require 'ey_cloud_awareness' require 'pp' task :eyc_setup, :roles => :app_master do version = Gem.searcher.find('ey_cloud_awareness').version.to_s begin run "gem list ey_cloud_awareness --installed --version #{version}" rescue $stderr.puts "[EY CLOUD AWARENESS GEM] app_master doesn't have ey_cloud_awareness --version #{version} installed. You need to have the exact same version installed." raise $! end upload File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'ey_cloud_awareness.rake')), "#{deploy_to}/current/lib/tasks/ey_cloud_awareness.rake" output = capture("cd #{deploy_to}/current && rake --silent eyc:to_json RAILS_ENV=#{rails_env}").gsub(/\s+/, ' ') if /(\{.*\})/.match(output) begin set :eyc_proxy, EngineYardCloudInstance.from_hash(ActiveSupport::JSON.decode($1)) rescue $stderr.puts "[EY CLOUD AWARENESS GEM] Couldn't parse JSON, so just dumping what we got" $stderr.puts $1 raise $! end else $stderr.puts "[EY CLOUD AWARENESS GEM] Didn't get JSON we recognized back, just dumping what we got" $stderr.puts output raise end { |i| role :app, i.dns_name } eyc_proxy.db.each { |i| role :db, i.dns_name } end namespace :eyc do %w{ app db utility all first }.each do |name| task name, :roles => :app_master do pp eyc_proxy.send(name).map(&:to_hash) end end end