require 'spec_helper' require 'spree/testing_support/bar_ability' module Spree describe Api::OrdersController, type: :request do let!(:order) { create(:order) } let(:variant) { create(:variant) } let(:line_item) { create(:line_item) } let(:attributes) { [:number, :item_total, :display_total, :total, :state, :adjustment_total, :user_id, :created_at, :updated_at, :completed_at, :payment_total, :shipment_state, :payment_state, :email, :special_instructions, :total_quantity, :display_item_total, :currency] } let(:address_params) { { country_id:, state_id: } } let(:current_api_user) do user = "") user.generate_spree_api_key! user end before do stub_authentication! end describe "POST create" do let(:target_user) { create :user } let(:date_override) { Time.parse('2015-01-01') } subject do post spree.api_orders_path, params: { order: { user_id:, created_at: date_override, email: } } response end context "when the current user cannot administrate the order" do custom_authorization! do |_| can :create, Spree::Order end it "does not include unpermitted params, or allow overriding the user" do subject order = Spree::Order.last expect(order.user).to eq current_api_user expect( eq end it { be_success } end context "when the current user can administrate the order" do custom_authorization! do |_| can [:admin, :create], Spree::Order end it "it permits all params and allows overriding the user" do subject order = Spree::Order.last expect(order.user).to eq target_user expect( eq expect(order.created_at).to eq date_override end it { be_success } end context 'when the line items have custom attributes' do it "can create an order with line items that have custom permitted attributes" do PermittedAttributes.line_item_attributes << { options: [:some_option] } expect_any_instance_of(Spree::LineItem).to receive(:some_option=).once.with('4') post spree.api_orders_path, params: { order: { line_items: { "0" => { variant_id: variant.to_param, quantity: 5, options: { some_option: 4 } } } } } expect(response.status).to eq(201) order = Order.last expect(order.line_items.count).to eq(1) end end end describe "PUT update" do let(:user) { create :user } let(:order_params) { { number: "anothernumber", user_id:, email: "" } } let(:can_admin) { false } subject do put spree.api_order_path(order), params: { order: order_params } response end context "when the user cannot administer the order" do custom_authorization! do |_| can [:update], Spree::Order end it "updates the user's email" do expect { subject }.to change { }.to("") end it { be_success } it "does not associate users" do expect { subject }.not_to change { order.reload.user } end it "does not change forbidden attributes" do expect { subject }.to_not change{ order.reload.number } end end context "when the user can administer the order" do custom_authorization! do |_| can [:admin, :update], Spree::Order end it "will associate users" do expect { subject }.to change { order.reload.user }.to(user) end it "updates the otherwise forbidden attributes" do expect{ subject }.to change{ order.reload.number }. to("anothernumber") end end end it "cannot view all orders" do get spree.api_orders_path assert_unauthorized! end context "the current api user does not exist" do let(:current_api_user) { nil } it "returns a 401" do get spree.api_my_orders_path expect(response.status).to eq(401) end end context "the current api user is authenticated" do let(:current_api_user) { order.user } let(:store) { create(:store) } let(:order) { create(:order, line_items: [line_item], store: store) } it "can view all of their own orders for the current store" do get spree.api_my_orders_path, headers: { 'SERVER_NAME' => store.url } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(json_response["pages"]).to eq(1) expect(json_response["current_page"]).to eq(1) expect(json_response["orders"].length).to eq(1) expect(json_response["orders"].first["number"]).to eq(order.number) expect(json_response["orders"].first["line_items"].length).to eq(1) expect(json_response["orders"].first["line_items"].first["id"]).to eq( end it "cannot view orders for a different store" do get spree.api_my_orders_path, headers: { 'SERVER_NAME' => 'foo' } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(json_response["orders"].length).to eq(0) end it "can filter the returned results" do get spree.api_my_orders_path, params: { q: { completed_at_not_null: 1 } }, headers: { 'SERVER_NAME' => store.url } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(json_response["orders"].length).to eq(0) end it "returns orders in reverse chronological order by completed_at" do order.update_columns completed_at: Time.current, created_at: 3.days.ago order2 = Order.create user: order.user, completed_at: Time.current -, created_at:, store: store expect(order2.created_at).to be > order.created_at order3 = Order.create user: order.user, completed_at: nil, created_at:, store: store expect(order3.created_at).to be > order2.created_at order4 = Order.create user: order.user, completed_at: nil, created_at: 0.days.ago, store: store expect(order4.created_at).to be > order3.created_at get spree.api_my_orders_path, headers: { 'SERVER_NAME' => store.url } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(json_response["pages"]).to eq(1) orders = json_response["orders"] expect(orders.length).to eq(4) expect(orders[0]["number"]).to eq(order.number) expect(orders[1]["number"]).to eq(order2.number) expect([orders[2]["number"], orders[3]["number"]]).to match_array([order3.number, order4.number]) end end describe 'current' do let(:current_api_user) { order.user } let!(:order) { create(:order, line_items: [line_item]) } it "uses the user's last_incomplete_spree_order logic with the current store" do expect(current_api_user).to receive(:last_incomplete_spree_order).with(store: Spree::Store.default) get spree.api_current_order_path(format: 'json') end end it "can view their own order" do allow_any_instance_of(Order).to receive_messages user: current_api_user get spree.api_order_path(order) expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(json_response).to have_attributes(attributes) expect(json_response["adjustments"]).to be_empty end describe 'GET #show' do let(:order) { create :order_with_line_items } let(:adjustment) { FactoryGirl.create(:adjustment, adjustable: order, order: order) } subject { get spree.api_order_path(order) } before do allow_any_instance_of(Order).to receive_messages user: current_api_user end context 'when inventory information is present' do it 'contains stock information on variant' do subject variant = json_response['line_items'][0]['variant'] expect(variant).to_not be_nil expect(variant['in_stock']).to eq(false) expect(variant['total_on_hand']).to eq(0) expect(variant['is_backorderable']).to eq(true) expect(variant['is_destroyed']).to eq(false) end end context 'when shipment adjustments are present' do before do order.shipments.first.adjustments << adjustment end it 'contains adjustments on shipment' do subject # Test to insure shipment has adjustments shipment = json_response['shipments'][0] expect(shipment).to_not be_nil expect(shipment['adjustments'][0]).not_to be_empty expect(shipment['adjustments'][0]['label']).to eq(adjustment.label) end end context 'when credit cards are present' do let!(:payment) { create(:credit_card_payment, order: order, source: credit_card) } let(:credit_card) { create(:credit_card, address: create(:address)) } it 'contains the credit cards' do subject credit_cards = json_response['credit_cards'] expect(credit_cards.size).to eq 1 expect(credit_cards[0]['id']).to eq expect(credit_cards[0]['address']['id']).to eq credit_card.address_id end end end it "orders contain the basic checkout steps" do allow_any_instance_of(Order).to receive_messages user: current_api_user get spree.api_order_path(order) expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(json_response["checkout_steps"]).to eq(%w[address delivery confirm complete]) end it "can not view someone else's order" do allow_any_instance_of(Order).to receive_messages user: stub_model(Spree::LegacyUser) get spree.api_order_path(order) assert_unauthorized! end it "can view an order if the token is known" do get spree.api_order_path(order), params: { order_token: order.guest_token } expect(response.status).to eq(200) end it "can view an order if the token is passed in header" do get spree.api_order_path(order), headers: { "X-Spree-Order-Token" => order.guest_token } expect(response.status).to eq(200) end context "with BarAbility registered" do before { Spree::Ability.register_ability(::BarAbility) } after { Spree::Ability.remove_ability(::BarAbility) } it "can view an order" do user = build(:user, spree_roles: [ 'bar')]) allow(Spree.user_class).to receive_messages find_by: user get spree.api_order_path(order) expect(response.status).to eq(200) end end it "cannot cancel an order that doesn't belong to them" do order.update_attribute(:completed_at, Time.current) order.update_attribute(:shipment_state, "ready") put spree.cancel_api_order_path(order) assert_unauthorized! end it "can create an order" do post spree.api_orders_path, params: { order: { line_items: { "0" => { variant_id: variant.to_param, quantity: 5 } } } } expect(response.status).to eq(201) order = Order.last expect(order.line_items.count).to eq(1) expect(order.line_items.first.variant).to eq(variant) expect(order.line_items.first.quantity).to eq(5) expect(json_response['number']).to be_present expect(json_response["token"]).not_to be_blank expect(json_response["state"]).to eq("cart") expect(order.user).to eq(current_api_user) expect( eq( expect(json_response["user_id"]).to eq( end it "assigns email when creating a new order" do post spree.api_orders_path, params: { order: { email: "" } } expect(json_response['email']).not_to eq controller.current_api_user expect(json_response['email']).to eq "" end # Regression test for it "can specify additional parameters for a line item" do expect(Order).to receive(:create!).and_return(order = allow(order).to receive(:associate_user!) allow(order).to receive_message_chain(:contents, :add).and_return(line_item = double('LineItem')) expect(line_item).to receive(:update_attributes!).with(hash_including("special" => "foo")) allow_any_instance_of(Spree::Api::OrdersController).to receive_messages(permitted_line_item_attributes: [:id, :variant_id, :quantity, :special]) post spree.api_orders_path, params: { order: { line_items: { "0" => { variant_id: variant.to_param, quantity: 5, special: "foo" } } } } expect(response.status).to eq(201) end it "cannot arbitrarily set the line items price" do post spree.api_orders_path, params: { order: { line_items: { "0" => { price: 33.0, variant_id: variant.to_param, quantity: 5 } } } } expect(response.status).to eq 201 expect(Order.last.line_items.first.price.to_f).to eq(variant.price) end context "admin user imports order" do let!(:current_api_user) { create :admin_user } it "is able to set any default unpermitted attribute" do post spree.api_orders_path, params: { order: { number: "WOW" } } expect(response.status).to eq 201 expect(json_response['number']).to eq "WOW" end end it "can create an order without any parameters" do post spree.api_orders_path expect(response.status).to eq(201) expect(json_response["state"]).to eq("cart") end context "working with an order" do let(:variant) { create(:variant) } let!(:line_item) { order.contents.add(variant, 1) } let!(:payment_method) { create(:check_payment_method) } let(:address_params) { { country_id: } } let(:billing_address) { { firstname: "Tiago", lastname: "Motta", address1: "Av Paulista", city: "Sao Paulo", zipcode: "01310-300", phone: "12345678", country_id: } } let(:shipping_address) { { firstname: "Tiago", lastname: "Motta", address1: "Av Paulista", city: "Sao Paulo", zipcode: "01310-300", phone: "12345678", country_id: } } let(:country) { create(:country, { name: "Brazil", iso_name: "BRAZIL", iso: "BR", iso3: "BRA", numcode: 76 }) } before { allow_any_instance_of(Order).to receive_messages user: current_api_user } it "updates quantities of existing line items" do put spree.api_order_path(order), params: { order: { line_items: { "0" => { id:, quantity: 10 } } } } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(json_response['line_items'].count).to eq(1) expect(json_response['line_items'].first['quantity']).to eq(10) end it "adds an extra line item" do variant2 = create(:variant) put spree.api_order_path(order), params: { order: { line_items: { "0" => { id:, quantity: 10 }, "1" => { variant_id:, quantity: 1 } } } } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(json_response['line_items'].count).to eq(2) expect(json_response['line_items'][0]['quantity']).to eq(10) expect(json_response['line_items'][1]['variant_id']).to eq( expect(json_response['line_items'][1]['quantity']).to eq(1) end it "cannot change the price of an existing line item" do put spree.api_order_path(order), params: { order: { line_items: { 0 => { id:, price: 0 } } } } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(json_response['line_items'].count).to eq(1) expect(json_response['line_items'].first['price'].to_f).to_not eq(0) expect(json_response['line_items'].first['price'].to_f).to eq(line_item.variant.price) end it "can add billing address" do put spree.api_order_path(order), params: { order: { bill_address_attributes: billing_address } } expect(order.reload.bill_address).to_not be_nil end it "receives error message if trying to add billing address with errors" do billing_address[:firstname] = "" put spree.api_order_path(order), params: { order: { bill_address_attributes: billing_address } } expect(json_response['error']).not_to be_nil expect(json_response['errors']).not_to be_nil expect(json_response['errors']['bill_address.firstname'].first).to eq "can't be blank" end it "can add shipping address" do order.update_attributes!(ship_address_id: nil) expect { put spree.api_order_path(order), params: { order: { ship_address_attributes: shipping_address } } }.to change { order.reload.ship_address }.from(nil) end it "receives error message if trying to add shipping address with errors" do order.update_attributes!(ship_address_id: nil) shipping_address[:firstname] = "" put spree.api_order_path(order), params: { order: { ship_address_attributes: shipping_address } } expect(json_response['error']).not_to be_nil expect(json_response['errors']).not_to be_nil expect(json_response['errors']['ship_address.firstname'].first).to eq "can't be blank" end it "cannot set the user_id for the order" do user = Spree.user_class.create original_id = order.user_id put spree.api_order_path(order), params: { order: { user_id: } } expect(response.status).to eq 200 expect(json_response["user_id"]).to eq(original_id) end context "order has shipments" do before { order.create_proposed_shipments } it "clears out all existing shipments on line item udpate" do put spree.api_order_path(order), params: { order: { line_items: { 0 => { id:, quantity: 10 } } } } expect(order.reload.shipments).to be_empty end end context "with a line item" do let(:order) { create(:order_with_line_items) } let(:line_item) { order.line_items.first } it "can empty an order" do create(:adjustment, order: order, adjustable: order) put spree.empty_api_order_path(order) expect(response.status).to eq(204) order.reload expect(order.line_items).to be_empty expect(order.adjustments).to be_empty end it "can list its line items with images" do order.line_items.first.variant.images.create!(attachment: image("thinking-cat.jpg")) get spree.api_order_path(order) expect(json_response['line_items'].first['variant']).to have_attributes([:images]) end it "lists variants product id" do get spree.api_order_path(order) expect(json_response['line_items'].first['variant']).to have_attributes([:product_id]) end it "includes the tax_total in the response" do get spree.api_order_path(order) expect(json_response['included_tax_total']).to eq('0.0') expect(json_response['additional_tax_total']).to eq('0.0') expect(json_response['display_included_tax_total']).to eq('$0.00') expect(json_response['display_additional_tax_total']).to eq('$0.00') end it "lists line item adjustments" do adjustment = create(:adjustment, label: "10% off!", order: order, adjustable: order.line_items.first) adjustment.update_column(:amount, 5) get spree.api_order_path(order) adjustment = json_response['line_items'].first['adjustments'].first expect(adjustment['label']).to eq("10% off!") expect(adjustment['amount']).to eq("5.0") end it "lists payments source without gateway info" do order.payments.push payment = create(:payment) get spree.api_order_path(order) source = json_response[:payments].first[:source] expect(source[:name]).to eq expect(source[:cc_type]).to eq payment.source.cc_type expect(source[:last_digits]).to eq payment.source.last_digits expect(source[:month]).to eq payment.source.month expect(source[:year]).to eq payment.source.year expect(source.key?(:gateway_customer_profile_id)).to be false expect(source.key?(:gateway_payment_profile_id)).to be false end context "when in delivery" do let!(:shipping_method) do FactoryGirl.create(:shipping_method).tap do |shipping_method| shipping_method.calculator.preferred_amount = 10 end end before do!! end it "includes the ship_total in the response" do get spree.api_order_path(order) expect(json_response['ship_total']).to eq '10.0' expect(json_response['display_ship_total']).to eq '$10.00' end it "returns available shipments for an order" do get spree.api_order_path(order) expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(json_response["shipments"]).not_to be_empty shipment = json_response["shipments"][0] # Test for correct shipping method attributes # Regression test for expect(shipment["shipping_methods"]).not_to be_nil json_shipping_method = shipment["shipping_methods"][0] expect(json_shipping_method["id"]).to eq( expect(json_shipping_method["name"]).to eq( expect(json_shipping_method["code"]).to eq(shipping_method.code) expect(json_shipping_method["zones"]).not_to be_empty expect(json_shipping_method["shipping_categories"]).not_to be_empty # Test for correct shipping rates attributes # Regression test for expect(shipment["shipping_rates"]).not_to be_nil shipping_rate = shipment["shipping_rates"][0] expect(shipping_rate["name"]).to eq(json_shipping_method["name"]) expect(shipping_rate["cost"]).to eq("10.0") expect(shipping_rate["selected"]).to be true expect(shipping_rate["display_cost"]).to eq("$10.00") expect(shipping_rate["shipping_method_code"]).to eq(json_shipping_method["code"]) expect(shipment["stock_location_name"]).not_to be_blank manifest_item = shipment["manifest"][0] expect(manifest_item["quantity"]).to eq(1) expect(manifest_item["variant_id"]).to eq(order.line_items.first.variant_id) end end end end context "as an admin" do sign_in_as_admin! context "with no orders" do before { Spree::Order.delete_all } it "still returns a root :orders key" do get spree.api_orders_path expect(json_response["orders"]).to eq([]) end end context "caching enabled" do before do ActionController::Base.perform_caching = true 3.times { Order.create } end it "returns unique orders" do get spree.api_orders_path orders = json_response[:orders] expect(orders.count).to be >= 3 expect( { |o| o[:id] }).to match_array Order.pluck(:id) end after { ActionController::Base.perform_caching = false } end it "lists payments source with gateway info" do order.payments.push payment = create(:payment) get spree.api_order_path(order) source = json_response[:payments].first[:source] expect(source[:name]).to eq expect(source[:cc_type]).to eq payment.source.cc_type expect(source[:last_digits]).to eq payment.source.last_digits expect(source[:month]).to eq payment.source.month expect(source[:year]).to eq payment.source.year expect(source[:gateway_customer_profile_id]).to eq payment.source.gateway_customer_profile_id expect(source[:gateway_payment_profile_id]).to eq payment.source.gateway_payment_profile_id end context "with two orders" do before { create(:order) } it "can view all orders" do get spree.api_orders_path expect(json_response["orders"].first).to have_attributes(attributes) expect(json_response["count"]).to eq(2) expect(json_response["current_page"]).to eq(1) expect(json_response["pages"]).to eq(1) end # Test for it "can control the page size through a parameter" do get spree.api_orders_path, params: { per_page: 1 } expect(json_response["orders"].count).to eq(1) expect(json_response["orders"].first).to have_attributes(attributes) expect(json_response["count"]).to eq(1) expect(json_response["current_page"]).to eq(1) expect(json_response["pages"]).to eq(2) end end context "search" do before do create(:order) Spree::Order.last.update_attribute(:email, '') end let(:expected_result) { Spree::Order.last } it "can query the results through a parameter" do get spree.api_orders_path, params: { q: { email_cont: 'spree' } } expect(json_response["orders"].count).to eq(1) expect(json_response["orders"].first).to have_attributes(attributes) expect(json_response["orders"].first["email"]).to eq( expect(json_response["count"]).to eq(1) expect(json_response["current_page"]).to eq(1) expect(json_response["pages"]).to eq(1) end end context "creation" do it "can create an order without any parameters" do post spree.api_orders_path expect(response.status).to eq(201) expect(json_response["state"]).to eq("cart") end it "can arbitrarily set the line items price" do post spree.api_orders_path, params: { order: { line_items: { "0" => { price: 33.0, variant_id: variant.to_param, quantity: 5 } } } } expect(response.status).to eq 201 expect(Order.last.line_items.first.price.to_f).to eq(33.0) end it "can set the user_id for the order" do user = Spree.user_class.create post spree.api_orders_path, params: { order: { user_id: } } expect(response.status).to eq 201 expect(json_response["user_id"]).to eq( end end context "updating" do it "can set the user_id for the order" do user = Spree.user_class.create put spree.api_order_path(order), params: { order: { user_id: } } expect(response.status).to eq 200 expect(json_response["user_id"]).to eq( end end context "can cancel an order" do before do Spree::Config[:mails_from] = "" order.completed_at = Time.current order.state = 'complete' order.shipment_state = 'ready'! end specify do put spree.cancel_api_order_path(order) expect(json_response["state"]).to eq("canceled") expect(json_response["canceler_id"]).to eq( end end end describe '#apply_coupon_code' do let(:promo) { create(:promotion_with_item_adjustment, code: 'abc') } let(:promo_code) { } before do allow_any_instance_of(Order).to receive_messages user: current_api_user end context 'when successful' do let(:order) { create(:order_with_line_items) } it 'applies the coupon' do put spree.apply_coupon_code_api_order_path(order), params: { coupon_code: promo_code.value } expect(response.status).to eq 200 expect(order.reload.promotions).to eq [promo] expect(json_response).to eq({ "success" => Spree.t(:coupon_code_applied), "error" => nil, "successful" => true, "status_code" => "coupon_code_applied" }) end end context 'when unsuccessful' do let(:order) { create(:order) } # no line items to apply the code to it 'returns an error' do put spree.apply_coupon_code_api_order_path(order), params: { coupon_code: promo_code.value } expect(response.status).to eq 422 expect(order.reload.promotions).to eq [] expect(json_response).to eq({ "success" => nil, "error" => Spree.t(:coupon_code_unknown_error), "successful" => false, "status_code" => "coupon_code_unknown_error" }) end end end end end