require 'restclient' require 'nokogiri' require 'tempfile' require 'yaml' module NexusCli class ProRemote < OSSRemote def get_artifact_custom_info(artifact) return N3Metadata::n3_to_xml(get_artifact_custom_info_n3(artifact)) end def get_artifact_custom_info_n3(artifact) group_id, artifact_id, version, extension = parse_artifact_string(artifact) get_string = N3Metadata::generate_n3_path(group_id, artifact_id, version, extension, configuration['repository']) begin n3 = nexus[get_string].get if !n3.match(/<urn:maven#deleted>/).nil? raise ArtifactNotFoundException else return n3 end rescue RestClient::ResourceNotFound => e raise ArtifactNotFoundException end end def update_artifact_custom_info(artifact, *params) group_id, artifact_id, version, extension = parse_artifact_string(artifact) n3_user_urns = { "n3_header" => N3Metadata::generate_n3_header(group_id, artifact_id, version, extension) }.merge(N3Metadata::generate_n3_urns_from_hash(parse_update_params(*params))) n3_temp ="nexus_n3") begin n3_temp.write(N3Metadata::parse_n3_hash(n3_user_urns)) n3_temp.close update_artifact_custom_info_n3(artifact, n3_temp.path) ensure n3_temp.close n3_temp.unlink end end def update_artifact_custom_info_n3(artifact, file) # Check if artifact exists before posting custom metadata. get_artifact_info(artifact) # Update the custom metadata using the n3 file. group_id, artifact_id, version, extension = parse_artifact_string(artifact) post_string = N3Metadata::generate_n3_path(group_id, artifact_id, version, extension, configuration['repository']) # Get all the urn:nexus/user# keys and consolidate. # Read in nexus n3 file. If this is a newly-added artifact, there will be no n3 file so escape the exception. begin nexus_n3 = get_artifact_custom_info_n3(artifact) rescue ArtifactNotFoundException nexus_n3 = "" end # Read in local n3 file. local_n3 = n3_user_urns = { "n3_header" => N3Metadata::generate_n3_header(group_id, artifact_id, version, extension) } # Get the nexus keys. n3_user_urns = N3Metadata::generate_n3_urns_from_n3(nexus_n3, n3_user_urns) # Get the local keys and update the nexus keys. n3_user_urns = N3Metadata::generate_n3_urns_from_n3(local_n3, n3_user_urns) n3_temp ="nexus_n3") begin n3_temp.write(N3Metadata::parse_n3_hash(n3_user_urns)) n3_temp.close nexus[post_string].put({:file =>}) ensure n3_temp.close n3_temp.unlink end end def clear_artifact_custom_info(artifact) get_artifact_info(artifact) group_id, artifact_id, version, extension = parse_artifact_string(artifact) post_string = N3Metadata::generate_n3_path(group_id, artifact_id, version, extension, configuration['repository']) n3_user_urns = { "n3_header" => N3Metadata::generate_n3_header(group_id, artifact_id, version, extension) } n3_temp ="nexus_n3") begin n3_temp.write(N3Metadata::parse_n3_hash(n3_user_urns)) n3_temp.close nexus[post_string].put({:file =>}) ensure n3_temp.close n3_temp.unlink end end def search_artifacts(*params) docs = parse_search_params(*params).each do |param| begin nexus['service/local/search/m2/freeform'].get(:params => {:p => param[0], :t => param[1], :v => param[2]}) do |response| raise BadSearchRequestException if response.code == 400 docs.push(Nokogiri::XML(response.body).xpath("/search-results/data")) end rescue RestClient::ResourceNotFound => e raise ArtifactNotFoundException end end result = docs.inject(docs.first) {|memo,doc| get_common_artifact_set(memo, doc)} return result.nil? ? "" : result.to_xml(:indent => 4) end def get_pub_sub(repository_id) nexus["service/local/smartproxy/pub-sub/#{repository_id}"].get end def enable_artifact_publish(repository_id) params = {:repositoryId => repository_id} params[:publish] = true artifact_publish(repository_id, params) end def disable_artifact_publish(repository_id) params = {:repositoryId => repository_id} params[:publish] = false artifact_publish(repository_id, params) end def artifact_publish(repository_id, params) nexus["service/local/smartproxy/pub-sub/#{repository_id}"].put(create_pub_sub_json(params), :content_type => "application/json") do |response| case response.code when 200 return true else raise end end end def enable_artifact_subscribe(repository_id) raise unless Nokogiri::XML(get_repository_info(repository_id)).xpath("/repository/data/repoType").first.content == "proxy" params = {:repositoryId => repository_id} params[:subscribe] = true artifact_subscribe(repository_id, params) end def disable_artifact_subscribe(repository_id) raise unless Nokogiri::XML(get_repository_info(repository_id)).xpath("/repository/data/repoType").first.content == "proxy" params = {:repositoryId => repository_id} params[:subscribe] = false artifact_subscribe(repository_id, params) end def artifact_subscribe(repository_id, params) nexus["service/local/smartproxy/pub-sub/#{repository_id}"].put(create_pub_sub_json(params), :content_type => "application/json") do |response| case response.code when 200 return true else raise end end end def enable_smart_proxy(host=nil, port=nil) params = {:enabled => true} params[:host] = host unless host.nil? params[:port] = port unless port.nil? smart_proxy(params) end def disable_smart_proxy params = {:enabled => false} smart_proxy(params) end def smart_proxy(params) nexus["service/local/smartproxy/settings"].put(create_smart_proxy_settings_json(params), :content_type => "application/json") do |response| case response.code when 200 return true else raise end end end def get_smart_proxy_settings nexus["service/local/smartproxy/settings"].get(:accept => "application/json") end def get_smart_proxy_key nexus["service/local/smartproxy/settings"].get(:accept => "application/json") end def add_trusted_key(certificate, description, path=true) params = {:description => description} params[:certificate] = path ? : certificate nexus["service/local/smartproxy/trusted-keys"].post(create_add_trusted_key_json(params), :content_type => "application/json") do |response| case response.code when 201 return true else raise end end end def delete_trusted_key(key_id) nexus["service/local/smartproxy/trusted-keys/#{key_id}"].delete do |response| case response.code when 204 return true else raise end end end def get_trusted_keys nexus["service/local/smartproxy/trusted-keys"].get(:accept => "application/json") end def get_license_info nexus["service/local/licensing"].get(:accept => "application/json") end def install_license(license_file) file = nexus["service/local/licensing/upload"].post(file, :content_type => "application/octet-stream") do |response| case response.code when 201 return true when 403 raise LicenseInstallFailure else raise end end end def install_license_bytes(bytes) nexus["service/local/licensing/upload"].post(bytes, :content_type => "application/octet-stream") do |response| case response.code when 201 return true when 403 raise LicenseInstallFailure else raise end end end private def create_add_trusted_key_json(params) JSON.dump(:data => params) end def create_smart_proxy_settings_json(params) JSON.dump(:data => params) end def create_pub_sub_json(params) JSON.dump(:data => params) end def parse_update_params(*params) begin parsed_params = params.each do |param| # The first colon separates key and value. c1 = param.index(":") key = param[0..(c1 - 1)] value = param[(c1 + 1)..-1] !c1.nil? && N3Metadata::valid_n3_key?(key) && N3Metadata::valid_n3_value?(value) ? parsed_params[key] = value : raise end return parsed_params rescue raise N3ParameterMalformedException end end def parse_search_params(*params) begin parsed_params = params.each do |param| # The first two colons separate key, type, and value. c1 = param.index(":") c2 = param.index(":", (c1 + 1)) key = param[0..(c1 - 1)] type = param[(c1 + 1)..(c2 - 1)] value = param[(c2 + 1)..-1] !c1.nil? && !c2.nil? && N3Metadata::valid_n3_key?(key) && N3Metadata::valid_n3_value?(value) && N3Metadata::valid_n3_search_type?(type) ? parsed_params.push([key, type, value]) : raise end return parsed_params rescue raise SearchParameterMalformedException end end # Expects the XML set with `data` as root. def get_common_artifact_set(set1, set2) intersection = get_artifact_array(set1) & get_artifact_array(set2) return intersection.count > 0 ? Nokogiri::XML("<data>#{intersection.join}</data>").root : Nokogiri::XML("").root end # Collect <artifact>...</artifact> elements into an array. # This will allow use of array intersection to find common artifacts in searches. def get_artifact_array(set) artifacts = artifact = nil set.to_s.split("\n").collect {|x| x.to_s.strip}.each do |piece| if piece == "<artifact>" artifact = piece elsif piece == "</artifact>" artifact += piece artifacts.push(artifact) artifact = nil elsif !artifact.nil? artifact += piece end end return artifacts end end end