require 'rails/generators/generated_attribute' module FlexaLib class FlexaGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__) argument :controller_path, :type => :string argument :model_name, :type => :string, :required => false class_option :layout, :type => :string, :desc => 'Specify the layout name' class_option :engine, :type => :string, :default => 'erb', :desc => 'Specify the template engine' class_option :will_paginate, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Specify if you use will_paginate' class_option :themed_type, :type => :string, :default => 'crud', :desc => 'Specify the themed type, crud or text. Default is crud' def initialize(args, *options) super(args, *options) initialize_views_variables end def copy_views generate_views unless options.layout.blank? if options.engine =~ /erb/ gsub_file(File.join('app/views/layouts', "#{options[:layout]}.html.#{options.engine}"), /\.*\<\/ul\>/mi) do |match| match.gsub!(/\<\/ul\>/, "") %|#{match}
  • #{plural_model_name}
  • | end elsif options.engine =~ /haml/ gsub_file(File.join('app/views/layouts', "#{options[:layout]}.html.#{options.engine}"), /#main-navigation.*#wrapper.wat-cf/mi) do |match| match.gsub!(/ #wrapper.wat-cf/, "") %|#{match}| + " "*6 + %|%li{:class => controller.controller_path == '#{@controller_file_path}' ? 'active' : '' }\n| + " "*7 + %|%a{:href => #{controller_routing_path}_path} #{plural_model_name}\n| + " "*3 + %|#wrapper.wat-cf| end end end end protected def initialize_views_variables @base_name, @controller_class_path, @controller_file_path, @controller_class_nesting, @controller_class_nesting_depth = extract_modules(controller_path) @controller_routing_path = @controller_file_path.gsub(/\//, '_') @model_name = @base_name.singularize unless @model_name @model_name = @model_name.camelize end def controller_routing_path @controller_routing_path end def singular_controller_routing_path @controller_routing_path.singularize end def model_name @model_name end def plural_model_name @model_name.pluralize end def resource_name @model_name.underscore end def plural_resource_name resource_name.pluralize end ## # Attempts to call #columns on the model's class # If the (Active Record) #columns method does not exist, it attempts to # perform the (Mongoid) #fields method instead def columns begin excluded_column_names = %w[id created_at updated_at] Kernel.const_get(@model_name).columns.reject{|c| excluded_column_names.include?( }.collect{|c|, c.type)} rescue NoMethodError Kernel.const_get(@model_name).fields.collect{|c| c[1]}.reject{|c| excluded_column_names.include?( }.collect{|c|, c.type.to_s)} end end def extract_modules(name) modules = name.include?('/') ? name.split('/') : name.split('::') name = modules.pop path = { |m| m.underscore } file_path = (path + [name.underscore]).join('/') nesting = { |m| m.camelize }.join('::') [name, path, file_path, nesting, modules.size] end def generate_views views = { 'crud' => { 'view_tables.html.erb' => File.join('app/views', @controller_file_path, "index.html.#{options.engine}"), 'view_new.html.erb' => File.join('app/views', @controller_file_path, "new.html.#{options.engine}"), 'view_edit.html.erb' => File.join('app/views', @controller_file_path, "edit.html.#{options.engine}"), 'view_form.html.erb' => File.join('app/views', @controller_file_path, "_form.html.#{options.engine}"), 'view_show.html.erb' => File.join('app/views', @controller_file_path, "show.html.#{options.engine}") }, 'print' => { 'view_print.html.erb' => File.join('app/views', @controller_file_path, "print.html.#{options.engine}") }, 'text' => { 'view_text.html.erb' => File.join('app/views', @controller_file_path, "show.html.#{options.engine}"), 'view_sidebar.html.erb' => File.join('app/views', @controller_file_path, "_sidebar.html.#{options.engine}") } } selected_views = views[options.themed_type] options.engine == 'haml' ? generate_haml_views(selected_views) : generate_erb_views(selected_views) end def generate_erb_views(views) views.each do |template_name, output_path| template template_name, output_path end end def generate_haml_views(views) require 'haml' Dir.mktmpdir('web-app-theme-haml') do |haml_root| views.each do |template_name, output_path| tmp_html_path = "#{haml_root}/#{template_name}" tmp_haml_path = "#{haml_root}/#{template_name}.haml" template template_name, tmp_html_path, :verbose => false `html2haml --erb --xhtml #{tmp_html_path} #{tmp_haml_path}` copy_file tmp_haml_path, output_path end end rescue LoadError say "HAML is not installed, or it is not specified in your Gemfile." exit end end end