require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' require Pathname(__FILE__).dirname.expand_path.parent + 'lib/persevere' describe Persevere do # # Create an object to interact with Persevere # before :all do @p ='http://localhost:8080') @blobObj = { 'id' => 'Yogo', 'properties' => { 'cid' => {'type' => 'string', 'optional' => true }, 'parent' => { 'type' => 'string', 'optional' => true}, 'data' => { 'type' => 'string', 'optional' => true} } } @corruptObj = { 'id' => 'Corrupt', 'properties' => { 'id' => 1234, 'parent' => { 'type' => 'string'}, 'data' => { 'type' => 'string'} } } @mockObj = { 'id' => 'Yogo', 'properties' => { 'cid' => {'type' => 'string', 'optional' => true }, 'parent' => { 'type' => 'string', 'optional' => true}, 'data' => { 'type' => 'string', 'optional' => true} }, 'prototype' => {} } @object = { 'cid' => '123', 'parent' => 'none', 'data' => 'A Chunk Of Data' } end # Test POST to create a new class describe '#post' do it 'should create a new object in persevere' do result = @p.create('/Class/', @blobObj) result.code.should == "201" JSON.parse(result.body).should == @mockObj end # it 'should not allow posting with a bad object' do # result = @p.create('/Class/', @corruptObj) # result.code.should == "500" # result.body.should == "\"Can not modify queries\"" # end it 'should not allow posting to an existing object/id/path' do result = @p.create('/Class/', @blobObj) result.code.should == "201" JSON.parse(result.body).should == @blobObj # This shouldn't be a 201, it should say something mean. end end # # Test GET to retrieve the list of classes from Persvr # describe '#get' do it 'should retrieve the previously created object from persevere' do result = @p.retrieve('/Class/Yogo') result.code.should == "200" JSON.parse(result.body).should == @blobObj end it 'should 404 on a non-existent object' do result = @p.retrieve('/Class/GetNotThere') result.code.should == "404" result.message.should == "Not Found" end end # # Test PUT to modify an existing class # describe '#put' do it 'should modify the previously created object in persevere' do @blobObj['properties']['tstAttribute'] = { 'type' => 'string' } result = @p.update('/Class/Yogo', @blobObj) result.code.should == "200" JSON.parse(result.body).should == @blobObj end it 'should fail to modify a non-existent item' do result = @p.update('/Class/NonExistent', @blobObj) result.code.should == "500" result.body.should == "\"id does not match location\"" @p.delete('/Class/NonExistent') # A bug(?) in Persevere makes a broken NonExistent class. # This should be a 404 and not throw a persevere server exception end end # # Test DELETE to remove the previously created and modified class # describe '#delete' do it 'should remove the previously created and modified object from persevere' do result = @p.delete('/Class/Yogo') result.code.should == "204" @p.retrieve('/Class/Yogo').code.should == "404" end it 'should fail to delete a non-existent item' do result = @p.delete('/Class/NotThere') result.code.should == "404" result.message.should == "Not Found" result.body.should == "\"Class/NotThere not found\"" end end describe "POSTing objects" do before(:all) do @p.create('/Class/', @blobObj) end it "should not allow nil fields to be posted" do obj_with_nil = @object.merge({'cid' => nil}) result = @p.create('/Yogo', obj_with_nil) result.code.should == "201" JSON.parse(result.body).reject{|key,value| key == 'id' }.should == obj_with_nil.reject{|key,value| value.nil?} end after(:all) do @p.delete('/Class/Yogo') end end describe "GETting limits and offsets" do before(:all) do @p.create('/Class/', @blobObj) (0..99).each do |i| @p.create('/Yogo/', @object.merge({'cid' => "#{i}"})) end end it "should only retrieve all objects" do result = @p.retrieve('/Yogo/') result.code.should == "200" JSON.parse(result.body).length.should == 100 end it "should retrieve the first objects" do result = @p.retrieve('/Yogo/1') result.code.should == "200" JSON.parse(result.body)['id'].should == '1' end it "should retrieve a 10 of the objects" do result = @p.retrieve('/Yogo/', {'Range' => "items=1-10"}) result.code.should == '206' JSON.parse(result.body).length.should == 10 end it "should return the first 2 objects" do result = @p.retrieve('/Yogo/', {'Range' => "items=0-1"}) result.code.should == '206' json = JSON.parse(result.body) json.length.should == 2 json[0]['id'].should == '1' json[1]['id'].should == '2' end it "should return 21 and up objects" do result = @p.retrieve('/Yogo/', {'Range' => 'items=20-'}) result.code.should == '206' json = JSON.parse(result.body) json.length.should == 80 json[0]['id'].should == '21' json[-1]['id'].should == '100' end it "should return objects with id's 11 - 15" do result = @p.retrieve('/Yogo/', {'Range' => 'items=10-14'}) result.code.should == '206' json = JSON.parse(result.body) json.length.should == 5 json[0]['id'].should == '11' json[-1]['id'].should == '15' end after(:all) do @p.delete('/Class/Yogo') end end end