Class Atom::Text
In: lib/atom/yaml.rb
Parent: Atom::Element

An Atom::Element representing a text construct. It has a single attribute, "type", which accepts values "text", "html" and "xhtml"


html   to_s   xml  

Public Instance methods

returns a string suitable for dumping into an HTML document


    # File lib/atom/text.rb, line 32
32:     def html
33:       if self["type"] == "xhtml" or self["type"] == "html"
34:         to_s
35:       elsif self["type"] == "text"
37:       end
38:     end


    # File lib/atom/text.rb, line 23
23:     def to_s
24:       if self["type"] == "xhtml" 
25:         @content.children.to_s
26:       else
27:         @content.to_s
28:       end
29:     end

attempts to parse the content of this element as XML and return it as an array of REXML::Elements.

If this self["type"] is "html" and Hpricot is installed, it will be converted to XHTML first.


    # File lib/atom/text.rb, line 45
45:     def xml
46:       if self["type"] == "xhtml"
47:         @content.children
48:       elsif self["type"] == "text"
49:         [self.to_s]
50:       elsif self["type"] == "html"
51:         begin
52:           require "hpricot"
53:         rescue
54:           raise "Turning HTML content into XML requires Hpricot."
55:         end
57:         fixed = Hpricot(self.to_s, :xhtml_strict => true)
59:       else
60:         # XXX check that @type is an XML mimetype and parse it
61:         raise "I haven't implemented this yet"
62:       end
63:     end
