namespace :nginx do namespace :centos do desc <<-DESC Install nginx, conf, initscript, nginx user and service. *nginx_build_options*: Nginx build options.\n
    set :nginx_build_options, {
      :url => "",
      :configure_options => "--sbin-path=\#{nginx_bin_path} --conf-path=\#{nginx_conf_path}
        --pid-path=\#{nginx_pid_path} --error-log-path=/var/log/nginx_master_error.log --lock-path=/var/lock/nginx 
        --prefix=\#{nginx_prefix_path} --with-md5=auto/lib/md5 --with-sha1=auto/lib/sha1 --with-http_ssl_module"
\n *nginx_bin_path*: Nginx sbin path. _Defaults to /sbin/nginx_\n @set :nginx_bin_path, "/sbin/nginx"@\n *nginx_conf_path*: Path to nginx conf. _Defaults to /etc/nginx/nginx.conf_\n @set :nginx_conf_path, "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf"@\n *nginx_pid_path*: Path to nginx pid file. _Defaults to /var/run/nginx.pid_\n @set :nginx_pid_path, "/var/run/"@\n *nginx_prefix_path*: Nginx install prefix. _Defaults to /var/nginx_\n @set :nginx_prefix_path, "/var/nginx"@\n DESC task :install do # Settings fetch(:nginx_build_options) fetch_or_default(:nginx_bin_path, "/sbin/nginx") fetch_or_default(:nginx_conf_path, "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf") fetch_or_default(:nginx_pid_path, "/var/run/") fetch_or_default(:nginx_prefix_path, "/var/nginx") # Install dependencies yum.install([ "pcre-devel", "openssl", "openssl-devel" ]) # Build build.make_install("nginx", nginx_build_options) # Install initscript, and turn it on put template.load("nginx/nginx.initd.erb"), "/tmp/nginx.initd" run_via "install -o root /tmp/nginx.initd /etc/init.d/nginx && rm -f /tmp/nginx.initd" run_via "/sbin/chkconfig --level 345 nginx on" # Setup nginx run_via "mkdir -p /etc/nginx/vhosts" run_via "echo \"# Blank nginx conf; work-around for nginx conf include issue\" > /etc/nginx/vhosts/blank.conf" put template.load("nginx/nginx.conf.erb", binding), "/tmp/nginx.conf" run_via "install -o root -m 644 /tmp/nginx.conf #{nginx_conf_path} && rm -f /tmp/nginx.conf" # Create nginx user run_via "id nginx || /usr/sbin/adduser -r nginx" end # Restart nginx desc "Restart nginx (service)" task :restart do sudo "/sbin/service nginx restart" end end end