/* * utile-test.js: Tests for `utile` module. * * (C) 2011, Nodejitsu Inc. * MIT LICENSE * */ var assert = require('assert'), vows = require('vows'), utile = require('../lib'); var obj1, obj2; obj1 = { foo: true, bar: { bar1: true, bar2: 'bar2' } }; obj2 = { baz: true, buzz: 'buzz' }; Object.defineProperties(obj2, { 'bazz': { get: function() { return 'bazz'; }, set: function() { return 'bazz'; } }, 'wat': { set: function() { return 'wat'; } } }); vows.describe('utile').addBatch({ "When using utile": { "it should have the same methods as the `util` module": function () { Object.keys(require('util')).forEach(function (fn) { assert.isFunction(utile[fn]); }); }, "it should have the correct methods defined": function () { assert.isFunction(utile.mixin); assert.isFunction(utile.clone); assert.isFunction(utile.rimraf); assert.isFunction(utile.mkdirp); assert.isFunction(utile.cpr); }, "the mixin() method": function () { var mixed = utile.mixin({}, obj1, obj2); assert.isTrue(mixed.foo); assert.isObject(mixed.bar); assert.isTrue(mixed.baz); assert.isString(mixed.buzz); assert.isTrue(!!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(mixed, 'bazz').get); assert.isTrue(!!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(mixed, 'bazz').set); assert.isTrue(!!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(mixed, 'wat').set); assert.isString(mixed.bazz); }, "the clone() method": function () { var clone = utile.clone(obj1); assert.isTrue(clone.foo); assert.isObject(clone.bar); assert.notStrictEqual(obj1, clone); }, "the createPath() method": function () { var x = {}, r = Math.random(); utile.createPath(x, ['a','b','c'], r) assert.equal(x.a.b.c, r) }, "the capitalize() method": function () { assert.isFunction(utile.capitalize); assert.equal(utile.capitalize('bullet'), 'Bullet'); assert.equal(utile.capitalize('bullet_train'), 'BulletTrain'); }, "the escapeRegExp() method": function () { var ans = "\\/path\\/to\\/resource\\.html\\?search=query"; assert.isFunction(utile.escapeRegExp); assert.equal(utile.escapeRegExp('/path/to/resource.html?search=query'), ans); }, "the underscoreToCamel() method": function () { var obj = utile.underscoreToCamel({ key_with_underscore: { andNested: 'values', several: [1, 2, 3], nested_underscores: true }, just_one: 'underscore' }); assert.isObject(obj.keyWithUnderscore); assert.isString(obj.justOne); assert.isTrue(obj.keyWithUnderscore.nestedUnderscores); }, "the camelToUnderscore() method": function () { var obj = utile.camelToUnderscore({ keyWithCamel: { andNested: 'values', several: [1, 2, 3], nestedCamel: true }, justOne: 'camel' }); assert.isObject(obj.key_with_camel); assert.isString(obj.just_one); assert.isTrue(obj.key_with_camel.nested_camel); } } }).export(module);