module ActiveFedora::Associations::Builder class DirectlyContainsOne < SingularAssociation #:nodoc: def self.macro :directly_contains_one end def self.valid_options(options) super + [:has_member_relation, :is_member_of_relation, :type, :through] - [:predicate] end def validate_options raise ArgumentError, "you must specify a :through option on #{name}. #{name} will use the container from that directly_contains association." unless options[:through] inherit_options_from_association(options[:through]) if options[:through] super if options[:class_name] == "ActiveFedora::File" raise ArgumentError, "You cannot set :class_name of #{name} to ActiveFedora::File because directly_contains_one needs to assert and read RDF.type assertions, which is not supported by ActiveFedora::File. To make Files support RDF.type assertions, define a subclass of ActiveFedora::File and make it `include ActiveFedora::WithMetadata`. Otherwise, all subclasses of ActiveFedora::Base support RDF.type assertions." elsif !options[:has_member_relation] && !options[:is_member_of_relation] raise ArgumentError, "You must specify a :has_member_relation or :is_member_of_relation predicate for #{name}" elsif !options[:has_member_relation].is_a?(RDF::URI) && !options[:is_member_of_relation].is_a?(RDF::URI) raise ArgumentError, "Predicate must be a kind of RDF::URI" end return if options[:type].is_a?(RDF::URI) raise ArgumentError, "You must specify a Type and it must be a kind of RDF::URI" end private # Inherits :has_member_relation from the association corresponding to association_name # @param [Symbol] association_name of the association to inherit from def inherit_options_from_association(association_name) associated_through_reflection = lookup_reflection(association_name) raise ArgumentError, "You specified `:through => #{@reflection.options[:through]}` on the #{name} associaiton but #{model} does not actually have a #{@reflection.options[:through]}` association" if associated_through_reflection.nil? || ! raise ArgumentError, "You must specify a directly_contains association as the :through option on #{name}. You provided a #{associated_through_reflection.macro}" unless associated_through_reflection.macro == :directly_contains options[:has_member_relation] = associated_through_reflection.options[:has_member_relation] unless options[:has_member_relation] options[:class_name] = associated_through_reflection.options[:class_name] unless options[:class_name] && options[:class_name] != "ActiveFedora::File" end def lookup_reflection(association_name) model._reflect_on_association(association_name) end end end