var closet = closet || {};
closet.reports = closet.reports || [];
name: 'visualize',
title: 'Visualize',
apply: function(pcap, fields) {
return pcap.index.about.flows > 0;
name: 'flows',
title: 'Flows',
options: function(pcap, opts, cb) {
closet.api.flows.clients(pcap._id, '*', 0.0, pcap.index.about.duration, function(data) {
var clients = $.map(data.rows, function(row) { return row.key; });
opts.choice('client', '', { values: [''].concat(clients) });
closet.api.flows.servers(pcap._id, '*', 0.0, pcap.index.about.duration, function(data) {
var servers = $.map(data.rows, function(row) { return row.key; });
opts.choice('server', '', { values: [''].concat(servers) });, '*', 0.0, pcap.index.about.duration, function(data) {
var services = $.map(data.rows, function(row) { return row.key; });
opts.choice('service', '', { values: [''].concat(services) });
opts.choice('group', 'service', { values: [ 'service', 'src', 'dst', 'dport' ] });
opts.choice('speed', 'normal', { values: [ 'normal', 'slow' ] });
create: (function() {
var globalReportId = 0;
return function(ctx, $root, pcap, opts) {
var reportId = ++globalReportId;
var buckets = {};
var flows = {};
var packets = [];
var npackets = 1;
var timeout = { normal:50, slow:100 }[opts.speed];
var paused = false;
var fetching = false;
var timerId;
'create' +
'pause' +
' +
'' +
'' +
var $buckets = $root.find('table.replay tbody');
var $status = $root.find('div.status');
var $create = $root.find('a.create');
var $pause = $root.find('a.pause');
var $info = $root.find('');
$ {
paused = !paused;
if (paused) {
} else {
timerId = timerId || setTimeout(function() { _next(); }, timeout);
// Create the key used to bucketize the flows
var _key = function(flow) {
if ( === 'dport') {
return (flow.proto === 6 ? 'tcp/' : 'udp/') + flow.dport;
return flow[];
// If we are filtering on a service, map the service to the set
// of ports so that we can filter the packets that belong to
// that flow
if (opts.service) {
var q = 'flow.service:' + closet.util.escapeQuery(opts.service.replace(/-\/.*/, ''));
var r ='flow.dport');, q, r, function(data) {
opts.ports = $.map(data.rows, function(row) { return row.key; });
// Generate the query depending on the opts setting
var _query = function(id) {
var q = 'pkt.flow:>=1>=' + (id+1);
if (opts.client) {
var client = closet.util.escapeQuery(opts.client);
q += ' ((pkt.dir:0 pkt.src:' + client + ') || (pkt.dir:1 pkt.dst:' + client + '))';
if (opts.server) {
var server = closet.util.escapeQuery(opts.server);
q += ' ((pkt.dir:0 pkt.dst:' + server + ') || (pkt.dir:1 pkt.src:' + server + '))';
if (opts.ports) {
var ports = opts.ports.join('||');
q += ' ((pkt.dir:0 udp.dstport|tcp.dstport:(' + ports + ')) || (pkt.dir:1 udp.srcport|tcp.srcport:(' + ports + ')))';
if ( === 'dport') {
q += ' (ip.proto:(6||17))';
return q;
// Add a flow to the list. If it's the first flow for a bucket,
// create the bucket as well.
var _add = function(flow) {
var key = _key(flow);
if (!buckets.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var $tr = $(
'' +
'' + closet.util.escapeHTML(key) + ' | ' +
' | ' +
buckets[key] = {};
buckets[key].$td = $tr.find('td.flows');
buckets[key].nflows = 0;
var $span = $(
$ {
'Flow ' + + '. ' +
'' + flow.src + '' +
' » ' +
'' + flow.dst + '' + ' :: ' +
'' + closet.util.escapeHTML(flow.service) + ' ' +
closet.util.escapeHTML(flow.title.slice(0, 80)) +
'' +
'' +
'Download pcap for this flow.'
flow.$span = $span;
flow.$fill = $span.find('div.fill');
flow.npackets = 1;
flows[] = flow;
// Remove a flow from the flow list and if it's the last
// flow in the bucket, remove the bucketized row as well
var _remove = function(flow) {
var key = _key(flow);
setTimeout(function() {
delete flows[];
flow.$fill.css('background-color', '#dd1122');
flow.$span.fadeOut(1000, function() {
if (--buckets[key].nflows === 0) {
var s_entry = buckets[key];
delete buckets[key];
}, 100);
var location =;
var _next = function() {
timerId = undefined;
// Abort if the user navigates to a different URL
if ( !== location) {
// Abort if the user changes 'opts' to create a new viz
if (reportId !== globalReportId) {
// Don't process this packet, if the visualization is paused
if (paused) {
// When we hit the low water-mark, prefetch (async) the
// next set of packets
if (packets.length === 30 && !fetching) {
var last = packets[packets.length-1];
fetching = true;
closet.api.packets.list(pcap._id, { q: _query(, limit: 40, terms: false }, function(data) {
fetching = false;
packets = packets.concat(data.rows);
timerId = timerId || setTimeout(function() { _next(); }, timeout);
// Process the next packet. If there are no more packets
// and we are not in the middle of fetching more chunks,
// then we are done.
var pkt = packets.shift();
if (pkt === undefined) {
if (!fetching) {
// Update the status with the current packet
'Packet ' + pkt.src + '' +
' » ' +
'' + pkt.dst + '' + ' :: ' +
'' + closet.util.escapeHTML(pkt.service) + ' ' +
closet.util.escapeHTML(pkt.title.slice(0, 80))
// Add/remove flows for this packet
if (!flows.hasOwnProperty(pkt.flow)) {
closet.api.flows.list(pcap._id, { q: '' + pkt.flow, limit: 1, terms: false }, function(data) {
var flow = data.rows[0];
if (flow.first === flow.last) {
timerId = timerId || setTimeout(function() { _next(); }, timeout);
} else {
var flow = flows[pkt.flow];
var key = _key(flow);
flow.$fill.css('width', Math.floor((++flow.npackets)*100/flow.packets) + '%');
if (flow.last === {
timerId = timerId || setTimeout(function() { _next(); }, timeout);
$ {
$status.html('hang on');
closet.api.packets.list(pcap._id, { q: _query(0), limit: 100, terms: false }, function(data) {
packets = data.rows;