# frozen_string_literal: true Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__dir__), 'lib/solana_ruby/*.rb')].each { |file| require file } Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__dir__), 'lib/solana_ruby/**/*.rb')].each { |file| require file } # Initialize Solana client client = SolanaRuby::HttpClient.new('') # Fetch the recent blockhash recent_blockhash = client.get_latest_blockhash["blockhash"] puts "Recent Blockhash: #{recent_blockhash}" # Sender keypair and public key # private_key = "d22867a84ee1d91485a52c587793002dcaa7ce79a58bb605b3af2682099bb778" # sender_keypair = SolanaRuby::Keypair.from_private_key(private_key) sender_keypair = SolanaRuby::Keypair.load_keypair('/Users/chinaputtaiahbellamkonda/.config/solana/id.json') sender_pubkey = sender_keypair[:public_key] puts "Sender Public Key: #{sender_pubkey}" # Check sender's account balance balance = client.get_balance(sender_pubkey) puts "Sender account balance: #{balance} lamports" if balance == 0 puts "Balance is zero, waiting for balance update..." sleep(10) end # new keypair and public key (new account) new_account = SolanaRuby::Keypair.generate new_account_pubkey = new_account[:public_key] puts "New Account Public Key: #{new_account_pubkey}" puts "New Account Private Key: #{new_account[:private_key]}" puts "New Account Full Private Key: #{new_account[:full_private_key]}" # Parameters for account creation lamports = 1 * 1_000_000_000 # Lamports to transfer space = 165 # Space allocation (bytes) program_id = SolanaRuby::TransactionHelper::SYSTEM_PROGRAM_ID # Create and sign the transaction transaction = SolanaRuby::TransactionHelper.create_account( sender_pubkey, new_account_pubkey, lamports, space, recent_blockhash, program_id ) # Sign transaction with both sender and new account keypairs transaction.sign([sender_keypair, new_account]) # Send the transaction puts "Sending transaction..." response = client.send_transaction(transaction.to_base64, { encoding: 'base64' }) # Output transaction results puts "Transaction Signature: #{response}" puts "New account created successfully with Public Key: #{new_account_pubkey}"