
Makes creating XML/JSON responses in Rails 3, 4 and 5 easy and fun.

The built-in XML/JSON support of Rails is great but: You surely don’t want to expose your models always with all attributes.

acts_as_api enriches the models and controllers of your app in a rails-like way so you can easily determine how your API responses should look like.


  • DRY templates for your api responses
  • Ships with support for ActiveRecord and Mongoid
  • Support for Rails 3/4 Responders (extracted to responders gem since Rails 5)
  • Plays very well together with client libs like Backbone.js or RestKit (iOS).
  • Easy but very flexible syntax for defining the templates
  • XML, JSON and JSON-P support out of the box, easy to extend
  • Support for meta data like pagination info, etc…
  • Minimal dependecies (you can also use it without Rails)
  • Supports multiple api rendering templates for a models. This is especially useful for API versioning or for example for private vs. public access points to a user’s profile.

Rails Quickstart

Add to gemfile

gem 'acts_as_api'

Update your bundle

bundle install

Setting up your Model

Given you have a model User. If you only want to expose the first_name and last_name attribute of a user via your api, you would do something like this:

Within your model:

First you activate acts_as_api for your model by calling acts_as_api.

Then you define an api template to render the model with api_accessible.

class User < ActiveRecord::Base


  api_accessible :name_only do |template|
    template.add :first_name
    template.add :last_name


An API template with the name :name_only was created.

See below how to use it in the controller:

Setting up your Controller

Now you just have to exchange the render method in your controller for the render_for_api method.

class UsersController < ApplicationController

  def index
    @users = User.all

Note that it’s wise to add a root param when rendering lists.

    respond_to do |format|
      format.xml  { render_for_api :name_only, :xml => @users, :root => :users  }
      format.json { render_for_api :name_only, :json => @users, :root => :users }

  def show
    @user = User.find(params[:id])

    respond_to do |format|
      format.xml  { render_for_api :name_only, :xml  => @user }
      format.json { render_for_api :name_only, :json => @user }


That’s it!

Try it. The JSON response of #show should now look like this:

Other attributes of the model like created_at or updated_at won’t be included because they were not listed by api_accessible in the model.

  "user": {
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name":  "Doe"

But wait! … there’s more

Often the pure rendering of database values is just not enough, so acts_as_api provides you some tools to customize your API responses.

What can I include in my responses?

You can do basically anything:

You can find more advanced examples in the Github Wiki

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