require File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), "spec_helper") describe Sequel::Model, "caching" do before do @cache_class = do attr_accessor :ttl def set(k, v, ttl); self[k] = v; @ttl = ttl; end def get(k); self[k]; end end cache = @cache = cache @memcached_class = do attr_accessor :ttl def set(k, v, ttl); self[k] = v; @ttl = ttl; end def get(k); if self[k] then return self[k]; else raise ArgumentError; end end def delete(k); if self[k] then super; else raise ArgumentError; end end end cache2 = @memcached = cache2 @c = @c.class_eval do plugin :caching, cache def; 'Item' end columns :name, :id end @c3 = @c3.class_eval do plugin :caching, cache2 def; 'Item' end columns :name, :id end @c4 = @c4.class_eval do plugin :caching, cache2, :ignore_exceptions => true def; 'Item' end columns :name, :id end @dataset = @c.dataset = @c3.dataset = @c4.dataset @dataset._fetch = {:name => 'sharon', :id => 1} @dataset.numrows = 1 @c2 = do def; 'SubItem' end end @c.db.reset end it "should set the model's cache store" do @c.cache_store.should be(@cache) @c2.cache_store.should be(@cache) end it "should have a default ttl of 3600" do @c.cache_ttl.should == 3600 @c2.cache_ttl.should == 3600 end it "should take a ttl option" do c = c.plugin :caching, @cache, :ttl => 1234 c.cache_ttl.should == 1234 == 1234 end it "should allow overriding the ttl option via a plugin :caching call" do @c.plugin :caching, @cache, :ttl => 1234 @c.cache_ttl.should == 1234 == 1234 end it "should offer a set_cache_ttl method for setting the ttl" do @c.cache_ttl.should == 3600 @c.set_cache_ttl 1234 @c.cache_ttl.should == 1234 == 1234 end it "should generate a cache key appropriate to the class via the Model#cache_key" do m = m.values[:id] = 1 m.cache_key.should == "#{m.class}:1" m = m.values[:id] = 1 m.cache_key.should == "#{m.class}:1" # custom primary key @c.set_primary_key :ttt m = m.values[:ttt] = 333 m.cache_key.should == "#{m.class}:333" c = m = m.values[:ttt] = 333 m.cache_key.should == "#{m.class}:333" # composite primary key @c.set_primary_key [:a, :b, :c] m = m.values[:a] = 123 m.values[:c] = 456 m.values[:b] = 789 m.cache_key.should == "#{m.class}:123,789,456" c = m = m.values[:a] = 123 m.values[:c] = 456 m.values[:b] = 789 m.cache_key.should == "#{m.class}:123,789,456" end it "should generate a cache key via the Model.cache_key method" do @c.cache_key(1).should == "#{@c}:1" @c.cache_key([1, 2]).should == "#{@c}:1,2" end it "should raise error if attempting to generate cache_key and primary key value is null" do m = proc {m.cache_key}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) m.values[:id] = 1 proc {m.cache_key}.should_not raise_error(Sequel::Error) m = proc {m.cache_key}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) m.values[:id] = 1 proc {m.cache_key}.should_not raise_error(Sequel::Error) end it "should not raise error if trying to save a new record" do proc {>'blah').save}.should_not raise_error proc {@c.create(:name=>'blah')}.should_not raise_error proc {>'blah').save}.should_not raise_error proc {@c2.create(:name=>'blah')}.should_not raise_error end it "should set the cache when reading from the database" do @c.db.sqls.should == [] @cache.should be_empty m = @c[1] @c.db.sqls.should == ['SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = 1'] m.values.should == {:name=>"sharon", :id=>1} @cache[m.cache_key].should == m m2 = @c[1] @c.db.sqls.should == [] m2.should == m m2.values.should == {:name=>"sharon", :id=>1} m = @c2[1] @c.db.sqls.should == ['SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = 1'] m.values.should == {:name=>"sharon", :id=>1} @cache[m.cache_key].should == m m2 = @c2[1] @c.db.sqls.should == [] m2.should == m m2.values.should == {:name=>"sharon", :id=>1} end it "should handle lookups by nil primary keys" do @c[nil].should == nil @c.db.sqls.should == [] end it "should delete the cache when writing to the database" do m = @c[1] @cache[m.cache_key].should == m = 'hey' @cache.has_key?(m.cache_key).should be_false @c.db.sqls.should == ["SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = 1", "UPDATE items SET name = 'hey' WHERE (id = 1)"] m = @c2[1] @cache[m.cache_key].should == m = 'hey' @cache.has_key?(m.cache_key).should be_false @c.db.sqls.should == ["SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = 1", "UPDATE items SET name = 'hey' WHERE (id = 1)"] end it "should delete the cache when deleting the record" do m = @c[1] @cache[m.cache_key].should == m m.delete @cache.has_key?(m.cache_key).should be_false @c.db.sqls.should == ["SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = 1", "DELETE FROM items WHERE id = 1"] m = @c2[1] @cache[m.cache_key].should == m m.delete @cache.has_key?(m.cache_key).should be_false @c.db.sqls.should == ["SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = 1", "DELETE FROM items WHERE id = 1"] end it "should support #[] as a shortcut to #find with hash" do m = @c[:id => 3] @cache[m.cache_key].should be_nil @c.db.sqls.should == ["SELECT * FROM items WHERE (id = 3) LIMIT 1"] m = @c[1] @cache[m.cache_key].should == m @c.db.sqls.should == ["SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = 1"] @c[:id => 4] @c.db.sqls.should == ["SELECT * FROM items WHERE (id = 4) LIMIT 1"] m = @c2[:id => 3] @cache[m.cache_key].should be_nil @c.db.sqls.should == ["SELECT * FROM items WHERE (id = 3) LIMIT 1"] m = @c2[1] @cache[m.cache_key].should == m @c.db.sqls.should == ["SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = 1"] @c2[:id => 4] @c.db.sqls.should == ["SELECT * FROM items WHERE (id = 4) LIMIT 1"] end it "should support ignore_exception option" do c = c.plugin :caching, @cache, :ignore_exceptions => true == true end it "should raise an exception if cache_store is memcached and ignore_exception is not enabled" do proc{@c3[1]}.should raise_error m = proc{m.update({:name=>'blah'})}.should raise_error end it "should rescue an exception if cache_store is memcached and ignore_exception is enabled" do @c4[1].values.should == {:name => 'sharon', :id => 1} m = proc{m.update({:name=>'blah'})}.should_not raise_error m.values.should == {:name => 'blah', :id => 1, :x => 1} end it "should support Model.cache_get_pk for getting a value from the cache by primary key" do @c.cache_get_pk(1).should == nil m = @c[1] @c.cache_get_pk(1).should == m end it "should support Model.cache_delete_pk for removing a value from the cache by primary key" do @c[1] @c.cache_get_pk(1).should_not == nil @c.cache_delete_pk(1).should == nil @c.cache_get_pk(1).should == nil end end