module Pkg::Sign::Dmg module_function def sign(pkg_directory = 'pkg') use_identity = '' unless Pkg::Config.osx_signing_ssh_key.nil? use_identity = "-i #{Pkg::Config.osx_signing_ssh_key}" end host_string = "#{ENV['USER']}@#{Pkg::Config.osx_signing_server}" host_string = Pkg::Config.osx_signing_server.to_s if Pkg::Config.osx_signing_server =~ /@/ ssh_host_string = "#{use_identity} #{host_string}" rsync_host_string = "-e 'ssh #{use_identity}' #{host_string}" archs = Dir.glob("#{pkg_directory}/{apple,mac,osx}/**/{x86_64,arm64}").map { |el| el.split('/').last } if archs.empty? warn "Error: no architectures found in #{pkg_directory}/{apple,mac,osx}" exit 1 end archs.each do |arch| remote_working_directory = "/tmp/#{Pkg::Util.rand_string}/#{arch}" dmg_mount_point = File.join(remote_working_directory, "mount") signed_items_directory = File.join(remote_working_directory, "signed") dmgs = Dir.glob("#{pkg_directory}/{apple,mac,osx}/**/#{arch}/*.dmg") if dmgs.empty? warn "Error: no dmgs found in #{pkg_directory}/{apple,mac,osx} for #{arch} architecture." exit 1 end dmg_basenames = { |d| File.basename(d, '.dmg') }.join(' ') # (See: RE-15379) Refactor opportunity; we really shouldn't do this this way. # When it works, it's fine, but diagnosing problems when we or Apple change # the details is a pain. We should either have a script on the signing machine # that does this work OR we should ship a script to the signing directory that # can be modified/repeated when problems arise. # # Note especially, the '-size 200m' hack in the 'hdiutil create' command. This # is useful but arbitrary at the moment and could cause problems in the future. sign_package_command = %W[ for dmg in #{dmg_basenames}; do /usr/bin/hdiutil attach #{remote_working_directory}/$dmg.dmg -mountpoint #{dmg_mount_point} -nobrowse -quiet ; /usr/bin/security -q unlock-keychain -p "#{Pkg::Config.osx_signing_keychain_pw}" "#{Pkg::Config.osx_signing_keychain}" ; for pkg in #{dmg_mount_point}/*.pkg; do pkg_basename=$(basename $pkg) ; if /usr/sbin/pkgutil --check-signature $pkg ; then echo Warning: $pkg is already signed skipping ; cp $pkg #{signed_items_directory}/$pkg_basename ; continue ; fi ; /usr/bin/productsign --keychain "#{Pkg::Config.osx_signing_keychain}" --sign "#{Pkg::Config.osx_signing_cert}" $pkg #{signed_items_directory}/$pkg_basename ; done ; /usr/bin/hdiutil detach #{dmg_mount_point} -quiet ; /bin/rm #{remote_working_directory}/$dmg.dmg ; /usr/bin/hdiutil create -volname $dmg -size 200m -srcfolder #{signed_items_directory}/ #{remote_working_directory}/$dmg.dmg ; /bin/rm #{signed_items_directory}/* ; done ].join(' ') Pkg::Util::Net.remote_execute(ssh_host_string, "mkdir -p #{dmg_mount_point} #{signed_items_directory}") Pkg::Util::Net.rsync_to(dmgs.join(' '), rsync_host_string, remote_working_directory) Pkg::Util::Net.remote_execute(ssh_host_string, sign_package_command) dmgs.each do |dmg| Pkg::Util::Net.rsync_from( "#{remote_working_directory}/#{File.basename(dmg)}", rsync_host_string, File.dirname(dmg) ) end Pkg::Util::Net.remote_execute(ssh_host_string, "rm -rf '#{remote_working_directory}'") end end end