# -*- ruby -*- require 'rubygems' require 'hoe' Hoe.plugin :seattlerb Hoe.plugin :racc Hoe.add_include_dirs("../../ParseTree/dev/test", "../../RubyInline/dev/lib", "../../sexp_processor/dev/lib") Hoe.spec 'ruby_parser' do developer 'Ryan Davis', 'ryand-ruby@zenspider.com' self.rubyforge_name = 'parsetree' extra_dev_deps << ['ParseTree', '~> 3.0'] extra_deps << ['sexp_processor', '~> 3.0'] self.perforce_ignore << "lib/ruby_parser.rb" if plugin? :perforce end task :clean do rm_rf(Dir["**/*~"] + Dir["**/*.diff"] + Dir["coverage.info"] + Dir["coverage"] + Dir["lib/*.output"]) end def next_num(glob) num = Dir[glob].max[/\d+/].to_i + 1 end desc "Compares PT to RP and deletes all files that match" task :compare do files = Dir["unit/**/*.rb"] puts "Parsing #{files.size} files" files.each do |file| puts file system "./cmp.rb -q #{file} && rm #{file}" end system 'find -d unit -type d -empty -exec rmdir {} \;' end desc "Compares PT to RP and stops on first failure" task :find_bug do files = Dir["unit/**/*.rb"] puts "Parsing #{files.size} files" files.each do |file| puts file sh "./cmp.rb -q #{file}" end end task :sort do sh 'grepsort "^ +def" lib/ruby_lexer.rb' sh 'grepsort "^ +def (test|util)" test/test_ruby_lexer.rb' end task :loc do loc1 = `wc -l ../1.0.0/lib/ruby_lexer.rb`[/\d+/] flog1 = `flog -s ../1.0.0/lib/ruby_lexer.rb`[/\d+\.\d+/] loc2 = `cat lib/ruby_lexer.rb lib/ruby_parser_extras.rb | wc -l`[/\d+/] flog2 = `flog -s lib/ruby_lexer.rb lib/ruby_parser_extras.rb`[/\d+\.\d+/] loc1, loc2, flog1, flog2 = loc1.to_i, loc2.to_i, flog1.to_f, flog2.to_f puts "1.0.0: loc = #{loc1} flog = #{flog1}" puts "dev : loc = #{loc2} flog = #{flog2}" puts "delta: loc = #{loc2-loc1} flog = #{flog2-flog1}" end desc "Validate against all normal files in unit dir" task :validate do sh "./cmp.rb unit/*.rb" end def run_and_log cmd, prefix files = ENV['FILES'] || 'unit/*.rb' p, x = prefix, "txt" n = Dir["#{p}.*.#{x}"].map { |s| s[/\d+/].to_i }.max + 1 rescue 1 f = "#{p}.#{n}.#{x}" sh "#{cmd} #{Hoe::RUBY_FLAGS} bin/ruby_parse -q -g #{files} &> #{f}" puts File.read(f) end desc "Benchmark against all normal files in unit dir" task :benchmark do run_and_log "ruby", "benchmark" end desc "Profile against all normal files in unit dir" task :profile do run_and_log "zenprofile", "profile" end desc "what was that command again?" task :huh? do puts "ruby #{Hoe::RUBY_FLAGS} bin/ruby_parse -q -g ..." end # vim: syntax=Ruby