## Spy 0.4.3 (Not Released) ## * Not Released ## Spy 0.4.3 (April 14, 2016) ## * Double performance of spy lookups (@BlakeMesdag) ## Spy 0.4.2 ## * Support for minitest 5.1 ## Spy 0.4.1 ## * Support for minitest 5.0 ## Spy 0.4.0 (May 8, 2013) ## * Allow `Spy#have_received_with` to accept a block * Add automatic test integration for TestUnit, Minitest and Rspec * Fix a few rubinius tests ## Spy 0.3.1 (March 13, 2013) ## * Fix Agency recruiting of mock ## Spy 0.3.0 (March 12, 2013) ## * Added Mock Example: book = Spy.mock(Book, author: "John Steinbeck") * Deprecate Double and use Mock instead * Fix Exceptions so they can have custom messages ## Spy 0.2.5 (March 9, 2013) ## * Add custom exception classes ## Spy 0.2.4 (February 28, 2013) ## * Fix airty checking of Spy::Subroutine#and_return ## Spy 0.2.3 (February 28, 2013) ## * Fix marshal dumping * Add Docs * Make error messages clearer ## Spy 0.2.2 (February 26, 2013) ## * Make compatible with ruby 2.0.0 ## Spy 0.2.1 (February 25, 2013) ## * fix missing CallLog ## Spy 0.2.0 (February 22, 2013) ## * Add CallLog * Fix constant stubbing * Ensure spy is logging all calls even if an error is raised * add Spy::Subroutine#called_with ## Spy 0.1.0 (February 20, 2013) ## * add Spy#and_raise * add Spy#and_throw * add Spy#and_yield * add Constant stubbing * fix private method lookups ## Spy 0.0.1 (February 5, 2013) ## * Stub objects Example: Spy.on(book, :title).and_return("East of Eden") * Create Doubles Example: Spy.double("Double Name", stub: :method)