RSpec.describe Relaton::Db do before :each do FileUtils.rm_rf %w(testcache testcache2) @db = "testcache", "testcache2" end it "rejects an illegal reference prefix" do expect { @db.fetch("XYZ XYZ", nil, {}) }.to output( /does not have a recognised prefix/, ).to_stderr end context "gets an ISO reference" do it "and caches it" do VCR.use_cassette "iso_19115_1" do bib = @db.fetch("ISO 19115-1", nil, {}) expect(bib).to be_instance_of RelatonIsoBib::IsoBibliographicItem expect(bib.to_xml(bibdata: true)).to include ""\ "ISO 19115" expect(File.exist?("testcache")).to be true expect(File.exist?("testcache2")).to be true testcache = "testcache" expect(testcache["ISO(ISO 19115-1)"]).to include ""\ "ISO 19115" testcache = "testcache2" expect(testcache["ISO(ISO 19115-1)"]).to include ""\ "ISO 19115" end bib = @db.fetch("ISO 19115-1", nil, {}) expect(bib).to be_instance_of RelatonIsoBib::IsoBibliographicItem end it "with year in code" do VCR.use_cassette "19133_2005" do bib = @db.fetch("ISO 19133:2005") expect(bib).to be_instance_of RelatonIsoBib::IsoBibliographicItem expect(bib.to_xml).to include '' testcache = "testcache" expect( testcache.valid_entry?("ISO(ISO 19133:2005)",, ).to eq end end context "all parts" do it "implicity" do VCR.use_cassette "iso_19115" do bib = @db.fetch("ISO 19115", nil, {}) expect(bib.docidentifier[0].id).to eq "ISO 19115 (all parts)" end end it "explicity" do VCR.use_cassette "iso_19115" do bib = @db.fetch("ISO 19115 (all parts)", nil, {}) expect(bib.docidentifier[0].id).to eq "ISO 19115 (all parts)" end end end it "gets sn ISO/AWI reference" do VCR.use_cassette "iso_awi_14093" do bib = @db.fetch "ISO/AWI 14093" expect(bib).not_to be_nil end end end context "IEC" do it "get by reference" do VCR.use_cassette "iec_60050_102_2007" do bib = @db.fetch "IEC 60050-102:2007" expect(bib.docidentifier[0].id).to eq "IEC 60050-102:2007" end end it "get by URN" do VCR.use_cassette "iec_60050_102_2007" do bib = @db.fetch "urn:iec:std:iec:60050-102:2007:::" expect(bib.docidentifier[0].id).to eq "IEC 60050-102:2007" end end end context "NIST references" do before(:each) do nist_fr = /\.relaton\/nist\/pubs-export\.zip/ expect(File).to receive(:exist?).with(nist_fr).and_return false expect(File).to receive(:exist?).and_call_original.at_least :once # expect(FileUtils).to receive(:mv).with kind_of(String), nist_fr end it "gets FISP" do VCR.use_cassette "fisp_140" do bib = @db.fetch "NIST FIPS 140" expect(bib).to be_instance_of RelatonNist::NistBibliographicItem end end it "gets SP" do VCR.use_cassette "sp_800_38b" do bib = @db.fetch "NIST SP 800-38B" expect(bib).to be_instance_of RelatonNist::NistBibliographicItem end end end it "deals with a non-existant ISO reference" do VCR.use_cassette "iso_111111119115_1" do bib = @db.fetch("ISO 111111119115-1", nil, {}) expect(bib).to be_nil expect(File.exist?("testcache")).to be true expect(File.exist?("testcache2")).to be true testcache = "testcache" expect(testcache.fetched("ISO(ISO 111111119115-1)")).to eq expect(testcache["ISO(ISO 111111119115-1)"]).to include "not_found" testcache = "testcache2" expect(testcache.fetched("ISO(ISO 111111119115-1)")).to eq expect(testcache["ISO(ISO 111111119115-1)"]).to include "not_found" end end it "list all elements as a serialization" do VCR.use_cassette "iso_19115_1_2", match_requests_on: [:path] do @db.fetch "ISO 19115-1", nil, {} @db.fetch "ISO 19115-2", nil, {} end # file = "spec/support/list_entries.xml" # File.write file, @db.to_xml unless File.exist? file docs = Nokogiri::XML @db.to_xml expect(docs.xpath("/documents/bibdata").size).to eq 2 end it "save/load/delete entry" do @db.save_entry "test key", "test value" expect(@db.load_entry("test key")).to eq "test value" expect(@db.load_entry("not existed key")).to be_nil @db.save_entry "test key", nil expect(@db.load_entry("test key")).to be_nil testcache = "testcache" testcache.delete("test_key") testcache2 = "testcache2" testcache2.delete("test_key") expect(@db.load_entry("test key")).to be_nil end context "get GB reference" do it "and cache it" do VCR.use_cassette "gb_t_20223_2006" do bib = @db.fetch "CN(GB/T 20223)", "2006", {} expect(bib).to be_instance_of RelatonGb::GbBibliographicItem expect(bib.to_xml(bibdata: true)).to include <<~XML GB/T 20223 XML expect(File.exist?("testcache")).to be true expect(File.exist?("testcache2")).to be true testcache = "testcache" expect(testcache["CN(GB/T 20223:2006)"]).to include <<~XML GB/T 20223 XML testcache = "testcache2" expect(testcache["CN(GB/T 20223:2006)"]).to include <<~XML GB/T 20223 XML end end it "with year" do VCR.use_cassette "gb_t_20223_2006" do bib = @db.fetch "CN(GB/T 20223-2006)", nil, {} expect(bib).to be_instance_of RelatonGb::GbBibliographicItem expect(bib.to_xml(bibdata: true)).to include <<~XML GB/T 20223 XML expect(File.exist?("testcache")).to be true expect(File.exist?("testcache2")).to be true testcache = "testcache" expect(testcache["CN(GB/T 20223:2006)"]).to include <<~XML GB/T 20223 XML testcache = "testcache2" expect(testcache["CN(GB/T 20223:2006)"]).to include <<~XML GB/T 20223 XML end end end it "get RFC reference and cache it" do VCR.use_cassette "rfc_8341" do bib = @db.fetch "RFC 8341", nil, {} expect(bib).to be_instance_of RelatonIetf::IetfBibliographicItem expect(bib.to_xml).to include "" expect(File.exist?("testcache")).to be true expect(File.exist?("testcache2")).to be true testcache = "testcache" expect(testcache["IETF(RFC 8341)"]).to include "RFC 8341" testcache = "testcache2" expect(testcache["IETF(RFC 8341)"]).to include "RFC 8341" end end it "get OGC refrence and cache it" do VCR.use_cassette "ogc_19_025r1" do bib = @db.fetch "OGC 19-025r1", nil, {} expect(bib).to be_instance_of RelatonOgc::OgcBibliographicItem end end it "get Calconnect refrence and cache it" do cc_fr = /\.relaton\/calconnect\/bibliography\.yml/ expect(File).to receive(:exist?).with(cc_fr).and_return false expect(File).to receive(:exist?).with(/etag\.txt/).and_return false expect(File).to receive(:exist?).and_call_original.at_least :once expect(File).to receive(:write).with(cc_fr, kind_of(String), kind_of(Hash)) .at_most :once expect(File).to receive(:write).and_call_original.at_least :once VCR.use_cassette "cc_dir_10005_2019", match_requests_on: [:path] do bib = @db.fetch "CC/DIR 10005:2019", nil, {} expect(bib).to be_instance_of RelatonCalconnect::CcBibliographicItem end end it "get OMG reference" do VCR.use_cassette "omg_ami4ccm_1_0" do bib = @db.fetch "OMG AMI4CCM 1.0", nil, {} expect(bib).to be_instance_of RelatonOmg::OmgBibliographicItem end end it "get UN reference" do VCR.use_cassette "un_rtade_cefact_2004_32" do bib = @db.fetch "UN TRADE/CEFACT/2004/32", nil, {} expect(bib).to be_instance_of RelatonUn::UnBibliographicItem end end it "get W3C reference" do w3c_fr = /\.relaton\/w3c\/bibliography\.yml/ expect(File).to receive(:exist?).with(w3c_fr).and_return false expect(File).to receive(:exist?).and_call_original.at_least :once expect(File).to receive(:write).with w3c_fr, kind_of(String), kind_of(Hash) # expect(File).to receive(:write).and_call_original.at_least :once VCR.use_cassette "w3c_json_ld11" do bib = @db.fetch "W3C JSON-LD 1.1", nil, {} expect(bib).to be_instance_of RelatonW3c::W3cBibliographicItem end end it "get IEEE reference" do VCR.use_cassette "ieee_528_2019" do bib = @db.fetch "IEEE 528-2019" expect(bib).to be_instance_of RelatonIeee::IeeeBibliographicItem end end it "get IHO reference" do VCR.use_cassette "iho_b_11" do bib = @db.fetch "IHO B-11" expect(bib).to be_instance_of RelatonIho::IhoBibliographicItem end end it "get ECMA reference" do VCR.use_cassette "ecma_6" do bib = @db.fetch "ECMA-6" expect(bib).to be_instance_of RelatonBib::BibliographicItem end end it "get CIE reference" do VCR.use_cassette "cie_001_1980" do bib = @db.fetch "CIE 001-1980" expect(bib).to be_instance_of RelatonBib::BibliographicItem end end it "get BSI reference" do VCR.use_cassette "bsi_bs_en_iso_8848" do bib = @db.fetch "BSI BS EN ISO 8848" expect(bib).to be_instance_of RelatonBsi::BsiBibliographicItem end end it "get CEN reference" do VCR.use_cassette "cen_en_10160_1999" do bib = @db.fetch "CEN EN 10160:1999" expect(bib).to be_instance_of RelatonIsoBib::IsoBibliographicItem end end context "get combined documents" do context "ISO" do it "included" do VCR.use_cassette "iso_combined_included" do bib = @db.fetch "ISO 19115-1 + Amd 1" expect(bib.docidentifier[0].id).to eq "ISO 19115-1 + Amd 1" expect(bib.relation[0].type).to eq "updates" expect(bib.relation[0].bibitem.docidentifier[0].id).to eq "ISO 19115-1" expect(bib.relation[1].type).to eq "derivedFrom" expect(bib.relation[1].description).to be_nil expect(bib.relation[1].bibitem.docidentifier[0].id).to eq "ISO 19115-1/Amd 1:2018" end end it "applied" do VCR.use_cassette "iso_combined_applied" do bib = @db.fetch "ISO 19115-1, Amd 1" expect(bib.docidentifier[0].id).to eq "ISO 19115-1, Amd 1" expect(bib.relation[0].type).to eq "updates" expect(bib.relation[0].bibitem.docidentifier[0].id).to eq "ISO 19115-1" expect(bib.relation[1].type).to eq "complements" expect(bib.relation[1].description.content).to eq "amendment" expect(bib.relation[1].bibitem.docidentifier[0].id).to eq "ISO 19115-1/Amd 1:2018" end end end context "IEC" do it "included" do VCR.use_cassette "iec_combined_included" do bib = @db.fetch "IEC 60027-1, Amd 1, Amd 2" expect(bib.docidentifier[0].id).to eq "IEC 60027-1, Amd 1, Amd 2" expect(bib.relation[0].type).to eq "updates" expect(bib.relation[0].bibitem.docidentifier[0].id).to eq "IEC 60027-1" expect(bib.relation[1].type).to eq "complements" expect(bib.relation[1].description.content).to eq "amendment" expect(bib.relation[1].bibitem.docidentifier[0].id).to eq "IEC 60027-1/AMD1:1997" expect(bib.relation[2].type).to eq "complements" expect(bib.relation[2].description.content).to eq "amendment" expect(bib.relation[2].bibitem.docidentifier[0].id).to eq "IEC 60027-1/AMD2:2005" end end end context "ITU" do it "included" do VCR.use_cassette "itu_combined_included" do bib = @db.fetch "ITU-T G.989.2, Amd 1, Amd 2" expect(bib.docidentifier[0].id).to eq "ITU-T G.989.2, Amd 1, Amd 2" expect(bib.relation[0].type).to eq "updates" expect(bib.relation[0].bibitem.docidentifier[0].id).to eq "ITU-T G.989.2" expect(bib.relation[1].type).to eq "complements" expect(bib.relation[1].description.content).to eq "amendment" expect(bib.relation[1].bibitem.docidentifier[0].id).to eq "ITU-T G.989.2 Amd 1" expect(bib.relation[2].type).to eq "complements" expect(bib.relation[2].description.content).to eq "amendment" expect(bib.relation[2].bibitem.docidentifier[0].id).to eq "ITU-T G.989.2 Amd 2" end end end context "HIST" do it "included" do VCR.use_cassette "hist_combined_included" do bib = @db.fetch "NIST SP 800-38A, Add" expect(bib.docidentifier[0].id).to eq "NIST SP 800-38A, Add" expect(bib.relation[0].type).to eq "updates" expect(bib.relation[0].bibitem.docidentifier[0].id).to eq "SP 800-38A" expect(bib.relation[1].type).to eq "complements" expect(bib.relation[1].description.content).to eq "amendment" expect(bib.relation[1].bibitem.docidentifier[0].id).to eq "SP 800-38A-Add" end end end end context "version control" do before(:each) { @db.save_entry "iso(test_key)", "test_value" } it "shoudn't clear cache if version isn't changed" do testcache = @db.instance_variable_get :@db expect(testcache.all).to be_any testcache = @db.instance_variable_get :@local_db expect(testcache.all).to be_any end it "should clear cache if version is changed" do expect("testcache/iso/version", encoding: "UTF-8")).not_to eq "new_version" expect("testcache2/iso/version", encoding: "UTF-8")).not_to eq "new_version" processor = double expect(processor).to receive(:grammar_hash).and_return("new_version").exactly(2).times expect(Relaton::Registry.instance).to receive(:by_type).and_return(processor).exactly(2).times "testcache", "testcache2" expect(File.exist?("testcache/iso/version")).to eq false expect(File.exist?("testcache2/iso/version")).to eq false end end context "" do before(:each) do Relaton.configure do |config| config.use_api = true config.api_host = "" end end after(:each) do Relaton.configure do |config| config.use_api = false end end it "get document" do VCR.use_cassette "api_relaton_org", re_record_interval: nil do bib = @db.fetch "ISO 19115-2", "2019" expect(bib).to be_instance_of RelatonIsoBib::IsoBibliographicItem end end it "if unavailable then get document directly" do expect(Net::HTTP).to receive(:get_response).and_wrap_original do |m, *args| raise Errno::ECONNREFUSED if args[0].host == ""*args) end.at_least :once VCR.use_cassette "api_relaton_org_unavailable" do bib = @db.fetch "ISO 19115-2", "2019" expect(bib).to be_instance_of RelatonIsoBib::IsoBibliographicItem end end end end