class CodeRunner # This is a customised subclass of the CodeRunner::Run class which allows CodeRunner to run and analyse the gyrofluid GPU turbulent transport solver Gryfx. # # It generates the Gryfx input file, and both analyses the results and allows easy plotting of them. CodeRunner.setup_run_class('gs2') class Gs2 # This is necessary because the restart # parameter overrwrites this function in Gryfx alias :set_restart :restart end class Gryfx < Gs2 #include CodeRunner::SYSTEM_MODULE # Where this file is @code_module_folder = File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)) # i.e. the directory this file is in # Use the Run::FortranNamelist tools to process the variable database setup_namelists(@code_module_folder) require 'gryfxcrmod/namelist_tools' #require 'trinitycrmod/graphs' ################################################ # Quantities that are read or determined by CodeRunner # after the simulation has ended ################################################### @results = [] @code_long="Gryfx Gyrofluid Solver" @run_info=[:time, :is_a_restart, :restart_id, :restart_run_name, :completed_timesteps, :percent_complete] @uses_mpi = false @modlet_required = false @naming_pars = [] # Any folders which are a number will contain the results from flux simulations. @excluded_sub_folders = [] # A hook which gets called when printing the standard run information to the screen using the status command. def print_out_line #p ['id', id, 'ctd', ctd] #p{|r| send(r)}) name = @run_name name += " (res: #@restart_id)" if @restart_id name += " real_id: #@real_id" if @real_id beginning = sprintf("%2d:%d %-60s %1s:%2.1f(%s) %3s%1s ", @id, @job_no, name, @status.to_s[0,1], @run_time.to_f / 60.0, @nprocs.to_s, percent_complete, "%") if ctd #beginning += sprintf("Q:%f, Pfusion:%f MW, Ti0:%f keV, Te0:%f keV, n0:%f x10^20", fusionQ, pfus, ti0, te0, ne0) if @nonlinear_mode == "off" beginning += sprintf("%3.2e %3.2e %4s", @fastest_growing_mode, @max_growth_rate, @freq_of_max_growth_rate||0.0) rescue "" elsif @nonlinear_mode == "on" # p @hflux_tot_stav beginning += " sat:#{saturated.to_s[0]}" if not @saturated.nil? beginning += sprintf(" hflux:%1.2e", @hflux_tot_stav) if @hflux_tot_stav beginning += sprintf("+/-%1.2e", @hflux_tot_stav_error) if @hflux_tot_stav_error beginning += sprintf(" momflux:%1.2e", @es_mom_flux_stav.values.sum) if @es_mom_flux_stav and @es_mom_flux_stav.values[0] beginning += ' SC:' +{|c| c.to_s}.join(',') if @spectrum_check beginning += ' VC:' +{|c| sprintf("%d", ((c*10.0).to_i rescue -1))}.join(',') if @vspace_check end end beginning += " ---#{@comment}" if @comment beginning end def set_restart(new_run) eputs 'Restarting ' + @run_name #(rcp.variables).each{|v| new_run.set(v, send(v)) if send(v)} #@naming_pars.delete(:preamble) #SUBMIT_OPTIONS.each{|v| new_run.set(v, self.send(v)) unless new_run.send(v)} #new_run.is_a_restart = true #new_run.restart_id = @id #new_run.restart_run_name = @run_name #@runner.nprocs = @nprocs if @runner.nprocs == "1" # 1 is the default #new_run.run_name = nil #new_run.naming_pars = @naming_pars #new_run.update_submission_parameters(new_run.parameter_hash_string, false) if new_run.parameter_hash #new_run.naming_pars.delete(:restart_id) #new_run.generate_run_name #copy_restart_files(new_run) super(new_run) new_run.restart = "on" # Gryfx automatically configures GS2 for restart so here we set the GS2 # parameters to default new_run.delt_option = "default" new_run.ginit_option = "noise" new_run end def copy_restart_files(new_run) eputs 'Copying gryfx restart file...', '' FileUtils.cp( @directory + '/' + @run_name + '.restart.cdf', + '/' + new_run.run_name + '.restart.cdf' ) super(new_run) end # This is a hook which gets called just before submitting a simulation. It sets up the folder and generates any necessary input files. def generate_input_file if @restart_id and (not @is_a_restart or @resubmit_id) @runner.run_list[@restart_id].set_restart(self) elsif ((@save_for_restart and @save_for_restart.fortran_true?) or (@save_for_restart_new and @save_for_restart_new.fortran_true?)) and (not @is_a_restart or @resubmit_id) @restart_dir = "nc" FileUtils.makedirs @restart_dir @restart_file = "" end @avail_cpu_time = (@wall_mins - 1.0) * 60.0 if @wall_mins write_input_file end # This command uses the infrastructure provided by Run::FortranNamelist, provided by CodeRunner itself. def write_input_file + ".in", 'w'){|file| file.puts input_file_text} end # Parameters which follow the Trinity executable, in this case just the input file. def parameter_string @run_name + ".in" end def parameter_transition end @source_code_subfolders = [] # This method, as its name suggests, is called whenever CodeRunner is asked to analyse a run directory. This happens if the run status is not :Complete, or if the user has specified recalc_all(-A on the command line) or reprocess_all (-a on the command line). # def process_directory_code_specific @grid_option = "box" # For compatibility with the GS2 routines @write_phi_over_time = ".true." # For compatibility with the GS2 routines get_status #p ['id is', id, 'ctd is ', ctd] if ctd #calculate_results end #p ['fusionQ is ', fusionQ] end def get_status if @running unless @status==:Queueing @status = :Incomplete get_completed_timesteps @percent_complete = 100.0*@completed_timesteps.to_f/(nstep/nwrite) if @completed_timesteps.to_f/(nstep/nwrite) == 1.0 @status=:Complete end end else get_completed_timesteps if (@percent_complete = 100.0*@completed_timesteps.to_f/(nstep/nwrite)) > 5.0 @status = :Complete else @status = :Failed end end end def get_completed_timesteps if FileTest.exist?(@run_name + '.cdf') count = 0 begin @completed_timesteps = netcdf_file.var('t').get.size #gsl_vector('t').size rescue NetcdfError => err eputs err count += 1 eputs "Retrying: #{count} attempt(s) out of 4" sleep 1 count < 5 ? retry : raise(err) end else @completed_timesteps = 0 end end def netcdf_filename @directory + '/' + @run_name + '.cdf' end def generate_component_runs end #def calculate_results #end def calculate_frequencies @real_frequencies = end def gryfx? true end def code_run_environment case @sys when /stampede/ "module load cuda\n module load hdf5\n module load netcdf" when /generic_linux/, /macosx/ "# No configuration necessary" end end def geometric_factors_gsl_tensor(options) theta_vec = gsl_vector(:theta, options) factors = GSL::Tensor.alloc(6,theta_vec.size) values = [:Rplot, :Zplot, :aplot, :Rprime, :Zprime, :aprime].map do |name| arr = netcdf_file.var(name).get.to_a if options[:periodic] arr += [arr[0]] end arr end #ep values shape = factors.shape for i in 0...shape[0] unless options[:interpolate_theta] for j in 0...shape[1] factors[i,j] = values[i][j] end else opts = options.dup opts[:interpolate_theta] = nil opts[:thetamax] = opts[:thetamin] = nil theta_vec_short = gsl_vector(:theta, opts) #p 'sizes', [theta_vec_short.size, values[i].to_gslv.size] interp = GSL::ScatterInterp.alloc(:cubic, [theta_vec_short, values[i].to_gslv], true, [3.0].to_gslv) for j in 0...theta_vec.size factors[i,j] = interp.eval(theta_vec[j]) end end end #ep factors return factors end def input_file_header <