# Copyright (c) 2013-2015 SUSE LLC # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, contact SUSE LLC. # # To contact SUSE about this file by physical or electronic mail, # you may find current contact information at www.suse.com class Html # Creates a new thread running a sinatra webserver which serves the local system descriptions # The Thread object is returned so that the caller can `.join` it until it's finished. def self.run_server(system_description_store, opts, &block) if opts[:public] && opts[:ip] raise RuntimeError.new("It's only possible to use either an IP address or the 'public' " \ "flag bot not both.") end Thread.new do if opts[:public] opts[:ip] = "" Machinery::Ui.warn <<-EOF.chomp Warning: The --public option makes the HTTP server listen on all configured IP addresses. Everyone who has access to one of those IP addresses can access all of your system descriptions stored in '~/.machinery'. Be careful if there are sensible information (such as private keys) stored in one of your descriptions. EOF elsif opts[:ip] == "" Machinery::Ui.warn <<-EOF.chomp Warning: The server is listening on all configured IP addresses. Everyone who has access to one of those IP addresses can access all of your system descriptions stored in '~/.machinery'. Be careful if there are sensible information (such as private keys) stored in one of your descriptions. EOF elsif opts[:ip] && opts[:ip] != "localhost" && opts[:ip] != "" Machinery::Ui.warn <<-EOF.chomp Warning: You specified an IP address other than '', your server may be reachable from the network. Everyone who can access that network can access your system descriptions stored in '~/.machinery'. Be careful if there are sensible information (such as private keys) stored in one of your descriptions. EOF elsif !opts[:ip] opts[:ip] = "" end Server.set :system_description_store, system_description_store Server.set :port, opts[:port] || Machinery::Config.new.http_server_port Server.set :bind, opts[:ip] Server.set :public_folder, File.join(Machinery::ROOT, "html") Server.set :static_cache_control, "no-cache" begin setup_output_redirection begin Server.run! do Thread.new { block.call } end rescue Errno::EADDRINUSE servefailed_error = <<-EOF.chomp Port #{Server.settings.port} is already in use. You have to stop the already running server on port #{Server.settings.port} first or if you're serving a description with the `serve` command, you can also use the `--port` option. EOF raise Machinery::Errors::ServeFailed, servefailed_error rescue SocketError => e servefailed_error = <<-EOF.chomp Cannot start server on #{opts[:ip]}:#{Server.settings.port}. ERROR: #{e.message} EOF raise Machinery::Errors::ServeFailed, servefailed_error rescue Errno::EADDRNOTAVAIL servefailed_error = <<-EOF.chomp The IP-Address #{opts[:ip]} is not available. Please choose a different IP-Address. EOF raise Machinery::Errors::ServeFailed, servefailed_error rescue Errno::EACCES => e servefailed_error = <<-EOF.chomp You are not allowed to start the server on port #{Server.settings.port}. You need root privileges for ports between 2 and 1023! ERROR: #{e.message} EOF raise Machinery::Errors::ServeFailed, servefailed_error end remove_output_redirection rescue => e remove_output_redirection # Re-raise exception in main thread Thread.main.raise e end end end def self.setup_output_redirection @orig_stdout = STDOUT.clone @orig_stderr = STDERR.clone server_log = File.join(Machinery::DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR, "webserver.log") STDOUT.reopen server_log, "w" STDERR.reopen server_log, "w" end def self.remove_output_redirection STDOUT.reopen @orig_stdout STDERR.reopen @orig_stderr end end