class Auth::Transaction::Event include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps embedded_in :event_holder, :class_name => "Auth::Transaction::EventHolder" embeds_many :statuses, :class_name => "Auth::Transaction::Status" attr_accessor :event_index ## 0. ( basically will move on to the next event in the event holder.) ## 1. commit output_events (it will create all the output events.) field :after_complete, type: Integer, default: 0 ## validate numericality and range, between 0 and 1. validates :after_complete, numericality: { only_integer: true, greater_than_or_equal_to: 0, less_than_or_equal_to: 1 } ## array of hashes of event objects ## like : [{method, object_class, object_id, arguments:},{method, object_class, object_id, arguments:}] ## these should be committed into the event at the same t field :output_events, type: Array, default: [] ## were the output events committed ? ## so that we don't do it twice :) field :output_events_committed, type: Boolean ## the method that has to be called on the object class field :method_to_call, type: String validates :method_to_call, presence: true ## the object class to instantiate the object id from. field :object_class, type: String validates :object_class, presence: true ## id of the object. ## should be a valid bson::objectid field :object_id, type: String validate do |event| if event.object_id errors.add(:object_id,"the object id must be a valid bson object id") unless end end ## arguments is an array of hashes. ## the method has to know what to do with them. field :arguments, type: Hash ## @return[Array] array of Auth::Transaction::Event objects. ## or nil, in case the #object_id of this event cannot be found. def process if self.object_id return nil unless get_object #puts "the get object is:" #puts get_object.to_s self.output_events = get_object.send(method_to_call,arguments) else self.output_events = self.object_class.constantize.send(method_to_call,arguments) end self.output_events end ## here we will have a problem with nested objects. ## and will have to provide a better way to query this. def get_object begin self.object_class.constantize.find(object_id) rescue Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound puts "could not find the document." nil end end def _completed? statuses.last && statuses.last.is_complete? end def _processing? statuses.last && statuses.last.is_processing? end def _failed? statuses.last && statuses.last.is_failed? end end