# encoding: utf-8 if defined?(IRB) || defined?(Ripl) # # # # # # require 'irbtools' in your .irbrc # see the README file for more information require File.expand_path('irbtools/configure', File.dirname(__FILE__) ) unless defined? Irbtools # # # # # # load extension packages Irbtools.packages.each{ |pkg| begin require "irbtools/#{pkg}" rescue LoadError => err warn "Couldn't load an extension package: #{err}" end } # # # # # # load libraries # load helper proc load_libraries_proc = proc{ |libs| remember_verbose_and_debug = $VERBOSE, $DEBUG $VERBOSE = $DEBUG = false libs.each{ |lib| begin require lib.to_s Irbtools.send :library_loaded, lib rescue LoadError => err warn "Couldn't load an irb library: #{err}" end } $VERBOSE, $DEBUG = remember_verbose_and_debug } # load them :) load_libraries_proc[ Irbtools.libraries ] # load these each time a new sub irb starts (only if supported) original_irbrc_proc = IRB.conf[:IRB_RC] IRB.conf[:IRB_RC] = proc{ load_libraries_proc[ Irbtools.libraries_in_proc ] original_irbrc_proc[ ] if original_irbrc_proc } # # # # # # general shortcuts & helper methods require File.expand_path('irbtools/general', File.dirname(__FILE__) ) # # # # # # irb options unless defined? Ripl IRB.conf[:AUTO_INDENT] = true # simple auto indent IRB.conf[:EVAL_HISTORY] = 42424242424242424242 # creates the special __ variable IRB.conf[:SAVE_HISTORY] = 2000 # how many lines will go to ~/.irb_history # prompt (IRB.conf[:PROMPT] ||= {} ).merge!( {:IRBTOOLS => { :PROMPT_I => ">> ", # normal :PROMPT_N => "| ", # indenting :PROMPT_C => " > ", # continuing a statement :PROMPT_S => "%l> ", # continuing a string :RETURN => "=> %s \n", :AUTO_INDENT => true, }}) IRB.conf[:PROMPT_MODE] = :IRBTOOLS end # # # # # # misc # add current directory to the load path $: << '.' if RubyVersion.is.at_least? '1.9.2' # shorter ruby info constants Object.const_set :RV, RubyVersion rescue nil Object.const_set :RE, RubyEngine rescue nil # load rails.rc begin if ( ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || defined? Rails ) && Irbtools.railsrc && File.exist?(Irbtools.railsrc) load File.expand_path( Irbtools.railsrc ) end rescue end # # # # # # done :) if msg = Irbtools.welcome_message puts msg end end # J-_-L