module MCollective class Application class Tasks < Application description "Puppet Task Orchestrator" usage <<-USAGE mco tasks [--detail] mco tasks mco tasks run [OPTIONS] mco tasks status [FLAGS] The Task Orchestrator is designed to provide a consistent management environment for Puppet Tasks. It will download tasks from your Puppet Server onto all nodes and after verifying they were able to correctly download the same task across the entire fleet will run the task. Tasks are run in the background, the CLI can wait for up to 60 seconds for your task to complete and show the status or you can use the status comment to review a completed task later. USAGE exclude_argument_sections "rpc" def post_option_parser(configuration) configuration[:__command] = ARGV.shift || "list" end def list_options self.class.option :__detail, :arguments => ["--detail"], :description => "Show command descriptions", :default => false, :type => :boolean end def status_options application_options[:usage].clear self.class.usage <<-USAGE mco tasks status [FLAGS] Retrieves the status for a task you previously requested. It can be running or completed. By default only failed exuecutions are shown, use --verbose to see them all. USAGE self.class.option :__summary, :arguments => ["--summary"], :description => "Only show a overall summary of the task", :default => false, :type => :boolean self.class.option :__metadata, :arguments => ["--metadata"], :description => "Only show task metadata for each node", :default => false, :type => :boolean self.class.option :__json_format, :arguments => ["--json"], :description => "Display results in JSON format", :default => false, :type => :boolean end def run_options # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength application_options[:usage].clear self.class.usage <<-USAGE mco tasks run [OPTIONS] Runs a task in the background and wait up to 50 seconds for it to complete. Task inputs are handled using --argument=value for basic String, Numeric and Boolean types, others can be passed using --input Input can also be read from a file using "--input @file.json" or "--input @file.yaml". For complex data types like Hashes, Arrays or Variants you have to supply input as YAML or JSON. Once a task is run the task ID will be displayed which can later be used with the "mco tasks status" command to extract results. Examples: Run myapp::upgrade task in the background and wait for it to complete: mco tasks run myapp::upgrade --version 1.0.0 Run myapp::upgrade task in the background and return immediately: mco tasks run myapp::upgrade --version 1.0.0 --background Supply complex data input to the task: Should input be given on both the CLI arguments and a file the CLI arguments will override the file mco tasks run myapp::upgrade --input @input.json mco tasks run myapp::upgrade --input @input.yaml mco tasks run myapp::upgrade --version 1.0.0 --input \\ '{"source": { "url": "http://repo/archive-1.0.0.tgz", "hash": "68b329da9893e34099c7d8ad5cb9c940"}}' USAGE task = ARGV[1] abort("Please specify a task to run") unless task cli.create_task_options(task, "production", self) self.class.option :__summary, :arguments => ["--summary"], :description => "Only show a overall summary of the task", :default => false, :type => :boolean self.class.option :__background, :arguments => ["--background"], :description => "Do not wait for the task to complete", :default => false, :type => :boolean self.class.option :__json_input, :arguments => ["--input INPUT"], :description => "JSON input to pass to the task", :required => false, :type => String self.class.option :__batch_size, :arguments => ["--batch SIZE"], :description => "Run tasks on nodes in batches", :required => false, :type => String self.class.option :__batch_sleep, :arguments => ["--batch-sleep SECONDS"], :description => "Time to sleep between invocations of batches of nodes", :required => false, :default => 1, :type => Integer self.class.option :__run_as, :arguments => ["--run-as USERNAME"], :description => "Run task as user USERNAME", :required => false, :default => nil, :type => String end def say(msg="") puts(msg) unless configuration[:__json_format] end def run_command task = ARGV.shift input = cli.task_input(configuration) say("Retrieving task metadata for task %s from the Puppet Server" % task) begin meta = cli.task_metadata(task, "production") rescue abort($!.to_s) end cli.transform_hash_strings(meta, input) cli.validate_task_input(task, meta, input) say("Attempting to download and run task %s on %d nodes" % [Util.colorize(:bold, task),]) say download_files(task, meta["files"]) request = { :task => task, :files => meta["files"].to_json } request[:run_as] = configuration[:__run_as] if configuration[:__run_as] request[:input] = input.to_json if input if configuration[:__background] puts("Starting task %s in the background" % [Util.colorize(:bold, task)]) if configuration[:__batch_size] bolt_tasks.batch_size = configuration[:__batch_size] bolt_tasks.batch_sleep_time = configuration[:__batch_sleep] bolt_tasks.progress = true end printrpc bolt_tasks.run_no_wait(request) printrpcstats if bolt_tasks.stats.okcount > 0 puts puts("Request detailed status for the task using 'mco tasks status %s'" % [Util.colorize(:bold, bolt_tasks.stats.requestid)]) end else say("Running task %s and waiting up to %s seconds for it to complete" % [ Util.colorize(:bold, task), Util.colorize(:bold, bolt_tasks.ddl.meta[:timeout]) ]) request_and_report(:run_and_wait, request) end ensure reset_client! end def download_files(task, files) bolt_tasks.batch_size = 50 bolt_tasks.batch_sleep_time = 1 failed = false downloads = [] cnt = idx = 0 => "production", :task => task, :files => files.to_json) do |_, s| unless configuration[:__json_format] print(cli.twirl("Downloading and verifying %d file(s) from the Puppet Server to all nodes:" % [files.size], cnt, idx + 1)) puts if cnt == idx + 1 end idx += 1 downloads << s end {|d| d[:statuscode] > 0}.each_with_index do |download, i| failed = true puts if i == 0 puts(" %s: %s" % [Util.colorize(:red, "Could not download files onto %s" % download[:sender]), download[:statusmsg]]) end unless bolt_tasks.stats.noresponsefrom.empty? puts puts bolt_tasks.stats.no_response_report failed = true end if failed puts abort("Could not download the task %s onto all nodes" % task) end end def status_command taskid = ARGV.shift abort("Please specify a task id to display") unless taskid if configuration[:__metadata] say("Requesting task metadata for request %s" % Util.colorize(:bold, taskid)) unless options[:verbose] bolt_tasks.task_status(:task_id => taskid).each do |status| cli.print_result_metadata(status) end cli.print_rpc_stats(bolt_tasks.stats) else say("Requesting task status for request %s, showing failures only pass --verbose for all output" % Util.colorize(:bold, taskid)) unless options[:verbose] request_and_report(:task_status, {:task_id => taskid}, taskid) end end def request_and_report(action, arguments, taskid=nil) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength task_not_known_nodes = 0 wrapper_failure = 0 completed_nodes = 0 running_nodes = 0 runtime = 0.0 success_nodes = 0 fail_nodes = 0 progress = configuration[:__summary] || configuration[:__batch_size] ? : nil cnt = 0 expected = task_names = [] callers = [] if configuration[:__batch_size] bolt_tasks.batch_size = configuration[:__batch_size] bolt_tasks.batch_sleep_time = configuration[:__batch_sleep] end say bolt_tasks.send(action, arguments) do |_, reply| status = reply[:data] if reply[:statuscode] == 3 fail_nodes += 1 task_not_known_nodes += 1 elsif [-1, 0].include?(status[:exitcode]) status[:completed] ? completed_nodes += 1 : running_nodes += 1 runtime += status[:runtime] reply[:statuscode] == 0 ? success_nodes += 1 : fail_nodes += 1 elsif reply[:statuscode] == 5 wrapper_failure += 1 fail_nodes += 1 else fail_nodes += 1 end task_names << status[:task] if status[:task] callers << status[:callerid] if status[:callerid] if progress print(progress.twirl(cnt + 1, expected)) say if cnt + 1 == expected else cli.print_result(reply) end cnt += 1 end taskid ||= bolt_tasks.stats.requestid callers.compact! callers.uniq! task_names.compact! task_names.uniq! say cli.print_task_summary( taskid, task_names, callers, completed_nodes, running_nodes, task_not_known_nodes, wrapper_failure, success_nodes, fail_nodes, runtime, bolt_tasks.stats ) ensure reset_client! end def list_command cli.show_task_list("production", configuration[:__detail]) end def run command = ARGV[0] command = "list" unless valid_commands.include?(command) send("%s_options" % command) super end def show_task_help(task) cli.show_task_help(task, "production") end def bolt_tasks @_bolt_tasks ||= rpcclient("bolt_tasks") end def reset_client! bolt_tasks.batch_size = 0 bolt_tasks.progress = options[:verbose] end def extract_environment_from_argv idx = ARGV.index("--environment") return "production" unless idx ARGV[idx + 1] end def valid_commands methods.grep(/_command$/).map {|c| c.to_s.gsub("_command", "")} end def choria Util.loadclass("MCollective::Util::Choria") @_choria ||= end def tasks_support @_tasks_support ||= choria.tasks_support end def cli format = configuration[:__json_format] ? :json : :default if options @_cli ||= tasks_support.cli(format, options[:verbose]) else tasks_support.cli(format, false) end end def main if valid_commands.include?(configuration[:__command]) send("%s_command" % configuration[:__command]) else show_task_help(configuration[:__command]) end end end end end