module DiscourseApi module API module Topics # :category OPTIONAL name of category, not ID # :skip_validations OPTIONAL boolean # :auto_track OPTIONAL boolean # :created_at OPTIONAL seconds since epoch. def create_topic(args={}) args = API.params(args) .required(:title, :raw) .optional(:skip_validations, :category, :auto_track, :created_at, :api_username) post("/posts", args.to_h) end def create_topic_action(args) args = API.params(args) .required(:id, :post_action_type_id) post("/post_actions", args.to_h.merge(flag_topic: true)) end # timestamp is seconds past the epoch. def edit_topic_timestamp(topic_id,timestamp) put("/t/#{topic_id}/change-timestamp", { timestamp: timestamp }) end def latest_topics(params={}) response = get('/latest.json', params) response[:body]['topic_list']['topics'] end def new_topics(params={}) response = get("/new.json", params) response[:body]['topic_list']['topics'] end def rename_topic(topic_id, title) put("/t/#{topic_id}.json", { topic_id: topic_id, title: title }) end def recategorize_topic(topic_id, category_id) put("/t/#{topic_id}.json", { topic_id: topic_id, category_id: category_id }) end def change_topic_status(topic_slug, topic_id, params={}) params = API.params(params) .required(:status, :enabled) .optional(:api_username) put("/t/#{topic_slug}/#{topic_id}/status", params.to_h) end def topic(id, params={}) response = get("/t/#{id}.json", params) response[:body] end def topics_by(username, params={}) response = get("/topics/created-by/#{username}.json", params) response[:body]['topic_list']['topics'] end def delete_topic(id) delete("/t/#{id}.json") end def topic_posts(topic_id, post_ids=[]) url = "/t/#{topic_id}/posts.json" if post_ids.count > 0 url << '?' post_ids.each do |id| url << "post_ids[]=#{id}&" end end response = get(url) response[:body] end end end end