3.0 bar_aspect_ratio_sliced_by_space_type 3e988765-9673-46f8-9b65-99d5b86c2b22 f74b449e-ebd5-4f3b-abec-8d74c0d71fec 20200229T024057Z 49BEF039 BarAspectRatioSlicedBySpaceType BarAspectRatioSlicedBySpaceType This measure will create a building envelope based on a target floor area, aspect ratio, floor to floor height, and a collectin of space types and fraction of building using that space type. This is based on the SketchUp Plugin user script to create a rectangular building, but just uses different inputs. The resulting building will have a core and perimeter zoning, unless it is too small, in which case eac floor will have a single zone. This uses a floor multiplier for buildings taller than three stories. Below is an example of what the space tyep hash might look like. Sum of hash values should equal 1.0. "{:189.1-2009 - Office - Corridor - CZ1-3 => '0.3', :189.1-2009 - Office - Conference - CZ1-3 => '0.2', :189.1-2009 - Office - ClosedOffice - CZ1-3 => '0.5' }" total_bldg_area_ip Total Building Floor Area (ft^2). Double true false 10000 ns_to_ew_ratio Ratio of North/South Facade Length Relative to East/West Facade Length. Double true false 2 num_floors Number of Floors. Integer true false 2 floor_to_floor_height_ip Floor to Floor Height (ft). Double true false 10 spaceTypeHashString Hash of Space Types with Name as Key and Fraction as value. String true false Envelope.Form Measure Type ModelMeasure string Measure Function Measure string Requires EnergyPlus Results false boolean Uses SketchUp API false boolean Untitled.osm osm test 3FDFD18A test.osm osm test 60715087 README.md md readme C0E5A870 README.md.erb erb readmeerb 703C9964 BarAspectRatioSlicedBySpaceType_Test.rb rb test 5B781923 OpenStudio 2.0.0 2.0.0 measure.rb rb script B9F77783 os_lib_helper_methods.rb rb resource 07B01D67 os_lib_cofee.rb rb resource 3C10BF38 os_lib_geometry.rb rb resource 47A6EB77 LICENSE.md md license E0468DD6