module Tenon module TenonHelper def display_controller(controller) controller = controller.split('/')[1] if controller.match('/') controller.humanize.titleize end def display_action(action) action = 'edit' if action == 'update' action = 'new' if action == 'create' action.titleize.humanize end # default tenon action link def action_link(title, link, icon, options = {}) icon_tag = content_tag(:i, '', class: "fa fa-#{icon} fa-fw") default_options = { title: title, data: { tooltip: title } } link_to icon_tag, link, default_options.deep_merge(options) end # extention of action_link for boolean toggles def toggle_link(object, field, link, true_values, false_values) state = object.send(field) icon = state ? true_values[0] : false_values[0] tooltip = state ? true_values[1] : false_values[1] data = { trueicon: true_values[0], falseicon: false_values[0], truetooltip: true_values[1], falsetooltip: false_values[1] } action_link tooltip, link, icon, class: "toggle #{field} #{state}", data: data end # default tenon edit link def edit_link(obj, options = {}) if can?(:edit, obj) url = polymorphic_url([:edit] + Array(obj)) action_link('Edit', url, 'pencil', options) end end # default tenon delete link def delete_link(obj, options = {}) if can?(:destroy, obj) default_options = { data: { confirm: 'Are you sure? There is no undo for this!', tooltip: 'Delete', method: 'Delete', remote: 'true' } } url = polymorphic_url(obj) action_link('Delete', url, 'trash-o', default_options.deep_merge(options)) end end # browser detection and warning message def browser_detection(http) if http.match(/MSIE 6|MSIE 7|MSIE 8.0/) content_tag(:div, "For an optimal Tenon experience, please upgrade Internet Explorer to the #{link_to 'latest version', '', target: '_blank'} or switch to another #{link_to 'modern browser', '', target: '_blank'}.".html_safe, id: 'flash-warning', class: 'flash-msg') end end def i18n_language_nav(table) if Tenon.config.languages && I18nLookup.fields[:tables][table] render 'tenon/shared/i18n_language_nav' end end end end