require File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), "spec_helper") begin require 'active_model' require 'test/unit' if Test::Unit.respond_to?(:run=) = false require 'test/unit/testresult' elsif defined?(MiniTest::Unit) class << MiniTest::Unit def autorun; end end end rescue LoadError => e skip_warn "active_model plugin: can't load active_model (#{e.class}: #{e})" else describe "ActiveModel plugin" do specify "should be compliant to the ActiveModel spec" do tc = tc.class_eval do define_method(:setup) do class ::AMLintTest < Sequel::Model set_primary_key :id columns :id, :id2 def delete; end end module ::Blog class Post < Sequel::Model plugin :active_model end end @c = AMLintTest @c.plugin :active_model @m = @model = @o = @c.load({}) super() end def teardown super Object.send(:remove_const, :AMLintTest) Object.send(:remove_const, :Blog) end include ActiveModel::Lint::Tests # Should return self, not a proxy object def test__to_model assert_equal @m.to_model.object_id.should, @m.object_id end def test__to_key assert_equal nil, @m.to_key = 1 assert_equal [1], @o.to_key = nil assert_equal nil, @o.to_key @c.set_primary_key [:id2, :id] assert_equal nil, @o.to_key = 1 @o.id2 = 2 assert_equal [2, 1], @o.to_key @o.destroy assert_equal [2, 1], @o.to_key = nil assert_equal nil, @o.to_key end def test__to_param assert_equal nil, @m.to_param = 1 assert_equal '1', @o.to_param @c.set_primary_key [:id2, :id] @o.id2 = 2 assert_equal '2-1', @o.to_param @o.meta_def(:to_param_joiner){'|'} assert_equal '2|1', @o.to_param @o.destroy assert_equal nil, @o.to_param end def test__persisted? assert_equal false, @m.persisted? assert_equal true, @o.persisted? @m.destroy @o.destroy assert_equal false, @m.persisted? assert_equal false, @o.persisted? end # Should return self, not a proxy object def test__to_partial_path assert_equal 'am_lint_tests/am_lint_test', @m.to_partial_path assert_equal 'blog/posts/post', end end if defined?(MiniTest::Unit){|x| x.to_s}.reject{|n| n !~ /\Atest_/}.each do |m| i = i.setup i.send(m) i.teardown end else res ={} if res.failure_count > 0 puts res.instance_variable_get(:@failures) end res.failure_count.should == 0 end end end end