require 'pathname' require 'rubygems' require 'test/unit' require 'shoulda' gem 'mocha', '~> 0.9.4' gem 'jnunemaker-matchy', '0.4.0' require 'matchy' require 'mocha' $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)) dir = (Pathname(__FILE__).dirname + '..' + 'lib').expand_path require dir + 'mongomapper' class Test::Unit::TestCase custom_matcher :be_nil do |receiver, matcher, args| matcher.positive_failure_message = "Expected #{receiver} to be nil but it wasn't" matcher.negative_failure_message = "Expected #{receiver} not to be nil but it was" receiver.nil? end custom_matcher :be_true do |receiver, matcher, args| matcher.positive_failure_message = "Expected #{receiver} to be true but it wasn't" matcher.negative_failure_message = "Expected #{receiver} not to be true but it was" receiver.eql?(true) end custom_matcher :be_false do |receiver, matcher, args| matcher.positive_failure_message = "Expected #{receiver} to be false but it wasn't" matcher.negative_failure_message = "Expected #{receiver} not to be false but it was" receiver.eql?(false) end custom_matcher :be_valid do |receiver, matcher, args| matcher.positive_failure_message = "Expected to be valid but it was invalid #{receiver.errors.inspect}" matcher.negative_failure_message = "Expected to be invalid but it was valid #{receiver.errors.inspect}" receiver.valid? end custom_matcher :have_error_on do |receiver, matcher, args| receiver.valid? attribute = args[0] expected_message = args[1] if expected_message.nil? matcher.positive_failure_message = "#{receiver} had no errors on #{attribute}" matcher.negative_failure_message = "#{receiver} had errors on #{attribute} #{receiver.errors.inspect}" !receiver.errors.on(attribute).blank? else actual = receiver.errors.on(attribute) matcher.positive_failure_message = %Q(Expected error on #{attribute} to be "#{expected_message}" but was "#{actual}") matcher.negative_failure_message = %Q(Expected error on #{attribute} not to be "#{expected_message}" but was "#{actual}") actual == expected_message end end end DefaultDatabase = 'test' unless defined?(DefaultDatabase) AlternateDatabase = 'test2' unless defined?(AlternateDatabase) MongoMapper.database = DefaultDatabase