#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w require 'rmagick' # Demonstrate the Draw#text_align method canvas = Magick::Image.new(200, 100) gc = Magick::Draw.new # Draw three samples of text, each using # a different alignment constant. Put the # samples on different points on the y-axis # so we can tell them apart. gc.stroke('transparent') gc.pointsize(16) gc.fill('red') gc.text_align(Magick::RightAlign) gc.text(100, 30, 'RightAlign') gc.fill('blue') gc.text_align(Magick::CenterAlign) gc.text(100, 50, 'CenterAlign') gc.fill('green') gc.text_align(Magick::LeftAlign) gc.text(100, 70, 'LeftAlign') # Now draw lines to show the points # to which each sample is aligned. gc.stroke('gray50') gc.line(100, 10, 100, 90) gc.line(98, 30, 102, 30) gc.line(98, 50, 102, 50) gc.line(98, 70, 102, 70) gc.draw(canvas) canvas.border!(1, 1, 'gray50') canvas.write('text_align.gif') exit