require 'base64' require 'digest/md5' module Jabber ## # Helpers for SASL authentication (RFC2222) # # You might not need to use them directly, they are # invoked by Jabber::Client#auth module SASL NS_SASL = 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl' ## # Factory function to obtain a SASL helper for the specified mechanism def SASL::new(stream, mechanism) case mechanism when 'DIGEST-MD5' when 'PLAIN' else raise "Unknown SASL mechanism: #{mechanism}" end end ## # SASL mechanism base class (stub) class Base def initialize(stream) @stream = stream end private def generate_auth(mechanism, text=nil) auth = 'auth' auth.add_namespace NS_SASL auth.attributes['mechanism'] = mechanism auth.text = text auth end def generate_nonce end end ## # SASL PLAIN authentication helper (RFC2595) class Plain < Base ## # Authenticate via sending password in clear-text def auth(password) auth_text = "#{@stream.jid.strip}\x00#{@stream.jid.node}\x00#{password}" error = nil @stream.send(generate_auth('PLAIN', Base64::encode64(auth_text).strip)) { |reply| if != 'success' error = reply.first_element(nil).name end true } raise error if error end end ## # SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication helper (RFC2831) class DigestMD5 < Base ## # Sends the wished auth mechanism and wait for a challenge # # (proceed with DigestMD5#auth) def initialize(stream) super challenge = {} error = nil @stream.send(generate_auth('DIGEST-MD5')) { |reply| if == 'challenge' and reply.namespace == NS_SASL challenge_text = Base64::decode64(reply.text) challenge_text.split(/,/).each { |s| key, value = s.split(/=/, 2) value.sub!(/^"/, '') value.sub!(/"$/, '') challenge[key] = value } else error = reply.first_element(nil).name end true } raise error if error @nonce = challenge['nonce'] @realm = challenge['realm'] end ## # * Send a response # * Wait for the server's challenge (which aren't checked) # * Send a blind response to the server's challenge def auth(password) response = {} response['nonce'] = @nonce response['charset'] = 'utf-8' response['username'] = @stream.jid.node response['realm'] = @realm || @stream.jid.domain response['cnonce'] = generate_nonce response['nc'] = '00000001' response['qop'] = 'auth' response['digest-uri'] = "xmpp/#{@stream.jid.domain}" response['response'] = response_value(@stream.jid.node, @stream.jid.domain, response['digest-uri'], password, @nonce, response['cnonce'], response['qop']) response.each { |key,value| unless %w(nc qop response charset).include? key response[key] = "\"#{value}\"" end } r ='response') r.add_namespace NS_SASL r.text = Base64::encode64(response.collect { |k,v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join(',')).gsub(/\s/, '') error = nil @stream.send(r) { |reply| if != 'challenge' error = reply.first_element(nil).name end true } raise error if error # TODO: check the challenge from the server r.text = nil @stream.send(r) { |reply| if != 'success' error = reply.first_element(nil).name end true } raise error if error end private ## # Function from RFC2831 def h(s); Digest::MD5.digest(s); end ## # Function from RFC2831 def hh(s); Digest::MD5.hexdigest(s); end ## # Calculate the value for the response field def response_value(username, realm, digest_uri, passwd, nonce, cnonce, qop) a1_h = h("#{username}:#{realm}:#{passwd}") a1 = "#{a1_h}:#{nonce}:#{cnonce}" #a2 = "AUTHENTICATE:#{digest_uri}#{(qop == 'auth') ? '' : ':00000000000000000000000000000000'}" a2 = "AUTHENTICATE:#{digest_uri}" hh("#{hh(a1)}:#{nonce}:00000001:#{cnonce}:#{qop}:#{hh(a2)}") end end end end