'use strict' function msg_receive(a) { var e = new Date() return ( "
  • " + a + "
    " + e.getHours() + ':' + e.getMinutes() + '
  • ' ) } function msg_sent(a) { var e = new Date() return ( "
  • " + a + "

    " + e.getHours() + ':' + e.getMinutes() + '
  • ' ) } $.fn.AdminSettings = function (t) { var miniSidebarToggled = localStorage.getItem('miniSidebarToggled') var i = this.attr('id'), a = ((t = $.extend( {}, { Theme: !0, Layout: 'vertical', LogoBg: 'skin1', NavbarBg: 'skin6', SidebarType: 'full', SidebarColor: 'skin1', SidebarPosition: !1, HeaderPosition: !1, BoxedLayout: !1 }, t )), { AdminSettingsInit: function () { a.ManageTheme(), a.ManageThemeLayout(), a.ManageThemeBackground(), a.ManageSidebarType(), a.ManageSidebarColor(), a.ManageSidebarPosition(), a.ManageBoxedLayout() }, ManageTheme: function () { var a = t.Theme switch (t.Layout) { case 'vertical': 1 == a ? 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($('#' + i + ' .topbar .navbar-collapse').attr('data-navbarbg', e), $('#' + i + ' .topbar').attr('data-navbarbg', e), $('#' + i).attr('data-navbarbg', e)) : ($('#' + i + ' .topbar .navbar-collapse').attr('data-navbarbg', 'skin1'), $('#' + i + ' .topbar').attr('data-navbarbg', 'skin1'), $('#' + i).attr('data-navbarbg', 'skin1')) }, ManageSidebarType: function () { switch (t.SidebarType) { case 'full': $('#' + i).attr('data-sidebartype', 'full') if (!miniSidebarToggled || miniSidebarToggled === 'false') { $('#main-wrapper').attr('data-sidebartype', 'mini-sidebar') $('#main-wrapper').addClass('mini-sidebar') } else { $('#main-wrapper').attr('data-sidebartype', 'full') $('#main-wrapper').removeClass('mini-sidebar') } $('.sidebartoggler').on('click', function () { if (!miniSidebarToggled || miniSidebarToggled === 'false') { localStorage.setItem('miniSidebarToggled', 'true') } else { localStorage.setItem('miniSidebarToggled', 'false') } $('#main-wrapper').toggleClass('mini-sidebar'), $('#main-wrapper').hasClass('mini-sidebar') ? ($('.sidebartoggler').prop('checked', !0), $('#main-wrapper').attr('data-sidebartype', 'mini-sidebar')) : ($('.sidebartoggler').prop('checked', !1), $('#main-wrapper').attr('data-sidebartype', 'full')) }) break case 'mini-sidebar': $('#' + i).attr('data-sidebartype', 'mini-sidebar'), $('.sidebartoggler').on('click', function () { $('#main-wrapper').toggleClass('mini-sidebar'), $('#main-wrapper').hasClass('mini-sidebar') ? ($('.sidebartoggler').prop('checked', !0), $('#main-wrapper').attr('data-sidebartype', 'full')) : ($('.sidebartoggler').prop('checked', !1), $('#main-wrapper').attr('data-sidebartype', 'mini-sidebar')) }) break case 'iconbar': $('#' + i).attr('data-sidebartype', 'iconbar') a = function () { ;(0 < window.innerWidth ? window.innerWidth : this.screen.width) < 1170 ? ($('#main-wrapper').attr('data-sidebartype', 'mini-sidebar'), $('#main-wrapper').addClass('mini-sidebar')) : ($('#main-wrapper').attr('data-sidebartype', 'iconbar'), $('#main-wrapper').removeClass('mini-sidebar')) } $(window).ready(a), $(window).on('resize', a), $('.sidebartoggler').on('click', function () { $('#main-wrapper').toggleClass('mini-sidebar'), $('#main-wrapper').hasClass('mini-sidebar') ? ($('.sidebartoggler').prop('checked', !0), $('#main-wrapper').attr('data-sidebartype', 'mini-sidebar')) : ($('.sidebartoggler').prop('checked', !1), $('#main-wrapper').attr('data-sidebartype', 'iconbar')) }) break case 'overlay': $('#' + i).attr('data-sidebartype', 'overlay') a = function () { ;(0 < window.innerWidth ? window.innerWidth : this.screen.width) < 767 ? ($('#main-wrapper').attr('data-sidebartype', 'mini-sidebar'), $('#main-wrapper').addClass('mini-sidebar')) : ($('#main-wrapper').attr('data-sidebartype', 'overlay'), $('#main-wrapper').removeClass('mini-sidebar')) } $(window).ready(a), $(window).on('resize', a), $('.sidebartoggler').on('click', function () { $('#main-wrapper').toggleClass('show-sidebar'), $('#main-wrapper').hasClass('show-sidebar') }) } }, ManageSidebarColor: function () { var a null != (a = t.SidebarColor) && '' != a ? $('#' + i + ' .left-sidebar').attr('data-sidebarbg', a) : $('#' + i + ' .left-sidebar').attr('data-sidebarbg', 'skin1') }, ManageSidebarPosition: function () { var a = t.SidebarPosition, e = t.HeaderPosition switch (t.Layout) { case 'vertical': case 'horizontal': 1 == a ? ($('#' + i).attr('data-sidebar-position', 'fixed'), $('#sidebar-position').prop('checked', !0)) : ($('#' + i).attr('data-sidebar-position', 'absolute'), $('#sidebar-position').prop('checked', !1)), 1 == e ? ($('#' + i).attr('data-header-position', 'fixed'), $('#header-position').prop('checked', !0)) : ($('#' + i).attr('data-header-position', 'relative'), $('#header-position').prop('checked', !1)) } }, ManageBoxedLayout: function () { var a = t.BoxedLayout switch (t.Layout) { case 'vertical': case 'horizontal': 1 == a ? ($('#' + i).attr('data-boxed-layout', 'boxed'), $('#boxed-layout').prop('checked', !0)) : ($('#' + i).attr('data-boxed-layout', 'full'), $('#boxed-layout').prop('checked', !1)) } } }) a.AdminSettingsInit() } $(document).on('turbolinks:load', function () { $('#chat') $('#chat .message-center a').on('click', function () { var a = $(this).find('.mail-contnet h5').text(), e = $(this).find('.user-img img').attr('src'), t = $(this).attr('data-user-id'), i = $(this).find('.profile-status').attr('data-status') if ($(this).hasClass('active')) $(this).toggleClass('active'), $('.chat-windows #user-chat' + t).hide() else if (($(this).toggleClass('active'), $('.chat-windows #user-chat' + t).length)) $('.chat-windows #user-chat' + t) .removeClass('mini-chat') .show() else { var r = msg_receive('I watched the storm, so beautiful yet terrific.'), s = "
    " ;(s += "
    " + a + "
    "), (s += "
    '), (s += ""), (s += '
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suppressScrollX: !0 }) }), $('.page-wrapper').on('click', function (a) { $('.chat-windows').addClass('hide-chat'), $('.chat-windows').removeClass('show-chat') }), $('.service-panel-toggle').on('click', function (a) { $('.chat-windows').addClass('show-chat'), $('.chat-windows').removeClass('hide-chat') }) }) $(document).on('turbolinks:load', function () { $('#main-wrapper').AdminSettings({ Theme: false, // this can be true or false ( true means dark and false means light ), Layout: 'vertical', LogoBg: 'skin1', // You can change the Value to be skin1/skin2/skin3/skin4/skin5/skin6 NavbarBg: 'skin1', // You can change the Value to be skin1/skin2/skin3/skin4/skin5/skin6 SidebarType: 'full', // You can change it full / mini-sidebar / iconbar / overlay SidebarColor: 'skin6', // You can change the Value to be skin1/skin2/skin3/skin4/skin5/skin6 SidebarPosition: true, // it can be true / false ( true means Fixed and false means absolute ) HeaderPosition: true, // it can be true / false ( true means Fixed and false means absolute ) BoxedLayout: false // it can be true / false ( true means Boxed and false means Fluid ) }) }) $(document).on('turbolinks:load', function () { //**************************** /* Left header Theme Change function Start */ //**************************** function handlelogobg() { $('.theme-color .theme-item .theme-link').on('click', function () { var logobgskin = $(this).attr('data-logobg') $('.topbar .top-navbar .navbar-header').attr('data-logobg', logobgskin) }) } handlelogobg() //**************************** /* Top navbar Theme Change function Start */ //**************************** function handlenavbarbg() { if ($('#main-wrapper').attr('data-navbarbg') == 'skin6') { // do this $('.topbar .navbar').addClass('navbar-light') $('.topbar .navbar').removeClass('navbar-dark') } else { // do that } $('.theme-color .theme-item .theme-link').on('click', function () { var navbarbgskin = $(this).attr('data-navbarbg') $('#main-wrapper').attr('data-navbarbg', navbarbgskin) $('.topbar .navbar-collapse').attr('data-navbarbg', navbarbgskin) if ($('#main-wrapper').attr('data-navbarbg') == 'skin6') { // do this $('.topbar .navbar').addClass('navbar-light') $('.topbar .navbar').removeClass('navbar-dark') } else { // do that $('.topbar .navbar').removeClass('navbar-light') $('.topbar .navbar').addClass('navbar-dark') } }) } handlenavbarbg() //**************************** // ManageSidebar Type //**************************** function handlesidebartype() {} handlesidebartype() //**************************** /* Manage sidebar bg color */ //**************************** function handlesidebarbg() { $('.theme-color .theme-item .theme-link').on('click', function () { var sidebarbgskin = $(this).attr('data-sidebarbg') $('.left-sidebar').attr('data-sidebarbg', sidebarbgskin) }) } handlesidebarbg() //**************************** /* sidebar position */ //**************************** function handlesidebarposition() { $('#sidebar-position').change(function () 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