en: actor: name: "Name" action: send: "Send" accept: "Accept" account: cancel: "Cancel account" edit: "Edit account" email: change: "Change email address" one: "Account" password: change: "Change password" new: "New password" retype: "Retype new password" privacy: "Privacy" activerecord: attributes: contact: relation_ids: "Contact type" relation/custom: name: "Name" user: email: "Email" name: "Name" password: "Password" password_confirmation: "Confirm password" remember_me: "Remember me" activity: audience: hidden: summary: "Restricted" full: "Shared with contacts of %{audience}" public: summary: "Public" full: "Shared with all the Internet" visible: summary: "Restricted" full: "Shared with %{audience}" confirm_delete: "Delete activity?" delete: "Delete" last: "Last Activities" like: "I like" one: "Activity" other: "Activities" privacy: myself: contacts: group: "All members" user: "Your contacts" outside: contacts: group: "Members of %{receiver}" user: "Contacts of %{receiver}" sending: "Sending" title: "Activities" to_comment: "Comment" unlike: "I do not like anymore" verb: follow: User: title: "%{subject} added %{contact} as contact." message: "%{name} added you as contact." Group: title: "%{subject} added %{contact} as contact." message: "%{name} added you as contact." like: User: title: "%{subject} is a fan of %{contact}." message: "%{name} is now your fan." Group: title: "%{subject} is a fan of %{contact}." message: "%{name} is now your fan." make-friend: User: title: "%{subject} and %{contact} are now connected." message: "%{name} also added you as contact." Group: title: "%{subject} added %{contact} as contact." message: "%{name} added you as contact." post: title: other_wall: "%{sender} → %{receiver}" browse: "Browse" button: cancel: "Cancel" create: "Create" save: "Save" update: "Update" comment: input: "Write a comment..." confirm_delete: "Delete comment?" name: "comment" one: "a comment" view_all: "View all comments" contact: all_n: "All contacts (%{count})" confirm_delete: "Delete contact?" current: "Current" delete: "Delete" edit: title: "Edit contact to %{name}" submit: "Edit contact" error_count: one: "1 error prohibited this contact from being saved:" other: "%{count} errors prohibited this contact from being saved:" graph: one: "Graph" empty: "We're sorry but you don't have any contacts yet. You can try the search box to look for somebody!" in_common: one: "1 contact in common" other: "%{count} contacts in common" new: link: "+ Add contact" title: "Add %{name} to your contacts" menu: "Add contact" submit: "Add Contact" one: "Contact" other: "Contacts" pending: other: "Pending" all: "All" all_n: "See all pending requests (%{count})" relation: one: "Contact type" new: "New type" reply: link: "+ Reply contact" title: "Reply contact request to %{name}" submit: "Reply contact" suggestion: one: "Suggestion" other: "Suggestions" all: "All" type: new: "+ New type" copyright: "2010 Copyright - All rights reserved" delete: confirm: Delete %{element}}? devise: links: sign_in: "Sign in" sign_up: "Sign up" forgot_password: "Forgot you password?" confirmation_instructions: "Didn't receive confirmation instructions?" unlock_instructions: "Didn't receive unlock instructions?" sign_in_with: "Sign in with %{provider}" passwords: confirm: "Confirm password" forgot: "Forgot your password?" instructions: "Type the email address bound to your account and we will sent you instructions to change it:" update: "Change your password" follower: n: one: "1 follower" other: "%{count} followers" forgot_password: "Forgot you password?" frontpage: collaborate: default: "Collaborate" sentence1: "Organize your projects and activities" sentence2: "Participate in conferences and events" sentence3: "Create your own group and conferences" elements: comments: "Comments" conferences: "Conferences" networks: "Social Networks" organizers: "Organizers" participants: "Participants" groups: "Groups" tags: "Tags" main_title: "Social Stream is a core for building social network websites." meet: default: "Meet" sentence1: "Meet interesting people and groups" sentence2: "Find last activity of your contacts" register: "Register now!" share: default: "Share" sentence1: "Your proyects and activities" sentence2: "Posts, photos, audio and videos" stats: "%{users} users and %{groups} groups registered" group: one: "Group" other: "Groups" all: "All groups" all_n: "All groups (%{count})" by: "By groups" destroy: one: "Destroy group" explanation: "All the activities, information and contacts of this group will be destroyed!" go_ahead: "Yes, I am sure. Destroy all!" last_confirm: "This is your last chance. Are you really sure?" form: title: "Group" input: "What is the name of the group?" last: "Last groups" my: "My groups" new: action: "New group" name: "Name" description: "Description" participants: "Participants" cloud: "Group tag cloud" most: followed: "Most followed" liked: "Most liked" tags: "Tags" help: "Help" helpers: submit: relation_custom: create: "Save" update: "Update" home: "Home" inbox: one: "Inbox" invitation: e-mails: "E-mail addresses" error: "Your request was unprocessable. Make sure you wrote correct e-mail addresses." invited: "%{sender} has invited you to %{site}!" join: "Invite other people to join %{site}!" join_me: "Join me at %{site}!" one: "Invitation" other: "Invitations" toolbar: "Invite" success: "Your invitations have successfully been sent" text: "Write your own message" like: n: one: "1 fan" other: "%{count} fans" location: message: "You are here > %{location}" base: "You are here" separator: " > " mailboxer: delete: "Delete" delete_confirm: "Do you want to move '%{object}' to trash?" form: body: "Body" recipients: "Recipients" subject: "Subject" mark_as_read: "Mark as read" message_mailer: has_sent_new: event: "has sent a new message to %{receiver}" group: "has sent a new message to %{receiver}" user: "has sent you a new message" has_sent_reply: event: "has sent a reply to %{receiver}" group: "has sent a reply to %{receiver}" user: "has sent you a reply" subject_new: "%{subject}" subject_reply: "%{subject}" notification_mailer: subject: "%{subject}" reply: "Reply" send: "Send message" sent: "Your message was sent" menu: options: "Menu Options" information: "Information" wall: "Wall" message: answer: "Write your answer" inbox: "Inbox" look: "Take a look at this conversation" new: "New Message" one: "Message" other: "Messages" participants: "Participants" send: "Send a message" sentbox: "Sentbox" trash: "Trash" notification: all_text: "Read the whole text at %{url}" confirm: "Confirm %{sender} as contact?" default: "You have a new notification" destroy_sure: "Do you want to delete this notification?" fan: "%{sender} is now %{whose} fan." follow: group: "%{sender} added %{who} as contact." user: "%{sender} added %{who} as contact." hello: "Hi %{receiver}," like: group: "%{sender} likes %{whose} %{thing}." user: "%{sender} likes %{whose} %{thing}." look: "Take a look at %{sender}'s wall" makefriend: group: "%{sender} also added %{who} as contact." user: "%{sender} also added %{who} as contact." one: "Notification" other: "Notifications" post: group: "%{sender} added %{thing} in %{whose} wall." user: "%{sender} added %{thing} in %{whose} wall." read: "Mark as read" read_all: "Mark all as read" unread: "Mark as unread" update: group: "%{sender} updated %{thing} in %{whose} wall." user: "%{sender} updated %{thing} in %{whose} wall." visit: "Visit %{url} and check all your notifications." watch: "Watch it at %{url}" watch_it: "Watch it!" who: group: "%{name}" user: "you" whose: group: "%{receiver}'s" user: "your" post: confirm_delete: "Delete post?" form: title: "Post" input: "What are you doing?" name: "post" one: "a post" title: "Posts" preposition: and: "and" on: "on" profile: one: "Profile" age: "Age" is_on: "is on" must_be_signed_id: "You must be signed in" group: about: "About us" birthday: "Anniversary" experience: "Area of expertise" info: "Group information" tags: "Group tags" user: about: "About me" birthday: "Birthday" experience: "Experience" info: "Personal information" tags: "User tags" actualcity: "Actual City" address: "Address" contact: "Contact information" country: "Country" email: "E-mail" empty: "These fields are empty. Please, update them." fax: "Fax" mobile: "Mobile" organization: "Organization" phone: "Phone" profile: "Edit profile" tags: default: "social, stream," other: "Tags" website: "Website" update: error: "Please, check the format of your profile:" success: "Your profile has been updated" public: other: "Everybody" permission: description: brief: create: activity: "Post to wall" follow: nil: "Follow their activity" read: activity: "Read wall" represent: nil: "Administrate" detailed: create: activity: "Post to \"%{relation}\" wall" follow: nil: "Activities of the contacts at %{relation} will appear in our home wall" read: activity: "Read posts in \"%{relation}\" wall" tie: "See contacts in levels: %{relations} and %{public}" represent: nil: "Change session to act as %{subject}" of_relation: choose: "2. Permissions in %{name} sphere" privacy: intro: "Contacts at %{relation} level are only allowed to:" rule: add: "Add" title: "Privacy rules" saved: "Privacy rules saved" relation_custom: choose: "1. Choose sphere" confirm_delete: "Delete this sphere?" delete: "Delete" edit: "Change name" new: "+ New sphere" title: "Privacy & context" relation_public: name: "Public" representation: notice: "Your session has changed. Now you are acting on behalf of %{subject}. Use the top-right menu to return to your session" switch: "Switch session" required: "(*) These fields are required" search: all_results: "Search all %{subject} (%{count})" at_least: "Write at least two characters" global: name: "Global search" first_result: more: "Showing the first %{count} results." one: "Showing the first result." query: "See more results for %{query} >" name: "Search" no_subject_found: "No %{subject} was found." nothing: "Nothing found" searching: "Searching: %{query}" show_all: "All" write: "Write your query ..." wrong: "There seems to be a problem with the search engine" settings: api_key: briefing: "Manage your API key" confirm: "Are you sure?" empty: "Empty Token" explanation: "This is your API key" name: "API Key" regenerate: "Regenerate API key" cancel_account: briefing: "Lets you cancel your account" email_change: briefing: "Change your email" error: "Some errors raised when saving your changes" for: "Settings for" main: "Settings" manage: name: "Admin Contacs" briefing: "Settings for contacts" explanation: "Change contacts permissions" notifications: briefing: "Settings about notifications behaviour and mail alerts" name: "Notifications" by_email: name: "Send me an email when I receive a notification" always: "Always" never: "Never" one: "Settings" password_change: briefing: "Change your password" success: "Your settings where correctly changed" share: "Share" sign_in: "Sign in" sign_out: "Sign out" sign_up: "Sign up" site: name: "Social Stream" subject: this_is_you: "This is you!" sure: "Are you sure?" time: ago: "%{time} ago" unknown: "Unknown" user: by: "By Users" one: "User" other: "Users" all: "All users" all_n: "All users (%{count})" welcome: "Welcome to %{site}!"