require "pact_broker/client/hash_refinements" module PactBroker module Client module CLI # Thor::Error will have its backtrace hidden class PactPublicationError < ::Thor::Error; end module PactCommands using PactBroker::Client::HashRefinements def self.included(thor) thor.class_eval do desc 'publish PACT_DIRS_OR_FILES ...', "Publish pacts to a Pact Broker." method_option :consumer_app_version, required: true, aliases: "-a", desc: "The consumer application version" method_option :branch, aliases: "-h", desc: "Repository branch of the consumer version" method_option :auto_detect_version_properties, hidden: true, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: "Automatically detect the repository branch from known CI environment variables or git CLI." method_option :tag, aliases: "-t", type: :array, banner: "TAG", desc: "Tag name for consumer version. Can be specified multiple times." method_option :tag_with_git_branch, aliases: "-g", type: :boolean, default: false, required: false, desc: "Tag consumer version with the name of the current git branch. Default: false" method_option :build_url, desc: "The build URL that created the pact" method_option :merge, type: :boolean, default: false, require: false, desc: "If a pact already exists for this consumer version and provider, merge the contents. Useful when running Pact tests concurrently on different build nodes." output_option_json_or_text shared_authentication_options def publish(*pact_files) require 'pact_broker/client/error' validate_credentials validate_pact_files(pact_files) result = publish_pacts(pact_files) $stdout.puts result.message exit(1) unless result.success rescue PactBroker::Client::Error => e raise PactPublicationError, "#{e.class} - #{e.message}" end desc 'list-latest-pact-versions', 'List the latest pact for each integration' shared_authentication_options output_option_json_or_table def list_latest_pact_versions(*required_but_ignored) require 'pact_broker/client/pacts/list_latest_versions' result =, options.output, pact_broker_client_options) $stdout.puts result.message exit(1) unless result.success end no_commands do def validate_pact_files pact_files unless pact_files && pact_files.any? raise ::Thor::RequiredArgumentMissingError, "No value provided for required pact_files" end end def publish_pacts pact_files require 'pact_broker/client/publish_pacts' write_options = options[:merge] ? { write: :merge } : {} consumer_version_params = { number: options.consumer_app_version, branch: branch, tags: tags, build_url: options.build_url, version_required: (!!options.branch || !!options.build_url || explict_auto_detect_version_properties) }.compact options.broker_base_url, file_list(pact_files), consumer_version_params, { merge: options[:merge], output: options.output }.compact, pact_broker_client_options.merge(write_options) ) end def file_list pact_files require 'rake/file_list' correctly_separated_pact_files = pact_files.collect{ |path| path.gsub(/\\+/, '/') } paths = Rake::FileList[correctly_separated_pact_files].collect do | path | if Rake::FileList[File.join(path, "*.json")] else path end end.flatten validate_pact_path_list(paths) end def validate_pact_path_list(paths) paths.collect do | path | if File.exist?(path) path elsif path.start_with?("-") raise"ERROR: pact-broker publish was called with invalid arguments #{[path]}") else raise"Specified pact file '#{path}' does not exist. This sometimes indicates one of the arguments has been specified with the wrong name and has been incorrectly identified as a file path.") end end end def tags require 'pact_broker/client/git' t = [*options.tag] t << PactBroker::Client::Git.branch(raise_error: true) if options.tag_with_git_branch t.compact.uniq end def branch require 'pact_broker/client/git' if options.branch.nil? && options.auto_detect_version_properties PactBroker::Client::Git.branch(raise_error: explict_auto_detect_version_properties) else options.branch end end def explict_auto_detect_version_properties @explict_auto_detect_version_properties ||= ARGV.include?("--auto-detect-version-properties") end end end end end end end end