module GitTopic; end module GitTopic::Comment module ClassMethods def diff_to_file_specific_notes( diff, opts={} ) raise " Must specify :author to attribute diffs to. " unless opts.has_key? :author initial_buffer = comment_buffer = '' flush_comment_buffer = lambda do next if comment_buffer.empty? formatted_comment = comment_buffer.wrap( 80, 4, attrib( opts[:author], 4 )) initial_buffer.puts formatted_comment comment_buffer = '' end diff.each_line do |line| unless line =~ %r{^\+[^+]} case line when %r{^diff --git a/(.*) } path = $1 initial_buffer.puts "\n\n" unless initial_buffer.size == 0 initial_buffer.puts "./#{path}" when %r{^@@ -(\d+),} line = $1.to_i + 1 initial_buffer.puts "" initial_buffer.puts " Line #{line}" when %r{^\+[^+]} raise " Diff includes non-comment additions. Each added line must be prefixed with any amount of whitespace and then a ‘#’ character. ".oneline unless line =~ %r{^\+\s*#(.*)} comment_part = "#{$1}\n" comment_buffer << comment_part when %r{^old mode} raise "Diff includes mode changes." when %r{^\- } raise "Diff includes deletions." end end initial_buffer.string end def collect_comments( edit_file ) author = git_author_name_short diff = capture_git( "diff --diff-filter=M -U0 --no-color --no-renames -B", :must_succeed => true ) # file specific notes computed from diff fs_notes = diff_to_file_specific_notes( diff, :author => author ) edit_file = "#{git_dir}/COMMENT_EDITMSG" # solicit the user (via GIT_EDITOR) for any general notes beyond the file # specific ones edit_file, 'w' ) do |f| f.puts %Q{ # Edit this file to include whatever general comments you would like. # The file specific comments, shown below, will be appended to # anything you put here. Your comments will automatically be # attributed. # # Any lines beginning with a ‘#’ character will be ignored. # # # Ceterum censeo, Carthaginem esse delendam. # # }.cleanup f.puts( do |line| "# #{line}" end.join ) end invoke_git_editor( edit_file ) # combine the general and file_specific notes general_notes = File.readlines( edit_file ).reject do |line| line =~ %r{^\s*#} end.join( "" ).strip unless general_notes.empty? general_notes.wrap!( 80, 4, attrib( author )) end notes = [general_notes, fs_notes].reject{ |n| n.empty? }.join( "\n\n" ) notes end def notes_from_initial_comments( mode="add" ) raise %Q{ Illegal mode [#{mode}]. Specify either “add” or “edit” } unless ["add", "edit"].include? mode edit_file = "#{git_dir}/COMMENT_EDITMSG" notes = collect_comments( edit_file ) # Write the complete set of comments to a git note at the appropriate ref edit_file, 'w' ){ |f| f.write( notes )} git "notes --ref #{notes_ref} #{mode} -F #{edit_file}", :must_succeed => true # If all has gone well so far, clear the diff git "reset --hard" end def notes_to_hash( notes ) result = {} current_hash = result key = :general pos = -1 update_key = lambda do current_hash[ key ] = pos + 1 unless key.nil? end notes.lines.each_with_index do |line, line_no| case line when %r{^(./.*)} # new file path = $1 result[ path ] = {} current_hash = result[ path ] key = nil when %r{^\s*Line (\d+)\s*$} # new line in existing file comment_line_no = $1.to_i key = comment_line_no end pos = line_no unless line =~ %r{^\s*$} end result end def append_reply( notes, content, opts={} ) raise " Must specify :author to attribute diffs to. " unless opts.has_key? :author notes_hash = notes_to_hash( notes ) result = notes.split( "\n" ) replies = {} reply_at_line = notes_hash[ :general ] context_file = nil context_line = nil reply = nil add_reply = lambda do break if reply.nil? unless context_file.nil? raise " Unexpected reply to file [#{context_file}] ".oneline unless notes_hash.has_key? context_file raise " Unexpected reply to file [#{context_file}] without a line context. ".oneline if context_line.nil? raise " Unexpected reply to context line [#{context_line}] of file [#{context_file}] ".oneline unless notes_hash[ context_file ].has_key? context_line end attrib_indent = reply_at_line == notes_hash[ :general ] ? 0 : 4 replies[ reply_at_line ] = reply.strip.wrap( 80, 4, attrib( opts[:author], attrib_indent )) reply = nil end content.each_line do |line| case line when %r{^# (./.*)$} # Context switched to new file context_file = $1 context_line = nil reply_at_line = nil when %r{^#\s*Line (\d+).*$} context_line = $1.to_i file_hash = notes_hash[ context_file ] reply_at_line = file_hash && file_hash[ context_line ] when %r{^\s*#} # non-signposting comment, ignore it else (reply ||= '' ) << line end end replies.keys.sort.reverse.each do |reply_at_line| reply_content = replies[ reply_at_line ] i = reply_at_line result[ i..i ] = reply_content, result[ i ] end result.join( "\n" ) end def notes_from_reply_to_comments raise "There is nothing to reply to." unless existing_comments? notes = existing_comments edit_file = "#{git_dir}/COMMENT_EDITMSG" edit_file, 'w' ) do |f| f.puts %Q{ # Edit this file to include your replies. Place your replies below # either the general comments, or below a comment on a specific line # in a specific file. Do not remove any of the existing lines. # # Any lines beginning with a ‘#’ character will be ignored. # # # In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of # people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move. # Douglas Adams # # }.cleanup f.puts( do |line| "# #{line}" end.join ) end invoke_git_editor( edit_file ) content = edit_file ) notes_with_reply = append_reply( notes, content, :author => git_author_name_short ) edit_file, 'w' ){ |f| f.write( notes_with_reply )} if notes_with_reply != notes git "notes --ref #{notes_ref} edit -F #{edit_file}", :must_succeed => true else # No comments to add. return false end end def attrib( author, indent=0, max_w=16 ) w = max_w - indent attrib = if author.size < w "#{author}:" else fname = author.split.first "#{fname[0...w-1]}:" end sprintf "%s%-#{w}.#{w}s", (' ' * indent), attrib end end def self.included( base ) base.extend ClassMethods end end