html(''); return $('.form-view-body', _this.el).spin("large"); }); editor.bind("after:submit", function() { return $('.form-view-body', _this.el).spin(false); }); editor.bind("after:submit:fatal_error", function() { $('.form-view-flash-container', _this.el).append("
  • There was an internal server error saving this record. Please contact developers@benchprep.com to report this error.
  • "); return $('.form-view-body', _this.el).spin(false); }); editor.bind("after:submit:error", function(form, model, response) { return _(response.errors).each(function(error) { return $('.form-view-flash-container', _this.el).append("
  • " + error + "
  • "); }); }); editor.bind("after:submit:success", function(form, model, response) { $('.form-view-flash-container', _this.el).append("
  • Successfully Saved Record
  • "); model.set(response.result); form.loadModel(model); grid.refresh(); return _.delay(function() { $('.form-view-flash-container li.success', _this.el).fadeOut(1000); return $('.form-view-flash-container', _this.el).html(''); }, 4000); }); return filter.eachComponent(function(component) { try { return component.bind("on:change", _this.filter_handler); } catch (e) { return; } }); }, firstActivation: function() { this.getGrid().trigger("first:activation", this, this.getGrid()); return this.getFilter().trigger("first:activation", this, this.getGrid()); }, reload: function() { var editor, filter, grid, manager; manager = this; grid = this.getGrid(); filter = this.getFilter(); editor = this.getEditor(); filter.clear(); return grid.applyFilter(); }, manageRecord: function(record_id) { var model, _this = this; model = this.getCollection().get(record_id); if (model) return this.loadModel(model); console.log("Could Not Find Model, building and fetching"); model = this.buildModel(); model.set({ id: record_id }, { silent: true }); return model.fetch({ success: function(model, response) { return _this.loadModel(model); } }); }, loadModel: function(current_model) { this.current_model = current_model; this.getEditor(true).loadModel(this.current_model); return this.trigger("model:loaded", this.current_model); }, currentModel: function() { return this.getEditor(false).currentModel(); }, buildModel: function() { var collection, editor, model; editor = this.getEditor(false); collection = this.getCollection(); collection.add([{}], { silent: true, at: 0 }); return model = collection.at(0); }, createModel: function() { return this.loadModel(this.buildModel()); }, reset_filter_handler: function(e) { this.getFilter().clear(); return this.getGrid().applyFilter(this.getFilter().getValues()); }, filter_handler: function(e) { return this.getGrid().applyFilter(this.getFilter().getValues()); }, edit_handler: function(e) { var me, model, my, record_id; me = my = $(e.currentTarget); record_id = my.parents('tr').data('record-id'); if (record_id) model = this.getGrid().collection.get(record_id); return model || (model = this.getGrid().collection.at(row_index)); }, add_handler: function(e) { var me, my, resource; me = my = $(e.currentTarget); return resource = my.parents('.record-manager').eq(0).data('resource'); }, destroy_handler: function(e) {}, back_to_search_handler: function() {} }); }).call(this); (function() { _.def("Luca.Router")["extends"]("Backbone.Router")["with"]({ routes: { "": "default" }, initialize: function(options) { var _this = this; this.options = options; _.extend(this, this.options); this.routeHandlers = _(this.routes).values(); return _(this.routeHandlers).each(function(route_id) { return _this.bind("route:" + route_id, function() { return _this.trigger.apply(_this, ["change:navigation", route_id].concat(_(arguments).flatten())); }); }); }, navigate: function(route, triggerRoute) { if (triggerRoute == null) triggerRoute = false; Backbone.Router.prototype.navigate.apply(this, arguments); return this.buildPathFrom(Backbone.history.getFragment()); }, buildPathFrom: function(matchedRoute) { var _this = this; return _(this.routes).each(function(route_id, route) { var args, regex; regex = _this._routeToRegExp(route); if (regex.test(matchedRoute)) { args = _this._extractParameters(regex, matchedRoute); return _this.trigger.apply(_this, ["change:navigation", route_id].concat(args)); } }); } }); }).call(this); (function() { _.def("Luca.components.ToolbarDialog")["extends"]("Luca.View")["with"]({ className: "luca-ui-toolbar-dialog span well", styles: { "position": "absolute", "z-Index": "3000", "float": "left" }, initialize: function(options) { this.options = options != null ? options : {}; return this._super("initialize", this, arguments); }, createWrapper: function() { return this.make("div", { "class": "component-picker span4 well", style: "position: absolute; z-index:12000" }); }, show: function() { return this.$el.parent().show(); }, hide: function() { return this.$el.parent().hide(); }, toggle: function() { return this.$el.parent().toggle(); } }); }).call(this); (function() { _.extend(Luca, Luca.Events); _.extend(Luca.View.prototype, Luca.Events); _.extend(Luca.Collection.prototype, Luca.Events); _.extend(Luca.Model.prototype, Luca.Events); }).call(this);