# encoding: utf-8 begin require 'thor/group' rescue LoadError puts "Thor is not available.\nIf you ran this command from a git checkout " \ "of Adhearsion, please make sure thor is installed,\nand run this command " \ "as `ruby #{$0} #{(ARGV | ['--dev']).join(" ")}`" exit end module Adhearsion module Generators class Generator < Thor::Group include Thor::Actions argument :generate_command, :type => :string argument :generator_name, :type => :string # Returns the source root for this generator using default_source_root as default. def self.source_root(path = nil) @_source_root = path if path @_source_root ||= default_source_root end # Tries to get the description from a USAGE file one folder above the source # root otherwise uses a default description. def self.desc(description = nil) return super if description usage = source_root && File.expand_path("../USAGE", source_root) @desc ||= if usage && File.exist?(usage) ERB.new(File.read(usage)).result(binding) else "#{generator_name} [#{arguments.drop(2).map(&:name).join(', ')}]: #{short_desc}." end end def self.short_desc nil end # Convenience method to get the namespace from the class name. It's the # same as Thor default except that the Generator at the end of the class # is removed. def self.namespace(name = nil) return super if name @namespace ||= super.sub(/_generator$/, '').sub(/:generators:/, ':') end # Returns the default source root for a given generator. This is used internally # by adhearsion to set its generators source root. If you want to customize your source # root, you should use source_root. def self.default_source_root return unless generator_name path = File.expand_path File.join(generator_name, 'templates'), base_root path if File.exists?(path) end # Returns the base root for a common set of generators. This is used to dynamically # guess the default source root. def self.base_root File.dirname __FILE__ end protected # Removes the namespaces and get the generator name. For example, # Adhearsion::Generators::ModelGenerator will return "model" as generator name. # def self.generator_name @generator_name ||= begin if generator = name.to_s.split('::').last generator.sub!(/Generator$/, '') generator.underscore end end end end end end