require 'concurrent/constants' require 'concurrent/thread_safe/util' require 'concurrent/thread_safe/util/adder' require 'concurrent/thread_safe/util/cheap_lockable' require 'concurrent/thread_safe/util/power_of_two_tuple' require 'concurrent/thread_safe/util/volatile' require 'concurrent/thread_safe/util/xor_shift_random' module Concurrent # @!visibility private module Collection # A Ruby port of the Doug Lea's jsr166e.ConcurrentHashMapV8 class version 1.59 # available in public domain. # # Original source code available here: # # # The Ruby port skips out the +TreeBin+ (red-black trees for use in bins whose # size exceeds a threshold). # # A hash table supporting full concurrency of retrievals and high expected # concurrency for updates. However, even though all operations are # thread-safe, retrieval operations do _not_ entail locking, and there is # _not_ any support for locking the entire table in a way that prevents all # access. # # Retrieval operations generally do not block, so may overlap with update # operations. Retrievals reflect the results of the most recently _completed_ # update operations holding upon their onset. (More formally, an update # operation for a given key bears a _happens-before_ relation with any (non # +nil+) retrieval for that key reporting the updated value.) For aggregate # operations such as +clear()+, concurrent retrievals may reflect insertion or # removal of only some entries. Similarly, the +each_pair+ iterator yields # elements reflecting the state of the hash table at some point at or since # the start of the +each_pair+. Bear in mind that the results of aggregate # status methods including +size()+ and +empty?+} are typically useful only # when a map is not undergoing concurrent updates in other threads. Otherwise # the results of these methods reflect transient states that may be adequate # for monitoring or estimation purposes, but not for program control. # # The table is dynamically expanded when there are too many collisions (i.e., # keys that have distinct hash codes but fall into the same slot modulo the # table size), with the expected average effect of maintaining roughly two # bins per mapping (corresponding to a 0.75 load factor threshold for # resizing). There may be much variance around this average as mappings are # added and removed, but overall, this maintains a commonly accepted # time/space tradeoff for hash tables. However, resizing this or any other # kind of hash table may be a relatively slow operation. When possible, it is # a good idea to provide a size estimate as an optional :initial_capacity # initializer argument. An additional optional :load_factor constructor # argument provides a further means of customizing initial table capacity by # specifying the table density to be used in calculating the amount of space # to allocate for the given number of elements. Note that using many keys with # exactly the same +hash+ is a sure way to slow down performance of any hash # table. # # ## Design overview # # The primary design goal of this hash table is to maintain concurrent # readability (typically method +[]+, but also iteration and related methods) # while minimizing update contention. Secondary goals are to keep space # consumption about the same or better than plain +Hash+, and to support high # initial insertion rates on an empty table by many threads. # # Each key-value mapping is held in a +Node+. The validation-based approach # explained below leads to a lot of code sprawl because retry-control # precludes factoring into smaller methods. # # The table is lazily initialized to a power-of-two size upon the first # insertion. Each bin in the table normally contains a list of +Node+s (most # often, the list has only zero or one +Node+). Table accesses require # volatile/atomic reads, writes, and CASes. The lists of nodes within bins are # always accurately traversable under volatile reads, so long as lookups check # hash code and non-nullness of value before checking key equality. # # We use the top two bits of +Node+ hash fields for control purposes -- they # are available anyway because of addressing constraints. As explained further # below, these top bits are used as follows: # # - 00 - Normal # - 01 - Locked # - 11 - Locked and may have a thread waiting for lock # - 10 - +Node+ is a forwarding node # # The lower 28 bits of each +Node+'s hash field contain a the key's hash code, # except for forwarding nodes, for which the lower bits are zero (and so # always have hash field == +MOVED+). # # Insertion (via +[]=+ or its variants) of the first node in an empty bin is # performed by just CASing it to the bin. This is by far the most common case # for put operations under most key/hash distributions. Other update # operations (insert, delete, and replace) require locks. We do not want to # waste the space required to associate a distinct lock object with each bin, # so instead use the first node of a bin list itself as a lock. Blocking # support for these locks relies +Concurrent::ThreadSafe::Util::CheapLockable. However, we also need a # +try_lock+ construction, so we overlay these by using bits of the +Node+ # hash field for lock control (see above), and so normally use builtin # monitors only for blocking and signalling using # +cheap_wait+/+cheap_broadcast+ constructions. See +Node#try_await_lock+. # # Using the first node of a list as a lock does not by itself suffice though: # When a node is locked, any update must first validate that it is still the # first node after locking it, and retry if not. Because new nodes are always # appended to lists, once a node is first in a bin, it remains first until # deleted or the bin becomes invalidated (upon resizing). However, operations # that only conditionally update may inspect nodes until the point of update. # This is a converse of sorts to the lazy locking technique described by # Herlihy & Shavit. # # The main disadvantage of per-bin locks is that other update operations on # other nodes in a bin list protected by the same lock can stall, for example # when user +eql?+ or mapping functions take a long time. However, # statistically, under random hash codes, this is not a common problem. # Ideally, the frequency of nodes in bins follows a Poisson distribution # ( with a parameter of # about 0.5 on average, given the resizing threshold of 0.75, although with a # large variance because of resizing granularity. Ignoring variance, the # expected occurrences of list size k are (exp(-0.5) * pow(0.5, k) / # factorial(k)). The first values are: # # - 0: 0.60653066 # - 1: 0.30326533 # - 2: 0.07581633 # - 3: 0.01263606 # - 4: 0.00157952 # - 5: 0.00015795 # - 6: 0.00001316 # - 7: 0.00000094 # - 8: 0.00000006 # - more: less than 1 in ten million # # Lock contention probability for two threads accessing distinct elements is # roughly 1 / (8 * #elements) under random hashes. # # The table is resized when occupancy exceeds a percentage threshold # (nominally, 0.75, but see below). Only a single thread performs the resize # (using field +size_control+, to arrange exclusion), but the table otherwise # remains usable for reads and updates. Resizing proceeds by transferring # bins, one by one, from the table to the next table. Because we are using # power-of-two expansion, the elements from each bin must either stay at same # index, or move with a power of two offset. We eliminate unnecessary node # creation by catching cases where old nodes can be reused because their next # fields won't change. On average, only about one-sixth of them need cloning # when a table doubles. The nodes they replace will be garbage collectable as # soon as they are no longer referenced by any reader thread that may be in # the midst of concurrently traversing table. Upon transfer, the old table bin # contains only a special forwarding node (with hash field +MOVED+) that # contains the next table as its key. On encountering a forwarding node, # access and update operations restart, using the new table. # # Each bin transfer requires its bin lock. However, unlike other cases, a # transfer can skip a bin if it fails to acquire its lock, and revisit it # later. Method +rebuild+ maintains a buffer of TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE bins that # have been skipped because of failure to acquire a lock, and blocks only if # none are available (i.e., only very rarely). The transfer operation must # also ensure that all accessible bins in both the old and new table are # usable by any traversal. When there are no lock acquisition failures, this # is arranged simply by proceeding from the last bin (+table.size - 1+) up # towards the first. Upon seeing a forwarding node, traversals arrange to move # to the new table without revisiting nodes. However, when any node is skipped # during a transfer, all earlier table bins may have become visible, so are # initialized with a reverse-forwarding node back to the old table until the # new ones are established. (This sometimes requires transiently locking a # forwarding node, which is possible under the above encoding.) These more # expensive mechanics trigger only when necessary. # # The traversal scheme also applies to partial traversals of # ranges of bins (via an alternate Traverser constructor) # to support partitioned aggregate operations. Also, read-only # operations give up if ever forwarded to a null table, which # provides support for shutdown-style clearing, which is also not # currently implemented. # # Lazy table initialization minimizes footprint until first use. # # The element count is maintained using a +Concurrent::ThreadSafe::Util::Adder+, # which avoids contention on updates but can encounter cache thrashing # if read too frequently during concurrent access. To avoid reading so # often, resizing is attempted either when a bin lock is # contended, or upon adding to a bin already holding two or more # nodes (checked before adding in the +x_if_absent+ methods, after # adding in others). Under uniform hash distributions, the # probability of this occurring at threshold is around 13%, # meaning that only about 1 in 8 puts check threshold (and after # resizing, many fewer do so). But this approximation has high # variance for small table sizes, so we check on any collision # for sizes <= 64. The bulk putAll operation further reduces # contention by only committing count updates upon these size # checks. # # @!visibility private class AtomicReferenceMapBackend # @!visibility private class Table < Concurrent::ThreadSafe::Util::PowerOfTwoTuple def cas_new_node(i, hash, key, value) cas(i, nil,, key, value)) end def try_to_cas_in_computed(i, hash, key) succeeded = false new_value = nil new_node = = hash | LOCKED, key, NULL) if cas(i, nil, new_node) begin if NULL == (new_value = yield(NULL)) was_null = true else new_node.value = new_value end succeeded = true ensure volatile_set(i, nil) if !succeeded || was_null new_node.unlock_via_hash(locked_hash, hash) end end return succeeded, new_value end def try_lock_via_hash(i, node, node_hash) node.try_lock_via_hash(node_hash) do yield if volatile_get(i) == node end end def delete_node_at(i, node, predecessor_node) if predecessor_node = else volatile_set(i, end end end # Key-value entry. Nodes with a hash field of +MOVED+ are special, and do # not contain user keys or values. Otherwise, keys are never +nil+, and # +NULL+ +value+ fields indicate that a node is in the process of being # deleted or created. For purposes of read-only access, a key may be read # before a value, but can only be used after checking value to be +!= NULL+. # # @!visibility private class Node extend Concurrent::ThreadSafe::Util::Volatile attr_volatile :hash, :value, :next include Concurrent::ThreadSafe::Util::CheapLockable bit_shift = Concurrent::ThreadSafe::Util::FIXNUM_BIT_SIZE - 2 # need 2 bits for ourselves # Encodings for special uses of Node hash fields. See above for explanation. MOVED = ('10' << ('0' * bit_shift)).to_i(2) # hash field for forwarding nodes LOCKED = ('01' << ('0' * bit_shift)).to_i(2) # set/tested only as a bit WAITING = ('11' << ('0' * bit_shift)).to_i(2) # both bits set/tested together HASH_BITS = ('00' << ('1' * bit_shift)).to_i(2) # usable bits of normal node hash SPIN_LOCK_ATTEMPTS = Concurrent::ThreadSafe::Util::CPU_COUNT > 1 ? Concurrent::ThreadSafe::Util::CPU_COUNT * 2 : 0 attr_reader :key def initialize(hash, key, value, next_node = nil) super() @key = key self.lazy_set_hash(hash) self.lazy_set_value(value) = next_node end # Spins a while if +LOCKED+ bit set and this node is the first of its bin, # and then sets +WAITING+ bits on hash field and blocks (once) if they are # still set. It is OK for this method to return even if lock is not # available upon exit, which enables these simple single-wait mechanics. # # The corresponding signalling operation is performed within callers: Upon # detecting that +WAITING+ has been set when unlocking lock (via a failed # CAS from non-waiting +LOCKED+ state), unlockers acquire the # +cheap_synchronize+ lock and perform a +cheap_broadcast+. def try_await_lock(table, i) if table && i >= 0 && i < table.size # bounds check, TODO: why are we bounds checking? spins = SPIN_LOCK_ATTEMPTS randomizer = base_randomizer = Concurrent::ThreadSafe::Util::XorShiftRandom.get while equal?(table.volatile_get(i)) && self.class.locked_hash?(my_hash = hash) if spins >= 0 if (randomizer = (randomizer >> 1)).even? # spin at random if (spins -= 1) == 0 Thread.pass # yield before blocking else randomizer = base_randomizer = Concurrent::ThreadSafe::Util::XorShiftRandom.xorshift(base_randomizer) if end end elsif cas_hash(my_hash, my_hash | WAITING) force_acquire_lock(table, i) break end end end end def key?(key) @key.eql?(key) end def matches?(key, hash) pure_hash == hash && key?(key) end def pure_hash hash & HASH_BITS end def try_lock_via_hash(node_hash = hash) if cas_hash(node_hash, locked_hash = node_hash | LOCKED) begin yield ensure unlock_via_hash(locked_hash, node_hash) end end end def locked? self.class.locked_hash?(hash) end def unlock_via_hash(locked_hash, node_hash) unless cas_hash(locked_hash, node_hash) self.hash = node_hash cheap_synchronize { cheap_broadcast } end end private def force_acquire_lock(table, i) cheap_synchronize do if equal?(table.volatile_get(i)) && (hash & WAITING) == WAITING cheap_wait else cheap_broadcast # possibly won race vs signaller end end end class << self def locked_hash?(hash) (hash & LOCKED) != 0 end end end # shorthands MOVED = Node::MOVED LOCKED = Node::LOCKED WAITING = Node::WAITING HASH_BITS = Node::HASH_BITS NOW_RESIZING = -1 DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 16 MAX_CAPACITY = Concurrent::ThreadSafe::Util::MAX_INT # The buffer size for skipped bins during transfers. The # value is arbitrary but should be large enough to avoid # most locking stalls during resizes. TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE = 32 extend Concurrent::ThreadSafe::Util::Volatile attr_volatile :table, # The array of bins. Lazily initialized upon first insertion. Size is always a power of two. # Table initialization and resizing control. When negative, the # table is being initialized or resized. Otherwise, when table is # null, holds the initial table size to use upon creation, or 0 # for default. After initialization, holds the next element count # value upon which to resize the table. :size_control def initialize(options = nil) super() @counter = initial_capacity = options && options[:initial_capacity] || DEFAULT_CAPACITY self.size_control = (capacity = table_size_for(initial_capacity)) > MAX_CAPACITY ? MAX_CAPACITY : capacity end def get_or_default(key, else_value = nil) hash = key_hash(key) current_table = table while current_table node = current_table.volatile_get_by_hash(hash) current_table = while node if (node_hash = node.hash) == MOVED break node.key elsif (node_hash & HASH_BITS) == hash && node.key?(key) && NULL != (value = node.value) return value end node = end end else_value end def [](key) get_or_default(key) end def key?(key) get_or_default(key, NULL) != NULL end def []=(key, value) get_and_set(key, value) value end def compute_if_absent(key) hash = key_hash(key) current_table = table || initialize_table while true if !(node = current_table.volatile_get(i = current_table.hash_to_index(hash))) succeeded, new_value = current_table.try_to_cas_in_computed(i, hash, key) { yield } if succeeded increment_size return new_value end elsif (node_hash = node.hash) == MOVED current_table = node.key elsif NULL != (current_value = find_value_in_node_list(node, key, hash, node_hash & HASH_BITS)) return current_value elsif Node.locked_hash?(node_hash) try_await_lock(current_table, i, node) else succeeded, value = attempt_internal_compute_if_absent(key, hash, current_table, i, node, node_hash) { yield } return value if succeeded end end end def compute_if_present(key) new_value = nil internal_replace(key) do |old_value| if (new_value = yield(NULL == old_value ? nil : old_value)).nil? NULL else new_value end end new_value end def compute(key) internal_compute(key) do |old_value| if (new_value = yield(NULL == old_value ? nil : old_value)).nil? NULL else new_value end end end def merge_pair(key, value) internal_compute(key) do |old_value| if NULL == old_value || !(value = yield(old_value)).nil? value else NULL end end end def replace_pair(key, old_value, new_value) NULL != internal_replace(key, old_value) { new_value } end def replace_if_exists(key, new_value) if (result = internal_replace(key) { new_value }) && NULL != result result end end def get_and_set(key, value) # internalPut in the original CHMV8 hash = key_hash(key) current_table = table || initialize_table while true if !(node = current_table.volatile_get(i = current_table.hash_to_index(hash))) if current_table.cas_new_node(i, hash, key, value) increment_size break end elsif (node_hash = node.hash) == MOVED current_table = node.key elsif Node.locked_hash?(node_hash) try_await_lock(current_table, i, node) else succeeded, old_value = attempt_get_and_set(key, value, hash, current_table, i, node, node_hash) break old_value if succeeded end end end def delete(key) replace_if_exists(key, NULL) end def delete_pair(key, value) result = internal_replace(key, value) { NULL } if result && NULL != result !!result else false end end def each_pair return self unless current_table = table current_table_size = base_size = current_table.size i = base_index = 0 while base_index < base_size if node = current_table.volatile_get(i) if node.hash == MOVED current_table = node.key current_table_size = current_table.size else begin if NULL != (value = node.value) # skip deleted or special nodes yield node.key, value end end while node = end end if (i_with_base = i + base_size) < current_table_size i = i_with_base # visit upper slots if present else i = base_index += 1 end end self end def size (sum = @counter.sum) < 0 ? 0 : sum # ignore transient negative values end def empty? size == 0 end # Implementation for clear. Steps through each bin, removing all nodes. def clear return self unless current_table = table current_table_size = current_table.size deleted_count = i = 0 while i < current_table_size if !(node = current_table.volatile_get(i)) i += 1 elsif (node_hash = node.hash) == MOVED current_table = node.key current_table_size = current_table.size elsif Node.locked_hash?(node_hash) decrement_size(deleted_count) # opportunistically update count deleted_count = 0 node.try_await_lock(current_table, i) else current_table.try_lock_via_hash(i, node, node_hash) do begin deleted_count += 1 if NULL != node.value # recheck under lock node.value = nil end while node = current_table.volatile_set(i, nil) i += 1 end end end decrement_size(deleted_count) self end private # Internal versions of the insertion methods, each a # little more complicated than the last. All have # the same basic structure: # 1. If table uninitialized, create # 2. If bin empty, try to CAS new node # 3. If bin stale, use new table # 4. Lock and validate; if valid, scan and add or update # # The others interweave other checks and/or alternative actions: # * Plain +get_and_set+ checks for and performs resize after insertion. # * compute_if_absent prescans for mapping without lock (and fails to add # if present), which also makes pre-emptive resize checks worthwhile. # # Someday when details settle down a bit more, it might be worth # some factoring to reduce sprawl. def internal_replace(key, expected_old_value = NULL, &block) hash = key_hash(key) current_table = table while current_table if !(node = current_table.volatile_get(i = current_table.hash_to_index(hash))) break elsif (node_hash = node.hash) == MOVED current_table = node.key elsif (node_hash & HASH_BITS) != hash && ! # precheck break # rules out possible existence elsif Node.locked_hash?(node_hash) try_await_lock(current_table, i, node) else succeeded, old_value = attempt_internal_replace(key, expected_old_value, hash, current_table, i, node, node_hash, &block) return old_value if succeeded end end NULL end def attempt_internal_replace(key, expected_old_value, hash, current_table, i, node, node_hash) current_table.try_lock_via_hash(i, node, node_hash) do predecessor_node = nil old_value = NULL begin if node.matches?(key, hash) && NULL != (current_value = node.value) if NULL == expected_old_value || expected_old_value == current_value # NULL == expected_old_value means whatever value old_value = current_value if NULL == (node.value = yield(old_value)) current_table.delete_node_at(i, node, predecessor_node) decrement_size end end break end predecessor_node = node end while node = return true, old_value end end def find_value_in_node_list(node, key, hash, pure_hash) do_check_for_resize = false while true if pure_hash == hash && node.key?(key) && NULL != (value = node.value) return value elsif node = do_check_for_resize = true # at least 2 nodes -> check for resize pure_hash = node.pure_hash else return NULL end end ensure check_for_resize if do_check_for_resize end def internal_compute(key, &block) hash = key_hash(key) current_table = table || initialize_table while true if !(node = current_table.volatile_get(i = current_table.hash_to_index(hash))) succeeded, new_value = current_table.try_to_cas_in_computed(i, hash, key, &block) if succeeded if NULL == new_value break nil else increment_size break new_value end end elsif (node_hash = node.hash) == MOVED current_table = node.key elsif Node.locked_hash?(node_hash) try_await_lock(current_table, i, node) else succeeded, new_value = attempt_compute(key, hash, current_table, i, node, node_hash, &block) break new_value if succeeded end end end def attempt_internal_compute_if_absent(key, hash, current_table, i, node, node_hash) added = false current_table.try_lock_via_hash(i, node, node_hash) do while true if node.matches?(key, hash) && NULL != (value = node.value) return true, value end last = node unless node = =, key, value = yield) added = true increment_size return true, value end end end ensure check_for_resize if added end def attempt_compute(key, hash, current_table, i, node, node_hash) added = false current_table.try_lock_via_hash(i, node, node_hash) do predecessor_node = nil while true if node.matches?(key, hash) && NULL != (value = node.value) if NULL == (node.value = value = yield(value)) current_table.delete_node_at(i, node, predecessor_node) decrement_size value = nil end return true, value end predecessor_node = node unless node = if NULL == (value = yield(NULL)) value = nil else =, key, value) added = true increment_size end return true, value end end end ensure check_for_resize if added end def attempt_get_and_set(key, value, hash, current_table, i, node, node_hash) node_nesting = nil current_table.try_lock_via_hash(i, node, node_hash) do node_nesting = 1 old_value = nil found_old_value = false while node if node.matches?(key, hash) && NULL != (old_value = node.value) found_old_value = true node.value = value break end last = node unless node = =, key, value) break end node_nesting += 1 end return true, old_value if found_old_value increment_size true end ensure check_for_resize if node_nesting && (node_nesting > 1 || current_table.size <= 64) end def initialize_copy(other) super @counter = self.table = nil self.size_control = (other_table = other.table) ? other_table.size : DEFAULT_CAPACITY self end def try_await_lock(current_table, i, node) check_for_resize # try resizing if can't get lock node.try_await_lock(current_table, i) end def key_hash(key) key.hash & HASH_BITS end # Returns a power of two table size for the given desired capacity. def table_size_for(entry_count) size = 2 size <<= 1 while size < entry_count size end # Initializes table, using the size recorded in +size_control+. def initialize_table until current_table ||= table if (size_ctrl = size_control) == NOW_RESIZING Thread.pass # lost initialization race; just spin else try_in_resize_lock(current_table, size_ctrl) do initial_size = size_ctrl > 0 ? size_ctrl : DEFAULT_CAPACITY current_table = self.table = initial_size - (initial_size >> 2) # 75% load factor end end end current_table end # If table is too small and not already resizing, creates next table and # transfers bins. Rechecks occupancy after a transfer to see if another # resize is already needed because resizings are lagging additions. def check_for_resize while (current_table = table) && MAX_CAPACITY > (table_size = current_table.size) && NOW_RESIZING != (size_ctrl = size_control) && size_ctrl < @counter.sum try_in_resize_lock(current_table, size_ctrl) do self.table = rebuild(current_table) (table_size << 1) - (table_size >> 1) # 75% load factor end end end def try_in_resize_lock(current_table, size_ctrl) if cas_size_control(size_ctrl, NOW_RESIZING) begin if current_table == table # recheck under lock size_ctrl = yield # get new size_control end ensure self.size_control = size_ctrl end end end # Moves and/or copies the nodes in each bin to new table. See above for explanation. def rebuild(table) old_table_size = table.size new_table = table.next_in_size_table # puts "#{old_table_size} -> #{new_table.size}" forwarder =, new_table, NULL) rev_forwarder = nil locked_indexes = nil # holds bins to revisit; nil until needed locked_arr_idx = 0 bin = old_table_size - 1 i = bin while true if !(node = table.volatile_get(i)) # no lock needed (or available) if bin >= 0, because we're not popping values from locked_indexes until we've run through the whole table redo unless (bin >= 0 ? table.cas(i, nil, forwarder) : lock_and_clean_up_reverse_forwarders(table, old_table_size, new_table, i, forwarder)) elsif Node.locked_hash?(node_hash = node.hash) locked_indexes ||= if bin < 0 && locked_arr_idx > 0 locked_arr_idx -= 1 i, locked_indexes[locked_arr_idx] = locked_indexes[locked_arr_idx], i # swap with another bin redo end if bin < 0 || locked_indexes.size >= TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE node.try_await_lock(table, i) # no other options -- block redo end rev_forwarder ||=, table, NULL) redo unless table.volatile_get(i) == node && node.locked? # recheck before adding to list locked_indexes << i new_table.volatile_set(i, rev_forwarder) new_table.volatile_set(i + old_table_size, rev_forwarder) else redo unless split_old_bin(table, new_table, i, node, node_hash, forwarder) end if bin > 0 i = (bin -= 1) elsif locked_indexes && !locked_indexes.empty? bin = -1 i = locked_indexes.pop locked_arr_idx = locked_indexes.size - 1 else return new_table end end end def lock_and_clean_up_reverse_forwarders(old_table, old_table_size, new_table, i, forwarder) # transiently use a locked forwarding node locked_forwarder = = MOVED | LOCKED, new_table, NULL) if old_table.cas(i, nil, locked_forwarder) new_table.volatile_set(i, nil) # kill the potential reverse forwarders new_table.volatile_set(i + old_table_size, nil) # kill the potential reverse forwarders old_table.volatile_set(i, forwarder) locked_forwarder.unlock_via_hash(moved_locked_hash, MOVED) true end end # Splits a normal bin with list headed by e into lo and hi parts; installs in given table. def split_old_bin(table, new_table, i, node, node_hash, forwarder) table.try_lock_via_hash(i, node, node_hash) do split_bin(new_table, i, node, node_hash) table.volatile_set(i, forwarder) end end def split_bin(new_table, i, node, node_hash) bit = new_table.size >> 1 # bit to split on run_bit = node_hash & bit last_run = nil low = nil high = nil current_node = node # this optimises for the lowest amount of volatile writes and objects created while current_node = unless (b = current_node.hash & bit) == run_bit run_bit = b last_run = current_node end end if run_bit == 0 low = last_run else high = last_run end current_node = node until current_node == last_run pure_hash = current_node.pure_hash if (pure_hash & bit) == 0 low =, current_node.key, current_node.value, low) else high =, current_node.key, current_node.value, high) end current_node = end new_table.volatile_set(i, low) new_table.volatile_set(i + bit, high) end def increment_size @counter.increment end def decrement_size(by = 1) @counter.add(-by) end end end end