class DRG::Spec < DelegateClass(DRG::Ruby::Const) # = Class # generate a rspec file based on existing code def self.default_indent_size 2 end def self.generate(file) spec = new(file) return if spec.funcs.empty? # nothing to do lines = [%Q(require "spec_helper"), %Q(), %Q(describe #{spec.const} do)] if spec.class? spec.initialization_args.each do |arg| lines << %Q( let(:#{arg.to_s.sub(/^[&*]/, '')}) {}) end lines << %Q() lines << %Q( subject { #{spec.initialization_args.join(', ')} }) elsif spec.module? lines << %Q( subject { { include #{spec.const} }.new }) end lines << %Q() spec.funcs.reject(&:private?).each do |func| lines << %Q( describe #{spec.quote("#{func.class? ? '.' : '#'}#{}")} do) func.assignments.each do |assignment| lines << %Q( it #{spec.quote(assignment)} do) << %Q( end) end func.conditions.each do |condition| lines.concat spec.collect_contexts(condition, ' ') end lines << %Q( end) << %Q() end lines << %Q(end) << %Q() lines end attr_reader :ruby, :file def initialize(file) @file = file @ruby = super @ruby.const end def const @const ||= begin require file Kernel.const_get( end end def collect_contexts(condition, indent = '', contexts = []) new_indent = indent + (' ' * self.class.default_indent_size) contexts << %Q(#{indent}context #{quote(tr(condition.short_statement))} do) << %Q(#{new_indent}before {}) if should_print? condition.return_value contexts << %Q(#{new_indent}it #{quote(condition.return_value)} do) << %Q(#{new_indent}end) end if condition.nested_conditions.any? condition.nested_conditions.each { |nc| collect_contexts(nc, new_indent, contexts) } end contexts << %Q(#{indent}end) << %Q() # /context if contexts << %Q(#{indent}context #{quote(tr(negate(condition.short_statement)))} do) << %Q(#{new_indent}before {}) if should_print? condition.else_return_value contexts << %Q(#{new_indent}it #{quote(condition.else_return_value)} do) << %Q(#{new_indent}end) end contexts << %Q(#{indent}end) end do |condition_part| contexts << %Q(#{indent}context #{quote(tr(condition_part.short_statement))} do) << %Q(#{new_indent}before {}) contexts << %Q(#{new_indent}it #{quote(condition_part.return_value)} do) << %Q(#{new_indent}end) contexts << %Q(#{indent}end) if should_print? condition_part.else_return_value contexts << %Q(#{indent}context #{quote(tr(negate(condition_part.short_statement)))} do) << %Q(#{new_indent}before {}) contexts << %Q(#{new_indent}it #{quote(condition_part.else_return_value)} do) << %Q(#{new_indent}end) contexts << %Q(#{indent}end) end end contexts end def quote(txt) txt = txt.to_s txt.strip! if txt =~ /"/ "%Q[#{txt.gsub(/\#\{(.*?)\}/m, '\#{\1}')}]" else %Q("#{txt}") end end def negate(phrase) if phrase[/^unless /] phrase.sub /^unless /, 'if ' else "not #{phrase}" end end def tr(phrase) phrase.sub! /^if /, 'when ' phrase.sub! /^not if /, 'unless ' phrase.sub! /^if not /, 'unless ' phrase.sub! /then$/, '' if phrase !~ /^(when|unless|not)/ phrase = "when #{phrase}" end phrase end # @description reject multiline statements, which means we messed up somewhere else, so let's hide that def should_print?(txt) !txt.empty? and txt !~ /\n/ end end