module PdfHelper require 'princely' def self.included(base) base.class_eval do alias_method_chain :render, :princely end end def render_with_princely(options = nil, *args, &block) if options.is_a?(Hash) && options.has_key?(:pdf) options[:name] ||= options.delete(:pdf) make_and_send_pdf(options.delete(:name), options) else render_without_princely(options, *args, &block) end end private def make_pdf(options = {}) options[:stylesheets] ||= [] options[:layout] ||= false options[:template] ||= File.join(controller_path,action_name) prince = # Sets style sheets on PDF renderer prince.add_style_sheets(*options[:stylesheets].collect{|style| asset_file_path(style)}) html_string = render_to_string(:template => options[:template], :layout => options[:layout]) html_string = localize_html_string(html_string) # Send the generated PDF file from our html string. if filename = options[:filename] || options[:file] prince.pdf_from_string_to_file(html_string, filename) else prince.pdf_from_string(html_string) end end def localize_html_string(html_string) # Make all paths relative, on disk paths... html_string.gsub!(".com:/",".com/") # strip out bad attachment_fu URLs html_string.gsub!( /src=["']+([^:]+?)["']/i ) { |m| "src=\"#{Rails.public_path}/#{$1}\"" } # re-route absolute paths # Remove asset ids on images with a regex html_string.gsub!( /src=["'](\S+\?\d*)["']/i ) { |m| "src=\"#{$1.split('?').first}\"" } html_string end def asset_file_path(asset) stylesheet = stylesheet.to_s.gsub(".css","") File.join(config.stylesheets_dir, "#{stylesheet}.css") end alias_method :stylesheet_file_path, :asset_file_path def make_and_send_pdf(pdf_name, options = {}) options[:disposition] ||= 'attachment' send_data( make_pdf(options), :filename => pdf_name + ".pdf", :type => 'application/pdf', :disposition => options[:disposition] ) end module AssetSupport def localize_html_string(html_string) # Make all paths relative, on disk paths... html_string.gsub!(".com:/",".com/") # strip out bad attachment_fu URLs html_string.gsub!( /src=["']+([^:]+?)["']/i ) { |m| "src=\"#{asset_file_path($1)}\"" } # re-route absolute paths # Remove asset ids on images with a regex html_string.gsub!( /src=["'](\S+\?\d*)["']/i ) { |m| 'src="' + $1.split('?').first + '"' } html_string end def asset_file_path(asset) # Remove /assets/ from generated names and try and find a matching asset Rails.application.assets.find_asset(asset.gsub(/\/assets\//, "")).try(:pathname) || asset end end end