
Class Summary
CellRangeAddress See OOO documentation: excelfileformat.pdf sec 2.5.14 - 'Cell Range Address'

CellRangeAddressBase See OOO documentation: excelfileformat.pdf sec 2.5.14 - 'Cell Range Address'

Common subclass of 8-bit and 16-bit versions

CellRangeAddressList Implementation of the cell range address lists,like is described in's Excel Documentation: excelfileformat.pdf sec 2.5.14 - 'Cell Range Address List' In BIFF8 there is a common way to store absolute cell range address lists in several records (not formulas).
CellUtil Various utility functions that make working with a cells and rows easier.
NumberComparer Excel compares numbers using different rules to those of java, so, double) won't do.
NumberToTextConverter Excel converts numbers to text with different rules to those of java, so Double.toString(value) won't do.
Region Deprecated. (Aug-2008) use CellRangeAddress
RegionUtil Various utility functions that make working with a region of cells easier.
SheetReferences Holds a collection of Sheet names and their associated reference numbers.
SSCellRange<K extends Cell> For POI internal use only
WorkbookUtil Helper methods for when working with Usermodel Workbooks

Enum Summary
CellReference.NameType Used to classify identifiers found in formulas as cell references or not.

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