# App Prototype ... Generated with [Raygun](https://github.com/carbonfive/raygun). # Requirements To run the specs or fire up the server, be sure you have these: * Ruby 1.9.3-p392 * PostgreSQL 9.x with superuser 'postgres' with no password (```createuser -s postgres```) * PhantomJS for JavaScript testing (```brew install phantomjs```) # Development ### First Time Setup After cloning, run these commands to install missing gems and prepare the database. $ gem install bundler $ bundle update $ rake db:setup db:sample_data Note, ```rake db:sample_data``` loads a small set of data for development. Check out ```db/sample_data.rb``` for details. ### Running the Specs To run all ruby and jasmine specs. $ rake Again, with coverage for the ruby specs: $ rake spec:coverage ### Running the Application Locally $ foreman start $ open ### Using Guard Guard is configured to run ruby and jasmine specs, and also listen for livereload connections. Growl is used for notifications. $ bundle exec guard ### Deploying to Heroku Install the heroku toolbelt if you don't already have it (https://toolbelt.heroku.com/). $ heroku apps:create app-prototype $ git push heroku master $ heroku run rake db:setup # Considerations ...